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feat(algebraic_geometry/morphisms/basic): Basic framework for local p…
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…roperties of morphisms. (#15709)

Co-authored-by: Andrew Yang <>
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erdOne and erdOne committed Aug 10, 2022
1 parent 2792268 commit af80234
Showing 1 changed file with 333 additions and 0 deletions.
333 changes: 333 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/morphisms/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,47 @@ import category_theory.morphism_property
We provide the basic framework for talking about properties of morphisms between Schemes.
A `morphism_property Scheme` is a predicate on morphisms between schemes, and an
`affine_target_morphism_property` is a predicate on morphisms into affine schemes. Given a
`P : affine_target_morphism_property`, we may construct a `morphism_property` called
`target_affine_locally P` that holds for `f : X ⟶ Y` whenever `P` holds for the
restriction of `f` on every affine open subset of `Y`.
## Main definitions
- `algebraic_geometry.affine_target_morphism_property.is_local`: We say that `P.is_local` if `P`
satisfies the assumptions of the affine communication lemma
(`algebraic_geometry.of_affine_open_cover`). That is,
1. `P` respects isomorphisms.
2. If `P` holds for `f : X ⟶ Y`, then `P` holds for `f ∣_ Y.basic_open r` for any
global section `r`.
3. If `P` holds for `f ∣_ Y.basic_open r` for all `r` in a spanning set of the global sections,
then `P` holds for `f`.
- `algebraic_geometry.property_is_local_at_target`: We say that `property_is_local_at_target P` for
`P : morphism_property Scheme` if
1. `P` respects isomorphisms.
2. If `P` holds for `f : X ⟶ Y`, then `P` holds for `f ∣_ U` for any `U`.
3. If `P` holds for `f ∣_ U` for an open cover `U` of `Y`, then `P` holds for `f`.
## Main results
- `algebraic_geometry.affine_target_morphism_property.is_local.affine_open_cover_tfae`:
If `P.is_local`, then `target_affine_locally P f` iff there exists an affine cover `{ Uᵢ }` of `Y`
such that `P` holds for `f ∣_ Uᵢ`.
- `algebraic_geometry.affine_target_morphism_property.is_local_of_open_cover_imply`:
If the existance of an affine cover `{ Uᵢ }` of `Y` such that `P` holds for `f ∣_ Uᵢ` implies
`target_affine_locally P f`, then `P.is_local`.
- `algebraic_geometry.affine_target_morphism_property.is_local.affine_target_iff`:
If `Y` is affine and `f : X ⟶ Y`, then `target_affine_locally P f ↔ P f` provided `P.is_local`.
- `algebraic_geometry.affine_target_morphism_property.is_local.target_affine_locally_is_local` :
If `P.is_local`, then `property_is_local_at_target (target_affine_locally P)`.
- `algebraic_geometry.property_is_local_at_target.open_cover_tfae`:
If `property_is_local_at_target P`, then `P f` iff there exists an open cover `{ Uᵢ }` of `Y`
such that `P` holds for `f ∣_ Uᵢ`.
These results should not be used directly, and should be ported to each property that is local.

universe u
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,4 +86,296 @@ lemma affine_target_morphism_property.to_property_apply (P : affine_target_morph
{X Y : Scheme} (f : X ⟶ Y) [is_affine Y] :
P.to_property f ↔ P f := by { delta affine_target_morphism_property.to_property, simp [*] }

lemma affine_cancel_left_is_iso {P : affine_target_morphism_property}
(hP : P.to_property.respects_iso) {X Y Z : Scheme} (f : X ⟶ Y)
(g : Y ⟶ Z) [is_iso f] [is_affine Z] : P (f ≫ g) ↔ P g :=
by rw [← P.to_property_apply, ← P.to_property_apply, hP.cancel_left_is_iso]

lemma affine_cancel_right_is_iso
{P : affine_target_morphism_property} (hP : P.to_property.respects_iso) {X Y Z : Scheme}
(f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) [is_iso g] [is_affine Z] [is_affine Y] : P (f ≫ g) ↔ P f :=
by rw [← P.to_property_apply, ← P.to_property_apply, hP.cancel_right_is_iso]

