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feat(ring_theory/ideal_operations): jacobson radical, is_local, and p…
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kckennylau committed Feb 27, 2019
1 parent 3f47739 commit 9057db5
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 0 deletions.
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/ideal_operations.lean
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Expand Up @@ -151,6 +151,15 @@ end submodule

namespace ideal

section lattice
variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R]

theorem mem_Inf {s : set (ideal R)} {x : R} :
x ∈ Inf s ↔ ∀ ⦃I⦄, I ∈ s → x ∈ I :=
⟨λ hx I his, hx I ⟨I, infi_pos his⟩, λ H I ⟨J, hij⟩, hij ▸ λ S ⟨hj, hS⟩, hS ▸ H hj⟩

end lattice

section mul_and_radical
variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R]
variables {I J K L: ideal R}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -459,6 +468,108 @@ end surjective

end map_and_comap

section jacobson
variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R]

def jacobson (I : ideal R) : ideal R :=
Inf { J : ideal R | I ≤ J ∧ is_maximal J }

theorem jacobson_top {I : ideal R} : jacobson I = ⊤ ↔ I = ⊤ :=
⟨λ H, classical.by_contradiction $ λ hi, let ⟨M, hm, him⟩ := exists_le_maximal I hi in
lt_top_iff_ne_top.1 (lt_of_le_of_lt (show jacobson I ≤ M, from Inf_le ⟨him, hm⟩) $ lt_top_iff_ne_top.2 hm.1) H,
λ H, eq_top_iff.2 $ le_Inf $ λ J ⟨hij, hj⟩, H ▸ hij⟩

theorem mem_jacobson_iff {I : ideal R} {x : R} :
x ∈ jacobson I ↔ ∀ y, ∃ z, x * y * z + z - 1 ∈ I :=
⟨λ hx y, classical.by_cases
(assume hxy : I ⊔ span {x * y + 1} = ⊤,
let ⟨p, hpi, q, hq, hpq⟩ := submodule.mem_sup.1 ((eq_top_iff_one _).1 hxy) in
let ⟨r, hr⟩ := mem_span_singleton.1 hq in
⟨r, by rw [← one_mul r, ← mul_assoc, ← add_mul, mul_one, ← hr, ← hpq, ← neg_sub, add_sub_cancel]; exact I.neg_mem hpi⟩)
(assume hxy : I ⊔ span {x * y + 1} ≠ ⊤,
let ⟨M, hm1, hm2⟩ := exists_le_maximal _ hxy in
suffices x ∉ M, from (this $ mem_Inf.1 hx ⟨le_trans le_sup_left hm2, hm1⟩).elim,
λ hxm, hm1.1 $ (eq_top_iff_one _).2 $ add_sub_cancel' (x * y) 1 ▸ M.sub_mem
(le_trans le_sup_right hm2 $ mem_span_singleton.2 $ dvd_refl _)
(M.mul_mem_right hxm)),
λ hx, mem_Inf.2 $ λ M ⟨him, hm⟩, classical.by_contradiction $ λ hxm,
let ⟨y, hy⟩ := hm.exists_inv hxm, ⟨z, hz⟩ := hx (-y) in
hm.1 $ (eq_top_iff_one _).2 $ sub_sub_cancel (x * -y * z + z) 1 ▸ M.sub_mem
(by rw [← one_mul z, ← mul_assoc, ← add_mul, mul_one, mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, neg_add_eq_sub, ← neg_sub,
neg_mul_eq_neg_mul_symm, neg_mul_eq_mul_neg, mul_comm x y]; exact M.mul_mem_right hy)
(him hz)⟩

end jacobson

section is_local
variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R]

