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chore(order/galois_connection): golf (#9236)
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* add `galois_insertion.is_lub_of_u_image`,
  `galois_coinsertion.is_glb_of_l_image`, and
* get some proofs in `lift_*` from `order_dual` instances;
* this changes definitional equalities for `Inf` and `Sup` so that we can reuse the same `Inf`/`Sup` for a `conditionally_complete_lattice` later.
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urkud committed Sep 18, 2021
1 parent e4bf496 commit 811c87a
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Showing 5 changed files with 46 additions and 59 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/algebra/algebra/subalgebra.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -521,9 +521,10 @@ lemma mem_inf {S T : subalgebra R A} {x : A} : x ∈ S ⊓ T ↔ x ∈ S ∧ x
(S ⊓ T).to_subsemiring = S.to_subsemiring ⊓ T.to_subsemiring := rfl

@[simp, norm_cast]
lemma coe_Inf (S : set (subalgebra R A)) : (↑(Inf S) : set A) = ⋂ s ∈ S, ↑s := rfl
lemma coe_Inf (S : set (subalgebra R A)) : (↑(Inf S) : set A) = ⋂ s ∈ S, ↑s := Inf_image

lemma mem_Inf {S : set (subalgebra R A)} {x : A} : x ∈ Inf S ↔ ∀ p ∈ S, x ∈ p := set.mem_bInter_iff
lemma mem_Inf {S : set (subalgebra R A)} {x : A} : x ∈ Inf S ↔ ∀ p ∈ S, x ∈ p :=
by simp only [← set_like.mem_coe, coe_Inf, set.mem_bInter_iff]

@[simp] lemma Inf_to_submodule (S : set (subalgebra R A)) :
(Inf S).to_submodule = Inf (subalgebra.to_submodule '' S) :=
Expand All @@ -535,7 +536,7 @@ set_like.coe_injective $ by simp

@[simp, norm_cast]
lemma coe_infi {ι : Sort*} {S : ι → subalgebra R A} : (↑(⨅ i, S i) : set A) = ⋂ i, S i :=
by simp [infi]

lemma mem_infi {ι : Sort*} {S : ι → subalgebra R A} {x : A} : (x ∈ ⨅ i, S i) ↔ ∀ i, x ∈ S i :=
by simp only [infi, mem_Inf, set.forall_range_iff]
Expand Down
12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions src/measure_theory/measurable_space_def.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -363,12 +363,11 @@ iff.rfl

@[simp] theorem measurable_set_Inf {ms : set (measurable_space α)} {s : set α} :
@measurable_set _ (Inf ms) s ↔ ∀ m ∈ ms, @measurable_set _ m s :=
show s ∈ (⋂ m ∈ ms, {t | @measurable_set _ m t }) ↔ _, by simp
show s ∈ (⋂₀ _) ↔ _, by simp

@[simp] theorem measurable_set_infi {ι} {m : ι → measurable_space α} {s : set α} :
@measurable_set _ (infi m) s ↔ ∀ i, @measurable_set _ (m i) s :=
show s ∈ (λ m, {s | @measurable_set _ m s }) (infi m) ↔ _,
by { rw (@gi_generate_from α).gc.u_infi, simp }
by rw [infi, measurable_set_Inf, forall_range_iff]

theorem measurable_set_sup {m₁ m₂ : measurable_space α} {s : set α} :
@measurable_set _ (m₁ ⊔ m₂) s ↔ generate_measurable (m₁.measurable_set' ∪ m₂.measurable_set') s :=
Expand All @@ -378,17 +377,14 @@ theorem measurable_set_Sup {ms : set (measurable_space α)} {s : set α} :
@measurable_set _ (Sup ms) s ↔
generate_measurable {s : set α | ∃ m ∈ ms, @measurable_set _ m s} s :=
change @measurable_set' _ (generate_from $ ⋃ m ∈ ms, _) _ ↔ _,
change @measurable_set' _ (generate_from $ ⋃ _) _ ↔ _,
simp [generate_from, ← set_of_exists]

theorem measurable_set_supr {ι} {m : ι → measurable_space α} {s : set α} :
@measurable_set _ (supr m) s ↔
generate_measurable {s : set α | ∃ i, @measurable_set _ (m i) s} s :=
convert @measurable_set_Sup _ (range m) s,
by simp only [supr, measurable_set_Sup, exists_range_iff]

end complete_lattice

Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/order/filter/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -401,7 +401,8 @@ instance : complete_lattice (filter α) := original_complete_lattice.copy
(@inf_le_right (filter α) _ _ _ _ hb)
/- Sup -/ (join ∘ 𝓟) (by ext s x; exact (@mem_bInter_iff _ _ s filter.sets x).symm)
/- Sup -/ (join ∘ 𝓟) (by { ext s x, exact (@mem_bInter_iff _ _ s filter.sets x).symm.trans
(set.ext_iff.1 (sInter_image _ _) x).symm})
/- Inf -/ _ rfl

