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feat(algebra/algebra/spectrum): lemmas when scalars are a field (#10476)
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Prove some properties of the spectrum when the underlying scalar ring
is a field, and mostly assuming the algebra is itself nontrivial.
Show that the spectrum of a scalar (i.e., `algebra_map 𝕜 A k`) is
the singleton `{k}`. Prove that `σ (a * b) \ {0} = σ (b * a) \ {0}`.
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j-loreaux committed Dec 9, 2021
1 parent 08215b5 commit 94783be
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 27 deletions.
121 changes: 94 additions & 27 deletions src/algebra/algebra/spectrum.lean
Expand Up @@ -21,10 +21,13 @@ This theory will serve as the foundation for spectral theory in Banach algebras.
## Main statements
* `smul_eq_smul`: units in the scalar ring commute (multiplication) with the spectrum.
* `left_add_coset_eq`: elements of the scalar ring commute (addition) with the spectrum.
* `units_mem_mul_iff_mem_swap_mul` and `preimage_units_mul_eq_swap_mul`: the units
(of `R`) in `σ (a*b)` coincide with those in `σ (b*a)`.
* `spectrum.unit_smul_eq_smul` and `spectrum.smul_eq_smul`: units in the scalar ring commute
(multiplication) with the spectrum, and over a field even `0` commutes with the spectrum.
* `spectrum.left_add_coset_eq`: elements of the scalar ring commute (addition) with the spectrum.
* `spectrum.unit_mem_mul_iff_mem_swap_mul` and `spectrum.preimage_units_mul_eq_swap_mul`: the
units (of `R`) in `σ (a*b)` coincide with those in `σ (b*a)`.
* `spectrum.scalar_eq`: in a nontrivial algebra over a field, the spectrum of a scalar is
a singleton.
## Notations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,15 +70,15 @@ variable {R}
noncomputable def resolvent (a : A) (r : R) : A :=
ring.inverse (algebra_map R A r - a)

end defs

variables {R : Type u} {A : Type v}
variables [comm_ring R] [ring A] [algebra R A]

-- products of scalar units and algebra units

lemma is_unit.smul_sub_iff_sub_inv_smul {r : units R} {a : A} :
lemma is_unit.smul_sub_iff_sub_inv_smul {R : Type u} {A : Type v}
[comm_ring R] [ring A] [algebra R A] {r : units R} {a : A} :
is_unit (r • 1 - a) ↔ is_unit (1 - r⁻¹ • a) :=
have a_eq : a = r•r⁻¹•a, by simp,
Expand All @@ -85,6 +88,10 @@ end

namespace spectrum

section scalar_ring

variables {R : Type u} {A : Type v}
variables [comm_ring R] [ring A] [algebra R A]

local notation ` := spectrum R
local notation `↑ₐ` := algebra_map R A
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +122,7 @@ lemma add_mem_iff {a : A} {r s : R} :
apply not_iff_not.mpr,
simp only [mem_resolvent_set_iff],
have h_eq : ↑ₐ(r+s) - (↑ₐs + a) = ↑ₐr - a,
have h_eq : ↑ₐ(r + s) - (↑ₐs + a) = ↑ₐr - a,
{ simp, noncomm_ring },
rw h_eq,
Expand All @@ -125,22 +132,22 @@ lemma smul_mem_smul_iff {a : A} {s : R} {r : units R} :
apply not_iff_not.mpr,
simp only [mem_resolvent_set_iff, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one],
have h_eq : (r•s)•(1 : A) = r•s•1, by simp,
rw [h_eq,←smul_sub,is_unit_smul_iff],
have h_eq : (r • s) • (1 : A) = r • s • 1, by simp,
rw [h_eq, ←smul_sub, is_unit_smul_iff],

open_locale pointwise

theorem smul_eq_smul (a : A) (r : units R) :
theorem unit_smul_eq_smul (a : A) (r : units R) :
σ (r • a) = r • σ a :=
have x_eq : x = rr⁻¹x, by simp,
have x_eq : x = rr⁻¹x, by simp,
nth_rewrite 0 x_eq,
rw smul_mem_smul_iff,
{ exact λ h, ⟨r⁻¹•x,⟨h,by simp⟩⟩},
{ rintros ⟨_,_,x'_eq⟩, simpa [←x'_eq],}
{ exact λ h, ⟨r⁻¹ • x, ⟨h, by simp⟩⟩},
{ rintros ⟨_, _, x'_eq⟩, simpa [←x'_eq],}

