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refactor(data/nat,int): separate int from nat, i.e. do not import any…
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… int theory in nat
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johoelzl committed Aug 30, 2018
1 parent d245165 commit 83edcc0
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Showing 5 changed files with 122 additions and 113 deletions.
162 changes: 117 additions & 45 deletions data/int/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Jeremy Avigad
The integers, with addition, multiplication, and subtraction.
import data.nat.basic algebra.char_zero algebra.order_functions
import algebra.char_zero algebra.order_functions
open nat

namespace int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,6 +100,37 @@ begin
exact this (i + 1) }

/- nat abs -/

attribute [simp] nat_abs nat_abs_of_nat nat_abs_zero nat_abs_one

theorem nat_abs_add_le (a b : ℤ) : nat_abs (a + b) ≤ nat_abs a + nat_abs b :=
have, {
refine (λ a b : ℕ, sub_nat_nat_elim a b.succ
(λ m n i, n = b.succ → nat_abs i ≤ (m + b).succ) _ _ rfl);
intros i n e,
{ subst e, rw [add_comm _ i, add_assoc],
exact nat.le_add_right i (b.succ + b).succ },
{ apply succ_le_succ,
rw [← succ_inj e, ← add_assoc, add_comm],
apply nat.le_add_right } },
cases a; cases b with b b; simp [nat_abs, nat.succ_add];
try {refl}; [skip, rw add_comm a b]; apply this

theorem nat_abs_neg_of_nat (n : nat) : nat_abs (neg_of_nat n) = n :=
by cases n; refl

theorem nat_abs_mul (a b : ℤ) : nat_abs (a * b) = (nat_abs a) * (nat_abs b) :=
by cases a; cases b; simp [(*), int.mul, nat_abs_neg_of_nat]

theorem neg_succ_of_nat_eq' (m : ℕ) : -[1+ m] = -m - 1 :=
by simp [neg_succ_of_nat_eq]

lemma nat_abs_ne_zero_of_ne_zero {z : ℤ} (hz : z ≠ 0) : z.nat_abs ≠ 0 :=
λ h, hz $ int.eq_zero_of_nat_abs_eq_zero h

/- / -/

@[simp] theorem of_nat_div (m n : ℕ) : of_nat (m / n) = (of_nat m) / (of_nat n) := rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -416,6 +447,12 @@ theorem coe_nat_dvd {m n : ℕ} : (↑m : ℤ) ∣ ↑n ↔ m ∣ n :=
subst a, exact ⟨k, int.coe_nat_inj ae⟩ }),
λ ⟨k, e⟩, dvd.intro k $ by rw [e, int.coe_nat_mul]⟩

theorem coe_nat_dvd_left {n : ℕ} {z : ℤ} : (↑n : ℤ) ∣ z ↔ n ∣ z.nat_abs :=
by rcases nat_abs_eq z with eq | eq; rw eq; simp [coe_nat_dvd]

theorem coe_nat_dvd_right {n : ℕ} {z : ℤ} : z ∣ (↑n : ℤ) ↔ z.nat_abs ∣ n :=
by rcases nat_abs_eq z with eq | eq; rw eq; simp [coe_nat_dvd]

theorem dvd_antisymm {a b : ℤ} (H1 : a ≥ 0) (H2 : b ≥ 0) : a ∣ b → b ∣ a → a = b :=
rw [← abs_of_nonneg H1, ← abs_of_nonneg H2, abs_eq_nat_abs, abs_eq_nat_abs],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -530,20 +567,20 @@ eq_one_of_mul_eq_one_right H (by rw [mul_comm, H'])
lemma of_nat_dvd_of_dvd_nat_abs {a : ℕ} : ∀ {z : ℤ} (haz : a ∣ z.nat_abs), ↑a ∣ z
| (int.of_nat _) haz := int.coe_nat_dvd.2 haz
| -[1+k] haz :=
change ↑a ∣ -(k+1 : ℤ),
apply dvd_neg_of_dvd,
change ↑a ∣ -(k+1 : ℤ),
apply dvd_neg_of_dvd,
apply int.coe_nat_dvd.2,
exact haz
exact haz