/-- For a `P : affine_target_morphism_property`, `target_affine_locally P` holds for
`f : X ⟶ Y` whenever `P` holds for the restriction of `f` on every affine open subset of `Y`. -/
def target_affine_locally (P : affine_target_morphism_property) : morphism_property Scheme :=
λ {X Y : Scheme} (f : X ⟶ Y), ∀ (U : Y.affine_opens), @@P (f ∣_ U) U.prop

lemma is_affine_open.map_is_iso {X Y : Scheme} {U : opens Y.carrier} (hU : is_affine_open U)
(f : X ⟶ Y) [is_iso f] : is_affine_open (( f.1.base).obj U) :=
haveI : is_affine _ := hU,
exact is_affine_of_iso (f ∣_ U),

lemma target_affine_locally_respects_iso {P : affine_target_morphism_property}
(hP : P.to_property.respects_iso) : (target_affine_locally P).respects_iso :=
{ introv H U,
rw [morphism_restrict_comp, affine_cancel_left_is_iso hP],
exact H U },
{ introv H,
rintro ⟨U, hU : is_affine_open U⟩, dsimp,
haveI : is_affine _ := hU,
haveI : is_affine _ := hU.map_is_iso e.hom,
rw [morphism_restrict_comp, affine_cancel_right_is_iso hP],
exact H ⟨( e.hom.val.base).obj U, hU.map_is_iso e.hom⟩ }

We say that `P : affine_target_morphism_property` is a local property if
1. `P` respects isomorphisms.
2. If `P` holds for `f : X ⟶ Y`, then `P` holds for `f ∣_ Y.basic_open r` for any
global section `r`.
3. If `P` holds for `f ∣_ Y.basic_open r` for all `r` in a spanning set of the global sections,
then `P` holds for `f`.
structure affine_target_morphism_property.is_local (P : affine_target_morphism_property) : Prop :=
(respects_iso : P.to_property.respects_iso)
(to_basic_open : ∀ {X Y : Scheme} [is_affine Y] (f : X ⟶ Y) (r : Y.presheaf.obj $ op ⊤),
by exactI P f →
@@P (f ∣_ (Y.basic_open r)) ((top_is_affine_open Y).basic_open_is_affine _))
(of_basic_open_cover : ∀ {X Y : Scheme} [is_affine Y] (f : X ⟶ Y)
(s : finset (Y.presheaf.obj $ op ⊤)) (hs : ideal.span (s : set (Y.presheaf.obj $ op ⊤)) = ⊤),
by exactI (∀ (r : s), @@P (f ∣_ (Y.basic_open r.1))
((top_is_affine_open Y).basic_open_is_affine _)) → P f)

lemma target_affine_locally_of_open_cover {P : affine_target_morphism_property}
(hP : P.is_local)
{X Y : Scheme} (f : X ⟶ Y) (𝒰 : Y.open_cover) [∀ i, is_affine (𝒰.obj i)]
(h𝒰 : ∀ i, P (pullback.snd : (𝒰.pullback_cover f).obj i ⟶ 𝒰.obj i)) :
target_affine_locally P f :=
let S := λ i, (⟨⟨set.range (𝒰.map i).1.base, (𝒰.is_open i).base_open.open_range⟩,
range_is_affine_open_of_open_immersion (𝒰.map i)⟩ : Y.affine_opens),
intro U,
apply of_affine_open_cover U (set.range S),
{ intros U r h,
haveI : is_affine _ := U.2,
have := hP.2 (f ∣_ U.1),
replace this := this ( (eq_to_hom U.1.open_embedding_obj_top).op r) h,
rw ← P.to_property_apply at this ⊢,
exact (hP.1.arrow_mk_iso_iff (morphism_restrict_restrict_basic_open f _ r)).mp this },
{ intros U s hs H,
haveI : is_affine _ := U.2,
apply hP.3 (f ∣_ U.1) (s.image ( (eq_to_hom U.1.open_embedding_obj_top).op)),
{ apply_fun ideal.comap ( (eq_to_hom U.1.open_embedding_obj_top.symm).op) at hs,
rw ideal.comap_top at hs,
rw ← hs,
simp only [eq_to_hom_op, eq_to_hom_map, finset.coe_image],
have : ∀ {R S : CommRing} (e : S = R) (s : set S),
(by exactI ideal.span (eq_to_hom e '' s) = ideal.comap (eq_to_hom e.symm) (ideal.span s)),
{ intros, subst e, simpa },
apply this },
{ rintro ⟨r, hr⟩,
obtain ⟨r, hr', rfl⟩ := hr,
simp_rw ← P.to_property_apply at ⊢ H,
(hP.1.arrow_mk_iso_iff (morphism_restrict_restrict_basic_open f _ r)).mpr (H ⟨r, hr'⟩) } },
{ rw set.eq_univ_iff_forall,
simp only [set.mem_Union],
intro x,
exact ⟨⟨_, ⟨𝒰.f x, rfl⟩⟩, 𝒰.covers x⟩ },
{ rintro ⟨_, i, rfl⟩,
simp_rw ← P.to_property_apply at ⊢ h𝒰,
exact (hP.1.arrow_mk_iso_iff (morphism_restrict_opens_range f _)).mpr (h𝒰 i) },

