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refactor(topology/sequences): golf, review API (#17454)
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* drop `lebesgue_number_lemma_seq`: use `lebesgue_number_lemma` + `is_seq_compact.is_compact` instead;
* add `is_seq_compact.exists_tendsto_of_frequently_mem`, `is_seq_compact.exists_tendsto`, `is_seq_compact.is_complete`;
* golf some proofs.
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urkud committed Nov 11, 2022
1 parent 2786306 commit aae8d56
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 103 deletions.
167 changes: 64 additions & 103 deletions src/topology/sequences.lean
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ sequentially closed, sequentially compact, sequential space

open set function filter topological_space
open_locale topological_space
open_locale topological_space filter

variables {X Y : Type*}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,9 +234,11 @@ def is_seq_compact (s : set X) :=

/-- A space `X` is sequentially compact if every sequence in `X` has a
converging subsequence. -/
class seq_compact_space (X : Type*) [topological_space X] : Prop :=
@[mk_iff] class seq_compact_space (X : Type*) [topological_space X] : Prop :=
(seq_compact_univ : is_seq_compact (univ : set X))

export seq_compact_space (seq_compact_univ)

lemma is_seq_compact.subseq_of_frequently_in {s : set X} (hs : is_seq_compact s) {x : ℕ → X}
(hx : ∃ᶠ n in at_top, x n ∈ s) :
∃ (a ∈ s) (φ : ℕ → ℕ), strict_mono φ ∧ tendsto (x ∘ φ) at_top (𝓝 a) :=
Expand All @@ -245,17 +247,15 @@ let ⟨ψ, hψ, huψ⟩ := extraction_of_frequently_at_top hx, ⟨a, a_in, φ, h

lemma seq_compact_space.tendsto_subseq [seq_compact_space X] (x : ℕ → X) :
∃ a (φ : ℕ → ℕ), strict_mono φ ∧ tendsto (x ∘ φ) at_top (𝓝 a) :=
let ⟨a, _, φ, mono, h⟩ := seq_compact_space.seq_compact_univ (λ n, mem_univ (x n)) in
⟨a, φ, mono, h⟩
let ⟨a, _, φ, mono, h⟩ := seq_compact_univ (λ n, mem_univ (x n)) in ⟨a, φ, mono, h⟩

section first_countable_topology
variables [first_countable_topology X]
open topological_space.first_countable_topology

lemma is_compact.is_seq_compact {s : set X} (hs : is_compact s) : is_seq_compact s :=
λ x x_in,
let ⟨a, a_in, ha⟩ := @hs (map x at_top) _
(le_principal_iff.mpr (univ_mem' x_in : _)) in ⟨a, a_in, tendsto_subseq ha⟩
protected lemma is_compact.is_seq_compact {s : set X} (hs : is_compact s) : is_seq_compact s :=
λ x x_in, let ⟨a, a_in, ha⟩ := hs (tendsto_principal.mpr (eventually_of_forall x_in))
in ⟨a, a_in, tendsto_subseq ha⟩

lemma is_compact.tendsto_subseq' {s : set X} {x : ℕ → X} (hs : is_compact s)
(hx : ∃ᶠ n in at_top, x n ∈ s) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,116 +284,77 @@ open uniform_space prod

