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feat(algebra,group_theory): add various closure properties of subgrou…
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…p and is_group_hom w.r.t gsmul, prod, sum
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johoelzl committed Oct 17, 2018
1 parent ea962a7 commit a3ac630
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Showing 6 changed files with 173 additions and 9 deletions.
36 changes: 35 additions & 1 deletion algebra/big_operators.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Johannes Hölzl
Some big operators for lists and finite sets.
import data.list.basic data.list.perm data.finset algebra.ordered_group algebra.group_power
import algebra.ordered_group algebra.group_power

universes u v w
variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,6 +304,11 @@ finset.strong_induction_on s
← insert_erase (mem_erase.2 ⟨h₂ x hx hx1, h₃ x hx⟩),
prod_insert (not_mem_erase _ _), ih', mul_one, h₁ x hx])

@[to_additive finset.sum_eq_zero]
lemma prod_eq_one [comm_monoid β] {f : α → β} {s : finset α} (h : ∀x∈s, f x = 1) : f = 1 :=
calc f = (λx, 1) : finset.prod_congr rfl h
... = 1 : finset.prod_const_one

end comm_monoid

lemma sum_smul [add_comm_monoid β] (s : finset α) (n : ℕ) (f : α → β) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,6 +360,14 @@ finset.induction_on s (by simp)
... ≤ (insert a s).sum (λ a, card (t a)) :
by rw sum_insert has; exact add_le_add_left ih _)

lemma gsmul_sum [add_comm_group β] {f : α → β} {s : finset α} (z : ℤ) :
gsmul z (s.sum f) = s.sum (λa, gsmul z (f a)) :=
refine (finset.sum_hom (gsmul z) _ _).symm,
exact gsmul_zero _,
assume x y, exact gsmul_add _ _ _

end finset

namespace finset
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -523,6 +536,7 @@ section group
open list
variables [group α] [group β]

@[to_additive is_add_group_hom.sum]
theorem (f : α → β) [is_group_hom f] (l : list α) :
f (prod l) = prod (map f l) :=
by induction l; simp only [*, is_group_hom.mul f, f, prod_nil, prod_cons, map]
Expand All @@ -537,6 +551,26 @@ theorem inv_prod : ∀ l : list α, (prod l)⁻¹ = prod (map (λ x, x⁻¹) (re

end group

section comm_group
variables [comm_group α] [comm_group β] (f : α → β) [is_group_hom f]

@[to_additive is_add_group_hom.multiset_sum]
lemma is_group_hom.multiset_prod (m : multiset α) : f = ( f).prod :=
quotient.induction_on m $ assume l, by simp [ f l]

@[to_additive is_add_group_hom.finset_sum]
lemma is_group_hom.finset_prod (g : γ → α) (s : finset γ) : f ( g) = (f ∘ g) :=
show f ( g).prod = ( (f ∘ g)).prod, by rw [is_group_hom.multiset_prod f]; simp

end comm_group

@[to_additive is_add_group_hom_finset_sum]
lemma is_group_hom_finset_prod {α β γ} [group α] [comm_group β] (s : finset γ)
(f : γ → α → β) [∀c, is_group_hom (f c)] : is_group_hom (λa, (λc, f c a)) :=
⟨assume a b, by simp only [λc, is_group_hom.mul (f c), finset.prod_mul_distrib]⟩

attribute [instance] is_group_hom_finset_prod is_add_group_hom_finset_sum

namespace multiset
variables [decidable_eq α]

Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions algebra/group.lean
Expand Up @@ -667,6 +667,21 @@ protected lemma is_conj (f : α → β) [is_group_hom f] {a b : α} : is_conj a

end is_group_hom

@[to_additive is_add_group_hom_add]
lemma is_group_hom_mul {α β} [group α] [comm_group β]
(f g : α → β) [is_group_hom f] [is_group_hom g] :
is_group_hom (λa, f a * g a) :=
⟨assume a b, by simp only [is_group_hom.mul f, is_group_hom.mul g, mul_comm, mul_assoc, mul_left_comm]⟩

attribute [instance] is_group_hom_mul is_add_group_hom_add

@[to_additive is_add_group_hom_neg]
lemma is_group_hom_inv {α β} [group α] [comm_group β] (f : α → β) [is_group_hom f] :
is_group_hom (λa, (f a)⁻¹) :=
⟨assume a b, by rw [is_group_hom.mul f, mul_inv]⟩

attribute [instance] is_group_hom_inv is_add_group_hom_neg

/-- Predicate for group anti-homomorphism, or a homomorphism
into the opposite group. -/
class is_group_anti_hom {β : Type*} [group α] [group β] (f : α → β) : Prop :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -697,6 +712,13 @@ calc f (a - b) = f (a + -b) : rfl

end is_add_group_hom

lemma is_add_group_hom_sub {α β} [add_group α] [add_comm_group β]
(f g : α → β) [is_add_group_hom f] [is_add_group_hom g] :
is_add_group_hom (λa, f a - g a) :=
is_add_group_hom_add f (λa, - g a)

attribute [instance] is_add_group_hom_sub

namespace units
variables [monoid α] [monoid β] (f : α → β) [is_monoid_hom f]

Expand Down
46 changes: 44 additions & 2 deletions algebra/group_power.lean
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ a^n is used for the first, but users can locally redefine it to gpow when needed
Note: power adopts the convention that 0^0=1.
import algebra.char_zero algebra.ordered_field data.list.basic
import algebra.char_zero algebra.ordered_field
import data.list.basic

universes u v
variable {α : Type u}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,6 +225,7 @@ attribute [to_additive gsmul_zero] one_gpow
| (n+1:ℕ) := rfl
| 0 := one_inv.symm
| -[1+ n] := (inv_inv _).symm

@[simp] theorem neg_gsmul : ∀ (a : β) (n : ℤ), -n • a = -(n • a) :=
@gpow_neg (multiplicative β) _
attribute [to_additive neg_gsmul] gpow_neg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,6 +299,16 @@ theorem bit1_gsmul : ∀ (a : β) (n : ℤ), bit1 n • a = n • a + n • a +
@gpow_bit1 (multiplicative β) _
attribute [to_additive bit1_gsmul] gpow_bit1

theorem gsmul_neg (a : β) (n : ℤ) : gsmul n (- a) = - gsmul n a :=
induction n using int.induction_on with z ih z ih,
{ simp },
{ rw [add_comm] {occs := occurrences.pos [1]}, simp [add_gsmul, ih, -add_comm] },
{ rw [sub_eq_add_neg, add_comm] {occs := occurrences.pos [1]},
simp [ih, add_gsmul, neg_gsmul, -add_comm] }
attribute [to_additive gsmul_neg] gpow_neg

end group

namespace is_group_hom
Expand All @@ -308,10 +320,27 @@ by induction n with n ih; [exact f,

theorem gpow (a : α) (n : ℤ) : f (a ^ n) = f a ^ n :=
by cases n; [exact is_group_hom.pow f _ _,
exact (is_group_hom.inv f _).trans (congr_arg _ $ is_group_hom.pow f _ _)]
exact (is_group_hom.inv f _).trans (congr_arg _ $ is_group_hom.pow f _ _)]

end is_group_hom

namespace is_add_group_hom
variables {β : Type v} [add_group α] [add_group β] (f : α → β) [is_add_group_hom f]

theorem smul (a : α) (n : ℕ) : f (n • a) = n • f a :=
by induction n with n ih; [exact f,
rw [succ_smul, is_add_group_hom.add f, ih]]; refl

theorem gsmul (a : α) (n : ℤ) : f (gsmul n a) = gsmul n (f a) :=
induction n using int.induction_on with z ih z ih,
{ simp [ f] },
{ simp [is_add_group_hom.add f, add_gsmul, ih] },
{ simp [is_add_group_hom.add f, is_add_group_hom.neg f, add_gsmul, ih] }