end complete_lattice
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,7 +477,7 @@ by simp only [← filter.mem_sets, supr_sets_eq, iff_self, mem_Inter]
by simp [ne_bot_iff]

lemma infi_eq_generate (s : ι → filter α) : infi s = generate (⋃ i, (s i).sets) :=
show generate _ = generate _, from congr_arg _ supr_range
show generate _ = generate _, from congr_arg _ $ congr_arg Sup $ (range_comp _ _).symm

lemma mem_infi_of_mem {f : ι → filter α} (i : ι) : ∀ {s}, s ∈ f i → s ∈ ⨅ i, f i :=
show (⨅ i, f i) ≤ f i, from infi_le _ _
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71 changes: 33 additions & 38 deletions src/order/galois_connection.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -354,6 +354,17 @@ lemma u_le_u_iff [preorder α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_insertion l u) {a b} :
lemma strict_mono_u [preorder α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_insertion l u) : strict_mono u :=
strict_mono_of_le_iff_le $ λ _ _, gi.u_le_u_iff.symm

lemma is_lub_of_u_image [preorder α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_insertion l u) {s : set β} {a : α}
(hs : is_lub (u '' s) a) : is_lub s (l a) :=
⟨λ x hx, (gi.le_l_u x).trans $ gi.gc.monotone_l $ hs.1 $ mem_image_of_mem _ hx,
λ x hx, gi.gc.l_le $ hs.2 $ gi.gc.monotone_u.mem_upper_bounds_image hx⟩

lemma is_glb_of_u_image [preorder α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_insertion l u) {s : set β} {a : α}
(hs : is_glb (u '' s) a) : is_glb s (l a) :=
⟨λ x hx, gi.gc.l_le $ hs.1 $ mem_image_of_mem _ hx,
λ x hx, (gi.le_l_u x).trans $ gi.gc.monotone_l $ hs.2 $
gi.gc.monotone_u.mem_lower_bounds_image hx⟩

section lift

variables [partial_order β]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,17 +405,13 @@ def lift_bounded_lattice [bounded_lattice α] (gi : galois_insertion l u) : boun

/-- Lift all suprema and infima along a Galois insertion -/
def lift_complete_lattice [complete_lattice α] (gi : galois_insertion l u) : complete_lattice β :=
{ Sup := λ s, l (⨆ b ∈ s, u b),
Sup_le := λ s a hs, gi.gc.l_le $ supr_le $ λ b, supr_le $ λ hb, gi.gc.monotone_u $ hs _ hb,
le_Sup := λ s a ha, (gi.le_l_u a).trans $
gi.gc.monotone_l $ le_supr_of_le a $ le_supr_of_le ha $ le_refl _,
Inf := λ s, gi.choice (⨅ b ∈ s, u b) $ le_infi $ λ b, le_infi $ λ hb,
gi.gc.monotone_u $ gi.gc.l_le $ infi_le_of_le b $ infi_le_of_le hb $ le_refl _,
Inf_le := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact
λ s a ha, gi.gc.l_le $ infi_le_of_le a $ infi_le_of_le ha $ le_refl _,
le_Inf := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact
λ s a hs, (gi.le_l_u a).trans $ gi.gc.monotone_l $ le_infi $ λ b,
show u a ≤ ⨅ (H : b ∈ s), u b, from le_infi $ λ hb, gi.gc.monotone_u $ hs _ hb,
{ Sup := λ s, l (Sup (u '' s)),
Sup_le := λ s, (gi.is_lub_of_u_image (is_lub_Sup _)).2,
le_Sup := λ s, (gi.is_lub_of_u_image (is_lub_Sup _)).1,
Inf := λ s, gi.choice (Inf (u '' s)) $ gi.gc.monotone_u.le_is_glb_image
(gi.is_glb_of_u_image $ is_glb_Inf _) (is_glb_Inf _),
Inf_le := λ s, by { rw gi.choice_eq, exact (gi.is_glb_of_u_image (is_glb_Inf _)).1 },
le_Inf := λ s, by { rw gi.choice_eq, exact (gi.is_glb_of_u_image (is_glb_Inf _)).2 },
.. gi.lift_bounded_lattice }

end lift
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -523,29 +530,30 @@ gi.dual.u_le_u_iff
lemma strict_mono_l [partial_order α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : strict_mono l :=
λ a b h, gi.dual.strict_mono_u h

lemma is_glb_of_l_image [preorder α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) {s : set α} {a : β}
(hs : is_glb (l '' s) a) : is_glb s (u a) :=
gi.dual.is_lub_of_u_image hs

lemma is_lub_of_l_image [preorder α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) {s : set α} {a : β}
(hs : is_lub (l '' s) a) : is_lub s (u a) :=
gi.dual.is_glb_of_u_image hs

section lift

variables [partial_order α]

