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feat(algebra/category/Group/epi_mono): (mono)epimorphisms and (in)sur…
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…jections are the same in `(Add)(Comm)Group` (#15496)
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jjaassoonn committed Aug 9, 2022
1 parent a88bc4f commit b74907b
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Showing 3 changed files with 177 additions and 1 deletion.
79 changes: 78 additions & 1 deletion src/algebra/category/Group/epi_mono.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2022 Jujian Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jujian Zhang
import algebra.category.Group.basic
import algebra.category.Group.equivalence_Group_AddGroup
import category_theory.epi_mono
import group_theory.quotient_group

Expand All @@ -23,13 +23,36 @@ open quotient_group

variables {A : Type u} {B : Type v}

variables [group A] [group B]

@[to_additive add_monoid_hom.ker_eq_bot_of_cancel]
lemma ker_eq_bot_of_cancel {f : A →* B} (h : ∀ (u v : f.ker →* A), f.comp u = f.comp v → u = v) :
f.ker = ⊥ :=
by simpa using _root_.congr_arg range (h f.ker.subtype 1 (by tidy))


variables [comm_group A] [comm_group B]

@[to_additive add_monoid_hom.range_eq_top_of_cancel]
lemma range_eq_top_of_cancel {f : A →* B}
(h : ∀ (u v : B →* B ⧸ f.range), u.comp f = v.comp f → u = v) :
f.range = ⊤ :=
specialize h 1 (' _) _,
{ ext1,
simp only [one_apply, coe_comp, coe_mk', function.comp_app],
rw [show (1 : B ⧸ f.range) = (1 : B), from quotient_group.coe_one _, quotient_group.eq,
inv_one, one_mul],
exact ⟨x, rfl⟩, },
replace h : (' _).ker = (1 : B →* B ⧸ f.range).ker := by rw h,
rwa [ker_one, quotient_group.ker_mk] at h,


end monoid_hom

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,4 +304,58 @@ iff.trans (epi_iff_surjective _) (subgroup.eq_top_iff' f.range).symm

end Group

namespace AddGroup
variables {A B : AddGroup.{u}} (f : A ⟶ B)

lemma epi_iff_surjective : epi f ↔ function.surjective f :=
have i1 : epi f ↔ epi ( f),
{ refine ⟨_, Group_AddGroup_equivalence.inverse.epi_of_epi_map⟩,
introsI e',
apply Group_AddGroup_equivalence.inverse.map_epi },
rwa Group.epi_iff_surjective at i1,

lemma epi_iff_range_eq_top : epi f ↔ f.range = ⊤ :=
iff.trans (epi_iff_surjective _) (add_subgroup.eq_top_iff' f.range).symm

end AddGroup

namespace CommGroup
variables {A B : CommGroup.{u}} (f : A ⟶ B)

@[to_additive AddCommGroup.ker_eq_bot_of_mono]
lemma ker_eq_bot_of_mono [mono f] : f.ker = ⊥ :=
monoid_hom.ker_eq_bot_of_cancel $ λ u v,
(@cancel_mono _ _ _ _ _ f _ (show CommGroup.of f.ker ⟶ A, from u) _).1

@[to_additive AddCommGroup.mono_iff_ker_eq_bot]
lemma mono_iff_ker_eq_bot : mono f ↔ f.ker = ⊥ :=
⟨λ h, @@ker_eq_bot_of_mono f h,
λ h, concrete_category.mono_of_injective _ $ (monoid_hom.ker_eq_bot_iff f).1 h⟩

@[to_additive AddCommGroup.mono_iff_injective]
lemma mono_iff_injective : mono f ↔ function.injective f :=
iff.trans (mono_iff_ker_eq_bot f) $ monoid_hom.ker_eq_bot_iff f

lemma range_eq_top_of_epi [epi f] : f.range = ⊤ :=
monoid_hom.range_eq_top_of_cancel $ λ u v h,
(@cancel_epi _ _ _ _ _ f _ (show B ⟶ ⟨B ⧸ monoid_hom.range f⟩, from u) v).1 h

lemma epi_iff_range_eq_top : epi f ↔ f.range = ⊤ :=
⟨λ hf, by exactI range_eq_top_of_epi _,
λ hf, concrete_category.epi_of_surjective _ $ hf⟩

lemma epi_iff_surjective : epi f ↔ function.surjective f :=
by rw [epi_iff_range_eq_top, monoid_hom.range_top_iff_surjective]

instance : functor.preserves_epimorphisms (forget₂ CommGroup Group) :=
{ preserves := λ X Y f e, by rwa [epi_iff_surjective, ←@Group.epi_iff_surjective ⟨X⟩ ⟨Y⟩ f] at e }

end CommGroup

86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/category/Group/equivalence_Group_AddGroup.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Jujian Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jujian Zhang
import algebra.category.Group.basic

