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feat(data/multivariate/qpf): definition (#3395)
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cipher1024 committed Jul 20, 2020
1 parent 78f438b commit b66d1be
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Showing 4 changed files with 478 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/control/functor/multivariate.lean
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def liftr {α : typevec n} (r : Π {i}, α i → α i → Prop) (x y : F α) : P
/-- given `x : F α` and a projection `i` of type vector `α`, `supp x i` is the set
of `α.i` contained in `x` -/
def supp {α : typevec n} (x : F α) (i : fin2 n) : set (α i) :=
{ y : α i | ∀ {p}, liftp p x → p i y }
{ y : α i | ∀ ⦃p⦄, liftp p x → p i y }

theorem of_mem_supp {α : typevec n} {x : F α} {p : Π ⦃i⦄, α i → Prop} (h : liftp p x) (i : fin2 n):
∀ y ∈ supp x i, p y :=
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208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions src/data/pfunctor/multivariate/basic.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
import control.functor.multivariate
import data.pfunctor.univariate
import data.sigma

# Multivariate polynomial functors.
Multivariate polynomial functors are used for defining M-types and W-types.
They map a type vector `α` to the type `Σ a : A, B a ⟹ α`, with `A : Type` and
`B : A → typevec n`. They interact well with Lean's inductive definitions because
they guarantee that occurrences of `α` are positive.

universes u v
open_locale mvfunctor

multivariate polynomial functors
structure mvpfunctor (n : ℕ) :=
(A : Type.{u}) (B : A → typevec.{u} n)

namespace mvpfunctor
open mvfunctor (liftp liftr)

variables {n m : ℕ} (P : mvpfunctor.{u} n)

/-- Applying `P` to an object of `Type` -/
def obj (α : typevec.{u} n) : Type u := Σ a : P.A, P.B a ⟹ α

/-- Applying `P` to a morphism of `Type` -/
def map {α β : typevec n} (f : α ⟹ β) : P.obj α → P.obj β :=
λ ⟨a, g⟩, ⟨a, typevec.comp f g⟩

instance : inhabited (mvpfunctor n) :=
⟨ ⟨default _, λ _, default _⟩ ⟩

instance obj.inhabited {α : typevec n} [inhabited P.A] [Π i, inhabited (α i)] :
inhabited (P.obj α) :=
⟨ ⟨default _, λ _ _, default _⟩ ⟩

instance : mvfunctor P.obj :=
⟨ n P⟩

theorem map_eq {α β : typevec n} (g : α ⟹ β) (a : P.A) (f : P.B a ⟹ α) : _ P.obj _ _ _ g ⟨a, f⟩ = ⟨a, g ⊚ f⟩ :=

theorem id_map {α : typevec n} : ∀ x : P.obj α, <$$> x = x
| ⟨a, g⟩ := rfl

theorem comp_map {α β γ : typevec n} (f : α ⟹ β) (g : β ⟹ γ) :
∀ x : P.obj α, (g ⊚ f) <$$> x = g <$$> (f <$$> x)
| ⟨a, h⟩ := rfl

/-- Constant functor where the input object does not affect the output -/
def const (n : ℕ) (A : Type u) : mvpfunctor n :=
{ A := A, B := λ a i, pempty }

section const
variables (n) {A : Type u} {α β : typevec.{u} n}

/-- Constructor for the constant functor -/
def (x : A) {α} : (const n A).obj α :=
⟨ x, λ i a, pempty.elim a ⟩

variables {n A}

/-- Destructor for the constant functor -/
def const.get (x : (const n A).obj α) : A :=

lemma const.get_map (f : α ⟹ β) (x : (const n A).obj α) :
const.get (f <$$> x) = const.get x :=
by cases x; refl

lemma const.get_mk (x : A) : const.get ( n x : (const n A).obj α) = x :=
by refl

lemma const.mk_get (x : (const n A).obj α) : n (const.get x) = x :=
by cases x; dsimp [const.get,]; congr; ext _ ⟨ ⟩

end const

/-- Functor composition on polynomial functors -/
def comp (P : mvpfunctor.{u} n) (Q : fin2 n → mvpfunctor.{u} m) : mvpfunctor m :=
{ A := Σ a₂ : P.1, Π i, P.2 a₂ i → (Q i).1,
B := λ a, λ i, Σ j (b : P.2 a.1 j), (Q j).2 (a.snd j b) i }

variables {P} {Q : fin2 n → mvpfunctor.{u} m} {α β : typevec.{u} m}

/-- Constructor for functor composition -/
def (x : P.obj (λ i, (Q i).obj α)) : (comp P Q).obj α :=
⟨ ⟨ x.1, λ i a, (x.2 _ a).1 ⟩, λ i a, (x.snd a.fst (a.snd).fst).snd i (a.snd).snd ⟩