/-- Lift the infima along a Galois coinsertion -/
def lift_semilattice_inf [semilattice_inf β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : semilattice_inf α :=
{ inf := λ a b, u (l a ⊓ l b),
inf_le_left := λ a b, (gi.gc.monotone_u $ inf_le_left).trans (gi.u_l_le a),
inf_le_right := λ a b, (gi.gc.monotone_u $ inf_le_right).trans (gi.u_l_le b),
le_inf := λ a b c hac hbc, gi.gc.le_u $ le_inf (gi.gc.monotone_l hac)
(gi.gc.monotone_l hbc),
.. ‹partial_order α› }
.. ‹partial_order α›, .. @order_dual.semilattice_inf _ gi.dual.lift_semilattice_sup }

/-- Lift the suprema along a Galois coinsertion -/
def lift_semilattice_sup [semilattice_sup β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : semilattice_sup α :=
{ sup := λ a b, gi.choice (l a ⊔ l b) $
(sup_le (gi.gc.monotone_l $ gi.gc.le_u $ le_sup_left)
(gi.gc.monotone_l $ gi.gc.le_u $ le_sup_right)),
le_sup_left := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact λ a b, gi.gc.le_u le_sup_left,
le_sup_right := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact λ a b, gi.gc.le_u le_sup_right,
sup_le := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact λ a b c hac hbc,
(gi.gc.monotone_u $ sup_le (gi.gc.monotone_l hac) (gi.gc.monotone_l hbc)).trans (gi.u_l_le c),
.. ‹partial_order α› }
.. ‹partial_order α›, .. @order_dual.semilattice_sup _ gi.dual.lift_semilattice_inf }

/-- Lift the suprema and infima along a Galois coinsertion -/
def lift_lattice [lattice β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : lattice α :=
Expand All @@ -554,30 +562,17 @@ def lift_lattice [lattice β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : lattice α :=
/-- Lift the bot along a Galois coinsertion -/
def lift_order_bot [order_bot β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : order_bot α :=
{ bot := gi.choice ⊥ $ bot_le,
bot_le := by simp only [gi.choice_eq];
exact λ b, (gi.gc.monotone_u bot_le).trans (gi.u_l_le b),
.. ‹partial_order α› }
.. ‹partial_order α›, .. @order_dual.order_bot _ gi.dual.lift_order_top }

/-- Lift the top, bottom, suprema, and infima along a Galois coinsertion -/
def lift_bounded_lattice [bounded_lattice β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : bounded_lattice α :=
{ .. gi.lift_lattice, .. gi.lift_order_bot, .. gi.gc.lift_order_top }

/-- Lift all suprema and infima along a Galois coinsertion -/
def lift_complete_lattice [complete_lattice β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : complete_lattice α :=
{ Inf := λ s, u (⨅ a ∈ s, l a),
le_Inf := λ s a hs, gi.gc.le_u $ le_infi $ λ b, le_infi $
λ hb, gi.gc.monotone_l $ hs _ hb,
Inf_le := λ s a ha, (gi.gc.monotone_u $ infi_le_of_le a $
infi_le_of_le ha $ le_refl (l a)).trans (gi.u_l_le a),
Sup := λ s, gi.choice (⨆ a ∈ s, l a) $ supr_le $ λ b, supr_le $ λ hb,
gi.gc.monotone_l $ gi.gc.le_u $ le_supr_of_le b $ le_supr_of_le hb $ le_refl _,
le_Sup := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact
λ s a ha, gi.gc.le_u $ le_supr_of_le a $ le_supr_of_le ha $ le_refl _,
Sup_le := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact
λ s a hs, (gi.gc.monotone_u $ supr_le $ λ b,
show (⨆ (hb : b ∈ s), l b) ≤ l a, from supr_le $ λ hb, gi.gc.monotone_l $ hs b hb).trans
(gi.u_l_le a),
.. gi.lift_bounded_lattice }
{ Inf := λ s, u (Inf (l '' s)),
Sup := λ s, gi.choice (Sup (l '' s)) _,
.. gi.lift_bounded_lattice, .. @order_dual.complete_lattice _ gi.dual.lift_complete_lattice }

end lift

Expand Down
10 changes: 2 additions & 8 deletions src/topology/opens.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,14 +83,7 @@ begin
apply subtype.ext_iff_val.mpr,
exact (is_open.inter U.2 V.2).interior_eq.symm,
/- Sup -/ (λ Us, ⟨⋃₀ (coe '' Us), is_open_sUnion $ λ U hU,
by { rcases hU with ⟨⟨V, hV⟩, h, h'⟩, dsimp at h', subst h', exact hV}⟩)
apply subtype.ext_iff_val.mpr,
simp [Sup_range],
/- Sup -/ _ rfl
/- Inf -/ _ rfl

lemma le_def {U V : opens α} : U ≤ V ↔ (U : set α) ≤ (V : set α) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,6 +132,7 @@ lemma open_embedding_of_le {U V : opens α} (i : U ≤ V) :
exact continuous_subtype_val
end, }

/-- A set of `opens α` is a basis if the set of corresponding sets is a topological basis. -/
def is_basis (B : set (opens α)) : Prop := is_topological_basis ((coe : _ → set α) '' B)

lemma is_basis_iff_nbhd {B : set (opens α)} :
Expand Down

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