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feat(data/bundle): make arguments to proj and total_space_mk implicit (
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I will wait for a later PR to (maybe) fix the reducibility/simp of these declarations.
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fpvandoorn committed Jun 1, 2022
1 parent dba797a commit 9b3ea03
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Showing 4 changed files with 127 additions and 116 deletions.
49 changes: 30 additions & 19 deletions src/data/bundle.lean
Expand Up @@ -11,10 +11,19 @@ import algebra.module.basic
# Bundle
Basic data structure to implement fiber bundles, vector bundles (maybe fibrations?), etc. This file
should contain all possible results that do not involve any topology.
We represent a bundle `E` over a base space `B` as a dependent type `E : B → Type*`.
We provide a type synonym of `Σ x, E x` as `bundle.total_space E`, to be able to endow it with
a topology which is not the disjoint union topology `sigma.topological_space`. In general, the
constructions of fiber bundles we will make will be of this form.
## Main Definitions
* `bundle.total_space` the total space of a bundle.
* `bundle.total_space.proj` the projection from the total space to the base space.
* `bundle.total_space_mk` the constructor for the total space.
## References
Expand All @@ -24,41 +33,44 @@ namespace bundle
variables {B : Type*} (E : B → Type*)

`total_space E` is the total space of the bundle `Σ x, E x`. This type synonym is used to avoid
conflicts with general sigma types.
`bundle.total_space E` is the total space of the bundle `Σ x, E x`.
This type synonym is used to avoid conflicts with general sigma types.
def total_space := Σ x, E x

instance [inhabited B] [inhabited (E default)] :
inhabited (total_space E) := ⟨⟨default, default⟩⟩

/-- `bundle.proj E` is the canonical projection `total_space E → B` on the base space. -/
@[simp, reducible] def proj : total_space E → B := sigma.fst
variables {E}

/-- `bundle.total_space.proj` is the canonical projection `bundle.total_space E → B` from the
total space to the base space. -/
@[simp, reducible] def total_space.proj : total_space E → B := sigma.fst

/-- Constructor for the total space of a `topological_fiber_bundle_core`. -/
@[simp, reducible] def total_space_mk (E : B → Type*) (b : B) (a : E b) :
/-- Constructor for the total space of a bundle. -/
@[simp, reducible] def total_space_mk (b : B) (a : E b) :
bundle.total_space E := ⟨b, a⟩

lemma total_space.proj_mk {x : B} {y : E x} : proj E (total_space_mk E x y) = x :=
lemma total_space.proj_mk {x : B} {y : E x} : (total_space_mk x y).proj = x :=

lemma sigma_mk_eq_total_space_mk {x : B} {y : E x} : x y = total_space_mk E x y :=
lemma sigma_mk_eq_total_space_mk {x : B} {y : E x} : x y = total_space_mk x y :=

lemma total_space.mk_cast {x x' : B} (h : x = x') (b : E x) :
total_space_mk E x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = total_space_mk E x b :=
total_space_mk x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = total_space_mk x b :=
by { subst h, refl }

lemma total_space.eta {B} {E : B → Type*} (z : total_space E) :
total_space_mk E (proj E z) z.2 = z :=
lemma total_space.eta (z : total_space E) :
total_space_mk z.proj z.2 = z :=
sigma.eta z

instance {x : B} : has_coe_t (E x) (total_space E) := ⟨total_space_mk E x⟩
instance {x : B} : has_coe_t (E x) (total_space E) := ⟨total_space_mk x⟩

@[simp] lemma coe_fst (x : B) (v : E x) : (v : total_space E).fst = x := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_snd {x : B} {y : E x} : (y : total_space E).snd = y := rfl

lemma to_total_space_coe {x : B} (v : E x) : (v : total_space E) = total_space_mk E x v := rfl
lemma to_total_space_coe {x : B} (v : E x) : (v : total_space E) = total_space_mk x v := rfl

-- notation for the direct sum of two bundles over the same base
notation E₁ `×ᵇ`:100 E₂ := λ x, E₁ x × E₂ x
Expand All @@ -84,22 +96,22 @@ notation f ` *ᵖ ` E := pullback f E
/-- Natural embedding of the total space of `f *ᵖ E` into `B' × total_space E`. -/
@[simp] def pullback_total_space_embedding (f : B' → B) :
total_space (f *ᵖ E) → B' × total_space E :=
λ z, (proj (f *ᵖ E) z, total_space_mk E (f (proj (f *ᵖ E) z)) z.2)
λ z, (z.proj, total_space_mk (f z.proj) z.2)

/-- The base map `f : B' → B` lifts to a canonical map on the total spaces. -/
def pullback.lift (f : B' → B) : total_space (f *ᵖ E) → total_space E :=
λ z, total_space_mk E (f (proj (f *ᵖ E) z)) z.2
λ z, total_space_mk (f z.proj) z.2

@[simp] lemma pullback.proj_lift (f : B' → B) (x : total_space (f *ᵖ E)) :
proj E (pullback.lift E f x) = f x.1 :=
(pullback.lift f x).proj = f x.1 :=

