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chore(category_theory/limits/types): cleanup (#3871)
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Backporting some cleaning up work from `prop_limits`, while it rumbles onwards.

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed Aug 20, 2020
1 parent 7a93d87 commit 9f525c7
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Showing 6 changed files with 149 additions and 61 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/category/Module/limits.lean
Expand Up @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ end
def limit_π_linear_map (F : J ⥤ Module R) (j) :
limit (F ⋙ forget (Module R)) →ₗ[R] (F ⋙ forget (Module R)).obj j :=
{ to_fun := limit.π (F ⋙ forget (Module R)) j,
map_smul' := λ x y, by { simp only [types.types_limit_π], refl },
map_add' := λ x y, by { simp only [types.types_limit_π], refl } }
map_smul' := λ x y, rfl,
map_add' := λ x y, rfl }

namespace has_limits
-- The next two definitions are used in the construction of `has_limits (Module R)`.
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/category/Mon/limits.lean
Expand Up @@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ instance limit_monoid (F : J ⥤ Mon) :
def limit_π_monoid_hom (F : J ⥤ Mon) (j) :
limit (F ⋙ forget Mon) →* (F ⋙ forget Mon).obj j :=
{ to_fun := limit.π (F ⋙ forget Mon) j,
map_one' := by { simp only [types.types_limit_π], refl },
map_mul' := λ x y, by { simp only [types.types_limit_π], refl } }
map_one' := rfl,
map_mul' := λ x y, rfl }

namespace has_limits
-- The next two definitions are used in the construction of `has_limits Mon`.
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/limits.lean
Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ def mk_cone_morphism {t : cone F}
congr_arg cone_morphism.hom this }

/-- Limit cones on `F` are unique up to isomorphism. -/
def unique_up_to_iso {s t : cone F} (P : is_limit s) (Q : is_limit t) : s ≅ t :=
{ hom := Q.lift_cone_morphism s,
inv := P.lift_cone_morphism t,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -416,6 +417,7 @@ def mk_cocone_morphism {t : cocone F}
congr_arg cocone_morphism.hom this }

/-- Colimit cocones on `F` are unique up to isomorphism. -/
def unique_up_to_iso {s t : cocone F} (P : is_colimit s) (Q : is_colimit t) : s ≅ t :=
{ hom := P.desc_cocone_morphism t,
inv := Q.desc_cocone_morphism s,
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72 changes: 66 additions & 6 deletions src/category_theory/limits/preserves/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -43,8 +43,16 @@ variables {D : Type u₂} [category.{v} D]

variables {J : Type v} [small_category J] {K : J ⥤ C}

A functor `F` preserves limits of shape `K` (written as `preserves_limit K F`)
if `F` maps any limit cone over `K` to a limit cone.
class preserves_limit (K : J ⥤ C) (F : C ⥤ D) : Type (max u₁ u₂ v) :=
(preserves : Π {c : cone K}, is_limit c → is_limit (F.map_cone c))
A functor `F` preserves colimits of shape `K` (written as `preserves_colimit K F`)
if `F` maps any colimit cocone over `K` to a colimit cocone.
class preserves_colimit (K : J ⥤ C) (F : C ⥤ D) : Type (max u₁ u₂ v) :=
(preserves : Π {c : cocone K}, is_colimit c → is_colimit (F.map_cocone c))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,25 +170,54 @@ def preserves_colimit_of_iso {K₁ K₂ : J ⥤ C} (F : C ⥤ D) (h : K₁ ≅ K
end }

A functor F : C → D reflects limits if whenever the image of a cone
under F is a limit cone in D, the cone was already a limit cone in C.
Note that again we do not assume a priori that D actually has any
A functor `F : C ⥤ D` reflects limits for `K : J ⥤ C` if
whenever the image of a cone over `K` under `F` is a limit cone in `D`,
the cone was already a limit cone in `C`.
Note that we do not assume a priori that `D` actually has any limits.

class reflects_limit (K : J ⥤ C) (F : C ⥤ D) : Type (max u₁ u₂ v) :=
(reflects : Π {c : cone K}, is_limit (F.map_cone c) → is_limit c)
A functor `F : C ⥤ D` reflects colimits for `K : J ⥤ C` if
whenever the image of a cocone over `K` under `F` is a colimit cocone in `D`,
the cocone was already a colimit cocone in `C`.
Note that we do not assume a priori that `D` actually has any colimits.
class reflects_colimit (K : J ⥤ C) (F : C ⥤ D) : Type (max u₁ u₂ v) :=
(reflects : Π {c : cocone K}, is_colimit (F.map_cocone c) → is_colimit c)

