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feat(ring_theory/polynomial): Vieta's formula in terms of `polynomial…
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….roots` (#14908)

Specialize `multiset.prod_X_sub_C_coeff` to the root multiset of a split polynomial over an integral domain to derive the familiar Vieta's formula; update *undergrad.yaml*.

Make various stylistic improvements to *polynomial/vieta.lean*: most notably, `open polynomial` to be able to omit the prefix in `polynomial.X` and `polynomial.C`. Instead, write `mv_polynomial.X` with the prefix because it's less frequent.

Prove miscellaneous lemmas `list.prod_map_neg`, `multiset.prod_map_neg`, `list.map_nth_le` and `multiset.length_to_list`, which are remnants of a previous approach to prove `polynomial.vieta` superseded by #15008. See below/#14908 for the original motivation for introducing them.
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alreadydone committed Aug 20, 2022
1 parent 09d7fe3 commit 8fdec90
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Showing 6 changed files with 72 additions and 31 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/undergrad.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ Ring Theory:
polynomial algebra in one or several indeterminates over a commutative ring: 'mv_polynomial'
roots of a polynomial: 'polynomial.roots'
multiplicity: 'polynomial.root_multiplicity'
relationship between the coefficients and the roots of a split polynomial: ''
relationship between the coefficients and the roots of a split polynomial: 'polynomial.coeff_eq_esymm_roots_of_card'
Newton's identities: ''
polynomial derivative: 'polynomial.derivative'
decomposition into sums of homogeneous polynomials: 'mv_polynomial.sum_homogeneous_component'
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/big_operators/multiset.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,6 +135,11 @@ lemma prod_map_one : prod ( (λ i, (1 : α))) = 1 := by rw [map_const, prod
lemma prod_map_mul : ( $ λ i, f i * g i).prod = ( f).prod * ( g).prod :=
m.prod_hom₂ (*) mul_mul_mul_comm (mul_one _) _ _

lemma prod_map_neg [has_distrib_neg α] (s : multiset α) :
( has_neg.neg).prod = (-1) ^ s.card * :=
by { refine quotient.ind _ s, simp }

lemma prod_map_pow {n : ℕ} : ( $ λ i, f i ^ n).prod = ( f).prod ^ n :=
m.prod_hom' (pow_monoid_hom n : α →* α) f
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/data/list/big_operators.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,6 +89,17 @@ lemma prod_map_mul {α : Type*} [comm_monoid α] {l : list ι} {f g : ι → α}
( $ λ i, f i * g i).prod = ( f).prod * ( g).prod :=
l.prod_hom₂ (*) mul_mul_mul_comm (mul_one _) _ _

lemma prod_map_neg {α} [comm_monoid α] [has_distrib_neg α] (l : list α) :
( has_neg.neg).prod = (-1) ^ l.length * :=
convert @prod_map_mul α α _ l (λ _, -1) id,
{ ext, rw neg_one_mul, refl },
{ convert (prod_repeat _ _).symm, rw eq_repeat,
use l.length_map _, intro, rw mem_map, rintro ⟨_, _, rfl⟩, refl },
{ rw l.map_id },

lemma prod_map_hom (L : list ι) (f : ι → M) {G : Type*} [monoid_hom_class G M N] (g : G) :
( (g ∘ f)).prod = g (( f).prod) :=
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/data/list/range.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -282,6 +282,11 @@ option.some.inj $ by rw [← nth_le_nth _, nth_range (by simpa using H)]
(fin_range n).nth_le i h = ⟨i, length_fin_range n ▸ h⟩ :=
by simp only [fin_range, nth_le_range, nth_le_pmap, fin.mk_eq_subtype_mk]

@[simp] lemma map_nth_le (l : list α) :
(fin_range l.length).map (λ n, l.nth_le n n.2) = l :=
ext_le (by rw [length_map, length_fin_range]) $ λ n _ h,
by { rw ← nth_le_map_rev, congr, { rw nth_le_fin_range, refl }, { rw length_fin_range, exact h } }

theorem of_fn_eq_pmap {α n} {f : fin n → α} :
of_fn f = pmap (λ i hi, f ⟨i, hi⟩) (range n) (λ _, mem_range.1) :=
by rw [pmap_eq_map_attach]; from ext_le (by simp)
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/data/multiset/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -486,6 +486,9 @@ def card : multiset α →+ ℕ :=

@[simp] theorem coe_card (l : list α) : card (l : multiset α) = length l := rfl

@[simp] theorem length_to_list (s : multiset α) : s.to_list.length = s.card :=
by rw [← coe_card, coe_to_list]

