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feat(ring_theory/local_property): Being reduced is a local property. (#…
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erdOne committed Dec 16, 2021
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Showing 4 changed files with 193 additions and 2 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/ideal/operations.lean
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Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,24 @@ theorem mem_annihilator {r} : r ∈ N.annihilator ↔ ∀ n ∈ N, r • n = (0:
theorem mem_annihilator' {r} : r ∈ N.annihilator ↔ N ≤ comap (r • ⊥ :=
mem_annihilator.trans ⟨λ H n hn, (mem_bot R).2 $ H n hn, λ H n hn, (mem_bot R).1 $ H hn⟩

lemma mem_annihilator_span (s : set M) (r : R) :
r ∈ (submodule.span R s).annihilator ↔ ∀ n : s, r • (n : M) = 0 :=
rw submodule.mem_annihilator,
{ intros h n, exact h _ (submodule.subset_span n.prop) },
{ intros h n hn,
apply submodule.span_induction hn,
{ intros x hx, exact h ⟨x, hx⟩ },
{ exact smul_zero _ },
{ intros x y hx hy, rw [smul_add, hx, hy, zero_add] },
{ intros a x hx, rw [smul_comm, hx, smul_zero] } }

lemma mem_annihilator_span_singleton (g : M) (r : R) :
r ∈ (submodule.span R ({g} : set M)).annihilator ↔ r • g = 0 :=
by simp [mem_annihilator_span]

theorem annihilator_bot : (⊥ : submodule R M).annihilator = ⊤ :=
(ideal.eq_top_iff_one _).2 $ mem_annihilator'.2 bot_le

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153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/local_properties.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Andrew Yang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Andrew Yang
import ring_theory.localization
import data.equiv.transfer_instance
import group_theory.submonoid.pointwise
import ring_theory.nilpotent

# Local properties of commutative rings
In this file, we provide the proofs of various local properties.
## Naming Conventions
* `localization_P` : `P` holds for `S⁻¹R` if `P` holds for `R`.
* `P_of_localization_maximal` : `P` holds for `R` if `P` holds for `Aₘ` for all maximal `m`.
* `P_of_localization_span` : `P` holds for `R` if given a spanning set `{fᵢ}`, `P` holds for all
## Main results
The following properties are covered:
* The triviality of an ideal or an element:
`ideal_eq_zero_of_localization`, `eq_zero_of_localization`
* `is_reduced` : `localization_is_reduced`, `is_reduced_of_localization_maximal`.

open_locale pointwise classical big_operators

universe u

variables {R S : Type u} [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S] (M : submonoid R)
variables (N : submonoid S) (R' S' : Type u) [comm_ring R'] [comm_ring S'] (f : R →+* S)
variables [algebra R R'] [algebra S S']

section properties

section comm_ring
variable (P : ∀ (R : Type u) [comm_ring R], Prop)

include P

/-- A property `P` of comm rings is said to be preserved by localization
if `P` holds for `M⁻¹R` whenever `P` holds for `R`. -/
def localization_preserves : Prop :=
∀ {R : Type u} [hR : comm_ring R] (M : by exactI submonoid R) (S : Type u) [hS : comm_ring S]
[by exactI algebra R S] [by exactI is_localization M S], @P R hR → @P S hS

/-- A property `P` of comm rings satisfies `of_localization_maximal` if
if `P` holds for `R` whenever `P` holds for `Rₘ` for all maximal ideal `m`. -/
def of_localization_maximal : Prop :=
∀ (R : Type u) [comm_ring R],
by exactI (∀ (J : ideal R) (hJ : J.is_maximal), by exactI P (localization.at_prime J)) → P R

end comm_ring

end properties

section ideal

-- This proof should work for all modules, but we do not know how to localize a module yet.
/-- An ideal is trivial if its localization at every maximal ideal is trivial. -/
lemma ideal_eq_zero_of_localization (I : ideal R)
(h : ∀ (J : ideal R) (hJ : J.is_maximal),
by exactI is_localization.coe_submodule (localization.at_prime J) I = 0) : I = 0 :=
by_contradiction hI,
obtain ⟨x, hx, hx'⟩ := set.exists_of_ssubset (bot_lt_iff_ne_bot.mpr hI),
rw [submodule.bot_coe, set.mem_singleton_iff] at hx',
have H : (ideal.span ({x} : set R)).annihilator ≠ ⊤,
{ rw [ne.def, submodule.annihilator_eq_top_iff],
apply hx',
rw [← set.mem_singleton_iff, ← @submodule.bot_coe R, ← h],
exact ideal.subset_span (set.mem_singleton x) },
obtain ⟨p, hp₁, hp₂⟩ := ideal.exists_le_maximal _ H,
specialize h p hp₁,
have : algebra_map R (localization.at_prime p) x = 0,
{ rw ← set.mem_singleton_iff,
change algebra_map R (localization.at_prime p) x ∈ (0 : submodule R (localization.at_prime p)),
rw ← h,
exact submodule.mem_map_of_mem hx },
rw is_localization.map_eq_zero_iff p.prime_compl at this,
obtain ⟨m, hm⟩ := this,
apply m.prop,
refine hp₂ _,
erw submodule.mem_annihilator_span_singleton,
rwa mul_comm at hm,

