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[WIP] hlist type
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digama0 committed Sep 15, 2018
1 parent a770ee5 commit b5d6d60
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Showing 3 changed files with 213 additions and 8 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions data/erased.lean
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Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ end
noncomputable def equiv (α) : erased α ≃ α :=
⟨out, mk, mk_out, out_mk⟩

theorem out_bijective {α} : function.bijective (@out α) := (equiv _).bijective

theorem mk_bijective {α} : function.bijective (@mk α) := (equiv _).symm.bijective

instance (α : Type*) : has_repr (erased α) := ⟨λ _, "erased"

def choice {α} (h : nonempty α) : erased α := mk (classical.choice h)
Expand Down
201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions data/list/hlist.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
import data.list.basic data.erased

universes u v

def type_list := erased (list (Type u))

inductive hlist_cell (α β : Type*)
| nil {} : hlist_cell
| cons : α → β → hlist_cell

namespace type_list

def nil : type_list := []

def cons (α : Type u) (U : type_list) : type_list := (α :: U.out)

@[simp] theorem nil_out : nil.out = [] := erased.out_mk _

@[simp] theorem cons_out {α U} : (cons α U).out = α :: U.out := erased.out_mk _

def len_lt (U V : type_list) := U.out.length < V.out.length

theorem len_lt_wf : well_founded len_lt := measure_wf _

instance : has_well_founded type_list := ⟨_, len_lt_wf⟩

instance : has_coe (list (Type u)) type_list := ⟨⟩

end type_list

def hlist_aux : list (Type u) → Σ α β : Type u, (hlist_cell α β → Prop)
| [] := ⟨punit, punit, λ a, a = hlist_cell.nil⟩
| (α :: U) := let T := hlist_aux U in
⟨α, subtype T.2.2, λ x, ∃ a b, x = hlist_cell.cons a b⟩

def hlist_aux' (U : type_list) : Σ α β : Type u, (hlist_cell α β → Prop) :=
⟨(hlist_aux U.out).1, (hlist_aux U.out).2.1, (hlist_aux U.out).2.2

The type of heterogeneous lists. The type is morally given by the definition:
inductive hlist : list (Type u) → Type u
| nil : hlist []
| cons {α U} : α → hlist U → hlist (α :: U)
but this both puts `hlist` in a higher universe than desired and also
adds a data field `list (Type u)` which is stored in memory as a linked
list of units (the types). To avoid this problem we use `type_list`
instead, which is the same as `list (Type u)` but it is completely erased.
def hlist (l : type_list.{u}) : Type u :=
let T := hlist_aux' l in subtype T.2.2

theorem hlist_eq (l : type_list.{u}) :
∀ {l'}, l.out = l' → hlist l = subtype (hlist_aux l').2.2
| _ rfl := rfl

theorem hlist_eq_mpr_fst (l : type_list.{u}) :
∀ {l'} (h : l.out = l') (a b),
(eq.mpr (hlist_eq _ h) ⟨a, b⟩).1 = (by rw [hlist_aux', h]; exact a)
| _ rfl a b := rfl

def hlist.nil : hlist type_list.nil.{u} :=
eq.mpr (hlist_eq _ type_list.nil_out) ⟨_, rfl⟩

def hlist.cons {α U} (a : α) (l : hlist U) : hlist (type_list.cons α U) :=
eq.mpr (hlist_eq _ type_list.cons_out) ⟨_, a, l, rfl⟩

theorem hlist.nil_eq (l : list (Type u)) (h : (hlist_aux l).2.2 hlist_cell.nil) :
type_list.nil.out = l ∧ hlist.nil.{u} == hlist_cell.nil h :=
cases l with a l,
{ exact ⟨type_list.nil_out, eq_rec_heq _ _⟩ },
{ rcases h with ⟨a, b, e⟩, injection e }

def hlist.head_ty : ∀ (l : list (Type u)) {a b},
(hlist_aux l).2.2 (hlist_cell.cons a b) → Type u
| (α::U) a b h := α

def hlist.head_ty' (U : type_list) : ∀ {a b},
(hlist_aux' U).2.2 (hlist_cell.cons a b) → Type u :=
@hlist.head_ty U.out

def hlist.tail_ty : ∀ (l : list (Type u)) {a b},
(hlist_aux l).2.2 (hlist_cell.cons a b) → list (Type u)
| (α::U) a b h := U

def hlist.tail_ty' (U : type_list) {a b}
(h : (hlist_aux' U).2.2 (hlist_cell.cons a b)) : type_list := (hlist.tail_ty U.out h)

theorem hlist.cons_eq (l : list (Type u)) {a b}
(h : (hlist_aux l).2.2 (hlist_cell.cons a b)) :
∃ (h₁ : (hlist_aux l).fst = hlist.head_ty l h),
∃ (h₂ : ((hlist_aux l).snd).fst = hlist (hlist.tail_ty l h)),
(type_list.cons (hlist.head_ty l h) (hlist.tail_ty l h)) = l ∧
(hlist.cons ( h₁ a) ( h₂ b)) == _ (hlist_aux l).2.2 (hlist_cell.cons a b) h :=
cases l with a l,
{ exact ⟨type_list.nil_out, eq_rec_heq _ _⟩ },
{ rcases h with ⟨a, b, e⟩, injection e }

