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…ion): review (#6306)

## `data/equiv/local_equiv`:

* move `local_equiv.inj_on` lemmas closer to each other, add missing lemmas;
* rename `local_equiv.bij_on_source` to `local_equiv.bij_on`;
* rename `local_equiv.inv_image_target_eq_souce` to `local_equiv.symm_image_target_eq_souce`;

## `data/set/function`

* add `set.inj_on.mem_of_mem_image`, `set.inj_on.mem_image_iff`, `set.inj_on.preimage_image_inter`;
* add `set.left_inv_on.image_image'` and `set.left_inv_on.image_image`;
* add `function.left_inverse.right_inv_on_range`;
* move `set.inj_on.inv_fun_on_image` to golf the proof;

## `topology/local_homeomorph`

* add lemmas like `local_homeomorph.inj_on`;
* golf the definition of `open_embedding.to_local_homeomorph`, make `f` explicit.
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urkud committed Feb 24, 2021
1 parent 387db0d commit b4d2ce4
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Showing 3 changed files with 61 additions and 83 deletions.
26 changes: 11 additions & 15 deletions src/data/equiv/local_equiv.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -163,22 +163,23 @@ instance : has_coe_to_fun (local_equiv α β) := ⟨_, local_equiv.to_fun⟩
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma map_source {x : α} (h : x ∈ e.source) : e x ∈ :=
e.map_source' h

protected lemma maps_to : maps_to e e.source := λ _, e.map_source

@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma map_target {x : β} (h : x ∈ : e.symm x ∈ e.source :=
e.map_target' h

lemma symm_maps_to : maps_to e.symm e.source := e.symm.maps_to

@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma left_inv {x : α} (h : x ∈ e.source) : e.symm (e x) = x :=
e.left_inv' h

protected lemma left_inv_on : left_inv_on e.symm e e.source := λ _, e.left_inv

@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma right_inv {x : β} (h : x ∈ : e (e.symm x) = x :=
e.right_inv' h

protected lemma right_inv_on : right_inv_on e.symm e := λ _, e.right_inv
protected lemma maps_to : maps_to e e.source := λ x, e.map_source
lemma symm_maps_to : maps_to e.symm e.source := e.symm.maps_to
protected lemma left_inv_on : left_inv_on e.symm e e.source := λ x, e.left_inv
protected lemma right_inv_on : right_inv_on e.symm e := λ x, e.right_inv
protected lemma inv_on : inv_on e.symm e e.source := ⟨e.left_inv_on, e.right_inv_on⟩
protected lemma inj_on : inj_on e e.source := e.left_inv_on.inj_on
protected lemma bij_on : bij_on e e.source := e.inv_on.bij_on e.maps_to e.symm_maps_to
protected lemma surj_on : surj_on e e.source := e.bij_on.surj_on

/-- Associating to a local_equiv an equiv between the source and the target -/
protected def to_equiv : equiv (e.source) ( :=
Expand All @@ -191,12 +192,7 @@ protected def to_equiv : equiv (e.source) ( :=
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma symm_target : = e.source := rfl
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma symm_symm : e.symm.symm = e := by { cases e, refl }

/-- A local equiv induces a bijection between its source and target -/
lemma bij_on_source : bij_on e e.source :=
inv_on.bij_on ⟨e.left_inv_on, e.right_inv_on⟩ e.maps_to e.symm_maps_to

lemma image_source_eq_target : e '' e.source = :=
lemma image_source_eq_target : e '' e.source = := e.bij_on.image_eq

lemma image_inter_source_eq' (s : set α) :
e '' (s ∩ e.source) = ∩ e.symm ⁻¹' s :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,8 +236,8 @@ e.symm.source_inter_preimage_inv_preimage _
lemma source_subset_preimage_target : e.source ⊆ e ⁻¹' :=
λx hx, e.map_source hx

