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refactor(linear_algebra/direct_sum_module): move to algebra/direct_sum
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kckennylau committed Jan 25, 2019
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164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/direct_sum.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kenny Lau
Direct sum of abelian groups, indexed by a discrete type.

import data.dfinsupp

universes u v w u₁

variables (ι : Type v) [decidable_eq ι] (β : ι → Type w) [Π i, add_comm_group (β i)]

def direct_sum : Type* := Π₀ i, β i

namespace direct_sum

variables {ι β}

instance : add_comm_group (direct_sum ι β) :=

variables β
def mk : Π s : finset ι, (Π i : (↑s : set ι), β i.1) → direct_sum ι β :=

def of : Π i : ι, β i → direct_sum ι β :=
variables {β}

instance mk.is_add_group_hom (s : finset ι) : is_add_group_hom (mk β s) :=
⟨λ _ _, dfinsupp.mk_add⟩

@[simp] lemma mk_zero (s : finset ι) : mk β s 0 = 0 := _

@[simp] lemma mk_add (s : finset ι) (x y) : mk β s (x + y) = mk β s x + mk β s y :=
is_add_group_hom.add _ x y

@[simp] lemma mk_neg (s : finset ι) (x) : mk β s (-x) = -mk β s x :=
is_add_group_hom.neg _ x

@[simp] lemma mk_sub (s : finset ι) (x y) : mk β s (x - y) = mk β s x - mk β s y :=
is_add_group_hom.sub _ x y

instance of.is_add_group_hom (i : ι) : is_add_group_hom (of β i) :=
⟨λ _ _, dfinsupp.single_add⟩

@[simp] lemma of_zero (i : ι) : of β i 0 = 0 := _

@[simp] lemma of_add (i : ι) (x y) : of β i (x + y) = of β i x + of β i y :=
is_add_group_hom.add _ x y

@[simp] lemma of_neg (i : ι) (x) : of β i (-x) = -of β i x :=
is_add_group_hom.neg _ x

@[simp] lemma of_sub (i : ι) (x y) : of β i (x - y) = of β i x - of β i y :=
is_add_group_hom.sub _ x y

theorem mk_inj (s : finset ι) : function.injective (mk β s) :=
dfinsupp.mk_inj s

theorem of_inj (i : ι) : function.injective (of β i) :=
λ x y H, congr_fun (mk_inj _ H) ⟨i, by simp [finset.to_set]⟩

protected theorem induction_on {C : direct_sum ι β → Prop}
(x : direct_sum ι β) (H_zero : C 0)
(H_basic : ∀ (i : ι) (x : β i), C (of β i x))
(H_plus : ∀ x y, C x → C y → C (x + y)) : C x :=
apply dfinsupp.induction x H_zero,
intros i b f h1 h2 ih,

variables {γ : Type u₁} [add_comm_group γ]
variables (φ : Π i, β i → γ) [Π i, is_add_group_hom (φ i)]

variables (φ)
def to_group (f : direct_sum ι β) : γ :=
quotient.lift_on f (λ x, x.2.to_finset.sum $ λ i, φ i (x.1 i)) $ λ x y H,
have H1 : x.2.to_finset ∩ y.2.to_finset ⊆ x.2.to_finset, from finset.inter_subset_left _ _,
have H2 : x.2.to_finset ∩ y.2.to_finset ⊆ y.2.to_finset, from finset.inter_subset_right _ _,
refine (finset.sum_subset H1 _).symm.trans ((finset.sum_congr rfl _).trans (finset.sum_subset H2 _)),
{ intros i H1 H2, rw finset.mem_inter at H2, rw H i,
simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset] at H1 H2,
rw [(y.3 i).resolve_left (mt (and.intro H1) H2), (φ i)] },
{ intros i H1, rw H i },
{ intros i H1 H2, rw finset.mem_inter at H2, rw ← H i,
simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset] at H1 H2,
rw [(x.3 i).resolve_left (mt (λ H3, and.intro H3 H1) H2), (φ i)] }
variables {φ}

instance to_group.is_add_group_hom : is_add_group_hom (to_group φ) :=
constructor, intros f g,
refine quotient.induction_on f (λ x, _),
refine quotient.induction_on g (λ y, _),
change finset.sum _ _ = finset.sum _ _ + finset.sum _ _,
simp only, conv { to_lhs, congr, skip, funext, rw is_add_group_hom.add (φ i) },
simp only [finset.sum_add_distrib],
congr' 1,
{ refine (finset.sum_subset _ _).symm,
{ intro i, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add], exact or.inl },
{ intros i H1 H2, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add] at H2,
rw [(x.3 i).resolve_left H2, (φ i)] } },
{ refine (finset.sum_subset _ _).symm,
{ intro i, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add], exact or.inr },
{ intros i H1 H2, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add] at H2,
rw [(y.3 i).resolve_left H2, (φ i)] } }

variables (φ)
@[simp] lemma to_group_zero : to_group φ 0 = 0 := _

@[simp] lemma to_group_add (x y) : to_group φ (x + y) = to_group φ x + to_group φ y :=
is_add_group_hom.add _ x y

