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refactor(algebra/group): generalise and extend the API for with_zero
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jcommelin committed Feb 26, 2019
1 parent 5da8605 commit 92674f5
Showing 1 changed file with 204 additions and 66 deletions.
270 changes: 204 additions & 66 deletions src/algebra/group.lean
Expand Up @@ -285,63 +285,6 @@ units.ext $ nat.eq_one_of_dvd_one ⟨u.inv, u.val_inv.symm⟩
def units.mk_of_mul_eq_one [comm_monoid α] (a b : α) (hab : a * b = 1) : units α :=
⟨a, b, hab, (mul_comm b a).trans hab⟩

@[to_additive with_zero]
def with_one (α) := option α

@[to_additive with_zero.has_coe_t]
instance : has_coe_t α (with_one α) := ⟨some⟩

instance [semigroup α] : monoid (with_one α) :=
{ one := none,
mul := option.lift_or_get (*),
mul_assoc := (option.lift_or_get_assoc _).1,
one_mul := (option.lift_or_get_is_left_id _).1,
mul_one := (option.lift_or_get_is_right_id _).1 }

attribute [to_additive with_zero.add_monoid._proof_1] with_one.monoid._proof_1
attribute [to_additive with_zero.add_monoid._proof_2] with_one.monoid._proof_2
attribute [to_additive with_zero.add_monoid._proof_3] with_one.monoid._proof_3
attribute [to_additive with_zero.add_monoid] with_one.monoid

instance [semigroup α] : mul_zero_class (with_zero α) :=
{ zero := none,
mul := λ o₁ o₂, o₁.bind (λ a, o₂.map (λ b, a * b)),
zero_mul := λ a, rfl,
mul_zero := λ a, by cases a; refl,
..with_zero.add_monoid }

instance [semigroup α] : semigroup (with_zero α) :=
{ mul_assoc := λ a b c, match a, b, c with
| none, _, _ := rfl
| some a, none, _ := rfl
| some a, some b, none := rfl
| some a, some b, some c := congr_arg some (mul_assoc _ _ _)
..with_zero.mul_zero_class }

instance [comm_semigroup α] : comm_semigroup (with_zero α) :=
{ mul_comm := λ a b, match a, b with
| none, _ := (mul_zero _).symm
| some a, none := rfl
| some a, some b := congr_arg some (mul_comm _ _)
..with_zero.semigroup }

instance [monoid α] : monoid (with_zero α) :=
{ one := some 1,
one_mul := λ a, match a with
| none := rfl
| some a := congr_arg some $ one_mul _
mul_one := λ a, match a with
| none := rfl
| some a := congr_arg some $ mul_one _
..with_zero.semigroup }

instance [comm_monoid α] : comm_monoid (with_zero α) :=
{ ..with_zero.monoid, ..with_zero.comm_semigroup }

instance [monoid α] : add_monoid (additive α) :=
{ zero := (1 : α),
zero_add := @one_mul _ _,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,15 +357,6 @@ section monoid

end monoid

instance [comm_semigroup α] : comm_monoid (with_one α) :=
{ mul_comm := (option.lift_or_get_comm _).1,
..with_one.monoid }

instance [add_comm_semigroup α] : add_comm_monoid (with_zero α) :=
{ add_comm := (option.lift_or_get_comm _).1,
..with_zero.add_monoid }
attribute [to_additive with_zero.add_comm_monoid] with_one.comm_monoid

instance [comm_monoid α] : add_comm_monoid (additive α) :=
{ add_comm := @mul_comm α _,
..additive.add_monoid }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -824,3 +758,207 @@ instance : is_monoid_hom (coe : units α → α) :=
by simp, by simp⟩

end units

@[to_additive with_zero]
def with_one (α) := option α

@[to_additive with_zero.monad]
instance : monad with_one := option.monad

@[to_additive with_zero.has_zero]
instance : has_one (with_one α) := ⟨none⟩

@[to_additive with_zero.has_coe_t]
instance : has_coe_t α (with_one α) := ⟨some⟩

@[simp, to_additive with_zero.zero_ne_coe]
lemma with_one.one_ne_coe {a : α} : (1 : with_one α) ≠ a :=
λ h, option.no_confusion h

