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chore(model_theory/encoding): Improve the encoding of terms (#13532)
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Makes it so that the encoding of terms no longer requires the assumption `inhabited (L.term A)`.
Adjusts following lemmas to use the `encoding` API more directly.
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awainverse committed Apr 20, 2022
1 parent d9a8d6e commit a3a166b
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90 changes: 43 additions & 47 deletions src/model_theory/encoding.lean
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Expand Up @@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ import computability.encoding
* An encoding for formulas
* `fin_encoding`s for terms and formulas, based on the `encoding`s
* Computability facts about these `fin_encoding`s, to set up a computability approach to
* `primcodable` instances for terms and formulas, based on the `encoding`s
* Computability facts about term and formula operations, to set up a computability approach to
Expand All @@ -46,86 +46,82 @@ def list_encode : L.term α → list (α ⊕ Σ i, L.functions i)
((list.fin_range _).bind (λ i, (ts i).list_encode)))

/-- Decodes a list of variables and function symbols as a list of terms. -/
def list_decode [inhabited (L.term α)] :
list (α ⊕ Σ i, L.functions i) → list (L.term α)
def list_decode :
list (α ⊕ Σ i, L.functions i) → list (option (L.term α))
| [] := []
| ((sum.inl a) :: l) := var a :: list_decode l
| ((sum.inr ⟨n, f⟩) :: l) := func f (λ i, ((list_decode l).nth i).iget) :: ((list_decode l).drop n)

@[simp] theorem list_decode_encode_list [inhabited (L.term α)] (l : list (L.term α)) :
list_decode (l.bind list_encode) = l :=
| ((sum.inl a) :: l) := some (var a) :: list_decode l
| ((sum.inr ⟨n, f⟩) :: l) :=
if h : ∀ (i : fin n), ((list_decode l).nth i).join.is_some
then func f (λ i, option.get (h i)) :: ((list_decode l).drop n)
else [none]

theorem list_decode_encode_list (l : list (L.term α)) :
list_decode (l.bind list_encode) = option.some :=
suffices h : ∀ (t : L.term α) (l : list (α ⊕ Σ i, L.functions i)),
list_decode (t.list_encode ++ l) = t :: list_decode l,
list_decode (t.list_encode ++ l) = some t :: list_decode l,
{ induction l with t l lih,
{ refl },
{ rw [cons_bind, h t (l.bind list_encode), lih] } },
{ rw [cons_bind, h t (l.bind list_encode), lih,] } },
{ intro t,
induction t with a n f ts ih; intro l,
{ rw [list_encode, singleton_append, list_decode] },
{ rw [list_encode, cons_append, list_decode],
have h : list_decode ((fin_range n).bind (λ (i : fin n), (ts i).list_encode) ++ l) =
(fin_range n).map ts ++ list_decode l,
(fin_range n).map (option.some ∘ ts) ++ list_decode l,
{ induction (fin_range n) with i l' l'ih,
{ refl },
{ rw [cons_bind, append_assoc, ih, map_cons, l'ih, cons_append] } },
have h' : n ≤ (list_decode ((fin_range n).bind (λ (i : fin n),
(ts i).list_encode) ++ l)).length,
{ rw [h, length_append, length_map, length_fin_range],
exact le_self_add, },
refine congr (congr rfl (congr rfl (funext (λ i, _)))) _,
{ rw [nth_le_nth (lt_of_lt_of_le i.is_lt h'), option.iget_some, nth_le_of_eq h, nth_le_append,
nth_le_map, nth_le_fin_range, fin.eta],
{ rw [length_fin_range],
exact i.is_lt },
{ rw [length_map, length_fin_range],
exact i.is_lt } },
have h' : ∀ i, (list_decode ((fin_range n).bind (λ (i : fin n), (ts i).list_encode) ++ l)).nth
↑i = some (some (ts i)),
{ intro i,
rw [h, nth_append, nth_map],
{ simp only [option.map_eq_some', function.comp_app, nth_eq_some],
refine ⟨i, ⟨lt_of_lt_of_le i.2 (ge_of_eq (length_fin_range _)), _⟩, rfl⟩,
rw [nth_le_fin_range, fin.eta] },
{ refine lt_of_lt_of_le i.2 _,
simp } },
refine (dif_pos (λ i, option.is_some_iff_exists.2 ⟨ts i, _⟩)).trans _,
{ rw [option.join_eq_some, h'] },
refine congr (congr rfl (congr rfl (congr rfl (funext (λ i, option.get_of_mem _ _))))) _,
{ simp [h'] },
{ rw [h, drop_left'],
rw [length_map, length_fin_range] } } }