@[simp] theorem card_zero : @card α 0 = 0 := rfl

theorem card_add (s t : multiset α) : card (s + t) = card s + card t :=
Expand Down
77 changes: 47 additions & 30 deletions src/ring_theory/polynomial/vieta.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,26 +3,31 @@ Copyright (c) 2020 Hanting Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Hanting Zhang
import ring_theory.polynomial.basic
import field_theory.splitting_field
import ring_theory.polynomial.symmetric

# Vieta's Formula
The main result is `multiset.prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm`, which shows that the product of
linear terms ` X + λ` with `λ` in a `multiset s` is equal to a linear combination of the
linear terms `X + λ` with `λ` in a `multiset s` is equal to a linear combination of the
symmetric functions `esymm s`.
From this, we deduce `mv_polynomial.prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm` which is the equivalent formula
for the product of linear terms `X + X i` with `i` in a `fintype σ` as a linear combination
of the symmetric polynomials `esymm σ R j`.
For `R` be an integral domain (so that `p.roots` is defined for any `p : R[X]` as a multiset),
we derive `polynomial.coeff_eq_esymm_roots_of_card`, the relationship between the coefficients and
the roots of `p` for a polynomial `p` that splits (i.e. having as many roots as its degree).

open_locale big_operators polynomial

namespace multiset

open polynomial

section semiring

variables {R : Type*} [comm_semiring R]
Expand All @@ -31,8 +36,8 @@ variables {R : Type*} [comm_semiring R]
`λ` runs through a multiset `s` is equal to a linear combination of the symmetric functions
`esymm s` of the `λ`'s .-/
lemma prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm (s : multiset R) :
( (λ r, polynomial.X + polynomial.C r)).prod =
∑ j in finset.range (s.card + 1), (polynomial.C (s.esymm j) * polynomial.X^(s.card - j)) :=
( (λ r, X + C r)).prod =
∑ j in finset.range (s.card + 1), C (s.esymm j) * X ^ (s.card - j) :=
rw [prod_map_add, antidiagonal_eq_map_powerset, map_map, ←bind_powerset_len, function.comp,
Expand All @@ -46,12 +51,11 @@ end

/-- Vieta's formula for the coefficients of the product of linear terms `X + λ` where `λ` runs
through a multiset `s` : the `k`th coefficient is the symmetric function `esymm (card s - k) s`. -/
lemma prod_X_add_C_coeff (s : multiset R) {k : ℕ} (h : k ≤ s.card):
polynomial.coeff ( (λ r, polynomial.X + polynomial.C r)).prod k =
s.esymm (s.card - k) :=
lemma prod_X_add_C_coeff (s : multiset R) {k : ℕ} (h : k ≤ s.card) :
( (λ r, X + C r)).prod.coeff k = s.esymm (s.card - k) :=
convert (prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm s) k,
simp_rw [polynomial.finset_sum_coeff, polynomial.coeff_C_mul_X_pow],
simp_rw [finset_sum_coeff, coeff_C_mul_X_pow],
rw finset.sum_eq_single_of_mem (s.card - k) _,
{ rw if_pos (nat.sub_sub_self h).symm, },
{ intros j hj1 hj2,
Expand All @@ -68,10 +72,10 @@ end semiring

section ring

variables {R : Type*} [comm_ring R]
variables {R : Type*} [comm_ring R]

lemma esymm_neg (s : multiset R) (k : ℕ) :
(map has_neg.neg s).esymm k = (-1)^k * esymm s k :=
(map has_neg.neg s).esymm k = (-1) ^ k * esymm s k :=
rw [esymm, esymm, ←multiset.sum_map_mul_left, multiset.powerset_len_map, multiset.map_map,
map_congr (eq.refl _)],
Expand All @@ -83,32 +87,47 @@ begin

lemma prod_X_sub_C_eq_sum_esymm (s : multiset R) :
( (λ t, polynomial.X - polynomial.C t)).prod =
∑ j in finset.range (s.card + 1),
(-1)^j* (polynomial.C (s.esymm j) * polynomial.X ^ (s.card - j)) :=
( (λ t, X - C t)).prod =
∑ j in finset.range (s.card + 1), (-1) ^ j * (C (s.esymm j) * X ^ (s.card - j)) :=
conv_lhs { congr, congr, funext, rw sub_eq_add_neg, rw ←map_neg polynomial.C _, },
conv_lhs { congr, congr, funext, rw sub_eq_add_neg, rw ←map_neg C _, },
convert prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm (map (λ t, -t) s) using 1,
{ rwa map_map, },
{ simp only [esymm_neg, card_map, mul_assoc, map_mul, map_pow, map_neg, map_one], },

