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refactor(algebra/ring_quot.lean): make ring_quot irreducible (#7120)
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The quotient of a ring by an equivalence relation which is compatible with the operations is still a ring. This is used to define several objects such as tensor algebras, exterior algebras, and so on, but the details of the construction are irrelevant. This PR makes `ring_quot` irreducible to keep the complexity down.
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sgouezel committed Apr 22, 2021
1 parent 5ac093c commit 918aea7
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204 changes: 128 additions & 76 deletions src/algebra/ring_quot.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ and it's not immediately clear how one should formalise ideals in the non-commut
In this file, we directly define the quotient of a semiring by any relation,
by building a bigger relation that represents the ideal generated by that relation.
We prove the universal properties of the quotient,
and recommend avoiding relying on the actual definition!
We prove the universal properties of the quotient, and recommend avoiding relying on the actual
definition, which is made irreducible for this purpose.
Since everything runs in parallel for quotients of `R`-algebras, we do that case at the same time.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,74 +61,114 @@ by simp only [algebra.smul_def, rel.mul_right h]
end ring_quot

/-- The quotient of a ring by an arbitrary relation. -/
def ring_quot (r : R → R → Prop) := quot (ring_quot.rel r)
structure ring_quot (r : R → R → Prop) :=
(to_quot : quot (ring_quot.rel r))

namespace ring_quot

variable (r : R → R → Prop)

@[irreducible] private def zero : ring_quot r := ⟨ _ 0
@[irreducible] private def one : ring_quot r := ⟨ _ 1
@[irreducible] private def add : ring_quot r → ring_quot r → ring_quot r
| ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ := ⟨quot.map₂ (+) rel.add_right rel.add_left a b⟩
@[irreducible] private def mul : ring_quot r → ring_quot r → ring_quot r
| ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ := ⟨quot.map₂ (*) rel.mul_right rel.mul_left a b⟩
@[irreducible] private def neg {R : Type u₁} [ring R] (r : R → R → Prop) : ring_quot r → ring_quot r
| ⟨a⟩:= ⟨ (λ a, -a) rel.neg a⟩
@[irreducible] private def sub {R : Type u₁} [ring R] (r : R → R → Prop) :
ring_quot r → ring_quot r → ring_quot r
| ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ := ⟨quot.map₂ has_sub.sub rel.sub_right rel.sub_left a b⟩
@[irreducible] private def smul [algebra S R] (n : S) : ring_quot r → ring_quot r
| ⟨a⟩ := ⟨ (λ a, n • a) (rel.smul n) a⟩

instance : has_zero (ring_quot r) := ⟨zero r⟩
instance : has_one (ring_quot r) := ⟨one r⟩
instance : has_add (ring_quot r) := ⟨add r⟩
instance : has_mul (ring_quot r) := ⟨mul r⟩
instance {R : Type u₁} [ring R] (r : R → R → Prop) : has_neg (ring_quot r) := ⟨neg r⟩
instance {R : Type u₁} [ring R] (r : R → R → Prop) : has_sub (ring_quot r) := ⟨sub r⟩
instance [algebra S R] : has_scalar S (ring_quot r) := ⟨smul r⟩

lemma zero_quot : (⟨ _ 0⟩ : ring_quot r) = 0 := show _ = zero r, by rw zero
lemma one_quot : (⟨ _ 1⟩ : ring_quot r) = 1 := show _ = one r, by rw one
lemma add_quot {a b} : (⟨ _ a⟩ + ⟨ _ b⟩ : ring_quot r) = ⟨ _ (a + b)⟩ :=
by { show add r _ _ = _, rw add, refl }
lemma mul_quot {a b} : (⟨ _ a⟩ * ⟨ _ b⟩ : ring_quot r) = ⟨ _ (a * b)⟩ :=
by { show mul r _ _ = _, rw mul, refl }
lemma neg_quot {R : Type u₁} [ring R] (r : R → R → Prop) {a} :
(-⟨ _ a⟩ : ring_quot r) = ⟨ _ (-a)⟩ :=
by { show neg r _ = _, rw neg, refl }
lemma sub_quot {R : Type u₁} [ring R] (r : R → R → Prop) {a b} :
(⟨ _ a⟩ - ⟨ _ b⟩ : ring_quot r) = ⟨ _ (a - b)⟩ :=
by { show sub r _ _ = _, rw sub, refl }
lemma smul_quot [algebra S R] {n : S} {a : R} :
(n • ⟨ _ a⟩ : ring_quot r) = ⟨ _ (n • a)⟩ :=
by { show smul r _ _ = _, rw smul, refl }

