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feat (analysis/normed_space/spectrum): prove Gelfand's formula for th…
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…e spectral radius (#11916)

This establishes Gelfand's formula for the spectral radius in a complex Banach algebra `A`, namely that the sequence of n-th roots of the norms of n-th powers of any element tends to its spectral radius. Some results which hold in more generality concerning the function `z ↦ ring.inverse (1 - z • a)` are also given. In particular, this function is differentiable on the disk with radius the reciprocal of the spectral radius, and it has a power series on the ball with radius equal to the reciprocal of the norm of `a : A`.

Currently, the version of Gelfand's formula which appears here includes an assumption that `A` is second countable, which won't hold in general unless `A` is separable. This is not a true (i.e., mathematical) limitation, but a consequence of the current implementation of Bochner integrals in mathlib (which are an essential feature in the proof of Gelfand's formula because of its use of the Cauchy integral formula). When Bochner integrals are refactored, this type class assumption can be dropped.

- [x] depends on: #11869
- [x] depends on: #11896 
- [x] depends on: #11915
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j-loreaux committed Feb 15, 2022
1 parent d76ac2e commit b0fe972
Showing 1 changed file with 144 additions and 2 deletions.
146 changes: 144 additions & 2 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/spectrum.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jireh Loreaux
import algebra.algebra.spectrum
import analysis.calculus.deriv
import analysis.special_functions.pow
import analysis.complex.cauchy_integral
import analysis.analytic.radius_liminf
# The spectrum of elements in a complete normed algebra
Expand All @@ -24,6 +25,8 @@ This file contains the basic theory for the resolvent and spectrum of a Banach a
* `spectrum.is_compact`: the spectrum is compact.
* `spectrum.spectral_radius_le_nnnorm`: the spectral radius is bounded above by the norm.
* `spectrum.has_deriv_at_resolvent`: the resolvent function is differentiable on the resolvent set.
* `spectrum.pow_nnnorm_pow_one_div_tendsto_nhds_spectral_radius`: Gelfand's formula for the
spectral radius in Banach algebras over `ℂ`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,12 +54,18 @@ namespace spectrum

section spectrum_compact

variables [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_ring A] [normed_algebra 𝕜 A] [complete_space A]
variables [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_ring A] [normed_algebra 𝕜 A]

local notation ` := spectrum 𝕜
local notation ` := resolvent_set 𝕜
local notation `↑ₐ` := algebra_map 𝕜 A

lemma mem_resolvent_set_of_spectral_radius_lt {a : A} {k : 𝕜} (h : spectral_radius 𝕜 a < ∥k∥₊) :
k ∈ ρ a := (λ hn, (lt_self_iff_false _).mp (lt_of_le_of_lt (le_bsupr k hn) h))

variable [complete_space A]

lemma is_open_resolvent_set (a : A) : is_open (ρ a) :=
units.is_open.preimage ((algebra_map_isometry 𝕜 A).continuous.sub continuous_const)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,6 +102,7 @@ by { refine bsupr_le (λ k hk, _), exact_mod_cast norm_le_norm_of_mem hk }

open ennreal polynomial

variable (𝕜)
theorem spectral_radius_le_pow_nnnorm_pow_one_div (a : A) (n : ℕ) :
spectral_radius 𝕜 a ≤ ∥a ^ (n + 1)∥₊ ^ (1 / (n + 1) : ℝ) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,6 +141,138 @@ end

end resolvent_deriv

section one_sub_smul

open continuous_multilinear_map ennreal formal_multilinear_series
open_locale nnreal ennreal

[nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜] [normed_ring A] [normed_algebra 𝕜 A]

variable (𝕜)
/-- In a Banach algebra `A` over a nondiscrete normed field `𝕜`, for any `a : A` the
power series with coefficients `a ^ n` represents the function `(1 - z • a)⁻¹` in a disk of
radius `∥a∥₊⁻¹`. -/
lemma has_fpower_series_on_ball_inverse_one_sub_smul [complete_space A] (a : A) :
has_fpower_series_on_ball (λ z : 𝕜, ring.inverse (1 - z • a))
(λ n, continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_field 𝕜 (fin n) (a ^ n)) 0 (∥a∥₊)⁻¹ :=
{ r_le :=
refine le_of_forall_nnreal_lt (λ r hr, le_radius_of_bound_nnreal _ (max 1 ∥(1 : A)∥₊) (λ n, _)),
rw [←norm_to_nnreal, norm_mk_pi_field, norm_to_nnreal],
cases n,
{ simp only [le_refl, mul_one, or_true, le_max_iff, pow_zero] },
{ refine le_trans (le_trans (mul_le_mul_right' (nnnorm_pow_le' a n.succ_pos) (r ^ n.succ)) _)
(le_max_left _ _),
{ by_cases ∥a∥₊ = 0,
{ simp only [h, zero_mul, zero_le', pow_succ], },
{ rw [←coe_inv h, coe_lt_coe, nnreal.lt_inv_iff_mul_lt h] at hr,
simpa only [←mul_pow, mul_comm] using pow_le_one' hr.le n.succ } } }
r_pos := ennreal.inv_pos.mpr coe_ne_top,
has_sum := λ y hy,
have norm_lt : ∥y • a∥ < 1,
{ by_cases h : ∥a∥₊ = 0,
{ simp only [ h, norm_zero, zero_lt_one, smul_zero] },
{ have nnnorm_lt : ∥y∥₊ < ∥a∥₊⁻¹,
by simpa only [←coe_inv h, mem_ball_zero_iff, metric.emetric_ball_nnreal] using hy,
rwa [←coe_nnnorm, ←real.lt_to_nnreal_iff_coe_lt, real.to_nnreal_one, nnnorm_smul,
←nnreal.lt_inv_iff_mul_lt h] } },
simpa [←smul_pow, (normed_ring.summable_geometric_of_norm_lt_1 _ norm_lt).has_sum_iff]
using (normed_ring.inverse_one_sub _ norm_lt).symm,
end }

variable {𝕜}
lemma is_unit_one_sub_smul_of_lt_inv_radius {a : A} {z : 𝕜} (h : ↑∥z∥₊ < (spectral_radius 𝕜 a)⁻¹) :
is_unit (1 - z • a) :=
by_cases hz : z = 0,
{ simp only [hz, is_unit_one, sub_zero, zero_smul] },
{ let u := units.mk0 z hz,
suffices hu : is_unit (u⁻¹ • 1 - a),
{ rwa [is_unit.smul_sub_iff_sub_inv_smul, inv_inv u] at hu },
{ rw [units.smul_def, ←algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, ←mem_resolvent_set_iff],
refine mem_resolvent_set_of_spectral_radius_lt _,
rwa [units.coe_inv', normed_field.nnnorm_inv, coe_inv (nnnorm_ne_zero_iff.mpr
(units.coe_mk0 hz ▸ hz : (u : 𝕜) ≠ 0)), lt_inv_iff_lt_inv] } }

/-- In a Banach algebra `A` over `𝕜`, for `a : A` the function `λ z, (1 - z • a)⁻¹` is
differentiable on any closed ball centered at zero of radius `r < (spectral_radius 𝕜 a)⁻¹`. -/
theorem differentiable_on_inverse_one_sub_smul [complete_space A] {a : A} {r : ℝ≥0}
(hr : (r : ℝ≥0∞) < (spectral_radius 𝕜 a)⁻¹) :
differentiable_on 𝕜 (λ z : 𝕜, ring.inverse (1 - z • a)) (metric.closed_ball 0 r) :=
intros z z_mem,
apply differentiable_at.differentiable_within_at,
have hu : is_unit (1 - z • a),
{ refine is_unit_one_sub_smul_of_lt_inv_radius (lt_of_le_of_lt (coe_mono _) hr),
simpa only [norm_to_nnreal, real.to_nnreal_coe]
using real.to_nnreal_mono ( z_mem) },
have H₁ : differentiable 𝕜 (λ w : 𝕜, 1 - w • a) := (differentiable_id.smul_const a).const_sub 1,
exact differentiable_at.comp z (differentiable_at_inverse hu.unit) (H₁.differentiable_at),

end one_sub_smul

section gelfand_formula

open filter ennreal continuous_multilinear_map
open_locale topological_space

/- the assumption below that `A` be second countable is a technical limitation due to
the current implementation of Bochner integrals in mathlib. Once this is changed, we
will be able to remove that hypothesis. -/
[normed_ring A] [normed_algebra ℂ A] [complete_space A]
[measurable_space A] [borel_space A] [topological_space.second_countable_topology A]