lemma affine_target_morphism_property.is_local.affine_open_cover_tfae
{P : affine_target_morphism_property}
(hP : P.is_local) {X Y : Scheme.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y) :
tfae [target_affine_locally P f,
∃ (𝒰 : Scheme.open_cover.{u} Y) [∀ i, is_affine (𝒰.obj i)], ∀ (i : 𝒰.J),
by exactI P (pullback.snd : (𝒰.pullback_cover f).obj i ⟶ 𝒰.obj i),
∀ (𝒰 : Scheme.open_cover.{u} Y) [∀ i, is_affine (𝒰.obj i)] (i : 𝒰.J),
by exactI P (pullback.snd : (𝒰.pullback_cover f).obj i ⟶ 𝒰.obj i),
∀ {U : Scheme} (g : U ⟶ Y) [is_affine U] [is_open_immersion g],
by exactI P (pullback.snd : pullback f g ⟶ U),
∃ {ι : Type u} (U : ι → opens Y.carrier) (hU : supr U = ⊤) (hU' : ∀ i, is_affine_open (U i)),
∀ i, @@P (f ∣_ (U i)) (hU' i)] :=
tfae_have : 14,
{ intros H U g h₁ h₂,
replace H := H ⟨⟨_, h₂.base_open.open_range⟩,
range_is_affine_open_of_open_immersion g⟩,
rw ← P.to_property_apply at H ⊢,
rwa ← hP.1.arrow_mk_iso_iff (morphism_restrict_opens_range f _) },
tfae_have : 43,
{ intros H 𝒰 h𝒰 i,
apply H },
tfae_have : 32,
{ exact λ H, ⟨Y.affine_cover, infer_instance, H Y.affine_cover⟩ },
tfae_have : 21,
{ rintro ⟨𝒰, h𝒰, H⟩, exactI target_affine_locally_of_open_cover hP f 𝒰 H },
tfae_have : 52,
{ rintro ⟨ι, U, hU, hU', H⟩,
refine ⟨Y.open_cover_of_supr_eq_top U hU, hU', _⟩,
intro i,
specialize H i,
rw [← P.to_property_apply, ← hP.1.arrow_mk_iso_iff (morphism_restrict_opens_range f _)],
rw ← P.to_property_apply at H,
convert H,
all_goals { ext1, exact subtype.range_coe } },
tfae_have : 15,
{ intro H,
refine ⟨Y.carrier, λ x, is_open_immersion.opens_range ( x), _,
λ i, range_is_affine_open_of_open_immersion _, _⟩,
{ rw eq_top_iff, intros x _, erw opens.mem_supr, exact⟨x, Y.affine_cover.covers x⟩ },
{ intro i, exact H ⟨_, range_is_affine_open_of_open_immersion _⟩ } },