lemma prod_X_sub_C_coeff (s : multiset R) {k : ℕ} (h : k ≤ s.card):
polynomial.coeff ( (λ t, polynomial.X - polynomial.C t)).prod k =
(-1)^(s.card - k) * s.esymm (s.card - k) :=
lemma prod_X_sub_C_coeff (s : multiset R) {k : ℕ} (h : k ≤ s.card) :
( (λ t, X - C t)).prod.coeff k = (-1) ^ (s.card - k) * s.esymm (s.card - k) :=
conv_lhs { congr, congr, congr, funext, rw sub_eq_add_neg, rw ←map_neg polynomial.C _, },
conv_lhs { congr, congr, congr, funext, rw sub_eq_add_neg, rw ←map_neg C _, },
convert prod_X_add_C_coeff (map (λ t, -t) s) _ using 1,
{ rwa map_map, },
{ rwa [esymm_neg, card_map] },
{ rwa card_map },

/-- Vieta's formula for the coefficients and the roots of a polynomial over an integral domain
with as many roots as its degree. -/
theorem _root_.polynomial.coeff_eq_esymm_roots_of_card [is_domain R] {p : R[X]}
(hroots : p.roots.card = p.nat_degree) {k : ℕ} (h : k ≤ p.nat_degree) :
p.coeff k = p.leading_coeff * (-1) ^ (p.nat_degree - k) * p.roots.esymm (p.nat_degree - k) :=
conv_lhs { rw ← C_leading_coeff_mul_prod_multiset_X_sub_C hroots },
rw [coeff_C_mul, mul_assoc], congr,
convert p.roots.prod_X_sub_C_coeff _ using 3; rw hroots, exact h,

/-- Vieta's formula for split polynomials over a field. -/
theorem _root_.polynomial.coeff_eq_esymm_roots_of_splits {F} [field F] {p : F[X]}
(hsplit : p.splits ( F)) {k : ℕ} (h : k ≤ p.nat_degree) :
p.coeff k = p.leading_coeff * (-1) ^ (p.nat_degree - k) * p.roots.esymm (p.nat_degree - k) :=
polynomial.coeff_eq_esymm_roots_of_card (splits_iff_card_roots.1 hsplit) h

end ring

end multiset

namespace mv_polynomial
section mv_polynomial

open finset polynomial fintype

Expand All @@ -117,26 +136,24 @@ variables (R σ : Type*) [comm_semiring R] [fintype σ]
/-- A sum version of Vieta's formula for `mv_polynomial`: viewing `X i` as variables,
the product of linear terms `λ + X i` is equal to a linear combination of
the symmetric polynomials `esymm σ R j`. -/
lemma prod_C_add_X_eq_sum_esymm :
(∏ i : σ, (polynomial.X + polynomial.C (X i)) : polynomial (mv_polynomial σ R) )=
∑ j in range (card σ + 1),
(polynomial.C (esymm σ R j) * polynomial.X ^ (card σ - j)) :=
lemma mv_polynomial.prod_C_add_X_eq_sum_esymm :
∏ i : σ, (X + C (mv_polynomial.X i)) =
∑ j in range (card σ + 1), (C (mv_polynomial.esymm σ R j) * X ^ (card σ - j)) :=
let s := ( (λ i : σ, (X i : mv_polynomial σ R)) finset.univ.val),
let s := (λ i : σ, mv_polynomial.X i),
rw (_ : card σ = s.card),
{ simp_rw [esymm_eq_multiset.esymm σ R _, finset.prod_eq_multiset_prod],
{ simp_rw [mv_polynomial.esymm_eq_multiset.esymm σ R _, finset.prod_eq_multiset_prod],
convert multiset.prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm s,
rwa multiset.map_map, },
{ rw multiset.card_map, exact rfl, }

lemma prod_X_add_C_coeff (k : ℕ) (h : k ≤ card σ):
(∏ i : σ, (polynomial.X + polynomial.C (X i)) : polynomial (mv_polynomial σ R) ).coeff k =
esymm σ R (card σ - k) :=
lemma mv_polynomial.prod_X_add_C_coeff (k : ℕ) (h : k ≤ card σ) :
(∏ i : σ, (X + C (mv_polynomial.X i))).coeff k = mv_polynomial.esymm σ R (card σ - k) :=
let s := ( (λ i : σ, (X i : mv_polynomial σ R)) finset.univ.val),
let s := (λ i, (mv_polynomial.X i : mv_polynomial σ R)),
rw (_ : card σ = s.card) at ⊢ h,
{ rw [esymm_eq_multiset.esymm σ R (s.card - k), finset.prod_eq_multiset_prod],
{ rw [mv_polynomial.esymm_eq_multiset.esymm σ R (s.card - k), finset.prod_eq_multiset_prod],
convert multiset.prod_X_add_C_coeff s h,
rwa multiset.map_map },
repeat { rw multiset.card_map, exact rfl, },
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