lemma inv_image_target_eq_source : e.symm '' = e.source :=
lemma symm_image_target_eq_source : e.symm '' = e.source :=

lemma target_subset_preimage_source : ⊆ e.symm ⁻¹' e.source :=
λx hx, e.map_target hx
Expand Down
35 changes: 28 additions & 7 deletions src/data/set/function.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -243,17 +243,22 @@ lemma inj_on_iff_injective : inj_on f s ↔ injective (restrict f s) :=
⟨λ H a b h, subtype.eq $ H a.2 b.2 h,
λ H a as b bs h, congr_arg subtype.val $ @H ⟨a, as⟩ ⟨b, bs⟩ h⟩

lemma inj_on.inv_fun_on_image [nonempty α] (h : inj_on f s₂) (ht : s₁ ⊆ s₂) :
(inv_fun_on f s₂) '' (f '' s₁) = s₁ :=
have : eq_on ((inv_fun_on f s₂) ∘ f) id s₁, from λz hz, inv_fun_on_eq' h (ht hz),
rw [← image_comp, this.image_eq, image_id]

lemma inj_on_preimage {B : set (set β)} (hB : B ⊆ powerset (range f)) :
inj_on (preimage f) B :=
λ s hs t ht hst, (preimage_eq_preimage' (hB hs) (hB ht)).1 hst

lemma inj_on.mem_of_mem_image {x} (hf : inj_on f s) (hs : s₁ ⊆ s) (h : x ∈ s) (h₁ : f x ∈ f '' s₁) :
x ∈ s₁ :=
let ⟨x', h', eq⟩ := h₁ in hf (hs h') h eq ▸ h'

lemma inj_on.mem_image_iff {x} (hf : inj_on f s) (hs : s₁ ⊆ s) (hx : x ∈ s) :
f x ∈ f '' s₁ ↔ x ∈ s₁ :=
⟨hf.mem_of_mem_image hs hx, mem_image_of_mem f⟩

lemma inj_on.preimage_image_inter (hf : inj_on f s) (hs : s₁ ⊆ s) :
f ⁻¹' (f '' s₁) ∩ s = s₁ :=
ext $ λ x, ⟨λ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, hf.mem_of_mem_image hs h₂ h₁, λ h, ⟨mem_image_of_mem _ h, hs h⟩⟩

/-! ### Surjectivity on a set -/

/-- `f` is surjective from `a` to `b` if `b` is contained in the image of `a`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -446,6 +451,14 @@ begin
rintro _ ⟨h₁, x, hx, rfl⟩, exact ⟨⟨h₁, by rwa hf hx⟩, mem_image_of_mem _ hx⟩

theorem left_inv_on.image_image (hf : left_inv_on f' f s) :
f' '' (f '' s) = s :=
by rw [image_image, image_congr hf, image_id']

theorem left_inv_on.image_image' (hf : left_inv_on f' f s) (hs : s₁ ⊆ s) :
f' '' (f '' s₁) = s₁ :=
(hf.mono hs).image_image

/-! ### Right inverse -/

/-- `g` is a right inverse to `f` on `b` if `f (g x) = x` for all `x ∈ b`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -517,6 +530,10 @@ theorem inj_on.left_inv_on_inv_fun_on [nonempty α] (h : inj_on f s) :
left_inv_on (inv_fun_on f s) f s :=
λ x hx, inv_fun_on_eq' h hx

lemma inj_on.inv_fun_on_image [nonempty α] (h : inj_on f s₂) (ht : s₁ ⊆ s₂) :
(inv_fun_on f s₂) '' (f '' s₁) = s₁ :=
h.left_inv_on_inv_fun_on.image_image' ht

theorem surj_on.right_inv_on_inv_fun_on [nonempty α] (h : surj_on f s t) :
right_inv_on (inv_fun_on f s) f t :=
λ y hy, inv_fun_on_eq $ mem_image_iff_bex.1 $ h hy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -706,6 +723,10 @@ lemma surjective.surj_on (hf : surjective f) (s : set β) :
surj_on f univ s :=
(surjective_iff_surj_on_univ.1 hf).mono (subset.refl _) (subset_univ _)