lemma affine_target_morphism_property.is_local_of_open_cover_imply
(P : affine_target_morphism_property) (hP : P.to_property.respects_iso)
(H : ∀ {X Y : Scheme.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y),
(∃ (𝒰 : Scheme.open_cover.{u} Y) [∀ i, is_affine (𝒰.obj i)], ∀ (i : 𝒰.J),
by exactI P (pullback.snd : (𝒰.pullback_cover f).obj i ⟶ 𝒰.obj i)) →
(∀ {U : Scheme} (g : U ⟶ Y) [is_affine U] [is_open_immersion g],
by exactI P (pullback.snd : pullback f g ⟶ U))) : P.is_local :=
refine ⟨hP, _, _⟩,
{ introv h,
haveI : is_affine _ := (top_is_affine_open Y).basic_open_is_affine r,
delta morphism_restrict,
rw affine_cancel_left_is_iso hP,
refine @@H f ⟨Scheme.open_cover_of_is_iso (𝟙 Y), _, _⟩ (Y.of_restrict _) _inst _,
{ intro i, dsimp, apply_instance },
{ intro i, dsimp,
rwa [← category.comp_id pullback.snd, ← pullback.condition, affine_cancel_left_is_iso hP] } },
{ introv hs hs',
replace hs := ((top_is_affine_open Y).basic_open_union_eq_self_iff _).mpr hs,
have := H f ⟨Y.open_cover_of_supr_eq_top _ hs, _, _⟩ (𝟙 _),
rwa [← category.comp_id pullback.snd, ← pullback.condition,
affine_cancel_left_is_iso hP] at this,
{ intro i, exact (top_is_affine_open Y).basic_open_is_affine _ },
{ rintro (i : s),
specialize hs' i,
haveI : is_affine _ := (top_is_affine_open Y).basic_open_is_affine i.1,
delta morphism_restrict at hs',
rwa affine_cancel_left_is_iso hP at hs' } }

lemma affine_target_morphism_property.is_local.affine_open_cover_iff
{P : affine_target_morphism_property} (hP : P.is_local)
{X Y : Scheme.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y) (𝒰 : Scheme.open_cover.{u} Y) [h𝒰 : ∀ i, is_affine (𝒰.obj i)] :
target_affine_locally P f ↔ ∀ i, @@P (pullback.snd : pullback f (𝒰.map i) ⟶ _) (h𝒰 i) :=
⟨λ H, let h := ((hP.affine_open_cover_tfae f).out 0 2).mp H in h 𝒰,
λ H, let h := ((hP.affine_open_cover_tfae f).out 1 0).mp in h ⟨𝒰, infer_instance, H⟩⟩

lemma affine_target_morphism_property.is_local.affine_target_iff
{P : affine_target_morphism_property} (hP : P.is_local)
{X Y : Scheme.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y) [is_affine Y] :
target_affine_locally P f ↔ P f :=
rw hP.affine_open_cover_iff f _,
swap, { exact Scheme.open_cover_of_is_iso (𝟙 Y) },
swap, { intro _, dsimp, apply_instance },
transitivity (P (pullback.snd : pullback f (𝟙 _) ⟶ _)),
{ exact ⟨λ H, H, λ H _, H⟩ },
rw [← category.comp_id pullback.snd, ← pullback.condition, affine_cancel_left_is_iso hP.1],

We say that `P : morphism_property Scheme` is local at the target if
1. `P` respects isomorphisms.
2. If `P` holds for `f : X ⟶ Y`, then `P` holds for `f ∣_ U` for any `U`.
3. If `P` holds for `f ∣_ U` for an open cover `U` of `Y`, then `P` holds for `f`.
structure property_is_local_at_target (P : morphism_property Scheme) : Prop :=
(respects_iso : P.respects_iso)
(restrict : ∀ {X Y : Scheme} (f : X ⟶ Y) (U : opens Y.carrier), P f → P (f ∣_ U))
(of_open_cover : ∀ {X Y : Scheme.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y) (𝒰 : Scheme.open_cover.{u} Y),
(∀ (i : 𝒰.J), P (pullback.snd : (𝒰.pullback_cover f).obj i ⟶ 𝒰.obj i)) → P f)