/-- An encoding of terms as lists. -/
@[simps] protected def encoding [inhabited (L.term α)] : encoding (L.term α) :=
@[simps] protected def encoding : encoding (L.term α) :=
{ Γ := α ⊕ Σ i, L.functions i,
encode := list_encode,
decode := λ l, (list_decode l).head',
decode := λ l, (list_decode l).head'.join,
decode_encode := λ t, begin
have h := list_decode_encode_list [t],
rw [bind_singleton] at h,
rw [h, head'],
simp only [h, option.join, head',, option.some_bind, id.def],
end }

lemma list_encode_injective :
function.injective (list_encode : L.term α → list (α ⊕ Σ i, L.functions i)) :=
casesI is_empty_or_nonempty (L.term α) with he hne,
{ exact he.elim },
{ inhabit (L.term α),
exact term.encoding.encode_injective }

theorem card_le : # (L.term α) ≤ # (α ⊕ Σ i, L.functions i) + ω :=
have h := (mk_le_of_injective list_encode_injective),
refine h.trans _,
casesI fintype_or_infinite (α ⊕ Σ i, L.functions i) with ft inf,
{ haveI := fintype.to_encodable (α ⊕ Σ i, L.functions i),
exact le_add_left mk_le_omega },
{ rw mk_list_eq_mk,
exact le_self_add }
theorem card_le : # (L.term α) ≤ max ω (# (α ⊕ Σ i, L.functions i)) :=
lift_le.1 (trans term.encoding.card_le_card_list (lift_le.2 (mk_list_le_max _)))

instance [encodable α] [encodable ((Σ i, L.functions i))] [inhabited (L.term α)] :
instance [encodable α] [encodable ((Σ i, L.functions i))] :
encodable (L.term α) :=
encodable.of_left_injection list_encode (λ l, (list_decode l).head')
(λ t, by rw [← bind_singleton list_encode, list_decode_encode_list, head'])
encodable.of_left_injection list_encode (λ l, (list_decode l).head'.join)
(λ t, begin
rw [← bind_singleton list_encode, list_decode_encode_list],
simp only [option.join, head',, option.some_bind, id.def],

lemma card_le_omega [h1 : nonempty (encodable α)] [h2 : L.countable_functions] :
# (L.term α) ≤ ω :=
refine (card_le.trans _),
rw [add_le_omega, mk_sum, add_le_omega, lift_le_omega, lift_le_omega, ← encodable_iff],
exact ⟨⟨h1, L.card_functions_le_omega⟩, refl _⟩,
rw [max_le_iff],
simp only [le_refl, mk_sum, add_le_omega, lift_le_omega, true_and],
exact ⟨encodable_iff.1 h1, L.card_functions_le_omega⟩,

instance small [small.{u} α] :
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/model_theory/substructures.lean
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Expand Up @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ begin

theorem lift_card_closure_le : cardinal.lift.{(max u w) w} (# (closure L s)) ≤
cardinal.lift.{(max u w) w} (#s) + cardinal.lift.{(max u w) u} (#(Σ i, L.functions i)) + ω :=
max ω (cardinal.lift.{(max u w) w} (#s) + cardinal.lift.{(max u w) u} (#(Σ i, L.functions i))) :=
refine lift_card_closure_le_card_term.trans (term.card_le.trans _),
rw [mk_sum, lift_umax', lift_umax],
Expand Down

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