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feat(order): closure operators (#5524)
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Adds closure operators on a partial order, as in [wikipedia]( I made them bundled for no particular reason, I don't mind unbundling.
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b-mehta committed Jan 14, 2021
1 parent 0817e7f commit 975f41a
Showing 1 changed file with 116 additions and 0 deletions.
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions src/order/closure.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Bhavik Mehta
import order.basic
import order.preorder_hom
import order.galois_connection
import tactic.monotonicity

# Closure operators on a partial order
We define (bundled) closure operators on a partial order as an monotone (increasing), extensive
(inflationary) and idempotent function.
We define closed elements for the operator as elements which are fixed by it.
Note that there is close connection to Galois connections and Galois insertions: every closure
operator induces a Galois insertion (from the set of closed elements to the underlying type), and
every Galois connection induces a closure operator (namely the composition). In particular,
a Galois insertion can be seen as a general case of a closure operator, where the inclusion is given
by coercion, see ``.
## References
universe u

variables (α : Type u) [partial_order α]

A closure operator on the partial order `α` is a monotone function which is extensive (every `x`
is less than its closure) and idempotent.
structure closure_operator extends α →ₘ α :=
(le_closure' : ∀ x, x ≤ to_fun x)
(idempotent' : ∀ x, to_fun (to_fun x) = to_fun x)

instance : has_coe_to_fun (closure_operator α) :=
{ F := _, coe := λ c, c.to_fun }

initialize_simps_projections closure_operator (to_fun → apply)

namespace closure_operator

/-- The identity function as a closure operator. -/
def id : closure_operator α :=
{ to_fun := λ x, x,
monotone' := λ _ _ h, h,
le_closure' := λ _, le_refl _,
idempotent' := λ _, rfl }

instance : inhabited (closure_operator α) := ⟨id α⟩

variables {α} (c : closure_operator α)

@[ext] lemma ext :
∀ (c₁ c₂ : closure_operator α), (c₁ : α → α) = (c₂ : α → α) → c₁ = c₂
| ⟨⟨c₁, _⟩, _, _⟩ ⟨⟨c₂, _⟩, _, _⟩ h := by { congr, exact h }

@[mono] lemma monotone : monotone c := c.monotone'
Every element is less than its closure. This property is sometimes referred to as extensivity or
lemma le_closure (x : α) : x ≤ c x := c.le_closure' x
@[simp] lemma idempotent (x : α) : c (c x) = c x := c.idempotent' x

lemma le_closure_iff (x y : α) : x ≤ c y ↔ c x ≤ c y :=
⟨λ h, c.idempotent y ▸ c.monotone h, λ h, le_trans (c.le_closure x) h⟩

lemma closure_top {α : Type u} [order_top α] (c : closure_operator α) : c ⊤ = ⊤ :=
le_antisymm le_top (c.le_closure _)

lemma closure_inter_le {α : Type u} [semilattice_inf α] (c : closure_operator α) (x y : α) :
c (x ⊓ y) ≤ c x ⊓ c y :=
le_inf (c.monotone inf_le_left) (c.monotone inf_le_right)

lemma closure_union_closure_le {α : Type u} [semilattice_sup α] (c : closure_operator α) (x y : α) :
c x ⊔ c y ≤ c (x ⊔ y) :=
sup_le (c.monotone le_sup_left) (c.monotone le_sup_right)

/-- An element `x` is closed for the closure operator `c` if it is a fixed point for it. -/
def closed : set α := λ x, c x = x

lemma mem_closed_iff (x : α) : x ∈ c.closed ↔ c x = x := iff.rfl
lemma mem_closed_iff_closure_le (x : α) : x ∈ c.closed ↔ c x ≤ x :=
⟨le_of_eq, λ h, le_antisymm h (c.le_closure x)⟩
lemma closure_eq_self_of_mem_closed {x : α} (h : x ∈ c.closed) : c x = x := h

@[simp] lemma closure_is_closed (x : α) : c x ∈ c.closed := c.idempotent x

/-- The set of closed elements for `c` is exactly its range. -/
lemma closed_eq_range_close : c.closed = set.range c :=
set.ext $ λ x, ⟨λ h, ⟨x, h⟩, by { rintro ⟨y, rfl⟩, apply c.idempotent }⟩

/-- Send an `x` to an element of the set of closed elements (by taking the closure). -/
def to_closed (x : α) : c.closed := ⟨c x, c.closure_is_closed x⟩

lemma top_mem_closed {α : Type u} [order_top α] (c : closure_operator α) : ⊤ ∈ c.closed :=

lemma closure_le_closed_iff_le {x y : α} (hy : c.closed y) : x ≤ y ↔ c x ≤ y :=
by rw [← c.closure_eq_self_of_mem_closed hy, le_closure_iff]

/-- The set of closed elements has a galois insertion to the underlying type. -/
def gi : galois_insertion c.to_closed coe :=
{ choice := λ x hx, ⟨x, le_antisymm hx (c.le_closure x)⟩,
gc := λ x y, (c.closure_le_closed_iff_le y.2).symm,
le_l_u := λ x, c.le_closure _,
choice_eq := λ x hx, le_antisymm (c.le_closure x) hx }

end closure_operator

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