lemma dvd_nat_abs_of_of_nat_dvd {a : ℕ} : ∀ {z : ℤ} (haz : ↑a ∣ z), a ∣ z.nat_abs
lemma dvd_nat_abs_of_of_nat_dvd {a : ℕ} : ∀ {z : ℤ} (haz : ↑a ∣ z), a ∣ z.nat_abs
| (int.of_nat _) haz := int.coe_nat_dvd.1 (int.dvd_nat_abs.2 haz)
| -[1+k] haz :=
| -[1+k] haz :=
have haz' : (↑a:ℤ) ∣ (↑(k+1):ℤ), from dvd_of_dvd_neg haz,
int.coe_nat_dvd.1 haz'
int.coe_nat_dvd.1 haz'

lemma pow_div_of_le_of_pow_div_int {p m n : ℕ} {k : ℤ} (hmn : m ≤ n) (hdiv : ↑(p ^ n) ∣ k) :
lemma pow_div_of_le_of_pow_div_int {p m n : ℕ} {k : ℤ} (hmn : m ≤ n) (hdiv : ↑(p ^ n) ∣ k) :
↑(p ^ m) ∣ k :=
induction k,
Expand All @@ -556,8 +593,20 @@ begin
apply pow_div_of_le_of_pow_div hmn,
apply int.coe_nat_dvd.1,
apply dvd_of_dvd_neg,
exact hdiv }
exact hdiv }

lemma succ_dvd_or_succ_dvd_of_succ_sum_dvd_mul {p : ℕ} (p_prime : p) {m n : ℤ} {k l : ℕ}
(hpm : ↑(p ^ k) ∣ m)
(hpn : ↑(p ^ l) ∣ n) (hpmn : ↑(p ^ (k+l+1)) ∣ m*n) : ↑(p ^ (k+1)) ∣ m ∨ ↑(p ^ (l+1)) ∣ n :=
have hpm' : p ^ k ∣ m.nat_abs, from int.coe_nat_dvd.1 $ int.dvd_nat_abs.2 hpm,
have hpn' : p ^ l ∣ n.nat_abs, from int.coe_nat_dvd.1 $ int.dvd_nat_abs.2 hpn,
have hpmn' : (p ^ (k+l+1)) ∣ m.nat_abs*n.nat_abs,
by rw ←int.nat_abs_mul; apply (int.coe_nat_dvd.1 $ int.dvd_nat_abs.2 hpmn),
let hsd := nat.succ_dvd_or_succ_dvd_of_succ_sum_dvd_mul p_prime hpm' hpn' hpmn' in
(λ hsd1, or.inl begin apply int.dvd_nat_abs.1, apply int.coe_nat_dvd.2 hsd1 end)
(λ hsd2, or.inr begin apply int.dvd_nat_abs.1, apply int.coe_nat_dvd.2 hsd2 end)

/- / and ordering -/

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -616,13 +665,13 @@ by rw [← int.mul_div_assoc _ H2]; exact

theorem eq_mul_div_of_mul_eq_mul_of_dvd_left {a b c d : ℤ} (hb : b ≠ 0) (hd : d ≠ 0) (hbc : b ∣ c)
(h : b * a = c * d) : a = c / b * d :=
cases hbc with k hk,
subst hk,
rw int.mul_div_cancel_left, rw mul_assoc at h,
apply _root_.eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left _ h,
repeat {assumption}

theorem of_nat_add_neg_succ_of_nat_of_lt {m n : ℕ}
(h : m < n.succ) : of_nat m + -[1+n] = -[1+ n - m] :=
Expand All @@ -645,37 +694,6 @@ end

@[simp] theorem neg_add_neg (m n : ℕ) : -[1+m] + -[1+n] = -[1+nat.succ(m+n)] := rfl