end is_add_group_hom

local infix ` •ℤ `:70 := gsmul

section comm_monoid
Expand All @@ -324,8 +353,21 @@ theorem gsmul_add : ∀ (a b : β) (n : ℤ), n •ℤ (a + b) = n •ℤ a + n
@mul_gpow (multiplicative β) _
attribute [to_additive gsmul_add] mul_gpow

theorem gsmul_sub : ∀ (a b : β) (n : ℤ), gsmul n (a - b) = gsmul n a - gsmul n b :=
by simp [gsmul_add, gsmul_neg]

end comm_monoid

section group

theorem is_add_group_hom_gsmul
{α β} [add_group α] [add_comm_group β] (f : α → β) [is_add_group_hom f] (z : ℤ) :
is_add_group_hom (λa, gsmul z (f a)) :=
⟨assume a b, by rw [is_add_group_hom.add f, gsmul_add]⟩

end group

theorem add_monoid.smul_eq_mul' [semiring α] (a : α) (n : ℕ) : n • a = a * n :=
by induction n with n ih; [rw [add_monoid.zero_smul, nat.cast_zero, mul_zero],
rw [succ_smul', ih, nat.cast_succ, mul_add, mul_one]]
Expand Down
41 changes: 39 additions & 2 deletions algebra/pi_instances.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ Authors: Simon Hudon, Patrick Massot
Pi instances for algebraic structures.

import algebra.module order.basic tactic.pi_instances
import order.basic
import algebra.module
import data.finset
import tactic.pi_instances

namespace pi
universes u v
Expand All @@ -20,18 +22,27 @@ instance has_zero [∀ i, has_zero $ f i] : has_zero (Π i : I, f i) := ⟨λ i,
instance has_one [∀ i, has_one $ f i] : has_one (Π i : I, f i) := ⟨λ i, 1
@[simp] lemma one_apply [∀ i, has_one $ f i] : (1 : Π i, f i) i = 1 := rfl

attribute [to_additive pi.has_zero] pi.has_one
attribute [to_additive pi.zero_apply] pi.one_apply

instance has_add [∀ i, has_add $ f i] : has_add (Π i : I, f i) := ⟨λ x y, λ i, x i + y i⟩
@[simp] lemma add_apply [∀ i, has_add $ f i] : (x + y) i = x i + y i := rfl

instance has_mul [∀ i, has_mul $ f i] : has_mul (Π i : I, f i) := ⟨λ x y, λ i, x i * y i⟩
@[simp] lemma mul_apply [∀ i, has_mul $ f i] : (x * y) i = x i * y i := rfl

attribute [to_additive pi.has_add] pi.has_mul
attribute [to_additive pi.add_apply] pi.mul_apply

instance has_inv [∀ i, has_inv $ f i] : has_inv (Π i : I, f i) := ⟨λ x, λ i, (x i)⁻¹⟩
@[simp] lemma inv_apply [∀ i, has_inv $ f i] : x⁻¹ i = (x i)⁻¹ := rfl

instance has_neg [∀ i, has_neg $ f i] : has_neg (Π i : I, f i) := ⟨λ x, λ i, -(x i)⟩
@[simp] lemma neg_apply [∀ i, has_neg $ f i] : (-x) i = -x i := rfl

attribute [to_additive pi.has_neg] pi.has_inv
attribute [to_additive pi.neg_apply] pi.inv_apply

instance has_scalar {α : Type*} [∀ i, has_scalar α $ f i] : has_scalar α (Π i : I, f i) := ⟨λ s x, λ i, s • (x i)⟩
@[simp] lemma smul_apply {α : Type*} [∀ i, has_scalar α $ f i] (s : α) : (s • x) i = s • x i := rfl

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,6 +80,32 @@ by pi_instance
instance ordered_cancel_comm_monoid [∀ i, ordered_cancel_comm_monoid $ f i] : ordered_cancel_comm_monoid (Π i : I, f i) :=
by pi_instance

attribute [to_additive pi.add_semigroup] pi.semigroup
attribute [to_additive pi.add_comm_semigroup] pi.comm_semigroup
attribute [to_additive pi.add_monoid] pi.monoid
attribute [to_additive pi.add_comm_monoid] pi.comm_monoid
attribute [to_additive pi.add_group]
attribute [to_additive pi.add_comm_group] pi.comm_group
attribute [to_additive pi.add_left_cancel_semigroup] pi.left_cancel_semigroup
attribute [to_additive pi.add_right_cancel_semigroup] pi.right_cancel_semigroup