@[simp] lemma pullback.lift_mk (f : B' → B) (x : B') (y : E (f x)) :
pullback.lift E f (total_space_mk (f *ᵖ E) x y) = total_space_mk E (f x) y :=
pullback.lift f (total_space_mk x y) = total_space_mk (f x) y :=

lemma pullback_total_space_embedding_snd (f : B' → B) (x : total_space (f *ᵖ E)) :
(pullback_total_space_embedding E f x).2 = pullback.lift E f x :=
(pullback_total_space_embedding f x).2 = pullback.lift f x :=

end pullback
Expand All @@ -119,7 +131,6 @@ variables (R : Type*) [semiring R] [∀ x, module R (E x)]
end fiber_structures

section trivial_instances
local attribute [reducible] bundle.trivial

variables {F : Type*} {R : Type*} [semiring R] (b : B)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/geometry/manifold/cont_mdiff.lean
Expand Up @@ -1548,7 +1548,7 @@ begin
{ apply is_open.mem_nhds,
apply (local_homeomorph.open_target _).preimage I.continuous_inv_fun,
simp only with mfld_simps },
have A : mdifferentiable_at I I.tangent (λ (x : M), total_space_mk (tangent_space I) x 0) x :=
have A : mdifferentiable_at I I.tangent (λ x, @total_space_mk M (tangent_space I) x 0) x :=
have B : fderiv_within 𝕜 (λ (x_1 : E), (x_1, (0 : E))) (set.range ⇑I) (I ((chart_at H x) x)) v
= (v, 0),
Expand Down
21 changes: 10 additions & 11 deletions src/topology/fiber_bundle.lean
Expand Up @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Fiber bundle, topological bundle, local trivialization, structure group

variables {ι : Type*} {B : Type*} {F : Type*}

open topological_space filter set
open topological_space filter set bundle
open_locale topological_space classical

/-! ### General definition of topological fiber bundles -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -769,15 +769,14 @@ namespace bundle

variable (E : B → Type*)

attribute [mfld_simps] proj total_space_mk coe_fst coe_snd coe_snd_map_apply coe_snd_map_smul
attribute [mfld_simps] total_space.proj total_space_mk coe_fst coe_snd coe_snd_map_apply
coe_snd_map_smul total_space.mk_cast

instance [I : topological_space F] : ∀ x : B, topological_space (trivial B F x) := λ x, I

instance [t₁ : topological_space B] [t₂ : topological_space F] :
topological_space (total_space (trivial B F)) :=
topological_space.induced (proj (trivial B F)) t₁ ⊓
topological_space.induced (trivial.proj_snd B F) t₂
induced total_space.proj t₁ ⊓ induced (trivial.proj_snd B F) t₂

end bundle

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -836,7 +835,7 @@ different name for typeclass inference. -/
def total_space := bundle.total_space Z.fiber

/-- The projection from the total space of a topological fiber bundle core, on its base. -/
@[reducible, simp, mfld_simps] def proj : Z.total_space → B := bundle.proj Z.fiber
@[reducible, simp, mfld_simps] def proj : Z.total_space → B := bundle.total_space.proj

/-- Local homeomorphism version of the trivialization change. -/
def triv_change (i j : ι) : local_homeomorph (B × F) (B × F) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -929,7 +928,8 @@ begin
{ rintros ⟨x, v⟩ hx,
simp only [triv_change, local_triv_as_local_equiv, local_equiv.symm, true_and,,
prod_mk_mem_set_prod_eq, local_equiv.trans_source, mem_inter_eq, and_true, mem_preimage, proj,
mem_univ, local_equiv.coe_mk, eq_self_iff_true, local_equiv.coe_trans, bundle.proj] at hx ⊢,
mem_univ, local_equiv.coe_mk, eq_self_iff_true, local_equiv.coe_trans,
total_space.proj] at hx ⊢,
simp only [Z.coord_change_comp, hx, mem_inter_eq, and_self, mem_base_set_at], }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1071,11 +1071,10 @@ by { rw [local_triv_at, local_triv_apply, coord_change_self], exact Z.mem_base_s
b ∈ (Z.local_triv_at b).base_set :=
by { rw [local_triv_at, ←base_set_at], exact Z.mem_base_set_at b, }

open bundle

/-- The inclusion of a fiber into the total space is a continuous map. -/
lemma continuous_total_space_mk (b : B) : continuous (λ a, total_space_mk Z.fiber b a) :=
lemma continuous_total_space_mk (b : B) :
continuous (total_space_mk b : Z.fiber b → bundle.total_space Z.fiber) :=
rw [continuous_iff_le_induced, topological_fiber_bundle_core.to_topological_space],
apply le_induced_generate_from,
Expand All @@ -1085,7 +1084,7 @@ begin
rw [←((Z.local_triv i).source_inter_preimage_target_inter t), preimage_inter, ←preimage_comp,
apply is_open.inter,
{ simp only [bundle.proj, proj, ←preimage_comp],
{ simp only [total_space.proj, proj, ←preimage_comp],
by_cases (b ∈ (Z.local_triv i).base_set),
{ rw preimage_const_of_mem h, exact is_open_univ, },
{ rw preimage_const_of_not_mem h, exact is_open_empty, }},
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