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feat(category_theory/limits): is_bilimit
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TwoFX committed Feb 17, 2022
1 parent aacc36c commit 8edfa75
Showing 1 changed file with 146 additions and 84 deletions.
230 changes: 146 additions & 84 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/biproducts.lean
Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ structure bicone (F : J → C) :=
@[simp] lemma bicone_ι_π_self {F : J → C} (B : bicone F) (j : J) : B.ι j ≫ B.π j = 𝟙 (F j) :=
by simpa using B.ι_π j j

@[simp] lemma bicone_ι_π_ne {F : J → C} (B : bicone F) {j j' : J} (h : j ≠ j') :
@[simp, reassoc] lemma bicone_ι_π_ne {F : J → C} (B : bicone F) {j j' : J} (h : j ≠ j') :
B.ι j ≫ B.π j' = 0 :=
by simpa [h] using B.ι_π j j'

Expand All @@ -92,6 +92,38 @@ def to_cocone (B : bicone F) : cocone (discrete.functor F) :=
{ X := B.X,
ι := { app := λ j, B.ι j }, }

/-- We can turn any limit cone over a discrete collection of objects into a bicone. -/
def of_limit_cone {f : J → C} {t : cone (discrete.functor f)} (ht : is_limit t) :
bicone f :=
{ X := t.X,
π := t.π.app,
ι := λ j, ht.lift ( _ (λ j', if h : j = j' then eq_to_hom (congr_arg f h) else 0)),
ι_π := λ j j', by simp }

lemma ι_of_is_limit {f : J → C} {t : bicone f} (ht : is_limit t.to_cone) (j : J) :
t.ι j = ht.lift ( _ (λ j', if h : j = j' then eq_to_hom (congr_arg f h) else 0)) :=
ht.hom_ext (λ j', by { rw ht.fac, simp [t.ι_π] })

/-- We can turn any colimit cocone over a discrete collection of objects into a bicone. -/
def of_colimit_cocone {f : J → C} {t : cocone (discrete.functor f)} (ht : is_colimit t) :
bicone f :=
{ X := t.X,
π := λ j, ht.desc ( _ (λ j', if h : j' = j then eq_to_hom (congr_arg f h) else 0)),
ι := t.ι.app,
ι_π := λ j j', by simp }

lemma π_of_is_colimit {f : J → C} {t : bicone f} (ht : is_colimit t.to_cocone) (j : J) :
t.π j = ht.desc ( _ (λ j', if h : j' = j then eq_to_hom (congr_arg f h) else 0)) :=
ht.hom_ext (λ j', by { rw ht.fac, simp [t.ι_π] })

/-- Structure witnessing that a bicone is both a limit cone and a colimit cocone. -/
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
structure is_bilimit {F : J → C} (B : bicone F) :=
(is_limit : is_limit B.to_cone)
(is_colimit : is_colimit B.to_cocone)

end bicone

Expand All @@ -100,8 +132,7 @@ A bicone over `F : J → C`, which is both a limit cone and a colimit cocone.
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
structure limit_bicone (F : J → C) :=
(bicone : bicone F)
(is_limit : is_limit bicone.to_cone)
(is_colimit : is_colimit bicone.to_cocone)
(is_bilimit : bicone.is_bilimit)

`has_biproduct F` expresses the mere existence of a bicone which is
Expand All @@ -121,14 +152,18 @@ classical.choice has_biproduct.exists_biproduct
def biproduct.bicone (F : J → C) [has_biproduct F] : bicone F :=
(get_biproduct_data F).bicone

/-- `biproduct.bicone F` is a bilimit bicone. -/
def biproduct.is_bilimit (F : J → C) [has_biproduct F] : (biproduct.bicone F).is_bilimit :=
(get_biproduct_data F).is_bilimit

/-- `biproduct.bicone F` is a limit cone. -/
def biproduct.is_limit (F : J → C) [has_biproduct F] : is_limit (biproduct.bicone F).to_cone :=
(get_biproduct_data F).is_limit
(get_biproduct_data F).is_bilimit.is_limit