@[to_additive pi.list_sum_apply]
lemma list_prod_apply {α : Type*} {β} [monoid β] (a : α) :
∀ (l : list (α → β)), a = ( (λf:α → β, f a)).prod
| [] := rfl
| (f :: l) := by simp [mul_apply f a, list_prod_apply l]

@[to_additive pi.multiset_sum_apply]
lemma multiset_prod_apply {α : Type*} {β} [comm_monoid β] (a : α) (s : multiset (α → β)) : a = ( (λf:α → β, f a)).prod :=
quotient.induction_on s $ assume l, begin simp [list_prod_apply a l] end

@[to_additive pi.finset_sum_apply]
lemma finset_prod_apply {α : Type*} {β γ} [comm_monoid β] (a : α) (s : finset γ) (g : γ → α → β) : g a = (λc, g c a) :=
show ( g).prod a = ( (λc, g c a)).prod,
by rw [multiset_prod_apply, multiset.map_map]

end pi

namespace prod
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions group_theory/subgroup.lean
Expand Up @@ -128,6 +128,10 @@ lemma mul_mem_cancel_right (h : a ∈ s) : a * b ∈ s ↔ b ∈ s :=

end is_subgroup

theorem is_add_subgroup.sub_mem {α} [add_group α] (s : set α) [is_add_subgroup s] (a b : α)
(ha : a ∈ s) (hb : b ∈ s) : a - b ∈ s :=
is_add_submonoid.add_mem ha (is_add_subgroup.neg_mem hb)

namespace group
open is_submonoid is_subgroup

Expand Down
33 changes: 29 additions & 4 deletions group_theory/submonoid.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2018 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Kenny Lau, Johan Commelin, Mario Carneiro
import algebra.group_power
import algebra.big_operators
import data.finset
import tactic.subtype_instance

variables {α : Type*} [monoid α] {s : set α}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,13 +74,37 @@ attribute [to_additive is_add_submonoid.multiple_subset] is_add_submonoid.multip

end powers

namespace is_submonoid

@[to_additive is_add_submonoid.list_sum_mem]
lemma is_submonoid.list_prod_mem [is_submonoid s] : ∀{l : list α}, (∀x∈l, x ∈ s) → ∈ s
| [] h := is_submonoid.one_mem s
lemma list_prod_mem [is_submonoid s] : ∀{l : list α}, (∀x∈l, x ∈ s) → ∈ s
| [] h := one_mem s
| (a::l) h :=
suffices a * ∈ s, by simpa,
have a ∈ s ∧ (∀x∈l, x ∈ s), by simpa using h,
is_submonoid.mul_mem this.1 (is_submonoid.list_prod_mem this.2)
is_submonoid.mul_mem this.1 (list_prod_mem this.2)

@[to_additive is_add_submonoid.multiset_sum_mem]
lemma multiset_prod_mem {α} [comm_monoid α] (s : set α) [is_submonoid s] (m : multiset α) :
(∀a∈m, a ∈ s) → ∈ s :=
refine quotient.induction_on m (assume l hl, _),
rw [multiset.quot_mk_to_coe, multiset.coe_prod],
exact list_prod_mem hl

@[to_additive is_add_submonoid.finset_sum_mem]
lemma finset_prod_mem {α β} [comm_monoid α] (s : set α) [is_submonoid s] (f : β → α) :
∀(t : finset β), (∀b∈t, f b ∈ s) → f ∈ s
| ⟨m, hm⟩ hs :=
refine multiset_prod_mem s _ _,
rintros a b hb rfl,
exact hs _ hb

end is_submonoid

instance subtype.monoid {s : set α} [is_submonoid s] : monoid s :=
by subtype_instance
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