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feat(ring_theory/hahn_series): a finsupp of Hahn series is a `summa…
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…ble_family` (#7091)

Defines `summable_family.of_finsupp`
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awainverse committed Apr 14, 2021
1 parent f444128 commit 98c483b
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Showing 2 changed files with 123 additions and 72 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/order/well_founded_set.lean
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Expand Up @@ -187,6 +187,21 @@ eq_of_mem_singleton (is_wf.min_mem hs hn)

end set

theorem finset.is_wf_sup {ι : Type*} [partial_order α] (f : finset ι) (g : ι → set α)
(hf : ∀ i : ι, i ∈ f → (g i).is_wf) : (f.sup g).is_wf :=
revert hf,
apply f.induction_on,
{ intro h,
simp, },
{ intros s f sf hf hsf,
rw finset.sup_insert,
exact (hsf s (finset.mem_insert_self _ _)).union (hf (λ s' s'f, hsf _
(finset.mem_insert_of_mem s'f))) }

namespace set
variables [linear_order α] {s t : set α} {a : α}

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180 changes: 108 additions & 72 deletions src/ring_theory/hahn_series.lean
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Expand Up @@ -172,12 +172,15 @@ lemma support_add_subset {x y : hahn_series Γ R} :

/-- `single` as an additive monoid/group homomorphism -/
def single.add_monoid_hom (a : Γ) : R →+ (hahn_series Γ R) :=
@[simps] def single.add_monoid_hom (a : Γ) : R →+ (hahn_series Γ R) :=
{ map_add' := λ x y, by { ext b, by_cases h : b = a; simp [h] },
..single a }

lemma single.add_monoid_hom_apply {a : Γ} {r : R} : single.add_monoid_hom a r = single a r := rfl
/-- `coeff g` as an additive monoid/group homomorphism -/
@[simps] def coeff.add_monoid_hom (g : Γ) : (hahn_series Γ R) →+ R :=
{ to_fun := λ f, f.coeff g,
map_zero' := zero_coeff,
map_add' := λ x y, add_coeff }

end add_monoid

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,12 +260,14 @@ instance : semimodule R (hahn_series Γ V) :=
.. hahn_series.distrib_mul_action }

/-- `single` as a linear map -/
def single.linear_map (a : Γ) : R →ₗ[R] (hahn_series Γ R) :=
@[simps] def single.linear_map (a : Γ) : R →ₗ[R] (hahn_series Γ R) :=
{ map_smul' := λ r s, by { ext b, by_cases h : b = a; simp [h] },
..single.add_monoid_hom a }

lemma single.linear_map_apply {a : Γ} {r : R} : single.linear_map a r = single a r := rfl
/-- `coeff g` as a linear map -/
@[simps] def coeff.linear_map (g : Γ) : (hahn_series Γ R) →ₗ[R] R :=
{ map_smul' := λ r s, rfl,
..coeff.add_monoid_hom g }

end semimodule

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,16 +561,13 @@ begin

/-- `C a` is the constant Hahn Series `a`. `C` is provided as a ring homomorphism. -/
def C : R →+* (hahn_series Γ R) :=
@[simps] def C : R →+* (hahn_series Γ R) :=
{ to_fun := single 0,
map_zero' := single_eq_zero,
map_one' := rfl,
map_add' := λ x y, by { ext a, by_cases h : a = 0; simp [h] },
map_mul' := λ x y, by rw [single_mul_single, zero_add] }

lemma C_apply (r : R) : C r = single (0 : Γ) r := rfl

lemma C_zero : C (0 : R) = (0 : hahn_series Γ R) := C.map_zero

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -613,7 +615,7 @@ section semiring
variables [semiring R]

