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refactor(category_theory/morphism_property): stable_under_base_change (
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This PR redefines `morphism_property.stable_under_base_change P`. This condition now states that for all pullback squares (`is_pullback`), the left map satisfies the property if the right map does. Then, it is automatic that the property `P` respects isos. A constructor is provided to take as an input the assumption that `P` respects isos and the previous condition that if a map `g` satisfies `P`, then `pullback.fst : pullback f g → _` satisfies it `P`.
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joelriou committed Aug 24, 2022
1 parent 53b7957 commit 912a310
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Showing 3 changed files with 66 additions and 27 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/morphisms/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -413,9 +413,10 @@ end

lemma is_local.stable_under_base_change
{P : affine_target_morphism_property} (hP : P.is_local) (hP' : P.stable_under_base_change) :
(target_affine_locally P).stable_under_base_change :=
(target_affine_locally P).stable_under_base_change := (target_affine_locally_respects_iso hP.respects_iso)
introv X H,
intros X Y S f g H,
rw (hP.target_affine_locally_is_local.open_cover_tfae (pullback.fst : pullback f g ⟶ X)).out 0 1,
use S.affine_cover.pullback_cover f,
intro i,
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/comm_sq.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -213,6 +213,13 @@ lemma of_iso_pullback (h : comm_sq fst snd f g) [has_pullback f g] (i : P ≅ pu
of_is_limit' h (limits.is_limit.of_iso_limit (limit.is_limit _)
(@pullback_cone.ext _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( _ _ _) _ i w₁.symm w₂.symm).symm)

lemma of_horiz_is_iso [is_iso fst] [is_iso g] (sq : comm_sq fst snd f g) :
is_pullback fst snd f g := of_is_limit' sq
refine _ (λ s, s.fst ≫ inv fst) (by tidy) (λ s, _) (by tidy),
simp only [← cancel_mono g, category.assoc, ← sq.w, is_iso.inv_hom_id_assoc, s.condition],

end is_pullback

namespace is_pushout
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,6 +382,9 @@ is_pushout.of_is_colimit (is_colimit.of_iso_colimit
(limits.pullback_cone.is_limit_equiv_is_colimit_unop h.flip.cone h.flip.is_limit)

lemma of_vert_is_iso [is_iso snd] [is_iso f] (sq : comm_sq fst snd f g) :
is_pullback fst snd f g := is_pullback.flip (of_horiz_is_iso sq.flip)

end is_pullback

namespace is_pushout
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78 changes: 53 additions & 25 deletions src/category_theory/morphism_property.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Andrew Yang
import category_theory.limits.shapes.pullbacks
import category_theory.arrow
import category_theory.limits.shapes.comm_sq

# Properties of morphisms
Expand All @@ -15,7 +16,8 @@ The following meta-properties are defined
* `respects_iso`: `P` respects isomorphisms if `P f → P (e ≫ f)` and `P f → P (f ≫ e)`, where
`e` is an isomorphism.
* `stable_under_composition`: `P` is stable under composition if `P f → P g → P (f ≫ g)`.
* `stable_under_base_change`: `P` is stable under base change if `P (Y ⟶ S) → P (X ×[S] Y ⟶ X)`.
* `stable_under_base_change`: `P` is stable under base change if in all pullback
squares, the left map satisfies `P` if the right map satisfies it.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,8 +58,9 @@ def stable_under_inverse (P : morphism_property C) : Prop :=

/-- A morphism property is `stable_under_base_change` if the base change of such a morphism
still falls in the class. -/
def stable_under_base_change [has_pullbacks C] (P : morphism_property C) : Prop :=
∀ ⦃X Y S : C⦄ (f : X ⟶ S) (g : Y ⟶ S), P g → P (pullback.fst : pullback f g ⟶ X)
def stable_under_base_change (P : morphism_property C) : Prop :=
∀ ⦃X Y Y' S : C⦄ ⦃f : X ⟶ S⦄ ⦃g : Y ⟶ S⦄ ⦃f' : Y' ⟶ Y⦄ ⦃g' : Y' ⟶ X⦄
(sq : is_pullback f' g' g f) (hg : P g), P g'

lemma stable_under_composition.respects_iso {P : morphism_property C}
(hP : stable_under_composition P) (hP' : ∀ {X Y} (e : X ≅ Y), P e.hom) : respects_iso P :=
Expand All @@ -82,42 +85,67 @@ lemma respects_iso.arrow_mk_iso_iff {P : morphism_property C}
P f ↔ P g :=
hP.arrow_iso_iff e