A functor `F : C ⥤ D` reflects limits of shape `J` if
whenever the image of a cone over some `K : J ⥤ C` under `F` is a limit cone in `D`,
the cone was already a limit cone in `C`.
Note that we do not assume a priori that `D` actually has any limits.
class reflects_limits_of_shape (J : Type v) [small_category J] (F : C ⥤ D) : Type (max u₁ u₂ v) :=
(reflects_limit : Π {K : J ⥤ C}, reflects_limit K F)
A functor `F : C ⥤ D` reflects colimits of shape `J` if
whenever the image of a cocone over some `K : J ⥤ C` under `F` is a colimit cocone in `D`,
the cocone was already a colimit cocone in `C`.
Note that we do not assume a priori that `D` actually has any colimits.
class reflects_colimits_of_shape (J : Type v) [small_category J] (F : C ⥤ D) : Type (max u₁ u₂ v) :=
(reflects_colimit : Π {K : J ⥤ C}, reflects_colimit K F)

A functor `F : C ⥤ D` reflects limits if
whenever the image of a cone over some `K : J ⥤ C` under `F` is a limit cone in `D`,
the cone was already a limit cone in `C`.
Note that we do not assume a priori that `D` actually has any limits.
class reflects_limits (F : C ⥤ D) : Type (max u₁ u₂ (v+1)) :=
(reflects_limits_of_shape : Π {J : Type v} {𝒥 : small_category J}, by exactI reflects_limits_of_shape J F)
A functor `F : C ⥤ D` reflects colimits if
whenever the image of a cocone over some `K : J ⥤ C` under `F` is a colimit cocone in `D`,
the cocone was already a colimit cocone in `C`.
Note that we do not assume a priori that `D` actually has any colimits.
class reflects_colimits (F : C ⥤ D) : Type (max u₁ u₂ (v+1)) :=
(reflects_colimits_of_shape : Π {J : Type v} {𝒥 : small_category J}, by exactI reflects_colimits_of_shape J F)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,6 +282,29 @@ instance comp_reflects_colimit [reflects_colimit K F] [reflects_colimit (K ⋙ F
reflects_colimit K (F ⋙ G) :=
⟨λ c h, reflects_colimit.reflects (reflects_colimit.reflects h)⟩

/-- If `F ⋙ G` preserves limits for `K`, and `G` reflects limits for `K ⋙ F`,
then `F` preserves limits for `K`. -/
def preserves_limit_of_reflects_of_preserves [preserves_limit K (F ⋙ G)]
[reflects_limit (K ⋙ F) G] : preserves_limit K F :=
⟨λ c h,
apply @reflects_limit.reflects _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G,
change limits.is_limit ((F ⋙ G).map_cone c),
exact preserves_limit.preserves h

/-- If `F ⋙ G` preserves colimits for `K`, and `G` reflects colimits for `K ⋙ F`,
then `F` preserves colimits for `K`. -/
def preserves_colimit_of_reflects_of_preserves [preserves_colimit K (F ⋙ G)]
[reflects_colimit (K ⋙ F) G] : preserves_colimit K F :=
⟨λ c h,
apply @reflects_colimit.reflects _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G,
change limits.is_colimit ((F ⋙ G).map_cocone c),
exact preserves_colimit.preserves h


variable (F : C ⥤ D)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/category_theory/limits/shapes/types.lean
Expand Up @@ -179,6 +179,6 @@ by ext
@[simp] lemma sigma_desc {J : Type u} {f : J → Type u} {W : Type u} {g : Π j, f j ⟶ W} {p : Σ j, f j} :
(sigma.desc g) p = g p.1 p.2 := rfl
@[simp] lemma sigma_map {J : Type u} {f g : J → Type u} {h : Π j, f j ⟶ g j} : h = λ (k : Σ j, f j), (⟨k.1, h k.1 (k.2)⟩ : Σ j, g j) := rfl h = λ (k : Σ j, f j), (⟨k.1, h k.1 (k.2)⟩ : Σ j, g j) := rfl

end category_theory.limits.types
126 changes: 76 additions & 50 deletions src/category_theory/limits/types.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison, Reid Barton
import category_theory.limits.shapes.images
import tactic.equiv_rw

universes v u -- declare the `v`'s first; see `category_theory.category` for an explanation