/-- The ring `hahn_series ℕ R` is isomorphic to `power_series R`. -/
def to_power_series : (hahn_series ℕ R) ≃+* power_series R :=
@[simps] def to_power_series : (hahn_series ℕ R) ≃+* power_series R :=
{ to_fun := λ f, f.coeff,
inv_fun := λ f, ⟨λ n, power_series.coeff R n f, nat.lt_wf.is_wf _⟩,
left_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp },
Expand All @@ -634,23 +636,20 @@ def to_power_series : (hahn_series ℕ R) ≃+* power_series R :=
cases h1; simp [h1]
end }

lemma coeff_to_power_series {f : hahn_series ℕ R} {n : ℕ} :
power_series.coeff R n f.to_power_series = f.coeff n :=
power_series.coeff_mk _ _

lemma coeff_to_power_series_symm {f : power_series R} {n : ℕ} :
(hahn_series.to_power_series.symm f).coeff n = power_series.coeff R n f :=
(hahn_series.to_power_series.symm f).coeff n = power_series.coeff R n f := rfl

end semiring

section algebra
variables (R) [comm_semiring R] {A : Type*} [semiring A] [algebra R A]

/-- The `R`-algebra `hahn_series ℕ A` is isomorphic to `power_series A`. -/
def to_power_series_alg : (hahn_series ℕ A) ≃ₐ[R] power_series A :=
@[simps] def to_power_series_alg : (hahn_series ℕ A) ≃ₐ[R] power_series A :=
{ commutes' := λ r, begin
ext n,
simp only [algebra_map_apply, power_series.algebra_map_apply, ring_equiv.to_fun_eq_coe, C_apply,
Expand All @@ -663,14 +662,6 @@ def to_power_series_alg : (hahn_series ℕ A) ≃ₐ[R] power_series A :=
.. to_power_series }

lemma to_power_series_alg_apply {f : hahn_series ℕ A} :
hahn_series.to_power_series_alg R f = f.to_power_series := rfl

lemma to_power_series_alg_symm_apply {f : power_series A} :
(hahn_series.to_power_series_alg R).symm f = hahn_series.to_power_series.symm f := rfl

end algebra

section valuation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -820,6 +811,51 @@ instance : add_comm_monoid (summable_family Γ R α) :=
add_comm := λ s t, by { ext, apply add_comm },
add_assoc := λ r s t, by { ext, apply add_assoc } }

/-- The infinite sum of a `summable_family` of Hahn series. -/
def hsum (s : summable_family Γ R α) :
hahn_series Γ R :=
{ coeff := λ g, ∑ i in s.co_support g, (s i).coeff g,
is_wf_support' := s.is_wf_Union_support.mono (λ g, begin
rw [set.mem_Union, not_exists, function.mem_support, not_not],
simp_rw [mem_support, not_not],
exact λ h, sum_eq_zero (λ a ha, h _),
end) }

lemma hsum_coeff {s : summable_family Γ R α} {g : Γ} :
s.hsum.coeff g = ∑ i in s.co_support g, (s i).coeff g := rfl

lemma support_hsum_subset {s : summable_family Γ R α} : ⊆ ⋃ (a : α), (s a).support :=
λ g hg, begin
rw [mem_support, hsum_coeff] at hg,
obtain ⟨a, h1, h2⟩ := exists_ne_zero_of_sum_ne_zero hg,
rw [set.mem_Union],
exact ⟨a, h2⟩,

lemma co_support_add_subset {s t : summable_family Γ R α} {g : Γ} :
(s + t).co_support g ⊆ s.co_support g ∪ t.co_support g :=
λ a ha, begin
rw mem_co_support at ha,
rw [mem_union, mem_co_support, mem_co_support],
contrapose! ha,
obtain ⟨hs, ht⟩ := ha,
simp [hs, ht],

lemma hsum_add {s t : summable_family Γ R α} : (s + t).hsum = s.hsum + t.hsum :=
ext g,
simp only [add_apply, pi.add_apply, hsum_coeff, ne.def, add_coeff'],
rw [sum_subset co_support_add_subset, finset.sum_add_distrib,
← sum_subset (subset_union_left _ _), ← sum_subset (subset_union_right _ _)];
{ intros x h1 h2,
rwa [mem_co_support, not_not] at h2, }

end add_comm_monoid

section add_comm_group
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -888,51 +924,6 @@ instance : semimodule (hahn_series Γ R) (summable_family Γ R α) :=
smul_add := λ x s t, ext (λ a, mul_add _ _ _),
mul_smul := λ x y s, ext (λ a, mul_assoc _ _ _) }