lemma affine_target_morphism_property.is_local.target_affine_locally_is_local
{P : affine_target_morphism_property} (hP : P.is_local) :
property_is_local_at_target (target_affine_locally P) :=
{ exact target_affine_locally_respects_iso hP.1 },
{ intros X Y f U H V,
rw [← P.to_property_apply, hP.1.arrow_mk_iso_iff (morphism_restrict_restrict f _ _)],
convert H ⟨_, is_affine_open.image_is_open_immersion V.2 (Y.of_restrict _)⟩,
rw ← P.to_property_apply,
refl },
{ rintros X Y f 𝒰 h𝒰,
rw (hP.affine_open_cover_tfae f).out 0 1,
refine ⟨𝒰.bind (λ _, Scheme.affine_cover _), _, _⟩,
{ intro i, dsimp [Scheme.open_cover.bind], apply_instance },
{ intro i,
specialize h𝒰 i.1,
rw (hP.affine_open_cover_tfae (pullback.snd : pullback f (𝒰.map i.fst) ⟶ _)).out 0 2
at h𝒰,
specialize h𝒰 (Scheme.affine_cover _) i.2,
let e : pullback f ((𝒰.obj i.fst) i.snd ≫ 𝒰.map i.fst) ⟶
pullback (pullback.snd : pullback f (𝒰.map i.fst) ⟶ _)
((𝒰.obj i.fst) i.snd),
{ refine (pullback_symmetry _ _).hom ≫ _,
refine (pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso _ _ _).inv ≫ _,
refine (pullback_symmetry _ _).hom ≫ _,
refine _ _ _ _ (pullback_symmetry _ _).hom (𝟙 _) (𝟙 _) _ _;
simp only [category.comp_id, category.id_comp, pullback_symmetry_hom_comp_snd] },
rw ← affine_cancel_left_is_iso hP.1 e at h𝒰,
convert h𝒰,
simp } },

lemma property_is_local_at_target.open_cover_tfae
{P : morphism_property Scheme}
(hP : property_is_local_at_target P)
{X Y : Scheme.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y) :
tfae [P f,
∃ (𝒰 : Scheme.open_cover.{u} Y), ∀ (i : 𝒰.J),
P (pullback.snd : (𝒰.pullback_cover f).obj i ⟶ 𝒰.obj i),
∀ (𝒰 : Scheme.open_cover.{u} Y) (i : 𝒰.J),
P (pullback.snd : (𝒰.pullback_cover f).obj i ⟶ 𝒰.obj i),
∀ (U : opens Y.carrier), P (f ∣_ U),
∀ {U : Scheme} (g : U ⟶ Y) [is_open_immersion g],
P (pullback.snd : pullback f g ⟶ U),
∃ {ι : Type u} (U : ι → opens Y.carrier) (hU : supr U = ⊤), (∀ i, P (f ∣_ (U i)))] :=
tfae_have : 21,
{ rintro ⟨𝒰, H⟩, exact hP.3 f 𝒰 H },
tfae_have : 14,
{ intros H U, exact hP.2 f U H },
tfae_have : 43,
{ intros H 𝒰 i,
rw ← hP.1.arrow_mk_iso_iff (morphism_restrict_opens_range f _),
exact H (is_open_immersion.opens_range $ 𝒰.map i) },
tfae_have : 32,
{ exact λ H, ⟨Y.affine_cover, H Y.affine_cover⟩ },
tfae_have : 45,
{ intros H U g hg,
rw ← hP.1.arrow_mk_iso_iff (morphism_restrict_opens_range f _),
apply H },
tfae_have : 54,
{ intros H U,
erw hP.1.cancel_left_is_iso,
apply H },
tfae_have : 46,
{ intro H, exact ⟨punit, λ _, ⊤, csupr_const, λ _, H _⟩ },
tfae_have : 62,
{ rintro ⟨ι, U, hU, H⟩,
refine ⟨Y.open_cover_of_supr_eq_top U hU, _⟩,
intro i,
rw ← hP.1.arrow_mk_iso_iff (morphism_restrict_opens_range f _),
convert H i,
all_goals { ext1, exact subtype.range_coe } },

lemma affine_target_morphism_property.is_local.open_cover_iff
{P : morphism_property Scheme} (hP : property_is_local_at_target P)
{X Y : Scheme.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y) (𝒰 : Scheme.open_cover.{u} Y) :
P f ↔ ∀ i, P (pullback.snd : pullback f (𝒰.map i) ⟶ _) :=
⟨λ H, let h := ((hP.open_cover_tfae f).out 0 2).mp H in h 𝒰,
λ H, let h := ((hP.open_cover_tfae f).out 1 0).mp in h ⟨𝒰, H⟩⟩

end algebraic_geometry

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