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refactor(tactic/lint): split into multiple files (#2299)
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The `lint.lean` file is getting too long for me to comfortably navigate.  This PR splits the file up into several parts:
 * `tactic.lint.basic` defining the `linter` structure and the `@[linter]` and `@[nolint]` attributes
 * `tactic.lint.frontend` defined the functions to run the linters and the various `#lint` commands
 * The linters are split into three separate files, the simp linters, the type class linters, and the rest.
 * `tactic.lint` imports all of the files above so `import tactic.lint` still works as before
  • Loading branch information
gebner committed Apr 3, 2020
1 parent cb0a1b5 commit 8af4bb8
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,116 additions and 986 deletions.
979 changes: 0 additions & 979 deletions src/tactic/lint.lean

This file was deleted.

112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions src/tactic/lint/basic.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Robert Y. Lewis, Gabriel Ebner
import tactic.core

# Basic linter types and attributes
This file defines the basic types and attributes used by the linting
framework. A linter essentially consists of a function
`declaration → tactic (option string)`, this function together with some
metadata is stored in the `linter` structure. We define two attributes:
* `@[linter]` applies to a declaration of type `linter` and adds it to the default linter set.
* `@[nolint linter_name]` omits the tagged declaration from being checked by
the linter with name `linter_name`.

open tactic

-- Manual constant subexpression elimination for performance.
private meta def linter_ns := `linter
private meta def nolint_infix := `_nolint

Computes the declaration name used to store the nolint attribute data.
Retrieving the parameters for user attributes is *extremely* slow.
Hence we store the parameters of the nolint attribute as declarations
in the environment. E.g. for `@[nolint foo] def bar := _` we add the
following declaration:
meta def : unit := ()
private meta def mk_nolint_decl_name (decl : name) (linter : name) : name :=
(decl ++ nolint_infix) ++ linter

/-- Defines the user attribute `nolint` for skipping `#lint` -/
meta def nolint_attr : user_attribute _ (list name) :=
{ name := "nolint",
descr := "Do not report this declaration in any of the tests of `#lint`",
after_set := some $ λ n _ _, (do
ls@(_::_) ← nolint_attr.get_param n
| fail "you need to specify at least one linter to disable",
ls.mmap' $ λ l, do
get_decl (linter_ns ++ l) <|> fail ("unknown linter: " ++ to_string l),
try $ add_decl $ declaration.defn (mk_nolint_decl_name n l) []
`(unit) `( (default _) ff),
parser := ident* }

{ name := "nolint",
category := doc_category.attr,
decl_names := [`nolint_attr],
tags := ["linting"] }

/-- `should_be_linted linter decl` returns true if `decl` should be checked
using `linter`, i.e., if there is no `nolint` attribute. -/
meta def should_be_linted (linter : name) (decl : name) : tactic bool := do
e ← get_env,
pure $ ¬ e.contains (mk_nolint_decl_name decl linter)

A linting test for the `#lint` command.
`test` defines a test to perform on every declaration. It should never fail. Returning `none`
signifies a passing test. Returning `some msg` reports a failing test with error `msg`.
`no_errors_found` is the message printed when all tests are negative, and `errors_found` is printed
when at least one test is positive.
If `is_fast` is false, this test will be omitted from `#lint-`.
If `auto_decls` is true, this test will also be executed on automatically generated declarations.
meta structure linter :=
(test : declaration → tactic (option string))
(no_errors_found : string)
(errors_found : string)
(is_fast : bool := tt)
(auto_decls : bool := ff)

/-- Takes a list of names that resolve to declarations of type `linter`,
and produces a list of linters. -/
meta def get_linters (l : list name) : tactic (list (name × linter)) :=
l.mmap (λ n, n.last <$> (mk_const n >>= eval_expr linter)
<|> fail format!"invalid linter: {n}")

/-- Defines the user attribute `linter` for adding a linter to the default set.
Linters should be defined in the `linter` namespace.
A linter `linter.my_new_linter` is referred to as `my_new_linter` (without the `linter` namespace)
when used in `#lint`.
meta def linter_attr : user_attribute unit unit :=
{ name := "linter",
descr := "Use this declaration as a linting test in #lint",
after_set := some $ λ nm _ _,
mk_const nm >>= infer_type >>= unify `(linter) }

{ name := "linter",
category := doc_category.attr,
decl_names := [`linter_attr],
tags := ["linting"] }
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions src/tactic/lint/default.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Robert Y. Lewis, Gabriel Ebner

import tactic.lint.frontend

open tactic

{ name := "linting commands",
category := doc_category.cmd,
decl_names := [`lint_cmd, `lint_mathlib_cmd, `lint_all_cmd, `list_linters],
tags := ["linting"],
description :=
"User commands to spot common mistakes in the code
* `#lint`: check all declarations in the current file
* `#lint_mathlib`: check all declarations in mathlib (so excluding core or other projects,
and also excluding the current file)
* `#lint_all`: check all declarations in the environment (the current file and all
imported files)
The following linters are run by default:
1. `unused_arguments` checks for unused arguments in declarations.
2. `def_lemma` checks whether a declaration is incorrectly marked as a def/lemma.
3. `dup_namespce` checks whether a namespace is duplicated in the name of a declaration.
4. `ge_or_gt` checks whether ≥/> is used in the declaration.
5. `instance_priority` checks that instances that always apply have priority below default.
6. `doc_blame` checks for missing doc strings on definitions and constants.
7. `has_inhabited_instance` checks whether every type has an associated `inhabited` instance.
8. `impossible_instance` checks for instances that can never fire.
9. `incorrect_type_class_argument` checks for arguments in [square brackets] that are not classes.
10. `dangerous_instance` checks for instances that generate type-class problems with metavariables.
11. `fails_quickly` tests that type-class inference ends (relatively) quickly when applied to variables.
12. `has_coe_variable` tests that there are no instances of type `has_coe α t` for a variable `α`.
13. `inhabited_nonempty` checks for `inhabited` instance arguments that should be changed to `nonempty`.
14. `simp_nf` checks that the left-hand side of simp lemmas is in simp-normal form.
15. `simp_var_head` checks that there are no variables as head symbol of left-hand sides of simp lemmas.
16. `simp_comm` checks that no commutativity lemmas (such as `add_comm`) are marked simp.
Another linter, `doc_blame_thm`, checks for missing doc strings on lemmas and theorems.
This is not run by default.
The command `#list_linters` prints a list of the names of all available linters.
You can append a `*` to any command (e.g. `#lint_mathlib*`) to omit the slow tests (4).
You can append a `-` to any command (e.g. `#lint_mathlib-`) to run a silent lint
that suppresses the output of passing checks.
A silent lint will fail if any test fails.
You can append a sequence of linter names to any command to run extra tests, in addition to the
default ones. e.g. `#lint doc_blame_thm` will run all default tests and `doc_blame_thm`.
You can append `only name1 name2 ...` to any command to run a subset of linters, e.g.
`#lint only unused_arguments`
You can add custom linters by defining a term of type `linter` in the `linter` namespace.
A linter defined with the name `linter.my_new_check` can be run with `#lint my_new_check`
or `lint only my_new_check`.
If you add the attribute `@[linter]` to `linter.my_new_check` it will run by default.
Adding the attribute `@[nolint doc_blame unused_arguments]` to a declaration
omits it from only the specified linter checks." }

/-- The default linters used in mathlib CI. -/
meta def mathlib_linters : list name := by do
ls ← get_checks tt [] ff,
let ls := (λ ⟨n, _⟩, `linter ++ n),
exact (reflect ls)

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