# Equivalence between `Group` and `AddGroup`
This file contains two equivalences:
* `Group_AddGroup_equivalence` : the equivalence between `Group` and `AddGroup` by sending
`X : Group` to `additive X` and `Y : AddGroup` to `multiplicative Y`.
* `CommGroup_AddCommGroup_equivlance` : the equivalence between `CommGroup` and `AddCommGroup` by
sending `X : CommGroup` to `additive X` and `Y : AddCommGroup` to `multiplicative Y`.

open category_theory

namespace Group

The functor `Group ⥤ AddGroup` by sending `X ↦ additive X` and `f ↦ f`.
@[simps] def to_AddGroup : Group ⥤ AddGroup :=
{ obj := λ X, AddGroup.of (additive X),
map := λ X Y, monoid_hom.to_additive }

end Group

namespace CommGroup

The functor `CommGroup ⥤ AddCommGroup` by sending `X ↦ additive X` and `f ↦ f`.
@[simps] def to_AddCommGroup : CommGroup ⥤ AddCommGroup :=
{ obj := λ X, AddCommGroup.of (additive X),
map := λ X Y, monoid_hom.to_additive }

end CommGroup

namespace AddGroup

The functor `AddGroup ⥤ Group` by sending `X ↦ multiplicative Y` and `f ↦ f`.
@[simps] def to_Group : AddGroup ⥤ Group :=
{ obj := λ X, Group.of (multiplicative X),
map := λ X Y, add_monoid_hom.to_multiplicative }

end AddGroup

namespace AddCommGroup

The functor `AddCommGroup ⥤ CommGroup` by sending `X ↦ multiplicative Y` and `f ↦ f`.
@[simps] def to_CommGroup : AddCommGroup ⥤ CommGroup :=
{ obj := λ X, CommGroup.of (multiplicative X),
map := λ X Y, add_monoid_hom.to_multiplicative }

end AddCommGroup

The equivalence of categories between `Group` and `AddGroup`
@[simps] def Group_AddGroup_equivalence : Group ≌ AddGroup := Group.to_AddGroup AddGroup.to_Group
(λ X, mul_equiv.to_Group_iso (mul_equiv.multiplicative_additive X))
(λ X Y f, rfl))
(λ X, add_equiv.to_AddGroup_iso (add_equiv.additive_multiplicative X))
(λ X Y f, rfl))

The equivalence of categories between `CommGroup` and `AddCommGroup`.
@[simps] def CommGroup_AddCommGroup_equivalence : CommGroup ≌ AddCommGroup := CommGroup.to_AddCommGroup AddCommGroup.to_CommGroup
(λ X, mul_equiv.to_CommGroup_iso (mul_equiv.multiplicative_additive X))
(λ X Y f, rfl))
(λ X, add_equiv.to_AddCommGroup_iso (add_equiv.additive_multiplicative X))
(λ X Y f, rfl))
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/hom/equiv.lean
Expand Up @@ -729,3 +729,16 @@ def mul_equiv.to_additive'' [add_zero_class G] [mul_one_class H] :

end type_tags

variables (G) (H)

/-- `additive (multiplicative G)` is just `G`. -/
def add_equiv.additive_multiplicative [add_zero_class G] : additive (multiplicative G) ≃+ G :=
mul_equiv.to_additive'' (mul_equiv.refl (multiplicative G))

/-- `multiplicative (additive H)` is just `H`. -/
def mul_equiv.multiplicative_additive [mul_one_class H] : multiplicative (additive H) ≃* H :=
add_equiv.to_multiplicative'' (add_equiv.refl (additive H))


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