Expand All @@ -14,79 +15,104 @@ namespace category_theory.limits.types

variables {J : Type u} [small_category J]

/-- (internal implementation) the limit cone of a functor, implemented as flat sections of a pi type -/
def limit_ (F : J ⥤ Type u) : cone F :=
(internal implementation) the limit cone of a functor,
implemented as flat sections of a pi type
def limit_cone (F : J ⥤ Type u) : cone F :=
{ X := F.sections,
π := { app := λ j u, u.val j } }

local attribute [elab_simple] congr_fun
/-- (internal implementation) the fact that the proposed limit cone is the limit -/
def limit_is_limit_ (F : J ⥤ Type u) : is_limit (limit_ F) :=
def limit_cone_is_limit (F : J ⥤ Type u) : is_limit (limit_cone F) :=
{ lift := λ s v, ⟨λ j, s.π.app j v, λ j j' f, congr_fun (cone.w s f) _⟩,
uniq' := by { intros, ext x j, exact congr_fun (w j) x } }

instance : has_limits (Type u) :=
{ has_limits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥,
{ has_limit := λ F, by exactI { cone := limit_ F, is_limit := limit_is_limit_ F } } }

-- We don't make any of these `simp` lemmas:
-- it's up to the user to decide to stop using the limits API,
-- and rely on the particular implementation.
lemma types_limit (F : J ⥤ Type u) :
limits.limit F = {u : Π j, F.obj j // ∀ {j j'} f, f (u j) = u j'} := rfl
lemma types_limit_π (F : J ⥤ Type u) (j : J) (g : limit F) :
limit.π F j g = g.val j := rfl
lemma types_limit_pre
(F : J ⥤ Type u) {K : Type u} [𝒦 : small_category K] (E : K ⥤ J) (g : limit F) :
limit.pre F E g = (⟨λ k, g.val (E.obj k), by obviously⟩ : limit (E ⋙ F)) := rfl
lemma types_limit_map {F G : J ⥤ Type u} (α : F ⟶ G) (g : limit F) :
( α : limit F → limit G) g =
(⟨λ j, (α.app j) (g.val j), λ j j' f,
by {rw ←functor_to_types.naturality, dsimp, rw ←(g.prop f)}⟩ : limit G) := rfl

lemma types_limit_lift (F : J ⥤ Type u) (c : cone F) (x : c.X) :
limit.lift F c x = (⟨λ j, c.π.app j x, λ j j' f, congr_fun (cone.w c f) x⟩ : limit F) :=
{ has_limits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥, by exactI
{ has_limit := λ F,
{ cone := limit_cone F, is_limit := limit_cone_is_limit F } } }

The equivalence between the abstract limit of `F` in `Type u`
and the "concrete" definition as the sections of `F`.
def limit_equiv_sections (F : J ⥤ Type u) : (limit F : Type u) ≃ F.sections :=
(is_limit.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso (limit.is_limit F) (limit_cone_is_limit F)).to_equiv

lemma limit_equiv_sections_apply (F : J ⥤ Type u) (x : limit F) (j : J) :
(((limit_equiv_sections F) x) : Π j, F.obj j) j = limit.π F j x :=

/-- (internal implementation) the limit cone of a functor, implemented as a quotient of a sigma type -/
def colimit_ (F : J ⥤ Type u) : cocone F :=
{ X := @quot (Σ j, F.obj j) (λ p p', ∃ f : p.1 ⟶ p'.1, p'.2 = f p.2),
lemma limit_equiv_sections_symm_apply (F : J ⥤ Type u) (x : F.sections) (j : J) :
limit.π F j ((limit_equiv_sections F).symm x) = (x : Π j, F.obj j) j :=
equiv_rw (limit_equiv_sections F).symm at x,

-- PROJECT: prove this for concrete categories where the forgetful functor preserves limits
lemma limit_ext (F : J ⥤ Type u) (x y : limit F) (w : ∀ j, limit.π F j x = limit.π F j y) :
x = y :=
apply (limit_equiv_sections F).injective,
ext j,
simp [w j],