/-- `biproduct.bicone F` is a colimit cocone. -/
def biproduct.is_colimit (F : J → C) [has_biproduct F] :
is_colimit (biproduct.bicone F).to_cocone :=
(get_biproduct_data F).is_colimit
(get_biproduct_data F).is_bilimit.is_colimit

@[priority 100]
instance has_product_of_has_biproduct [has_biproduct F] : has_limit (discrete.functor F) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -428,6 +463,25 @@ lemma to_cocone_ι_app_left (c : binary_bicone P Q) :
lemma to_cocone_ι_app_right (c : binary_bicone P Q) :
c.to_cocone.ι.app (walking_pair.right) = c.inr := rfl

/-- Convert a `binary_bicone` into a `bicone` over a pair. -/
def to_bicone {X Y : C} (b : binary_bicone X Y) : bicone (pair X Y).obj :=
{ X := b.X,
π := λ j, walking_pair.cases_on j b.fst b.snd,
ι := λ j, walking_pair.cases_on j b.inl b.inr,
ι_π := λ j j', by { cases j; cases j', tidy } }

/-- A binary bicone is a limit cone if and only if the corresponding bicone is a limit cone. -/
def to_bicone_is_limit {X Y : C} (b : binary_bicone X Y) :
is_limit (b.to_bicone.to_cone) ≃ is_limit (b.to_cone) :=
is_limit.equiv_iso_limit $ cones.ext (iso.refl _) (λ j, by { cases j, tidy })

/-- A binary bicone is a colimit cocone if and only if the corresponding bicone is a colimit
cocone. -/
def to_bicone_is_colimit {X Y : C} (b : binary_bicone X Y) :
is_colimit (b.to_bicone.to_cocone) ≃ is_colimit (b.to_cocone) :=
is_colimit.equiv_iso_colimit $ cocones.ext (iso.refl _) (λ j, by { cases j, tidy })

end binary_bicone

namespace bicone
Expand All @@ -445,50 +499,52 @@ def to_binary_bicone {X Y : C} (b : bicone (pair X Y).obj) : binary_bicone X Y :
inl_snd' := by simp [bicone.ι_π],
inr_snd' := by { simp [bicone.ι_π], refl, }, }

If the cone obtained from a bicone over `pair X Y` is a limit cone,
so is the cone obtained by converting that bicone to a binary_bicone, then to a cone.
def to_binary_bicone_is_limit {X Y : C} {b : bicone (pair X Y).obj}
(c : is_limit (b.to_cone)) :
is_limit (b.to_binary_bicone.to_cone) :=
{ lift := λ s, c.lift s,
fac' := λ s j, by { cases j; erw c.fac, },
uniq' := λ s m w,
apply c.uniq s,
rintro (⟨⟩|⟨⟩),
exact w walking_pair.left,
exact w walking_pair.right,
end, }
/-- A bicone over a pair is a limit cone if and only if the corresponding binary bicone is a limit
cone. -/
def to_binary_bicone_is_limit {X Y : C} (b : bicone (pair X Y).obj) :
is_limit (b.to_binary_bicone.to_cone) ≃ is_limit (b.to_cone) :=
is_limit.equiv_iso_limit $ cones.ext (iso.refl _) (λ j, by { cases j, tidy })

If the cocone obtained from a bicone over `pair X Y` is a colimit cocone,
so is the cocone obtained by converting that bicone to a binary_bicone, then to a cocone.
def to_binary_bicone_is_colimit {X Y : C} {b : bicone (pair X Y).obj}
(c : is_colimit (b.to_cocone)) :
is_colimit (b.to_binary_bicone.to_cocone) :=
{ desc := λ s, c.desc s,
fac' := λ s j, by { cases j; erw c.fac, },
uniq' := λ s m w,
apply c.uniq s,
rintro (⟨⟩|⟨⟩),
exact w walking_pair.left,
exact w walking_pair.right,
end, }
/-- A bicone over a pair is a colimit cocone if and only if the corresponding binary bicone is a
colimit cocone. -/
def to_binary_bicone_is_colimit {X Y : C} (b : bicone (pair X Y).obj) :
is_colimit (b.to_binary_bicone.to_cocone) ≃ is_colimit (b.to_cocone) :=
is_colimit.equiv_iso_colimit $ cocones.ext (iso.refl _) (λ j, by { cases j, tidy })

end bicone

/-- Structure witnessing that a binary bicone is a limit cone and a limit cocone. -/
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
structure binary_bicone.is_bilimit {P Q : C} (b : binary_bicone P Q) :=
(is_limit : is_limit b.to_cone)
(is_colimit : is_colimit b.to_cocone)