@[simp] lemma to_group_neg (x) : to_group φ (-x) = -to_group φ x :=
is_add_group_hom.neg _ x

@[simp] lemma to_group_sub (x y) : to_group φ (x - y) = to_group φ x - to_group φ y :=
is_add_group_hom.sub _ x y

@[simp] lemma to_group_of (i) (x : β i) : to_group φ (of β i x) = φ i x :=
(add_zero _).trans $ congr_arg (φ i) $ show (if H : i ∈ finset.singleton i then x else 0) = x,
from dif_pos $ finset.mem_singleton_self i

variables (ψ : direct_sum ι β → γ) [is_add_group_hom ψ]

theorem to_group.unique (f : direct_sum ι β) : ψ f = to_group (λ i, ψ ∘ of β i) f :=
direct_sum.induction_on f
(by rw [ ψ, (to_group (λ i, ψ ∘ of β i))])
(λ i x, by rw [to_group_of])
(λ x y ihx ihy, by rw [is_add_group_hom.add ψ, is_add_group_hom.add (to_group (λ i, ψ ∘ of β i)), ihx, ihy])

variables (β)
def set_to_set (S T : set ι) (H : S ⊆ T) :
direct_sum S (β ∘ subtype.val) → direct_sum T (β ∘ subtype.val) :=
to_group $ λ i, of (β ∘ @subtype.val _ T) ⟨i.1, H i.2
variables {β}

instance (S T : set ι) (H : S ⊆ T) : is_add_group_hom (set_to_set β S T H) :=

protected def id (M : Type v) [add_comm_group M] : direct_sum punit (λ _, M) ≃ M :=
{ to_fun := direct_sum.to_group (λ _, id),
inv_fun := of (λ _, M),
left_inv := λ x, direct_sum.induction_on x
(by rw [to_group_zero, of_zero])
(λ ⟨⟩ x, by rw [to_group_of]; refl)
(λ x y ihx ihy, by rw [to_group_add, of_add, ihx, ihy]),
right_inv := λ x, to_group_of _ _ _ }

instance : has_coe_to_fun (direct_sum ι β) :=

end direct_sum
174 changes: 51 additions & 123 deletions src/linear_algebra/direct_sum_module.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ Authors: Kenny Lau
Direct sum of modules over commutative rings, indexed by a discrete type.

import algebra.direct_sum
import linear_algebra.basic
import algebra.pi_instances
import data.dfinsupp

universes u v w u₁

Expand All @@ -17,131 +16,60 @@ variables (ι : Type v) [decidable_eq ι] (β : ι → Type w)
variables [Π i, add_comm_group (β i)] [Π i, module R (β i)]
include R

def direct_sum : Type* := Π₀ i, β i

namespace direct_sum

variables {R ι β}
--local attribute [instance] dfinsupp.to_has_scalar'
instance direct_sum.add_comm_group : add_comm_group (direct_sum R ι β) :=

instance direct_sum.module : module R (direct_sum R ι β) :=

variable β
def mk (s : finset ι) : (Π i : (↑s : set ι), β i.1) →ₗ direct_sum R ι β :=
dfinsupp.lmk β s

def of (i : ι) : β i →ₗ direct_sum R ι β :=
dfinsupp.lsingle β i
variable {β}

theorem mk_inj (s : finset ι) : function.injective ⇑(mk β s) :=
dfinsupp.mk_inj s

theorem of_inj (i : ι) : function.injective ⇑(of β i) :=
λ x y H, congr_fun (mk_inj _ H) ⟨i, by simp [finset.to_set]⟩

protected theorem induction_on {C : direct_sum R ι β → Prop}
(x : direct_sum R ι β) (H_zero : C 0)
(H_basic : ∀ (i : ι) (x : β i), C ((of β i : β i →ₗ direct_sum R ι β) x))
(H_plus : ∀ x y, C x → C y → C (x + y)) : C x :=
apply dfinsupp.induction x H_zero,
intros i b f h1 h2 ih,

instance : module R (direct_sum ι β) := dfinsupp.to_module

variables ι β
def lmk : Π s : finset ι, (Π i : (↑s : set ι), β i.1) →ₗ direct_sum ι β :=
dfinsupp.lmk β

def lof : Π i : ι, β i →ₗ direct_sum ι β :=
dfinsupp.lsingle β
variables {ι β}

theorem mk_smul (s : finset ι) (c x) : mk β s (c • x) = c • mk β s x :=
(lmk ι β s).map_smul c x