@[simp, to_additive with_zero.coe_ne_zero]
lemma with_one.coe_ne_one {a : α} : (a : with_one α) ≠ (1 : with_one α) :=
λ h, option.no_confusion h

@[to_additive with_zero.ne_zero_iff_exists]
lemma with_one.ne_one_iff_exists : ∀ {x : with_one α}, x ≠ 1 ↔ ∃ (a : α), x = a
| 1 := ⟨λ h, false.elim $ h rfl, by { rintros ⟨a,ha⟩ h, simpa using h }⟩
| (a : α) := ⟨λ h, ⟨a, rfl⟩, λ h, with_one.coe_ne_one⟩

@[to_additive with_zero.coe_inj]
lemma with_one.coe_inj {a b : α} : (a : with_one α) = b ↔ a = b :=

@[elab_as_eliminator, to_additive with_zero.cases_on]
protected lemma with_one.cases_on (P : with_one α → Prop) :
∀ (x : with_one α), P 1 → (∀ a : α, P a) → P x :=

attribute [to_additive with_zero.has_zero.equations._eqn_1] with_one.has_one.equations._eqn_1

@[to_additive with_zero.has_add]
instance [has_mul α] : has_mul (with_one α) :=
{ mul := option.lift_or_get (*) }

@[simp, to_additive with_zero.add_coe]
lemma with_one.mul_coe [has_mul α] (a b : α) : (a : with_one α) * b = (a * b : α) := rfl

attribute [to_additive with_zero.has_add.equations._eqn_1] with_one.has_mul.equations._eqn_1

instance [semigroup α] : monoid (with_one α) :=
{ mul_assoc := (option.lift_or_get_assoc _).1,
one_mul := (option.lift_or_get_is_left_id _).1,
mul_one := (option.lift_or_get_is_right_id _).1,
..with_one.has_mul }

attribute [to_additive with_zero.add_monoid._proof_1] with_one.monoid._proof_1
attribute [to_additive with_zero.add_monoid._proof_2] with_one.monoid._proof_2
attribute [to_additive with_zero.add_monoid._proof_3] with_one.monoid._proof_3
attribute [to_additive with_zero.add_monoid] with_one.monoid
attribute [to_additive with_zero.add_monoid.equations._eqn_1] with_one.monoid.equations._eqn_1

instance [comm_semigroup α] : comm_monoid (with_one α) :=
{ mul_comm := (option.lift_or_get_comm _).1,
..with_one.monoid }

instance [add_comm_semigroup α] : add_comm_monoid (with_zero α) :=
{ add_comm := (option.lift_or_get_comm _).1,
..with_zero.add_monoid }
attribute [to_additive with_zero.add_comm_monoid] with_one.comm_monoid

namespace with_zero

instance [one : has_one α] : has_one (with_zero α) :=
{ }

instance [has_one α] : zero_ne_one_class (with_zero α) :=
{ zero_ne_one := λ h, option.no_confusion h,
..with_zero.has_one }

@[simp] lemma coe_one [has_one α] : ((1 : α) : with_zero α) = 1 := rfl

instance [has_mul α] : mul_zero_class (with_zero α) :=
{ mul := λ o₁ o₂, o₁.bind (λ a, o₂.map (λ b, a * b)),
zero_mul := λ a, rfl,
mul_zero := λ a, by cases a; refl,
..with_zero.has_zero }

@[simp] lemma mul_coe [has_mul α] (a b : α) :
(a : with_zero α) * b = (a * b : α) := rfl

instance [semigroup α] : semigroup (with_zero α) :=
{ mul_assoc := λ a b c, match a, b, c with
| none, _, _ := rfl
| some a, none, _ := rfl
| some a, some b, none := rfl
| some a, some b, some c := congr_arg some (mul_assoc _ _ _)
..with_zero.mul_zero_class }

instance [comm_semigroup α] : comm_semigroup (with_zero α) :=
{ mul_comm := λ a b, match a, b with
| none, _ := (mul_zero _).symm
| some a, none := rfl
| some a, some b := congr_arg some (mul_comm _ _)
..with_zero.semigroup }