/- nat abs -/

attribute [simp] nat_abs nat_abs_of_nat nat_abs_zero nat_abs_one

theorem nat_abs_add_le (a b : ℤ) : nat_abs (a + b) ≤ nat_abs a + nat_abs b :=
have, {
refine (λ a b : ℕ, sub_nat_nat_elim a b.succ
(λ m n i, n = b.succ → nat_abs i ≤ (m + b).succ) _ _ rfl);
intros i n e,
{ subst e, rw [add_comm _ i, add_assoc],
exact nat.le_add_right i (b.succ + b).succ },
{ apply succ_le_succ,
rw [← succ_inj e, ← add_assoc, add_comm],
apply nat.le_add_right } },
cases a; cases b with b b; simp [nat_abs, nat.succ_add];
try {refl}; [skip, rw add_comm a b]; apply this

theorem nat_abs_neg_of_nat (n : nat) : nat_abs (neg_of_nat n) = n :=
by cases n; refl

theorem nat_abs_mul (a b : ℤ) : nat_abs (a * b) = (nat_abs a) * (nat_abs b) :=
by cases a; cases b; simp [(*), int.mul, nat_abs_neg_of_nat]

theorem neg_succ_of_nat_eq' (m : ℕ) : -[1+ m] = -m - 1 :=
by simp [neg_succ_of_nat_eq]

lemma nat_abs_ne_zero_of_ne_zero {z : ℤ} (hz : z ≠ 0) : z.nat_abs ≠ 0 :=
λ h, hz $ int.eq_zero_of_nat_abs_eq_zero h

/- to_nat -/

theorem to_nat_eq_max : ∀ (a : ℤ), (to_nat a : ℤ) = max a 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1101,3 +1119,57 @@ by simp [abs]
end cast

end int

/- extended euclidean algorithm -/
namespace nat

def xgcd_aux : ℕ → ℤ → ℤ → ℕ → ℤ → ℤ → ℕ × ℤ × ℤ
| 0 s t r' s' t' := (r', s', t')
| r@(succ _) s t r' s' t' :=
have r' % r < r, from mod_lt _ $ succ_pos _,
let q := r' / r in xgcd_aux (r' % r) (s' - q * s) (t' - q * t) r s t

@[simp] theorem xgcd_zero_left {s t r' s' t'} : xgcd_aux 0 s t r' s' t' = (r', s', t') :=
by simp [xgcd_aux]

@[simp] theorem xgcd_aux_rec {r s t r' s' t'} (h : 0 < r) : xgcd_aux r s t r' s' t' = xgcd_aux (r' % r) (s' - (r' / r) * s) (t' - (r' / r) * t) r s t :=
by cases r; [exact absurd h (lt_irrefl _), {simp only [xgcd_aux], refl}]

/-- Use the extended GCD algorithm to generate the `a` and `b` values
satisfying `gcd x y = x * a + y * b`. -/
def xgcd (x y : ℕ) : ℤ × ℤ := (xgcd_aux x 1 0 y 0 1).2

/-- The extended GCD `a` value in the equation `gcd x y = x * a + y * b`. -/
def gcd_a (x y : ℕ) : ℤ := (xgcd x y).1

/-- The extended GCD `b` value in the equation `gcd x y = x * a + y * b`. -/
def gcd_b (x y : ℕ) : ℤ := (xgcd x y).2

@[simp] theorem xgcd_aux_fst (x y) : ∀ s t s' t',
(xgcd_aux x s t y s' t').1 = gcd x y :=
gcd.induction x y (by simp) (λ x y h IH s t s' t', by simp [h, IH]; rw ← gcd_rec)

theorem xgcd_aux_val (x y) : xgcd_aux x 1 0 y 0 1 = (gcd x y, xgcd x y) :=
by rw [xgcd, ← xgcd_aux_fst x y 1 0 0 1]; cases xgcd_aux x 1 0 y 0 1; refl

theorem xgcd_val (x y) : xgcd x y = (gcd_a x y, gcd_b x y) :=
by unfold gcd_a gcd_b; cases xgcd x y; refl

parameters (a b : ℕ)

private def P : ℕ × ℤ × ℤ → Prop | (r, s, t) := (r : ℤ) = a * s + b * t

theorem xgcd_aux_P {r r'} : ∀ {s t s' t'}, P (r, s, t) → P (r', s', t') → P (xgcd_aux r s t r' s' t') :=
gcd.induction r r' (by simp) $ λ x y h IH s t s' t' p p', begin
rw [xgcd_aux_rec h], refine IH _ p, dsimp [P] at *,
rw [int.mod_def], generalize : (y / x : ℤ) = k,
rw [p, p'], simp [mul_add, mul_comm, mul_left_comm]