lemma eq_zero_of_localization (r : R)
(h : ∀ (J : ideal R) (hJ : J.is_maximal),
by exactI algebra_map R (localization.at_prime J) r = 0) : r = 0 :=
rw ← ideal.span_singleton_eq_bot,
apply ideal_eq_zero_of_localization,
intros J hJ,
delta is_localization.coe_submodule,
erw [submodule.map_span, submodule.span_eq_bot],
rintro _ ⟨_, h', rfl⟩,
cases set.mem_singleton_iff.mpr h',
exact h J hJ,

end ideal

section reduced

lemma localization_is_reduced : localization_preserves (λ R hR, by exactI is_reduced R) :=
introv R _ _,
rintro x ⟨(_|n), e⟩,
{ simpa using congr_arg (*x) e },
obtain ⟨⟨y, m⟩, hx⟩ := is_localization.surj M x,
dsimp only at hx,
let hx' := congr_arg (^ n.succ) hx,
simp only [mul_pow, e, zero_mul, ← ring_hom.map_pow] at hx',
rw [← (algebra_map R S).map_zero] at hx',
obtain ⟨m', hm'⟩ := (is_localization.eq_iff_exists M S).mp hx',
apply_fun (*m'^n) at hm',
simp only [mul_assoc, zero_mul] at hm',
rw [mul_comm, ← pow_succ, ← mul_pow] at hm',
replace hm' := is_nilpotent.eq_zero ⟨_, hm'.symm⟩,
rw [← (is_localization.map_units S m).mul_left_inj, hx, zero_mul,
is_localization.map_eq_zero_iff M],
exact ⟨m', by rw [← hm', mul_comm]⟩

instance [is_reduced R] : is_reduced (localization M) := localization_is_reduced M _ infer_instance

lemma is_reduced_of_localization_maximal :
of_localization_maximal (λ R hR, by exactI is_reduced R) :=
introv R h,
intros x hx,
apply eq_zero_of_localization,
intros J hJ,
specialize h J hJ,
exact ( $ algebra_map R $ localization.at_prime J).eq_zero,

end reduced
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/localization.lean
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Expand Up @@ -294,7 +294,22 @@ lemma eq_zero_of_fst_eq_zero {z x} {y : M}
by { rw [hx, (algebra_map R S).map_zero] at h,
exact (is_unit.mul_left_eq_zero (is_localization.map_units S y)).1 h}

variables (S)
variables (M S)

lemma map_eq_zero_iff (r : R) :
algebra_map R S r = 0 ↔ ∃ m : M, r * m = 0 :=
intro h,
{ obtain ⟨m, hm⟩ := (is_localization.eq_iff_exists M S).mp
((algebra_map R S).map_zero.trans h.symm),
exact ⟨m, by simpa using hm.symm⟩ },
{ rintro ⟨m, hm⟩,
rw [← (is_localization.map_units S m).mul_left_inj, zero_mul, ← ring_hom.map_mul, hm,
ring_hom.map_zero] }

variables {M}

/-- `' S` is the surjection sending `(x, y) : R × M` to
`f x * (f y)⁻¹`. -/
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/nilpotent.lean
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Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import ring_theory.ideal.operations

universes u v

variables {R : Type u} {x y : R}
variables {R S : Type u} {x y : R}

/-- An element is said to be nilpotent if some natural-number-power of it equals zero.
Expand All @@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ end
@[simp] lemma is_nilpotent_neg_iff [ring R] : is_nilpotent (-x) ↔ is_nilpotent x :=
⟨λ h, neg_neg x ▸ h.neg, λ h, h.neg⟩

lemma [monoid_with_zero R] [monoid_with_zero S] {r : R}
{F : Type*} [monoid_with_zero_hom_class F R S] (hr : is_nilpotent r) (f : F) :
is_nilpotent (f r) :=
by { use hr.some, rw [← map_pow, hr.some_spec, map_zero] }

/-- A structure that has zero and pow is reduced if it has no nonzero nilpotent elements. -/
class is_reduced (R : Type*) [has_zero R] [has_pow R ℕ] : Prop :=
(eq_zero : ∀ (x : R), is_nilpotent x → x = 0)
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