theorem left_add_coset_eq (a : A) (r : R) :
Expand All @@ -154,24 +161,24 @@ theorem unit_mem_mul_iff_mem_swap_mul {a b : A} {r : units R} :
apply not_iff_not.mpr,
simp only [mem_resolvent_set_iff, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one],
have coe_smul_eq : ↑r1 = r(1 : A), from rfl,
have coe_smul_eq : ↑r1 = r(1 : A), from rfl,
rw coe_smul_eq,
simp only [is_unit.smul_sub_iff_sub_inv_smul],
have right_inv_of_swap : ∀ {x y z : A} (h : (1 - x*y)*z = 1),
(1 - y*x)*(1 + y*z*x) = 1, from λ x y z h,
calc (1 - y*x)*(1 + y*z*x) = 1 - y*x + y*((1 - x*y)*z)*x : by noncomm_ring
... = 1 : by simp [h],
have left_inv_of_swap : ∀ {x y z : A} (h : z*(1 - x*y) = 1),
(1 + y*z*x)*(1 - y*x) = 1, from λ x y z h,
calc (1 + y*z*x)*(1 - y*x) = 1 - y*x + y*(z*(1 - x*y))*x : by noncomm_ring
... = 1 : by simp [h],
have is_unit_one_sub_mul_of_swap : ∀ {x y : A} (h : is_unit (1 - x*y)),
is_unit (1 - y*x), from λ x y h, by
have right_inv_of_swap : ∀ {x y z : A} (h : (1 - x * y) * z = 1),
(1 - y * x) * (1 + y * z * x) = 1, from λ x y z h,
calc (1 - y * x) * (1 + y * z * x) = 1 - y * x + y * ((1 - x * y) * z) * x : by noncomm_ring
... = 1 : by simp [h],
have left_inv_of_swap : ∀ {x y z : A} (h : z * (1 - x * y) = 1),
(1 + y * z * x) * (1 - y * x) = 1, from λ x y z h,
calc (1 + y * z * x) * (1 - y * x) = 1 - y * x + y * (z * (1 - x * y)) * x : by noncomm_ring
... = 1 : by simp [h],
have is_unit_one_sub_mul_of_swap : ∀ {x y : A} (h : is_unit (1 - x * y)),
is_unit (1 - y * x), from λ x y h, by
{ let h₁ := right_inv_of_swap h.unit.val_inv,
let h₂ := left_inv_of_swap h.unit.inv_val,
exact ⟨⟨1-y*x,1+y*h.unit.inv*x,h₁,h₂⟩,rfl⟩, },
exact ⟨⟨1 - y * x, 1 + y * h.unit.inv * x, h₁, h₂⟩, rfl⟩, },
have is_unit_one_sub_mul_iff_swap : ∀ {x y : A},
is_unit (1 - x*y) ↔ is_unit (1 - y*x), by
is_unit (1 - x * y) ↔ is_unit (1 - y * x), by
{ intros, split, repeat {apply is_unit_one_sub_mul_of_swap}, },
rw [←smul_mul_assoc, ←mul_smul_comm r⁻¹ b a, is_unit_one_sub_mul_iff_swap],
Expand All @@ -180,4 +187,64 @@ theorem preimage_units_mul_eq_swap_mul {a b : A} :
(coe : units R → R) ⁻¹' σ (a * b) = coe ⁻¹' σ (b * a) :=
by { ext, exact unit_mem_mul_iff_mem_swap_mul, }

end scalar_ring

section scalar_field

variables {𝕜 : Type u} {A : Type v}
variables [field 𝕜] [ring A] [algebra 𝕜 A]

local notation ` := spectrum 𝕜
local notation `↑ₐ` := algebra_map 𝕜 A

/-- Without the assumption `nontrivial A`, then `0 : A` would be invertible. -/
@[simp] lemma zero_eq [nontrivial A] : σ (0 : A) = {0} :=
refine set.subset.antisymm _ (by simp [algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, mem_iff]),
rw [spectrum, set.compl_subset_comm],
intros k hk,
rw set.mem_compl_singleton_iff at hk,
have : is_unit (units.mk0 k hk • (1 : A)) := is_unit.smul (units.mk0 k hk) is_unit_one,
simpa [mem_resolvent_set_iff, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one]

@[simp] theorem scalar_eq [nontrivial A] (k : 𝕜) : σ (↑ₐk) = {k} :=
have coset_eq : left_add_coset k {0} = {k}, by
{ ext, split,
{ intro hx, simp [left_add_coset] at hx, exact hx, },
{ intro hx, simp at hx, exact ⟨0, ⟨set.mem_singleton 0, by simp [hx]⟩⟩, }, },
calc σ (↑ₐk) = σ (↑ₐk + 0) : by simp
... = left_add_coset k (σ (0 : A)) : by rw ←left_add_coset_eq
... = left_add_coset k {0} : by rw zero_eq
... = {k} : coset_eq,

@[simp] lemma one_eq [nontrivial A] : σ (1 : A) = {1} :=
calc σ (1 : A) = σ (↑ₐ1) : by simp [algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one]
... = {1} : scalar_eq 1

open_locale pointwise

/-- the assumption `(σ a).nonempty` is necessary and cannot be removed without
further conditions on the algebra `A` and scalar field `𝕜`. -/
theorem smul_eq_smul [nontrivial A] (k : 𝕜) (a : A) (ha : (σ a).nonempty) :
σ (k • a) = k • (σ a) :=
rcases eq_or_ne k 0 with rfl | h,
{ simpa [ha, zero_smul_set] },
{ exact unit_smul_eq_smul a (units.mk0 k h) },

theorem nonzero_mul_eq_swap_mul (a b : A) : σ (a * b) \ {0} = σ (b * a) \ {0} :=
suffices h : ∀ (x y : A), σ (x * y) \ {0} ⊆ σ (y * x) \ {0},
{ exact set.eq_of_subset_of_subset (h a b) (h b a) },
{ rintros _ _ k ⟨k_mem, k_neq⟩,
change k with ↑(units.mk0 k k_neq) at k_mem,
exact ⟨ k_mem, k_neq⟩ },

end scalar_field

end spectrum

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