-- TODO: are there other limits lemmas that should have `_apply` versions?
-- Can we generate these like with `@[reassoc]`?
-- PROJECT: prove these for any concrete category where the forgetful functor preserves limits?
lemma lift_π_apply (F : J ⥤ Type u) (s : cone F) (j : J) (x : s.X) :
limit.π F j (limit.lift F s x) = s.π.app j x :=
congr_fun (limit.lift_π s j) x

A quotient type implementing the colimit of a functor `F : J ⥤ Type u`,
as pairs `⟨j, x⟩` where `x : F.obj j`, modulo the equivalence relation generated by
`⟨j, x⟩ ~ ⟨j', x'⟩` whenever there is a morphism `f : j ⟶ j'` so ` f x = x'`.
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
def quot (F : J ⥤ Type u) : Type u :=
@quot (Σ j, F.obj j) (λ p p', ∃ f : p.1 ⟶ p'.1, p'.2 = f p.2)

(internal implementation) the colimit cocone of a functor,
implemented as a quotient of a sigma type
def colimit_cocone (F : J ⥤ Type u) : cocone F :=
{ X := quot F,
ι :=
{ app := λ j x, _ ⟨j, x⟩,
naturality' := λ j j' f, funext $ λ x, eq.symm (quot.sound ⟨f, rfl⟩) } }

local attribute [elab_with_expected_type] quot.lift

/-- (internal implementation) the fact that the proposed colimit cocone is the colimit -/
def colimit_is_colimit_ (F : J ⥤ Type u) : is_colimit (colimit_ F) :=
def colimit_cocone_is_colimit (F : J ⥤ Type u) : is_colimit (colimit_cocone F) :=
{ desc := λ s, quot.lift (λ (p : Σ j, F.obj j), s.ι.app p.1 p.2)
(assume ⟨j, x⟩ ⟨j', x'⟩ ⟨f, hf⟩, by rw hf; exact (congr_fun (cocone.w s f) x).symm) }

instance : has_colimits (Type u) :=
{ has_colimits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥,
{ has_colimit := λ F, by exactI { cocone := colimit_ F, is_colimit := colimit_is_colimit_ F } } }

lemma types_colimit (F : J ⥤ Type u) :
limits.colimit F = @quot (Σ j, F.obj j) (λ p p', ∃ f : p.1 ⟶ p'.1, p'.2 = f p.2) := rfl
lemma types_colimit_ι (F : J ⥤ Type u) (j : J) :
colimit.ι F j = λ x, _ ⟨j, x⟩ := rfl
lemma types_colimit_pre
(F : J ⥤ Type u) {K : Type u} [𝒦 : small_category K] (E : K ⥤ J) :
colimit.pre F E =
quot.lift (λ p, _ ⟨E.obj p.1, p.2⟩) (λ p p' ⟨f, h⟩, quot.sound ⟨ f, h⟩) := rfl
lemma types_colimit_map {F G : J ⥤ Type u} (α : F ⟶ G) :
( α : colimit F → colimit G) =
(λ p, _ ⟨p.1, (α.app p.1) p.2⟩)
(λ p p' ⟨f, h⟩, quot.sound ⟨f, by rw h; exact functor_to_types.naturality _ _ α f _⟩) := rfl

lemma types_colimit_desc (F : J ⥤ Type u) (c : cocone F) :
colimit.desc F c =
(λ p, c.ι.app p.1 p.2)
(λ p p' ⟨f, h⟩, by rw h; exact (functor_to_types.naturality _ _ c.ι f _).symm) := rfl
{ has_colimits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥, by exactI
{ has_colimit := λ F,
{ cocone := colimit_cocone F, is_colimit := colimit_cocone_is_colimit F } } }

The equivalence between the abstract colimit of `F` in `Type u`
and the "concrete" definition as a quotient.
def colimit_equiv_quot (F : J ⥤ Type u) : (colimit F : Type u) ≃ quot F :=
(is_colimit.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso (colimit.is_colimit F) (colimit_cocone_is_colimit F)).to_equiv

lemma colimit_equiv_quot_symm_apply (F : J ⥤ Type u) (j : J) (x : F.obj j) :
(colimit_equiv_quot F).symm ( _ ⟨j, x⟩) = colimit.ι F j x :=

variables {α β : Type u} (f : α ⟶ β)

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