instance (r : R → R → Prop) : semiring (ring_quot r) :=
{ add := quot.map₂ (+) rel.add_right rel.add_left,
add_assoc := by { rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (add_assoc _ _ _), },
zero := _ 0,
zero_add := by { rintros ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (zero_add _), },
add_zero := by { rintros ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (add_zero _), },
zero_mul := by { rintros ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (zero_mul _), },
mul_zero := by { rintros ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (mul_zero _), },
add_comm := by { rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (add_comm _ _), },
mul := quot.map₂ (*) rel.mul_right rel.mul_left,
mul_assoc := by { rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (mul_assoc _ _ _), },
one := _ 1,
one_mul := by { rintros ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (one_mul _), },
mul_one := by { rintros ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (mul_one _), },
left_distrib := by { rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (left_distrib _ _ _), },
right_distrib := by { rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (right_distrib _ _ _), },
nsmul := λ n, ((•) n) (rel.smul n),
nsmul_zero' := by { rintro ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (zero_nsmul _) },
nsmul_succ' := by { rintros n ⟨⟩, refine congr_arg ( _) _,
simp only [nat.succ_eq_one_add, add_smul, one_smul] } }
{ add := (+),
mul := (*),
zero := 0,
one := 1,
add_assoc := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [add_quot, add_assoc] },
zero_add := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [add_quot, ← zero_quot] },
add_zero := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [add_quot, ← zero_quot], },
zero_mul := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [mul_quot, ← zero_quot], },
mul_zero := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [mul_quot, ← zero_quot], },
add_comm := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [add_quot, add_comm], },
mul_assoc := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [mul_quot, mul_assoc] },
one_mul := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [mul_quot, ← one_quot] },
mul_one := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [mul_quot, ← one_quot] },
left_distrib := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [mul_quot, add_quot, left_distrib] },
right_distrib := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [mul_quot, add_quot, right_distrib] },
nsmul := (•),
nsmul_zero' := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [smul_quot, ← zero_quot] },
nsmul_succ' := by { rintros n ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [smul_quot, add_quot, add_mul, add_comm] } }

instance {R : Type u₁} [ring R] (r : R → R → Prop) : ring (ring_quot r) :=
{ neg := (λ a, -a) rel.neg,
add_left_neg := by { rintros ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (add_left_neg _), },
sub := quot.map₂ (has_sub.sub) rel.sub_right rel.sub_left,
sub_eq_add_neg := by { rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (sub_eq_add_neg _ _), },
{ neg := has_neg.neg,
add_left_neg := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [neg_quot, add_quot, ← zero_quot], },
sub := has_sub.sub,
sub_eq_add_neg := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [neg_quot, sub_quot, add_quot, sub_eq_add_neg] },
.. (ring_quot.semiring r) }

instance {R : Type u₁} [comm_semiring R] (r : R → R → Prop) : comm_semiring (ring_quot r) :=
{ mul_comm := by { rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (mul_comm _ _), }
{ mul_comm := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [mul_quot, mul_comm], }
.. (ring_quot.semiring r) }

instance {R : Type u₁} [comm_ring R] (r : R → R → Prop) : comm_ring (ring_quot r) :=
{ .. (ring_quot.comm_semiring r),
.. (ring_quot.ring r) }

instance (s : A → A → Prop) : algebra S (ring_quot s) :=
{ smul := λ r, ((•) r) (rel.smul r),
to_fun := λ r, _ (algebra_map S A r),
map_one' := congr_arg ( _) (ring_hom.map_one _),
map_mul' := λ r s, congr_arg ( _) (ring_hom.map_mul _ _ _),
map_zero' := congr_arg ( _) (ring_hom.map_zero _),
map_add' := λ r s, congr_arg ( _) (ring_hom.map_add _ _ _),
commutes' := λ r, by { rintro ⟨a⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (algebra.commutes _ _) },
smul_def' := λ r, by { rintro ⟨a⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (algebra.smul_def _ _) }, }