variables [uniform_space X] {s : set X}

lemma lebesgue_number_lemma_seq {ι : Type*} [is_countably_generated (𝓤 X)] {c : ι → set X}
(hs : is_seq_compact s) (hc₁ : ∀ i, is_open (c i)) (hc₂ : s ⊆ ⋃ i, c i) :
∃ V ∈ 𝓤 X, symmetric_rel V ∧ ∀ x ∈ s, ∃ i, ball x V ⊆ c i :=
obtain ⟨V, hV, Vsymm⟩ :
∃ V : ℕ → set (X × X), (𝓤 X).has_antitone_basis V ∧ ∀ n, swap ⁻¹' V n = V n,
from uniform_space.has_seq_basis X,
rsuffices ⟨n, hn⟩ : ∃ n, ∀ x ∈ s, ∃ i, ball x (V n) ⊆ c i,
{ exact ⟨V n, hV.to_has_basis.mem_of_mem trivial, Vsymm n, hn⟩ },
by_contradiction H,
obtain ⟨x, x_in, hx⟩ : ∃ x : ℕ → X, (∀ n, x n ∈ s) ∧ ∀ n i, ¬ ball (x n) (V n) ⊆ c i,
{ push_neg at H,
choose x hx using H,
exact ⟨x, hx⟩ }, clear H,
obtain ⟨x₀, x₀_in, φ, φ_mono, hlim⟩ :
∃ (x₀ ∈ s) (φ : ℕ → ℕ), strict_mono φ ∧ tendsto (x ∘ φ) at_top (𝓝 x₀),
from hs x_in, clear hs,
obtain ⟨i₀, x₀_in⟩ : ∃ i₀, x₀ ∈ c i₀,
{ rcases hc₂ x₀_in with ⟨_, ⟨i₀, rfl⟩, x₀_in_c⟩,
exact ⟨i₀, x₀_in_c⟩ }, clear hc₂,
obtain ⟨n₀, hn₀⟩ : ∃ n₀, ball x₀ (V n₀) ⊆ c i₀,
{ rcases (nhds_basis_uniformity hV.to_has_basis)
( (hc₁ i₀) _ x₀_in) with ⟨n₀, _, h⟩,
use n₀,
rwa ← ball_eq_of_symmetry (Vsymm n₀) at h }, clear hc₁,
obtain ⟨W, W_in, hWW⟩ : ∃ W ∈ 𝓤 X, W ○ W ⊆ V n₀,
from comp_mem_uniformity_sets (hV.to_has_basis.mem_of_mem trivial),
obtain ⟨N, x_φ_N_in, hVNW⟩ : ∃ N, x (φ N) ∈ ball x₀ W ∧ V (φ N) ⊆ W,
{ obtain ⟨N₁, h₁⟩ : ∃ N₁, ∀ n ≥ N₁, x (φ n) ∈ ball x₀ W,
from tendsto_at_top'.mp hlim _ (mem_nhds_left x₀ W_in),
obtain ⟨N₂, h₂⟩ : ∃ N₂, V (φ N₂) ⊆ W,
{ rcases W_in with ⟨N, _, hN⟩,
use N,
exact subset.trans (hV.antitone $ φ_mono.id_le _) hN },
have : φ N₂ ≤ φ (max N₁ N₂),
from φ_mono.le_iff_le.mpr (le_max_right _ _),
exact ⟨max N₁ N₂, h₁ _ (le_max_left _ _), trans (hV.antitone this) h₂⟩ },
suffices : ball (x (φ N)) (V (φ N)) ⊆ c i₀,
from hx (φ N) i₀ this,
ball (x $ φ N) (V $ φ N) ⊆ ball (x $ φ N) W : preimage_mono hVNW
... ⊆ ball x₀ (V n₀) : ball_subset_of_comp_subset x_φ_N_in hWW
... ⊆ c i₀ : hn₀,
lemma is_seq_compact.exists_tendsto_of_frequently_mem (hs : is_seq_compact s) {u : ℕ → X}
(hu : ∃ᶠ n in at_top, u n ∈ s) (huc : cauchy_seq u) :
∃ x ∈ s, tendsto u at_top (𝓝 x) :=
let ⟨x, hxs, φ, φ_mono, hx⟩ := hs.subseq_of_frequently_in hu
in ⟨x, hxs, tendsto_nhds_of_cauchy_seq_of_subseq huc φ_mono.tendsto_at_top hx⟩

lemma is_seq_compact.totally_bounded (h : is_seq_compact s) : totally_bounded s :=
lemma is_seq_compact.exists_tendsto (hs : is_seq_compact s) {u : ℕ → X} (hu : ∀ n, u n ∈ s)
(huc : cauchy_seq u) : ∃ x ∈ s, tendsto u at_top (𝓝 x) :=
hs.exists_tendsto_of_frequently_mem (frequently_of_forall hu) huc