lemma left_inverse.right_inv_on_range {g : β → α} (h : left_inverse f g) :
right_inv_on f g (range g) :=
forall_range_iff.2 $ λ i, congr_arg g (h i)

namespace semiconj

lemma maps_to_image (h : semiconj f fa fb) (ha : maps_to fa s t) :
Expand Down
83 changes: 22 additions & 61 deletions src/topology/local_homeomorph.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,16 +108,20 @@ e.left_inv' h
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma right_inv {x : β} (h : x ∈ : e (e.symm x) = x :=
e.right_inv' h

protected lemma maps_to : maps_to e e.source := λ x, e.map_source
protected lemma symm_maps_to : maps_to e.symm e.source := e.symm.maps_to
protected lemma left_inv_on : left_inv_on e.symm e e.source := λ x, e.left_inv
protected lemma right_inv_on : right_inv_on e.symm e := λ x, e.right_inv
protected lemma inv_on : inv_on e.symm e e.source := ⟨e.left_inv_on, e.right_inv_on⟩
protected lemma inj_on : inj_on e e.source := e.left_inv_on.inj_on
protected lemma bij_on : bij_on e e.source := e.inv_on.bij_on e.maps_to e.symm_maps_to
protected lemma surj_on : surj_on e e.source := e.bij_on.surj_on

lemma source_preimage_target : e.source ⊆ e ⁻¹' := λ _ h, map_source e h

lemma eq_of_local_equiv_eq {e e' : local_homeomorph α β}
(h : e.to_local_equiv = e'.to_local_equiv) : e = e' :=
cases e, cases e',
dsimp at *,
induction h,
by { cases e, cases e', cases h, refl }

lemma eventually_left_inverse (e : local_homeomorph α β) {x} (hx : x ∈ e.source) :
∀ᶠ y in 𝓝 x, e.symm (e y) = y :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,7 +261,7 @@ def of_continuous_open_restrict (e : local_equiv α β) (hc : continuous_on e e.

/-- A `local_equiv` with continuous open forward map and an open source is a `local_homeomorph`. -/
def of_continuous_open (e : local_equiv α β) (hc : continuous_on e e.source)
(ho : is_open_map e) (hs : is_open e.source) :
(ho : is_open_map e) (hs : is_open e.source) :
local_homeomorph α β :=
of_continuous_open_restrict e hc (ho.restrict hs) hs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -700,15 +704,15 @@ def to_homeomorph_of_source_eq_univ_target_eq_univ (h : e.source = (univ : set

/-- A local homeomorphism whose source is all of `α` defines an open embedding of `α` into `β`. The
converse is also true; see `open_embedding.to_local_homeomorph`. -/
lemma to_open_embedding (h : e.source = set.univ) : open_embedding e.to_fun :=
lemma to_open_embedding (h : e.source = set.univ) : open_embedding e :=
apply open_embedding_of_continuous_injective_open,
{ apply continuous_iff_continuous_on_univ.mpr,
rw ← h,
exact e.continuous_to_fun },
{ apply set.injective_iff_inj_on_univ.mpr,
rw ← h,
exact e.to_local_equiv.bij_on_source.inj_on },
exact e.inj_on },
{ intros U hU,
simpa only [h, subset_univ] with mfld_simps using e.image_open_of_open hU}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -737,61 +741,18 @@ end homeomorph

namespace open_embedding
variables [nonempty α]
variables {f : α → β} (h : open_embedding f)
include f h

/-- An open embedding of `α` into `β`, with `α` nonempty, defines a local equivalence whose source
is all of `α`. This is mainly an auxiliary lemma for the stronger result `to_local_homeomorph`. -/
noncomputable def to_local_equiv : local_equiv α β :=
set.inj_on.to_local_equiv f set.univ ( h.to_embedding.inj)