/-- Destructor for functor composition -/
def comp.get (x : (comp P Q).obj α) : P.obj (λ i, (Q i).obj α) :=
⟨ x.1.1, λ i a, ⟨x.fst.snd i a, λ (j : fin2 m) (b : (Q i).B _ j), x.snd j ⟨i, ⟨a, b⟩⟩⟩ ⟩

lemma comp.get_map (f : α ⟹ β) (x : (comp P Q).obj α) :
comp.get (f <$$> x) = (λ i (x : (Q i).obj α), f <$$> x) <$$> comp.get x :=
by cases x; refl

lemma comp.get_mk (x : P.obj (λ i, (Q i).obj α)) : comp.get ( x) = x :=
cases x,
simp! [comp.get,],

lemma comp.mk_get (x : (comp P Q).obj α) : (comp.get x) = x :=
cases x,
dsimp [comp.get,],
ext; intros, refl, refl,
congr, ext; intros; refl,
ext, congr, rcases x_1 with ⟨a,b,c⟩; refl,

lifting predicates and relations

theorem liftp_iff {α : typevec n} (p : Π ⦃i⦄ , α i → Prop) (x : P.obj α) :
liftp p x ↔ ∃ a f, x = ⟨a, f⟩ ∧ ∀ i j, p (f i j) :=
{ rintros ⟨y, hy⟩, cases h : y with a f,
refine ⟨a, λ i j, (f i j).val, _, λ i j, (f i j).property⟩,
rw [←hy, h, map_eq], refl },
rintros ⟨a, f, xeq, pf⟩,
use ⟨a, λ i j, ⟨f i j, pf i j⟩⟩,
rw [xeq], reflexivity

theorem liftp_iff' {α : typevec n} (p : Π ⦃i⦄ , α i → Prop) (a : P.A) (f : P.B a ⟹ α) :
@liftp.{u} _ P.obj _ α p ⟨a,f⟩ ↔ ∀ i x, p (f i x) :=
simp only [liftp_iff,]; split; intro,
{ casesm* [Exists _, _ ∧ _], subst_vars, assumption },
repeat { constructor <|> assumption }

theorem liftr_iff {α : typevec n} (r : Π ⦃i⦄, α i → α i → Prop) (x y : P.obj α) :
liftr r x y ↔ ∃ a f₀ f₁, x = ⟨a, f₀⟩ ∧ y = ⟨a, f₁⟩ ∧ ∀ i j, r (f₀ i j) (f₁ i j) :=
{ rintros ⟨u, xeq, yeq⟩, cases h : u with a f,
use [a, λ i j, (f i j).val.fst, λ i j, (f i j).val.snd],
split, { rw [←xeq, h], refl },
split, { rw [←yeq, h], refl },
intros i j, exact (f i j).property },
rintros ⟨a, f₀, f₁, xeq, yeq, h⟩,
use ⟨a, λ i j, ⟨(f₀ i j, f₁ i j), h i j⟩⟩,
dsimp, split,
{ rw [xeq], refl },
rw [yeq], refl

open set mvfunctor

theorem supp_eq {α : typevec n} (a : P.A) (f : P.B a ⟹ α) (i) :
@supp.{u} _ P.obj _ α (⟨a,f⟩ : P.obj α) i = f i '' univ :=
ext, simp only [supp, image_univ, mem_range, mem_set_of_eq],
split; intro h,
{ apply @h (λ i x, ∃ (y : P.B a i), f i y = x),
rw liftp_iff', intros, refine ⟨_,rfl⟩ },
{ simp only [liftp_iff'], cases h, subst x,
tauto }

end mvpfunctor

Decomposing an n+1-ary pfunctor.

namespace mvpfunctor
open typevec
variables {n : ℕ} (P : mvpfunctor.{u} (n+1))

/-- Split polynomial functor, get a n-ary functor
from a `n+1`-ary functor -/
def drop : mvpfunctor n :=
{ A := P.A, B := λ a, (P.B a).drop }

/-- Split polynomial functor, get a univariate functor
from a `n+1`-ary functor -/
def last : pfunctor :=
{ A := P.A, B := λ a, (P.B a).last }

/-- append arrows of a polynomial functor application -/
@[reducible] def append_contents {α : typevec n} {β : Type*}
{a : P.A} (f' : P.drop.B a ⟹ α) (f : P.last.B a → β) :
P.B a ⟹ α ::: β :=
split_fun f' f

end mvpfunctor
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/data/pfunctor/univariate/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,14 @@ such that `P.B a` is empty to yield a finite tree -/
attribute [nolint has_inhabited_instance] W
variables {P}

/-- root element of a W tree -/
def W.head : W P → P.A
| ⟨a, f⟩ := a

/-- children of the root of a W tree -/
def W.children : Π x : W P, P.B (W.head x) → W P
| ⟨a, f⟩ := f

/-- destructor for W-types -/
def W.dest : W P → P.obj (W P)
| ⟨a, f⟩ := ⟨a, f⟩
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