instance (r : R → R → Prop) : inhabited (ring_quot r) := ⟨0

instance [algebra S R] (r : R → R → Prop) : algebra S (ring_quot r) :=
{ smul := (•),
to_fun := λ r, ⟨ _ (algebra_map S R r)⟩,
map_one' := by simp [← one_quot],
map_mul' := by simp [mul_quot],
map_zero' := by simp [← zero_quot],
map_add' := by simp [add_quot],
commutes' := λ r, by { rintro ⟨⟨a⟩⟩, simp [algebra.commutes, mul_quot] },
smul_def' := λ r, by { rintro ⟨⟨a⟩⟩, simp [smul_quot, algebra.smul_def, mul_quot], }, }

The quotient map from a ring to its quotient, as a homomorphism of rings.
def mk_ring_hom (r : R → R → Prop) : R →+* ring_quot r :=
{ to_fun := _,
map_one' := rfl,
map_mul' := λ a b, rfl,
map_zero' := rfl,
map_add' := λ a b, rfl, }
{ to_fun := λ x, ⟨ _ x⟩,
map_one' := by simp [← one_quot],
map_mul' := by simp [mul_quot],
map_zero' := by simp [← zero_quot],
map_add' := by simp [add_quot], }

lemma mk_ring_hom_rel {r : R → R → Prop} {x y : R} (w : r x y) :
mk_ring_hom r x = mk_ring_hom r y :=
quot.sound (rel.of w)
by simp [mk_ring_hom, quot.sound (rel.of w)]

lemma mk_ring_hom_surjective (r : R → R → Prop) : function.surjective (mk_ring_hom r) :=
by { dsimp [mk_ring_hom], rintro ⟨⟩, simp, }
by { dsimp [mk_ring_hom], rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp, }

lemma ring_quot_ext {T : Type u₄} [semiring T] {r : R → R → Prop} (f g : ring_quot r →+* T)
Expand All @@ -148,19 +188,19 @@ factors uniquely through a morphism `ring_quot r →+* T`.
def lift {r : R → R → Prop} :
{f : R →+* T // ∀ ⦃x y⦄, r x y → f x = f y} ≃ (ring_quot r →+* T) :=
{ to_fun := λ f', let f := (f' : R →+* T) in
{ to_fun := quot.lift f
{ to_fun := λ x, quot.lift f
rintros _ _ r,
induction r,
case of : _ _ r { exact f'.prop r, },
case add_left : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
case mul_left : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
case mul_right : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
map_zero' := f.map_zero,
map_add' := by { rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩, exact f.map_add x y, },
map_one' := f.map_one,
map_mul' := by { rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩, exact f.map_mul x y, }, },
end x.to_quot,
map_zero' := by simp [← zero_quot, f.map_zero],
map_add' := by { rintros ⟨⟨x⟩⟩ ⟨⟨y⟩⟩, simp [add_quot, f.map_add x y], },
map_one' := by simp [← one_quot, f.map_one],
map_mul' := by { rintros ⟨⟨x⟩⟩ ⟨⟨y⟩⟩, simp [mul_quot, f.map_mul x y] }, },
inv_fun := λ F, ⟨F.comp (mk_ring_hom r), λ x y h, by { dsimp, rw mk_ring_hom_rel h, }⟩,
left_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp, refl },
right_inv := λ F, by { ext, simp, refl } }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,20 +265,38 @@ ring_equiv.of_hom_inv (ring_quot_to_ideal_quotient r) (ideal_quotient_to_ring_qu

end comm_ring

section star_ring

variables [star_ring R] (r) (hr : ∀ a b, r a b → r (star a) (star b))
include hr

theorem ⦃a b : R⦄ (h : rel r a b) :
rel r (star a) (star b) :=
induction h,
{ exact rel.of (hr _ _ h_h) },
{ rw [star_add, star_add], exact rel.add_left h_ih, },
{ rw [star_mul, star_mul], exact rel.mul_right h_ih, },
{ rw [star_mul, star_mul], exact rel.mul_left h_ih, },

@[irreducible] private def star' : ring_quot r → ring_quot r
| ⟨a⟩ := ⟨ ( : R → R) ( r hr) a⟩

lemma star'_quot (hr : ∀ a b, r a b → r (star a) (star b)) {a} :
(star' r hr ⟨ _ a⟩ : ring_quot r) = ⟨ _ (star a)⟩ :=
by { show star' r _ _ = _, rw star', refl }