@[class] def is_local (I : ideal R) : Prop :=
is_maximal (jacobson I)

theorem is_local_of_is_maximal_radical {I : ideal R} (hi : is_maximal (radical I)) : is_local I :=
have radical I = jacobson I,
from le_antisymm (le_Inf $ λ M ⟨him, hm⟩, hm.is_prime.radical_le_iff.2 him)
(Inf_le ⟨le_radical, hi⟩),
show is_maximal (jacobson I), from this ▸ hi

theorem is_local.le_jacobson {I J : ideal R} (hi : is_local I) (hij : I ≤ J) (hj : J ≠ ⊤) : J ≤ jacobson I :=
let ⟨M, hm, hjm⟩ := exists_le_maximal J hj in
le_trans hjm $ le_of_eq $ eq.symm $ hi.eq_of_le hm.1 $ Inf_le ⟨le_trans hij hjm, hm⟩

theorem is_local.mem_jacobson_or_exists_inv {I : ideal R} (hi : is_local I) (x : R) :
x ∈ jacobson I ∨ ∃ y, y * x - 1 ∈ I :=
(assume h : I ⊔ span {x} = ⊤,
let ⟨p, hpi, q, hq, hpq⟩ := submodule.mem_sup.1 ((eq_top_iff_one _).1 h) in
let ⟨r, hr⟩ := mem_span_singleton.1 hq in
or.inr ⟨r, by rw [← hpq, mul_comm, ← hr, ← neg_sub, add_sub_cancel]; exact I.neg_mem hpi⟩)
(assume h : I ⊔ span {x} ≠ ⊤,
or.inl $ le_trans le_sup_right (hi.le_jacobson le_sup_left h) $ mem_span_singleton.2 $ dvd_refl x)

end is_local

section is_primary
variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R]

@[class] def is_primary (I : ideal R) : Prop :=
I ≠ ⊤ ∧ ∀ {x y : R}, x * y ∈ I → x ∈ I ∨ y ∈ radical I

instance is_primary.to_is_prime (I : ideal R) (hi : is_prime I) : is_primary I :=
⟨hi.1, λ x y hxy, (hi.2 hxy).imp id $ λ hyi, le_radical hyi⟩

theorem mem_radical_of_pow_mem {I : ideal R} {x : R} {m : ℕ} (hx : x ^ m ∈ radical I) : x ∈ radical I :=
radical_idem I ▸ ⟨m, hx⟩

instance is_prime_radical {I : ideal R} (hi : is_primary I) : is_prime (radical I) :=
⟨mt radical_eq_top.1 hi.1, λ x y ⟨m, hxy⟩, begin
rw mul_pow at hxy, cases hi.2 hxy,
{ exact or.inl ⟨m, h⟩ },
{ exact or.inr (mem_radical_of_pow_mem h) }

instance is_primary_inf {I J : ideal R} (hi : is_primary I) (hj : is_primary J) (hij : radical I = radical J) : is_primary (I ⊓ J) :=
⟨ne_of_lt $ lt_of_le_of_lt inf_le_left (lt_top_iff_ne_top.2 hi.1), λ x y ⟨hxyi, hxyj⟩,
rw [radical_inf, hij, inf_idem],
cases hi.2 hxyi with hxi hyi, cases hj.2 hxyj with hxj hyj,
{ exact or.inl ⟨hxi, hxj⟩ },
{ exact or.inr hyj },
{ rw hij at hyi, exact or.inr hyi }

theorem is_primary_of_is_maximal_radical {I : ideal R} (hi : is_maximal (radical I)) : is_primary I :=
have radical I = jacobson I,
from le_antisymm (le_Inf $ λ M ⟨him, hm⟩, hm.is_prime.radical_le_iff.2 him)
(Inf_le ⟨le_radical, hi⟩),
⟨ne_top_of_lt $ lt_of_le_of_lt le_radical (lt_top_iff_ne_top.2 hi.1),
λ x y hxy, ((is_local_of_is_maximal_radical hi).mem_jacobson_or_exists_inv y).symm.imp
(λ ⟨z, hz⟩, by rw [← mul_one x, ← sub_sub_cancel (z * y) 1, mul_sub, mul_left_comm]; exact
I.sub_mem (I.mul_mem_left hxy) (I.mul_mem_left hz))
(this ▸ id)⟩

end is_primary

end ideal

namespace submodule
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