/-- A binary bicone is a bilimit bicone if and only if the corresponding bicone is a bilimit. -/
def binary_bicone.to_bicone_is_bilimit {X Y : C} (b : binary_bicone X Y) :
b.to_bicone.is_bilimit ≃ b.is_bilimit :=
{ to_fun := λ h, ⟨b.to_bicone_is_limit h.is_limit, b.to_bicone_is_colimit h.is_colimit⟩,
inv_fun := λ h, ⟨b.to_bicone_is_limit.symm h.is_limit, b.to_bicone_is_colimit.symm h.is_colimit⟩,
left_inv := λ ⟨h, h'⟩, by { dsimp only, simp },
right_inv := λ ⟨h, h'⟩, by { dsimp only, simp } }

/-- A bicone over a pair is a bilimit bicone if and only if the corresponding binary bicone is a
bilimit. -/
def bicone.to_binary_bicone_is_bilimit {X Y : C} (b : bicone (pair X Y).obj) :
b.to_binary_bicone.is_bilimit ≃ b.is_bilimit :=
{ to_fun := λ h, ⟨b.to_binary_bicone_is_limit h.is_limit,
b.to_binary_bicone_is_colimit h.is_colimit⟩,
inv_fun := λ h, ⟨b.to_binary_bicone_is_limit.symm h.is_limit,
b.to_binary_bicone_is_colimit.symm h.is_colimit⟩,
left_inv := λ ⟨h, h'⟩, by { dsimp only, simp },
right_inv := λ ⟨h, h'⟩, by { dsimp only, simp } }

A bicone over `P Q : C`, which is both a limit cone and a colimit cocone.
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
structure binary_biproduct_data (P Q : C) :=
(bicone : binary_bicone P Q)
(is_limit : is_limit bicone.to_cone)
(is_colimit : is_colimit bicone.to_cocone)
(is_bilimit : bicone.is_bilimit)

`has_binary_biproduct P Q` expresses the mere existence of a bicone which is
Expand All @@ -511,15 +567,20 @@ classical.choice has_binary_biproduct.exists_binary_biproduct
def binary_biproduct.bicone (P Q : C) [has_binary_biproduct P Q] : binary_bicone P Q :=
(get_binary_biproduct_data P Q).bicone

/-- `binary_biproduct.bicone P Q` is a limit bicone. -/
def binary_biproduct.is_bilimit (P Q : C) [has_binary_biproduct P Q] :
(binary_biproduct.bicone P Q).is_bilimit :=
(get_binary_biproduct_data P Q).is_bilimit

/-- `binary_biproduct.bicone P Q` is a limit cone. -/
def binary_biproduct.is_limit (P Q : C) [has_binary_biproduct P Q] :
is_limit (binary_biproduct.bicone P Q).to_cone :=
(get_binary_biproduct_data P Q).is_limit
(get_binary_biproduct_data P Q).is_bilimit.is_limit

/-- `binary_biproduct.bicone P Q` is a colimit cocone. -/
def binary_biproduct.is_colimit (P Q : C) [has_binary_biproduct P Q] :
is_colimit (binary_biproduct.bicone P Q).to_cocone :=
(get_binary_biproduct_data P Q).is_colimit
(get_binary_biproduct_data P Q).is_bilimit.is_colimit

variable (C)
Expand All @@ -543,8 +604,7 @@ lemma has_binary_biproducts_of_finite_biproducts [has_finite_biproducts C] :
has_binary_biproducts C :=
{ has_binary_biproduct := λ P Q,
{ bicone := (biproduct.bicone (pair P Q).obj).to_binary_bicone,
is_limit := bicone.to_binary_bicone_is_limit (biproduct.is_limit _),
is_colimit := bicone.to_binary_bicone_is_colimit (biproduct.is_colimit _) } }
is_bilimit := (bicone.to_binary_bicone_is_bilimit _).symm (biproduct.is_bilimit _) } }