/-- Transfer a star_ring instance through a quotient, if the quotient is invariant to `star` -/
def star_ring {R : Type u₁} [semiring R] [star_ring R] (r : R → R → Prop)
(hr : ∀ {a b}, r a b → r (star a) (star b)) :
(hr : ∀ a b, r a b → r (star a) (star b)) :
star_ring (ring_quot r) :=
{ star := star $ λ a b h, begin
induction h,
{ exact rel.of (hr h_h) },
{ rw [star_add, star_add], exact rel.add_left h_ih, },
{ rw [star_mul, star_mul], exact rel.mul_right h_ih, },
{ rw [star_mul, star_mul], exact rel.mul_left h_ih, },
star_involutive := by { rintros ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (star_star _), },
star_mul := by { rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (star_mul _ _), },
star_add := by { rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩, exact congr_arg ( _) (star_add _ _), } }
{ star := star' r hr,
star_involutive := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [star'_quot], },
star_mul := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [star'_quot, mul_quot, star_mul], },
star_add := by { rintros ⟨⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟨⟩⟩, simp [star'_quot, add_quot, star_add], } }

end star_ring

section algebra

Expand All @@ -257,10 +315,10 @@ rfl

lemma mk_alg_hom_rel {s : A → A → Prop} {x y : A} (w : s x y) :
mk_alg_hom S s x = mk_alg_hom S s y :=
quot.sound (rel.of w)
by simp [mk_alg_hom, mk_ring_hom, quot.sound (rel.of w)]

lemma mk_alg_hom_surjective (s : A → A → Prop) : function.surjective (mk_alg_hom S s) :=
by { dsimp [mk_alg_hom], rintro ⟨a⟩, use a, refl, }
by { dsimp [mk_alg_hom], rintro ⟨⟨a⟩⟩, use a, refl, }

variables {B : Type u₄} [semiring B] [algebra S B]

Expand All @@ -280,26 +338,20 @@ factors uniquely through a morphism `ring_quot s →ₐ[S] B`.
def lift_alg_hom {s : A → A → Prop} :
{ f : A →ₐ[S] B // ∀ ⦃x y⦄, s x y → f x = f y} ≃ (ring_quot s →ₐ[S] B) :=
{ to_fun := λ f', let f := (f' : A →ₐ[S] B) in
{ to_fun := quot.lift f
{ to_fun := λ x, quot.lift f
rintros _ _ r,
induction r,
case of : _ _ r { exact f'.prop r, },
case add_left : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
case mul_left : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
case mul_right : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
map_zero' := f.map_zero,
map_add' := by { rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩, exact f.map_add x y, },
map_one' := f.map_one,
map_mul' := by { rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩, exact f.map_mul x y, },
commutes' :=
rintros x,
conv_rhs { rw [algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, ←f.map_one, ←f.map_smul], },
rw algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one,
exact quot.lift_mk f f'.prop (x • 1),
end, },
end x.to_quot,
map_zero' := by simp [← zero_quot, f.map_zero],
map_add' := by { rintros ⟨⟨x⟩⟩ ⟨⟨y⟩⟩, simp [add_quot, f.map_add x y] },
map_one' := by simp [← one_quot, f.map_one],
map_mul' := by { rintros ⟨⟨x⟩⟩ ⟨⟨y⟩⟩, simp [mul_quot, f.map_mul x y], },
commutes' := by { rintros x, simp [← one_quot, smul_quot, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one] } },
inv_fun := λ F, ⟨F.comp (mk_alg_hom S s), λ _ _ h, by { dsimp, erw mk_alg_hom_rel S h }⟩,
left_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp, refl },
right_inv := λ F, by { ext, simp, refl } }
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/linear_algebra/clifford_algebra/conjugation.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ by simp [reverse]
by simp [reverse]

@[simp] lemma reverse.map_one : reverse (1 : clifford_algebra Q) = 1 :=
reverse.commutes 1
by convert reverse.commutes (1 : R); simp

@[simp] lemma reverse.map_mul (a b : clifford_algebra Q) :
reverse (a * b) = reverse b * reverse a :=
Expand Down

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