theorem gcd_eq_gcd_ab : (gcd a b : ℤ) = a * gcd_a a b + b * gcd_b a b :=
by have := @xgcd_aux_P a b a b 1 0 0 1 (by simp [P]) (by simp [P]);
rwa [xgcd_aux_val, xgcd_val] at this

end nat
53 changes: 1 addition & 52 deletions data/nat/gcd.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura
Definitions and properties of gcd, lcm, and coprime.
import data.nat.basic
import data.nat.basic

namespace nat

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,57 +94,6 @@ dvd_antisymm (gcd_dvd_left _ _) (dvd_gcd (dvd_refl _) H)
theorem gcd_eq_right {m n : ℕ} (H : n ∣ m) : gcd m n = n :=
by rw [gcd_comm, gcd_eq_left H]

/- extended euclidean algorithm -/

def xgcd_aux : ℕ → ℤ → ℤ → ℕ → ℤ → ℤ → ℕ × ℤ × ℤ
| 0 s t r' s' t' := (r', s', t')
| r@(succ _) s t r' s' t' :=
have r' % r < r, from mod_lt _ $ succ_pos _,
let q := r' / r in xgcd_aux (r' % r) (s' - q * s) (t' - q * t) r s t

@[simp] theorem xgcd_zero_left {s t r' s' t'} : xgcd_aux 0 s t r' s' t' = (r', s', t') :=
by simp [xgcd_aux]

@[simp] theorem xgcd_aux_rec {r s t r' s' t'} (h : 0 < r) : xgcd_aux r s t r' s' t' = xgcd_aux (r' % r) (s' - (r' / r) * s) (t' - (r' / r) * t) r s t :=
by cases r; [exact absurd h (lt_irrefl _), {simp only [xgcd_aux], refl}]

/-- Use the extended GCD algorithm to generate the `a` and `b` values
satisfying `gcd x y = x * a + y * b`. -/
def xgcd (x y : ℕ) : ℤ × ℤ := (xgcd_aux x 1 0 y 0 1).2

/-- The extended GCD `a` value in the equation `gcd x y = x * a + y * b`. -/
def gcd_a (x y : ℕ) : ℤ := (xgcd x y).1

/-- The extended GCD `b` value in the equation `gcd x y = x * a + y * b`. -/
def gcd_b (x y : ℕ) : ℤ := (xgcd x y).2

@[simp] theorem xgcd_aux_fst (x y) : ∀ s t s' t',
(xgcd_aux x s t y s' t').1 = gcd x y :=
gcd.induction x y (by simp) (λ x y h IH s t s' t', by simp [h, IH]; rw ← gcd_rec)

theorem xgcd_aux_val (x y) : xgcd_aux x 1 0 y 0 1 = (gcd x y, xgcd x y) :=
by rw [xgcd, ← xgcd_aux_fst x y 1 0 0 1]; cases xgcd_aux x 1 0 y 0 1; refl

theorem xgcd_val (x y) : xgcd x y = (gcd_a x y, gcd_b x y) :=
by unfold gcd_a gcd_b; cases xgcd x y; refl

parameters (a b : ℕ)

private def P : ℕ × ℤ × ℤ → Prop | (r, s, t) := (r : ℤ) = a * s + b * t

theorem xgcd_aux_P {r r'} : ∀ {s t s' t'}, P (r, s, t) → P (r', s', t') → P (xgcd_aux r s t r' s' t') :=
gcd.induction r r' (by simp) $ λ x y h IH s t s' t' p p', begin
rw [xgcd_aux_rec h], refine IH _ p, dsimp [P] at *,
rw [int.mod_def], generalize : (y / x : ℤ) = k,
rw [p, p'], simp [mul_add, mul_comm, mul_left_comm]

theorem gcd_eq_gcd_ab : (gcd a b : ℤ) = a * gcd_a a b + b * gcd_b a b :=
by have := @xgcd_aux_P a b a b 1 0 0 1 (by simp [P]) (by simp [P]);
rwa [xgcd_aux_val, xgcd_val] at this