/-- A sequentially compact set in a uniform space is totally bounded. -/
protected lemma is_seq_compact.totally_bounded (h : is_seq_compact s) : totally_bounded s :=
apply totally_bounded_of_forall_symm,
intros V V_in,
unfold is_seq_compact at h,
contrapose! h,
rcases h with ⟨V, V_in, V_symm, h⟩,
simp_rw [not_subset] at h,
have : ∀ (t : set X), t.finite → ∃ a, a ∈ s ∧ a ∉ ⋃ y ∈ t, ball y V,
{ intros t ht,
obtain ⟨a, a_in, H⟩ : ∃ a ∈ s, ∀ x ∈ t, (x, a) ∉ V,
by simpa [ht] using h t,
use [a, a_in],
intro H',
obtain ⟨x, x_in, hx⟩ := mem_Union₂.mp H',
exact H x x_in hx },
cases seq_of_forall_finite_exists this with u hu, clear h this,
simp [forall_and_distrib] at hu,
cases hu with u_in hu,
use [u, u_in], clear u_in,
intros x x_in φ,
intros hφ huφ,
obtain ⟨u, u_in, hu⟩ : ∃ u : ℕ → X, (∀ n, u n ∈ s) ∧ ∀ n m, m < n → u m ∉ ball (u n) V,
{ simp only [not_subset, mem_Union₂, not_exists, exists_prop] at h,
simpa only [forall_and_distrib, ball_image_iff, not_and] using seq_of_forall_finite_exists h },
refine ⟨u, u_in, λ x x_in φ hφ huφ, _⟩,
obtain ⟨N, hN⟩ : ∃ N, ∀ p q, p ≥ N → q ≥ N → (u (φ p), u (φ q)) ∈ V,
from huφ.cauchy_seq.mem_entourage V_in,
specialize hN N (N+1) (le_refl N) (nat.le_succ N),
specialize hu (φ $ N+1) (φ N) (hφ $ lt_add_one N),
exact hu hN,
exact hu (φ $ N + 1) (φ N) (hφ $ lt_add_one N) (hN (N + 1) N N.le_succ le_rfl)

protected lemma is_seq_compact.is_compact [is_countably_generated $ 𝓤 X] (hs : is_seq_compact s) :
is_compact s :=
variables [is_countably_generated (𝓤 X)]