instance [monoid α] : monoid (with_zero α) :=
{ one_mul := λ a, match a with
| none := rfl
| some a := congr_arg some $ one_mul _
mul_one := λ a, match a with
| none := rfl
| some a := congr_arg some $ mul_one _
..with_zero.semigroup }

instance [comm_monoid α] : comm_monoid (with_zero α) :=
{ ..with_zero.monoid, ..with_zero.comm_semigroup }

definition inv [has_inv α] (x : with_zero α) : with_zero α :=
do a ← x, return a⁻¹

instance [has_inv α] : has_inv (with_zero α) := ⟨with_zero.inv⟩

@[simp] lemma inv_coe [has_inv α] (a : α) :
(a : with_zero α)⁻¹ = (a⁻¹ : α) := rfl
@[simp] lemma inv_zero [has_inv α] :
(0 : with_zero α)⁻¹ = 0 := rfl

section group
variables [group α]

@[simp] lemma inv_one : (1 : with_zero α)⁻¹ = 1 :=
show ((1⁻¹ : α) : with_zero α) = 1, by simp

definition with_zero.div (x y : with_zero α) : with_zero α :=
x * y⁻¹

instance : has_div (with_zero α) := ⟨with_zero.div⟩

@[simp] lemma zero_div (a : with_zero α) : 0 / a = 0 := rfl
@[simp] lemma div_zero (a : with_zero α) : a / 0 = 0 := by change a * _ = _; simp

lemma div_coe (a b : α) : (a : with_zero α) / b = (a * b⁻¹ : α) := rfl

lemma one_div : ∀ (x : with_zero α), 1 / x = x⁻¹
| 0 := rfl
| (a : α) := show _ * _ = _, by simp

@[simp] lemma div_one : ∀ (x : with_zero α), x / 1 = x
| 0 := rfl
| (a : α) := show _ * _ = _, by simp

@[simp] lemma mul_right_inv : ∀ (x : with_zero α) (h : x ≠ 0), x * x⁻¹ = 1
| 0 h := false.elim $ h rfl
| (a : α) h := by simp

@[simp] lemma mul_left_inv : ∀ (x : with_zero α) (h : x ≠ 0), x⁻¹ * x = 1
| 0 h := false.elim $ h rfl
| (a : α) h := by simp

@[simp] lemma mul_inv_rev : ∀ (x y : with_zero α), (x * y)⁻¹ = y⁻¹ * x⁻¹
| 0 0 := rfl
| 0 (b : α) := rfl
| (a : α) 0 := rfl
| (a : α) (b : α) := by simp

@[simp] lemma mul_div_cancel {a b : with_zero α} (hb : b ≠ 0) : a * b / b = a :=
show _ * _ * _ = _, by simp [mul_assoc, hb]

@[simp] lemma div_mul_cancel {a b : with_zero α} (hb : b ≠ 0) : a / b * b = a :=
show _ * _ * _ = _, by simp [mul_assoc, hb]

lemma div_eq_iff_mul_eq {a b c : with_zero α} (hb : b ≠ 0) : a / b = c ↔ c * b = a :=
by split; intro h; simp [h.symm, hb]

end group

section comm_group
variables [comm_group α] {a b c d : with_zero α}

lemma div_eq_div (hb : b ≠ 0) (hd : d ≠ 0) : a / b = c / d ↔ a * d = b * c :=
rw ne_zero_iff_exists at hb hd,
rcases hb with ⟨b, rfl⟩,
rcases hd with ⟨d, rfl⟩,
induction a using with_zero.cases_on;
induction c using with_zero.cases_on,
{ refl },
{ simp [div_coe] },
{ simp [div_coe] },
erw [with_zero.coe_inj, with_zero.coe_inj],
show a * b⁻¹ = c * d⁻¹ ↔ a * d = b * c,
split; intro H,
{ rw mul_inv_eq_iff_eq_mul at H,
rw [H, mul_right_comm, inv_mul_cancel_right, mul_comm] },
{ rw [mul_inv_eq_iff_eq_mul, mul_right_comm, mul_comm c, ← H, mul_inv_cancel_right] }

end comm_group

end with_zero

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