/- lcm -/

theorem lcm_comm (m n : ℕ) : lcm m n = lcm n m :=
Expand Down
12 changes: 0 additions & 12 deletions data/nat/prime.lean
Expand Up @@ -371,16 +371,4 @@ show p^k*p ∣ m ∨ p^l*p ∣ n, from
(assume : p ∣ m / p ^ k, or.inl $ mul_dvd_of_dvd_div hpm this)
(assume : p ∣ n / p ^ l, or.inr $ mul_dvd_of_dvd_div hpn this)

lemma succ_dvd_or_succ_dvd_of_succ_sum_dvd_mul_int {p : ℕ} (p_prime : prime p) {m n : ℤ} {k l : ℕ}
(hpm : ↑(p ^ k) ∣ m)
(hpn : ↑(p ^ l) ∣ n) (hpmn : ↑(p ^ (k+l+1)) ∣ m*n) : ↑(p ^ (k+1)) ∣ m ∨ ↑(p ^ (l+1)) ∣ n :=
have hpm' : p ^ k ∣ m.nat_abs, from int.coe_nat_dvd.1 $ int.dvd_nat_abs.2 hpm,
have hpn' : p ^ l ∣ n.nat_abs, from int.coe_nat_dvd.1 $ int.dvd_nat_abs.2 hpn,
have hpmn' : (p ^ (k+l+1)) ∣ m.nat_abs*n.nat_abs,
by rw ←int.nat_abs_mul; apply (int.coe_nat_dvd.1 $ int.dvd_nat_abs.2 hpmn),
let hsd := succ_dvd_or_succ_dvd_of_succ_sum_dvd_mul p_prime hpm' hpn' hpmn' in
(λ hsd1, or.inl begin apply int.dvd_nat_abs.1, apply int.coe_nat_dvd.2 hsd1 end)
(λ hsd2, or.inr begin apply int.dvd_nat_abs.1, apply int.coe_nat_dvd.2 hsd2 end)

end nat
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions data/padics/padic_norm.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Robert Y. Lewis
Define the p-adic valuation on ℤ and ℚ, and the p-adic norm on ℚ

import data.rat algebra.field_power
import data.rat algebra.field_power
import tactic.wlog tactic.ring

universe u
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ have hall : ∀ k : ℕ, k > padic_val p m + padic_val p n → ¬ ↑(p ^ k) ∣
assume (k : ℕ) (hkgt : k > padic_val p m + padic_val p n) (hdiv : ↑(p ^ k) ∣ m*n),
have hpsucc : ↑(p ^ (padic_val p m + padic_val p n + 1)) ∣ m*n, from
int.pow_div_of_le_of_pow_div_int hkgt hdiv,
let hsd := succ_dvd_or_succ_dvd_of_succ_sum_dvd_mul_int p_prime hdivm hdivn hpsucc in
let hsd := int.succ_dvd_or_succ_dvd_of_succ_sum_dvd_mul p_prime hdivm hdivn hpsucc in
or.elim hsd
(assume : ↑(p ^ (padic_val p m + 1)) ∣ m,
is_greatest hpp hm _ (lt_succ_self _) this)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions data/zmod.lean
Expand Up @@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ private lemma mul_inv_cancel_aux : ∀ a : zmodp p hp, a ≠ 0 → a * a⁻¹ =
λ ⟨a, hap⟩ ha0, begin
rw [mk_eq_cast, ne.def, ← @nat.cast_zero (zmodp p hp), eq_iff_modeq_nat, modeq_zero_iff] at ha0,
have : nat.gcd p a = 1 := (prime.coprime_iff_not_dvd hp).2 ha0,
rw [mk_eq_cast _ hap, mul_inv_eq_gcd, gcd_comm],
simpa [gcd_comm, this]
rw [mk_eq_cast _ hap, mul_inv_eq_gcd, nat.gcd_comm],
simpa [nat.gcd_comm, this]

instance : discrete_field (zmodp p hp) :=
Expand Down

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