theorem of_smul (i : ι) (c x) : of β i (c • x) = c • of β i x :=
(lof ι β i).map_smul c x

variables {γ : Type u₁} [add_comm_group γ] [module R γ]
variables (φ : Π i, β i →ₗ γ)

def to_module_aux (f : direct_sum R ι β) : γ :=
quotient.lift_on f (λ x, x.2.to_finset.sum $ λ i, φ i (x.1 i)) $ λ x y H,
have H1 : x.2.to_finset ∩ y.2.to_finset ⊆ x.2.to_finset, from finset.inter_subset_left _ _,
have H2 : x.2.to_finset ∩ y.2.to_finset ⊆ y.2.to_finset, from finset.inter_subset_right _ _,
refine (finset.sum_subset H1 _).symm.trans ((finset.sum_congr rfl _).trans (finset.sum_subset H2 _)),
{ intros i H1 H2, rw finset.mem_inter at H2, rw H i,
simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset] at H1 H2,
rw [(y.3 i).resolve_left (mt (and.intro H1) H2), (φ i).map_zero] },
{ intros i H1, rw H i },
{ intros i H1 H2, rw finset.mem_inter at H2, rw ← H i,
simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset] at H1 H2,
rw [(x.3 i).resolve_left (mt (λ H3, and.intro H3 H1) H2), (φ i).map_zero] }

variables {φ}

theorem to_module_aux.add (f g) :
to_module_aux φ (f + g) = to_module_aux φ f + to_module_aux φ g :=
refine quotient.induction_on f (λ x, _),
refine quotient.induction_on g (λ y, _),
change finset.sum _ _ = finset.sum _ _ + finset.sum _ _,
simp only [(φ _).map_add, finset.sum_add_distrib],
congr' 1,
{ refine (finset.sum_subset _ _).symm,
{ intro i, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add], exact or.inl },
{ intros i H1 H2, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add] at H2,
rw [(x.3 i).resolve_left H2, (φ i).map_zero] } },
{ refine (finset.sum_subset _ _).symm,
{ intro i, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add], exact or.inr },
{ intros i H1 H2, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add] at H2,
rw [(y.3 i).resolve_left H2, (φ i).map_zero] } }

theorem to_module_aux.smul (c f) :
to_module_aux φ (c • f) = c • to_module_aux φ f :=
refine quotient.induction_on f (λ x, _),
refine eq.trans (finset.sum_congr rfl _) finset.smul_sum.symm,
{ intros i h1, dsimp at *, simp [h1, (φ i).map_smul] }

variable (φ)
def to_module : direct_sum R ι β →ₗ γ :=
⟨to_module_aux φ, to_module_aux.add, to_module_aux.smul⟩
variable {φ}

lemma to_module_apply (x) :
(to_module φ : direct_sum R ι (λ (i : ι), β i) →ₗ γ) x = to_module_aux φ x := rfl

@[simp] lemma to_module.of (i) (x : β i) :
(to_module φ : direct_sum R ι (λ (i : ι), β i) →ₗ γ) ((of β i : β i →ₗ direct_sum R ι β) x) = φ i x :=
by dsimp [to_module_apply, to_module_aux, of, dfinsupp.single,, to_module_aux]; simp

variables {ψ : direct_sum R ι β →ₗ γ}
variables (H1 : ∀ (i : ι) (x : β i),
ψ ((of β i : β i →ₗ direct_sum R ι β) x)
= (to_module φ : direct_sum R ι (λ (i : ι), β i) →ₗ γ) ((of β i : β i →ₗ direct_sum R ι β) x))

theorem to_module.unique (f : direct_sum R ι β) :
ψ f = (to_module φ : direct_sum R ι (λ (i : ι), β i) →ₗ γ) f :=
direct_sum.induction_on f
(ψ.map_zero.trans (to_module _).map_zero.symm) H1 $ λ f g ihf ihg,
by rw [ψ.map_add, (to_module _).map_add, ihf, ihg]

variables {ψ' : direct_sum R ι β →ₗ γ}
variables (H2 : ∀ i, ψ.comp (of β i) = ψ'.comp (of β i))

theorem to_module.ext (f : direct_sum R ι β) : ψ f = ψ' f :=
direct_sum.induction_on f (ψ.map_zero.trans ψ'.map_zero.symm)
(λ i, linear_map.ext_iff.1 (H2 i)) $ λ f g ihf ihg,
by rw [ψ.map_add, ψ'.map_add, ihf, ihg]

def set_to_set (S T : set ι) (H : S ⊆ T) :
direct_sum R S (β ∘ subtype.val) →ₗ direct_sum R T (β ∘ subtype.val) :=
to_module $ λ i, of (β ∘ @subtype.val _ T) ⟨i.1, H i.2