/-- The infinite sum of a `summable_family` of Hahn series. -/
def hsum (s : summable_family Γ R α) :
hahn_series Γ R :=
{ coeff := λ g, ∑ i in s.co_support g, (s i).coeff g,
is_wf_support' := s.is_wf_Union_support.mono (λ g, begin
rw [set.mem_Union, not_exists, function.mem_support, not_not],
simp_rw [mem_support, not_not],
exact λ h, sum_eq_zero (λ a ha, h _),
end) }

lemma hsum_coeff {s : summable_family Γ R α} {g : Γ} :
s.hsum.coeff g = ∑ i in s.co_support g, (s i).coeff g := rfl

lemma support_hsum_subset {s : summable_family Γ R α} : ⊆ ⋃ (a : α), (s a).support :=
λ g hg, begin
rw [mem_support, hsum_coeff] at hg,
obtain ⟨a, h1, h2⟩ := exists_ne_zero_of_sum_ne_zero hg,
rw [set.mem_Union],
exact ⟨a, h2⟩,

lemma co_support_add_subset {s t : summable_family Γ R α} {g : Γ} :
(s + t).co_support g ⊆ s.co_support g ∪ t.co_support g :=
λ a ha, begin
rw mem_co_support at ha,
rw [mem_union, mem_co_support, mem_co_support],
contrapose! ha,
obtain ⟨hs, ht⟩ := ha,
simp [hs, ht],

lemma hsum_add {s t : summable_family Γ R α} : (s + t).hsum = s.hsum + t.hsum :=
ext g,
simp only [add_apply, pi.add_apply, hsum_coeff, ne.def, add_coeff'],
rw [sum_subset co_support_add_subset, finset.sum_add_distrib,
← sum_subset (subset_union_left _ _), ← sum_subset (subset_union_right _ _)];
{ intros x h1 h2,
rwa [mem_co_support, not_not] at h2, }

lemma hsum_smul {x : hahn_series Γ R} {s : summable_family Γ R α} :
(x • s).hsum = x * s.hsum :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -982,13 +973,58 @@ begin

/-- The summation of a `summable_family` as a `linear_map`. -/
def lsum : (summable_family Γ R α) →ₗ[hahn_series Γ R] (hahn_series Γ R) :=
@[simps] def lsum : (summable_family Γ R α) →ₗ[hahn_series Γ R] (hahn_series Γ R) :=
⟨hsum, λ _ _, hsum_add, λ _ _, hsum_smul⟩

end semiring

section of_finsupp
variables [linear_order Γ] [add_comm_monoid R] {α : Type*}

/-- A family with only finitely many nonzero elements is summable. -/
def of_finsupp (f : α →₀ (hahn_series Γ R)) :
summable_family Γ R α :=
{ to_fun := f,
is_wf_Union_support' := begin
apply ( (λ a, (f a).support) (λ a ha, (f a).is_wf_support)).mono,
intros g hg,
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := set.mem_Union.1 hg,
have haf : a ∈,
{ rw finsupp.mem_support_iff,
contrapose! ha,
rw [ha, support_zero],
exact set.not_mem_empty _ },
have h : (λ i, (f i).support) a ≤ _ := le_sup haf,
exact h ha,
co_support := λ g, (λ a, (f a).coeff g ≠ 0),
mem_co_support' := λ a g, begin
simp only [mem_filter, and_iff_right_iff_imp, finsupp.mem_support_iff, ne.def],
intro h,
simp [h]
end }

lemma lsum_apply {s : summable_family Γ R α} : lsum s = hsum s := rfl
lemma coe_of_finsupp {f : α →₀ (hahn_series Γ R)} : ⇑(summable_family.of_finsupp f) = f := rfl

end semiring
lemma co_support_of_finsupp {f : α →₀ (hahn_series Γ R)} {g : Γ} :
(summable_family.of_finsupp f).co_support g = (λ a, (f a).coeff g ≠ 0) := rfl

lemma hsum_of_finsupp {f : α →₀ (hahn_series Γ R)} :
(of_finsupp f).hsum = f.sum (λ a, id) :=
ext g,
simp only [filter_congr_decidable, hsum_coeff, coe_of_finsupp, ne.def, co_support_of_finsupp],
rw [sum_filter_ne_zero],
simp_rw [← coeff.add_monoid_hom_apply],
rw ← add_monoid_hom.map_sum,

end of_finsupp

end summable_family

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