-- This is here to mirror `stable_under_base_change.snd`.
@[nolint unused_arguments]
lemma stable_under_base_change.fst [has_pullbacks C] {P : morphism_property C}
(hP : stable_under_base_change P) (hP' : respects_iso P) {X Y S : C} (f : X ⟶ S)
(g : Y ⟶ S) (H : P g) : P (pullback.fst : pullback f g ⟶ X) :=
hP f g H
lemma respects_iso.of_respects_arrow_iso (P : morphism_property C)
(hP : ∀ (f g : arrow C) (e : f ≅ g) (hf : P f.hom), P g.hom) : respects_iso P :=
{ intros X Y Z e f hf,
refine hP ( f) ( (e.hom ≫ f)) (arrow.iso_mk e.symm (iso.refl _) _) hf,
simp only [iso.inv_hom_id_assoc, category.comp_id], },
{ intros X Y Z e f hf,
refine hP ( f) ( (f ≫ e.hom)) (arrow.iso_mk (iso.refl _) e _) hf,
simp only [category.id_comp], },

lemma stable_under_base_change.snd [has_pullbacks C] {P : morphism_property C}
(hP : stable_under_base_change P) (hP' : respects_iso P) {X Y S : C} (f : X ⟶ S)
(g : Y ⟶ S) (H : P f) : P (pullback.snd : pullback f g ⟶ Y) :=
lemma {P : morphism_property C} [has_pullbacks C]
(hP₁ : respects_iso P)
(hP₂ : ∀ (X Y S : C) (f : X ⟶ S) (g : Y ⟶ S) (hg : P g), P (pullback.fst : pullback f g ⟶ X)) :
stable_under_base_change P := λ X Y Y' S f g f' g' sq hg,
rw [← pullback_symmetry_hom_comp_fst, hP'.cancel_left_is_iso],
exact hP g f H
let e := sq.flip.iso_pullback,
rw [← hP₁.cancel_left_is_iso e.inv, sq.flip.iso_pullback_inv_fst],
exact hP₂ _ _ _ f g hg,

lemma stable_under_base_change.respects_iso {P : morphism_property C}
(hP : stable_under_base_change P) : respects_iso P :=
apply respects_iso.of_respects_arrow_iso,
intros f g e,
exact hP (is_pullback.of_horiz_is_iso ( e.inv.w)),

lemma stable_under_base_change.fst {P : morphism_property C}
(hP : stable_under_base_change P) {X Y S : C} (f : X ⟶ S) (g : Y ⟶ S) [has_pullback f g]
(H : P g) : P (pullback.fst : pullback f g ⟶ X) :=
hP (is_pullback.of_has_pullback f g).flip H

lemma stable_under_base_change.snd {P : morphism_property C}
(hP : stable_under_base_change P) {X Y S : C} (f : X ⟶ S) (g : Y ⟶ S) [has_pullback f g]
(H : P f) : P (pullback.snd : pullback f g ⟶ Y) :=
hP (is_pullback.of_has_pullback f g) H

lemma stable_under_base_change.base_change_obj [has_pullbacks C] {P : morphism_property C}
(hP : stable_under_base_change P) (hP' : respects_iso P) {S S' : C} (f : S' ⟶ S)
(hP : stable_under_base_change P) {S S' : C} (f : S' ⟶ S)
(X : over S) (H : P X.hom) : P ((base_change f).obj X).hom :=
hP.snd hP' X.hom f H
hP.snd X.hom f H

lemma stable_under_base_change.base_change_map [has_pullbacks C] {P : morphism_property C}
(hP : stable_under_base_change P) (hP' : respects_iso P) {S S' : C} (f : S' ⟶ S)
(hP : stable_under_base_change P) {S S' : C} (f : S' ⟶ S)
{X Y : over S} (g : X ⟶ Y) (H : P g.left) : P ((base_change f).map g).left :=
let e := pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso Y.hom f g.left ≪≫
pullback.congr_hom (g.w.trans (category.comp_id _)) rfl,
have : e.inv ≫ pullback.snd = ((base_change f).map g).left,
{ apply pullback.hom_ext; dsimp; simp },
rw [← this, hP'.cancel_left_is_iso],
apply hP.snd hP',
exact H
rw [← this, hP.respects_iso.cancel_left_is_iso],
exact hP.snd _ _ H,

lemma stable_under_base_change.pullback_map [has_pullbacks C] {P : morphism_property C}
(hP : stable_under_base_change P) (hP' : respects_iso P)
(hP'' : stable_under_composition P) {S X X' Y Y' : C}
(hP : stable_under_base_change P) (hP' : stable_under_composition P) {S X X' Y Y' : C}
{f : X ⟶ S} {g : Y ⟶ S} {f' : X' ⟶ S} {g' : Y' ⟶ S} {i₁ : X ⟶ X'} {i₂ : Y ⟶ Y'}
(h₁ : P i₁) (h₂ : P i₂) (e₁ : f = i₁ ≫ f') (e₂ : g = i₂ ≫ g') :
P ( f g f' g' i₁ i₂ (𝟙 _)
Expand All @@ -131,9 +159,9 @@ begin
((base_change g').map (over.hom_mk _ e₁.symm : f ⟶ f')).left,
{ apply pullback.hom_ext; dsimp; simp },
rw this,
apply hP''; rw hP'.cancel_left_is_iso,
exacts [hP.base_change_map hP' _ (over.hom_mk _ e₂.symm : g ⟶ g') h₂,
hP.base_change_map hP' _ (over.hom_mk _ e₁.symm : f ⟶ f') h₁],
apply hP'; rw hP.respects_iso.cancel_left_is_iso,
exacts [hP.base_change_map _ (over.hom_mk _ e₂.symm : g ⟶ g') h₂,
hP.base_change_map _ (over.hom_mk _ e₁.symm : f ⟶ f') h₁],

/-- If `P : morphism_property C` and `F : C ⥤ D`, then
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