/-- A sequentially compact set in a uniform set with countably generated uniformity filter
is complete. -/
protected lemma is_seq_compact.is_complete (hs : is_seq_compact s) : is_complete s :=
rw is_compact_iff_finite_subcover,
intros ι U Uop s_sub,
rcases lebesgue_number_lemma_seq hs Uop s_sub with ⟨V, V_in, Vsymm, H⟩,
rcases hs.totally_bounded V V_in with ⟨t,t_sub, tfin, ht⟩,
have : ∀ x : t, ∃ (i : ι), ball x.val V ⊆ U i,
{ rintros ⟨x, x_in⟩,
exact H x (t_sub x_in) },
choose i hi using this,
haveI : fintype t := tfin.fintype,
use finset.image i finset.univ,
transitivity ⋃ y ∈ t, ball y V,
{ intros x x_in,
specialize ht x_in,
rw mem_Union₂ at *,
simp_rw ball_eq_of_symmetry Vsymm,
exact ht },
{ refine Union₂_mono' (λ x x_in, _),
exact ⟨i ⟨x, x_in⟩, finset.mem_image_of_mem _ (finset.mem_univ _), hi ⟨x, x_in⟩⟩ },
intros l hl hls,
haveI := hl.1,
rcases exists_antitone_basis (𝓤 X) with ⟨V, hV⟩,
choose W hW hWV using λ n, comp_mem_uniformity_sets (hV.mem n),
have hWV' : ∀ n, W n ⊆ V n, from λ n ⟨x, y⟩ hx, @hWV n (x, y) ⟨x, refl_mem_uniformity $ hW _, hx⟩,
obtain ⟨t, ht_anti, htl, htW, hts⟩ : ∃ t : ℕ → set X, antitone t ∧ (∀ n, t n ∈ l) ∧
(∀ n, t n ×ˢ t n ⊆ W n) ∧ (∀ n, t n ⊆ s),
{ have : ∀ n, ∃ t ∈ l, t ×ˢ t ⊆ W n ∧ t ⊆ s,
{ rw [le_principal_iff] at hls,
have : ∀ n, W n ∩ s ×ˢ s ∈ l ×ᶠ l := λ n, inter_mem (hl.2 (hW n)) (prod_mem_prod hls hls),
simpa only [l.basis_sets.prod_self.mem_iff, true_implies_iff, subset_inter_iff,
prod_self_subset_prod_self, and.assoc] using this },
choose t htl htW hts,
have : ∀ n, (⋂ k ≤ n, t k) ⊆ t n, from λ n, Inter₂_subset _ le_rfl,
exact ⟨λ n, ⋂ k ≤ n, t k, λ m n h, bInter_subset_bInter_left (λ k (hk : k ≤ m), hk.trans h),
λ n, (bInter_mem (finite_le_nat n)).2 (λ k hk, htl k),
λ n, (prod_mono (this n) (this n)).trans (htW n), λ n, (this n).trans (hts n)⟩ },
choose u hu using λ n, filter.nonempty_of_mem (htl n),
have huc : cauchy_seq u := hV.to_has_basis.cauchy_seq_iff.2
(λ N hN, ⟨N, λ m hm n hn, hWV' _ $ @htW N (_, _) ⟨ht_anti hm (hu _), (ht_anti hn (hu _))⟩⟩),
rcases hs.exists_tendsto (λ n, hts n (hu n)) huc with ⟨x, hxs, hx⟩,
refine ⟨x, hxs, (nhds_basis_uniformity' hV.to_has_basis).ge_iff.2 $ λ N hN, _⟩,
obtain ⟨n, hNn, hn⟩ : ∃ n, N ≤ n ∧ u n ∈ ball x (W N),
from ((eventually_ge_at_top N).and (hx $ ball_mem_nhds x (hW N))).exists,
refine mem_of_superset (htl n) (λ y hy, hWV N ⟨u n, _, htW N ⟨_, _⟩⟩),
exacts [hn, ht_anti hNn (hu n), ht_anti hNn hy]

/-- If `𝓤 β` is countably generated, then any sequentially compact set is compact. -/
protected lemma is_seq_compact.is_compact (hs : is_seq_compact s) : is_compact s :=
is_compact_iff_totally_bounded_is_complete.2 ⟨hs.totally_bounded, hs.is_complete⟩

/-- A version of Bolzano-Weistrass: in a uniform space with countably generated uniformity filter
(e.g., in a metric space), a set is compact if and only if it is sequentially compact. -/
protected lemma uniform_space.is_compact_iff_is_seq_compact [is_countably_generated $ 𝓤 X] :
is_compact s ↔ is_seq_compact s :=
protected lemma uniform_space.is_compact_iff_is_seq_compact : is_compact s ↔ is_seq_compact s :=
⟨λ H, H.is_seq_compact, λ H, H.is_compact⟩

lemma uniform_space.compact_space_iff_seq_compact_space [is_countably_generated $ 𝓤 X] :
compact_space X ↔ seq_compact_space X :=
have key : is_compact (univ : set X) ↔ is_seq_compact univ :=
⟨λ ⟨h⟩, ⟨ h⟩, λ ⟨h⟩, ⟨key.mpr h⟩⟩
lemma uniform_space.compact_space_iff_seq_compact_space : compact_space X ↔ seq_compact_space X :=
by simp only [← is_compact_univ_iff, seq_compact_space_iff,

end uniform_space_seq_compact

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