protected def id (M : Type v) [add_comm_group M] [module R M] :
direct_sum R punit (λ _, M) ≃ₗ M :=
linear_equiv.of_linear (to_module $ λ _, (of (λ _, M)
(linear_map.ext $ λ x, to_module.of _ _)
(linear_map.ext $ to_module.ext $ λ ⟨⟩, linear_map.ext $ λ m, by dsimp; rw to_module.of; refl)

instance : has_coe_to_fun (direct_sum R ι β) :=

end direct_sum
variables (ι γ φ)
def to_module : direct_sum ι β →ₗ γ :=
{ to_fun := to_group (λ i, φ i),
add := to_group_add _,
smul := λ c x, direct_sum.induction_on x
(by rw [smul_zero, to_group_zero, smul_zero])
(λ i x, by rw [← of_smul, to_group_of, to_group_of, (φ i).map_smul c x])
(λ x y ihx ihy, by rw [smul_add, to_group_add, ihx, ihy, to_group_add, smul_add]) }
variables {ι γ φ}

@[simp] lemma to_module_lof (i) (x : β i) : to_module ι γ φ (lof ι β i x) = φ i x :=
to_group_of (λ i, φ i) i x

variables (ψ : direct_sum ι β →ₗ γ)

theorem to_module.unique (f : direct_sum ι β) : ψ f = to_module ι γ (λ i, ψ.comp $ lof ι β i) f :=
to_group.unique ψ f

variables {ψ} {ψ' : direct_sum ι β →ₗ γ}

theorem to_module.ext (H : ∀ i, ψ.comp (lof ι β i) = ψ'.comp (lof ι β i)) (f : direct_sum ι β) :
ψ f = ψ' f :=
by rw [to_module.unique ψ, to_module.unique ψ', funext H]

def lset_to_set (S T : set ι) (H : S ⊆ T) :
direct_sum S (β ∘ subtype.val) →ₗ direct_sum T (β ∘ subtype.val) :=
to_module _ _ $ λ i, lof T (β ∘ @subtype.val _ T) ⟨i.1, H i.2

protected def lid (M : Type v) [add_comm_group M] [module R M] :
direct_sum punit (λ _, M) ≃ₗ M :=
{ .. M,
.. to_module punit M (λ i, }

end direct_sum
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/linear_algebra/tensor_product.lean
Expand Up @@ -395,19 +395,19 @@ variables (β₁ : ι₁ → Type*) (β₂ : ι₂ → Type*)
variables [Π i₁, add_comm_group (β₁ i₁)] [Π i₂, add_comm_group (β₂ i₂)]
variables [Π i₁, module R (β₁ i₁)] [Π i₂, module R (β₂ i₂)]

def direct_sum : direct_sum R ι₁ β₁ ⊗ direct_sum R ι₂ β₂
≃ₗ direct_sum R (ι₁ × ι₂) (λ i, β₁ i.1 ⊗ β₂ i.2) :=
def direct_sum : direct_sum ι₁ β₁ ⊗ direct_sum ι₂ β₂
≃ₗ direct_sum (ι₁ × ι₂) (λ i, β₁ i.1 ⊗ β₂ i.2) :=
refine linear_equiv.of_linear
(lift $ direct_sum.to_module $ λ i₁, flip $ direct_sum.to_module $ λ i₂,
flip $ curry $ direct_sum.of (λ i : ι₁ × ι₂, β₁ i.1 ⊗ β₂ i.2) (i₁, i₂))
(direct_sum.to_module $ λ i, map (direct_sum.of _ _) (direct_sum.of _ _))
(lift $ direct_sum.to_module _ _ $ λ i₁, flip $ direct_sum.to_module _ _ $ λ i₂,
flip $ curry $ direct_sum.lof (ι₁ × ι₂) (λ i, β₁ i.1 ⊗ β₂ i.2) (i₁, i₂))
(direct_sum.to_module _ _ $ λ i, map (direct_sum.lof _ _ _) (direct_sum.lof _ _ _))
(linear_map.ext $ direct_sum.to_module.ext $ λ i, mk_compr₂_inj $
linear_map.ext $ λ x₁, linear_map.ext $ λ x₂, _)
(mk_compr₂_inj $ linear_map.ext $ direct_sum.to_module.ext $ λ i₁, linear_map.ext $ λ x₁,
linear_map.ext $ direct_sum.to_module.ext $ λ i₂, linear_map.ext $ λ x₂, _);
repeat { rw compr₂_apply <|> rw comp_apply <|> rw id_apply <|> rw mk_apply <|>
rw direct_sum.to_module.of <|> rw map_tmul <|> rw lift.tmul <|> rw flip_apply <|>
rw direct_sum.to_module_lof <|> rw map_tmul <|> rw lift.tmul <|> rw flip_apply <|>
rw curry_apply },
cases i; refl
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