theorem hlist.rec_on_proof_1 (C : Π (U : type_list), hlist U → Sort v)
{U : type_list} (h : (hlist_aux' U).2.2 hlist_cell.nil) :
C type_list.nil hlist.nil =
C U ⟨@hlist_cell.nil _ (((hlist_aux' U).snd).fst), h⟩ :=
cases hlist.nil_eq _ h with h₁ h₂,
have := erased.out_bijective.1 h₁,
clear_, subst U,
rw eq_of_heq h₂

theorem hlist.rec_on_proof_2 (C : Π (U : type_list), hlist U → Sort v)
{U : type_list} {a b}
(h : (hlist_aux' U).2.2 (hlist_cell.cons a b)) :
(hlist_aux' U).fst = hlist.head_ty' U h :=

theorem hlist.rec_on_proof_3 (C : Π (U : type_list), hlist U → Sort v)
{U : type_list} {a b}
(h : (hlist_aux' U).2.2 (hlist_cell.cons a b)) :
((hlist_aux' U).snd).fst = hlist (hlist.tail_ty' U h) :=

theorem hlist.rec_on_proof_4 (C : Π (U : type_list), hlist U → Sort v)
{U : type_list} {a b}
(h : (hlist_aux' U).2.2 (hlist_cell.cons a b)) :
let a' := (hlist.rec_on_proof_2 C h) a,
l' := (hlist.rec_on_proof_3 C h) b in
C (type_list.cons (hlist.head_ty' U h)
(hlist.tail_ty' U h)) (hlist.cons a' l') =
C U ⟨hlist_cell.cons a b, h⟩ :=
cases H.snd.snd with h₁ h₂,
rw erased.mk_out at h₁,
congr, {exact h₁},
exact h₂

theorem hlist.rec_on_proof_5 (C : Π (U : type_list), hlist U → Sort v)
{U : type_list} {a b}
(h : (hlist_aux' U).2.2 (hlist_cell.cons a b)) :
type_list.len_lt (hlist.tail_ty' U h) U :=
cases H.snd.snd with h₁ h₂,
rw erased.mk_out at h₁,
congr, {exact h₁},
exact h₂

def hlist.rec_on {C : ∀ U, hlist U → Sort v} : ∀ {U} (l : hlist U)
(H1 : C _ hlist.nil)
(H2 : ∀ α U a l, C _ l → C _ (@hlist.cons α U a l)), C U l
| U := λ l H1 H2, match l with
| ⟨hlist_cell.nil, h⟩ := (hlist.rec_on_proof_1 C h) H1
| ⟨hlist_cell.cons a l, h⟩ :=
let a' := (hlist.rec_on_proof_2 C h) a,
l' := (hlist.rec_on_proof_3 C h) l in
have _, from hlist.rec_on_proof_5 C h, (hlist.rec_on_proof_4 C h)
(H2 _ _ a' l' (hlist.rec_on l' H1 H2))
using_well_founded {dec_tac := `[assumption]}

namespace hlist
variable {α : Type u}
open list

def map_to_list : ∀ {U : erased (list (Type v))}, (∀ β ∈ U, β → α) → hlist U → list α
| [] f l := []
| (α :: U) f l := f α (or.inl rfl) l.1 :: map_to_list (λ β h, f β (or.inr h)) l.2

def to_list (n) : hlist (repeat α n) → list α :=
map_to_list (λ β h, cast (eq_of_mem_repeat h))

def map (F : Type u → Type v) (f : ∀ {α}, α → F α) :
∀ {U : list (Type u)}, hlist U → hlist (map F U)
| [] _ :=
| (α :: U) (a, l) := (f a, map l)

def sigma {U : list (Type u)} : hlist U → list (Σ α, α) :=
map_to_list $ λ α _ a, ⟨α, a⟩

def map_of_list : ∀ {U : list (Type v)}, (∀ β ∈ U, α → β) →
∀ l : list α, length l = length U → hlist U
| [] f l h :=
| (α :: U) f (a :: l) h :=
(f α (or.inl rfl) a,
map_of_list (λ β h, f β (or.inr h)) l (nat.succ_inj h))

end hlist
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions tactic/interactive.lean
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Expand Up @@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ match tgt with
| none := get_local `this >> simp_at [some `this, none] <|> simp_at [none]
| some e := do
e ← i_to_expr e <|> do {
ty ← target,
e ← i_to_expr_strict ``(%%e : %%ty), -- for positional error messages, don't care about the result
pty ← pp ty, ptgt ← pp e,
-- Fail deliberately, to advise regarding `simp; exact` usage
fail ("simpa failed, 'using' expression type not directly " ++
"inferrable. Try:\n\nsimpa ... using\nshow " ++
ty ← target,
e ← i_to_expr_strict ``(%%e : %%ty), -- for positional error messages, don't care about the result
pty ← pp ty, ptgt ← pp e,
-- Fail deliberately, to advise regarding `simp; exact` usage
fail ("simpa failed, 'using' expression type not directly " ++
"inferrable. Try:\n\nsimpa ... using\nshow " ++
to_fmt pty ++ ",\nfrom " ++ ptgt : format) },
match e with
| local_const _ lc _ _ := simp_at [some lc, none]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ are made into the new goal.
optional arguments:
- asms: list of rules to consider instead of the local constants
- tac: a tactic to run on each subgoals after applying an assumption; if
this tactic fails, the corresponding assumption will be rejected and
the next one will be attempted.
this tactic fails, the corresponding assumption will be rejected and
the next one will be attempted.
meta def apply_assumption
(asms : option (list expr) := none)
Expand Down

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