@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma to_local_equiv_coe : (h.to_local_equiv : α → β) = f := rfl
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma to_local_equiv_source : h.to_local_equiv.source = set.univ := rfl

@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma to_local_equiv_target : = set.range f :=
rw ←local_equiv.image_source_eq_target,
{ exact λ ⟨a, _, h'⟩, ⟨a, h'⟩ },
{ exact λ ⟨a, h'⟩, ⟨a, by trivial, h'⟩ }

lemma open_target : is_open :=
by simpa only with mfld_simps using h.open_range

lemma continuous_inv_fun : continuous_on h.to_local_equiv.inv_fun :=
apply (continuous_on_open_iff h.open_target).mpr,
intros t ht,
simp only with mfld_simps,
convert ht,
ext y,
have hinv : ∀ x : α, (f x = y) → h.to_local_equiv.symm y = x :=
λ x hxy, by { simpa only [hxy.symm] with mfld_simps using h.to_local_equiv.left_inv },
simp only [mem_image, mem_range] with mfld_simps,
{ rintros ⟨⟨x, hxy⟩, hy⟩,
refine ⟨x, _, hxy⟩,
rwa (hinv x hxy) at hy },
{ rintros ⟨x, hx, hxy⟩,
refine ⟨⟨x, hxy⟩, _⟩,
rwa ← (hinv x hxy) at hx }
variables (f : α → β) (h : open_embedding f)

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Nicknamen Mar 30, 2021


Sorry I don't understand this, why was {f : α → β} changed into (f : α → β)?

/-- An open embedding of `α` into `β`, with `α` nonempty, defines a local homeomorphism whose source
is all of `α`. The converse is also true; see `local_homeomorph.to_open_embedding`. -/
noncomputable def to_local_homeomorph : local_homeomorph α β :=
{ to_local_equiv := h.to_local_equiv,
open_source := is_open_univ,
open_target := h.open_target,
continuous_to_fun := by simpa only with mfld_simps using h.continuous.continuous_on,
continuous_inv_fun := h.continuous_inv_fun }
((h.to_embedding.inj.inj_on univ).to_local_equiv _ _)
h.continuous.continuous_on h.is_open_map is_open_univ

@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma to_local_homeomorph_coe : (h.to_local_homeomorph : α → β) = f := rfl
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma source : h.to_local_homeomorph.source = set.univ := rfl
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma target : = set.range f :=
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma to_local_homeomorph_coe : ⇑(h.to_local_homeomorph f) = f := rfl
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma source : (h.to_local_homeomorph f).source = set.univ := rfl
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma target : (h.to_local_homeomorph f).target = set.range f := image_univ

end open_embedding

Expand All @@ -804,7 +765,7 @@ lemma continuous_at_iff
continuous_at (g ∘ f) x ↔ continuous_at g (f x) :=
haveI : nonempty α := ⟨x⟩,
convert ((hf.to_local_homeomorph.continuous_at_iff_continuous_at_comp_right) _).symm,
convert (((hf.to_local_homeomorph f).continuous_at_iff_continuous_at_comp_right) _).symm,
{ apply (local_homeomorph.left_inv _ _).symm,
simp, },
{ simp, },
Expand All @@ -820,7 +781,7 @@ variables (s : opens α) [nonempty s]
/-- The inclusion of an open subset `s` of a space `α` into `α` is a local homeomorphism from the
subtype `s` to `α`. -/
noncomputable def local_homeomorph_subtype_coe : local_homeomorph s α :=
open_embedding.to_local_homeomorph (s.2.open_embedding_subtype_coe)
open_embedding.to_local_homeomorph _ s.2.open_embedding_subtype_coe

@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma local_homeomorph_subtype_coe_coe :
(s.local_homeomorph_subtype_coe : s → α) = coe := rfl
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