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -837,35 +897,36 @@ lemma has_biproduct_of_total {f : J → C} (b : bicone f) (total : ∑ j : J, b.
has_biproduct f :=
{ bicone := b,
is_limit :=
{ lift := λ s, ∑ j, s.π.app j ≫ b.ι j,
uniq' := λ s m h,
erw [←category.comp_id m, ←total, comp_sum],
apply finset.sum_congr rfl,
intros j m,
erw [reassoc_of (h j)],
fac' := λ s j,
simp only [sum_comp, category.assoc, bicone.to_cone_π_app, b.ι_π, comp_dite],
-- See note [dsimp, simp].
dsimp, simp,
end },
is_colimit :=
{ desc := λ s, ∑ j, b.π j ≫ s.ι.app j,
uniq' := λ s m h,
erw [←category.id_comp m, ←total, sum_comp],
apply finset.sum_congr rfl,
intros j m,
erw [category.assoc, h],
fac' := λ s j,
simp only [comp_sum, ←category.assoc, bicone.to_cocone_ι_app, b.ι_π, dite_comp],
dsimp, simp,
end } }
is_bilimit :=
{ is_limit :=
{ lift := λ s, ∑ j, s.π.app j ≫ b.ι j,
uniq' := λ s m h,
erw [←category.comp_id m, ←total, comp_sum],
apply finset.sum_congr rfl,
intros j m,
erw [reassoc_of (h j)],
fac' := λ s j,
simp only [sum_comp, category.assoc, bicone.to_cone_π_app, b.ι_π, comp_dite],
-- See note [dsimp, simp].
dsimp, simp,
end },
is_colimit :=
{ desc := λ s, ∑ j, b.π j ≫ s.ι.app j,
uniq' := λ s m h,
erw [←category.id_comp m, ←total, sum_comp],
apply finset.sum_congr rfl,
intros j m,
erw [category.assoc, h],
fac' := λ s j,
simp only [comp_sum, ←category.assoc, bicone.to_cocone_ι_app, b.ι_π, dite_comp],
dsimp, simp,
end } } }

/-- In a preadditive category, if the product over `f : J → C` exists,
then the biproduct over `f` exists. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -986,18 +1047,19 @@ lemma has_binary_biproduct_of_total {X Y : C} (b : binary_bicone X Y)
has_binary_biproduct X Y :=
{ bicone := b,
is_limit :=
{ lift := λ s, binary_fan.fst s ≫ b.inl +
binary_fan.snd s ≫ b.inr,
uniq' := λ s m h, by erw [←category.comp_id m, ←total,
comp_add, reassoc_of (h walking_pair.left), reassoc_of (h walking_pair.right)],
fac' := λ s j, by cases j; simp, },
is_colimit :=
{ desc := λ s, b.fst ≫ binary_cofan.inl s +
b.snd ≫ binary_cofan.inr s,
uniq' := λ s m h, by erw [←category.id_comp m, ←total,
add_comp, category.assoc, category.assoc, h walking_pair.left, h walking_pair.right],
fac' := λ s j, by cases j; simp, } }
is_bilimit :=
{ is_limit :=
{ lift := λ s, binary_fan.fst s ≫ b.inl +
binary_fan.snd s ≫ b.inr,
uniq' := λ s m h, by erw [←category.comp_id m, ←total,
comp_add, reassoc_of (h walking_pair.left), reassoc_of (h walking_pair.right)],
fac' := λ s j, by cases j; simp, },
is_colimit :=
{ desc := λ s, b.fst ≫ binary_cofan.inl s +
b.snd ≫ binary_cofan.inr s,
uniq' := λ s m h, by erw [←category.id_comp m, ←total,
add_comp, category.assoc, category.assoc, h walking_pair.left, h walking_pair.right],
fac' := λ s j, by cases j; simp, } } }

/-- In a preadditive category, if the product of `X` and `Y` exists, then the
binary biproduct of `X` and `Y` exists. -/
Expand Down

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