/-- The `limsup` relationship for the spectral radius used to prove `spectrum.gelfand_formula`. -/
lemma limsup_pow_nnnorm_pow_one_div_le_spectral_radius (a : A) :
limsup at_top (λ n : ℕ, ↑∥a ^ n∥₊ ^ (1 / n : ℝ)) ≤ spectral_radius ℂ a :=
refine (le_of_forall_pos_nnreal_lt (λ r r_pos r_lt, _)),
simp_rw [inv_limsup, ←one_div],
let p : formal_multilinear_series ℂ ℂ A :=
λ n, continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_field ℂ (fin n) (a ^ n),
suffices h : (r : ℝ≥0∞) ≤ p.radius,
{ convert h,
simp only [p.radius_eq_liminf, ←norm_to_nnreal, norm_mk_pi_field],
refine congr_arg _ (funext (λ n, congr_arg _ _)),
rw [norm_to_nnreal, ennreal.coe_rpow_def (∥a ^ n∥₊) (1 / n : ℝ), if_neg],
exact λ ha, by linarith [ha.2, (one_div_nonneg.mpr n.cast_nonneg : 0 ≤ (1 / n : ℝ))], },
{ have H₁ := (differentiable_on_inverse_one_sub_smul r_lt).has_fpower_series_on_ball r_pos,
exact ((has_fpower_series_on_ball_inverse_one_sub_smul ℂ a).exchange_radius H₁).r_le, }

/-- **Gelfand's formula**: Given an element `a : A` of a complex Banach algebra, the
`spectral_radius` of `a` is the limit of the sequence `∥a ^ n∥₊ ^ (1 / n)` -/
theorem pow_nnnorm_pow_one_div_tendsto_nhds_spectral_radius (a : A) :
tendsto (λ n : ℕ, ((∥a ^ n∥₊ ^ (1 / n : ℝ)) : ℝ≥0∞)) at_top (𝓝 (spectral_radius ℂ a)) :=
refine tendsto_of_le_liminf_of_limsup_le _ _ (by apply_auto_param) (by apply_auto_param),
{ rw [←liminf_nat_add _ 1, liminf_eq_supr_infi_of_nat],
refine le_trans _ (le_supr _ 0),
exact le_binfi (λ i hi, spectral_radius_le_pow_nnnorm_pow_one_div ℂ a i) },
{ exact limsup_pow_nnnorm_pow_one_div_le_spectral_radius a },

/- This is the same as `pow_nnnorm_pow_one_div_tendsto_nhds_spectral_radius` but for `norm`
instead of `nnnorm`. -/
/-- **Gelfand's formula**: Given an element `a : A` of a complex Banach algebra, the
`spectral_radius` of `a` is the limit of the sequence `∥a ^ n∥₊ ^ (1 / n)` -/
theorem pow_norm_pow_one_div_tendsto_nhds_spectral_radius (a : A) :
tendsto (λ n : ℕ, ennreal.of_real (∥a ^ n∥ ^ (1 / n : ℝ))) at_top (𝓝 (spectral_radius ℂ a)) :=
convert pow_nnnorm_pow_one_div_tendsto_nhds_spectral_radius a,
rw [←of_real_rpow_of_nonneg (norm_nonneg _) _, ←coe_nnnorm, coe_nnreal_eq],
exact one_div_nonneg.mpr (by exact_mod_cast zero_le _),

end gelfand_formula

end spectrum

namespace alg_hom
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