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feat(analysis/special_functions/gamma): holomorphy of 1 / Gamma (#1…
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This PR makes two changes to the Gamma function code: 

- drastically shorten the proof of differentiability of the Gamma function by applying general results on Mellin transforms;
- add the fact that `1 / Gamma` is differentiable everywhere (including at the poles of the Gamma function).
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loefflerd committed May 16, 2023
1 parent 4fa54b3 commit b76e9f6
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Showing 2 changed files with 67 additions and 137 deletions.
159 changes: 22 additions & 137 deletions src/analysis/special_functions/gamma/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: David Loeffler
import measure_theory.integral.exp_decay
import analysis.special_functions.improper_integrals
import analysis.calculus.parametric_integral
import analysis.mellin_transform

# The Gamma function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,152 +382,37 @@ end

end Gamma_def

end complex

/-! Now check that the `Γ` function is differentiable, wherever this makes sense. -/

section Gamma_has_deriv

/-- Integrand for the derivative of the `Γ` function -/
def dGamma_integrand (s : ℂ) (x : ℝ) : ℂ := exp (-x) * log x * x ^ (s - 1)

/-- Integrand for the absolute value of the derivative of the `Γ` function -/
def dGamma_integrand_real (s x : ℝ) : ℝ := |exp (-x) * log x * x ^ (s - 1)|

lemma dGamma_integrand_is_o_at_top (s : ℝ) :
(λ x : ℝ, exp (-x) * log x * x ^ (s - 1)) =o[at_top] (λ x, exp (-(1/2) * x)) :=
refine is_o_of_tendsto (λ x hx, _) _,
{ exfalso, exact (-(1/2) * x)' hx, },
have : eventually_eq at_top (λ (x : ℝ), exp (-x) * log x * x ^ (s - 1) / exp (-(1 / 2) * x))
(λ (x : ℝ), (λ z:ℝ, exp (1 / 2 * z) / z ^ s) x * (λ z:ℝ, z / log z) x)⁻¹,
{ refine eventually_of_mem (Ioi_mem_at_top 1) _,
intros x hx, dsimp,
replace hx := lt_trans zero_lt_one ( hx),
rw [real.exp_neg, neg_mul, real.exp_neg, rpow_sub hx],
have : exp x = exp(x/2) * exp(x/2),
{ rw [←real.exp_add, add_halves], },
rw this, field_simp [', exp_ne_zero (x/2)], ring, },
refine tendsto.congr' this.symm (tendsto.inv_tendsto_at_top _),
apply tendsto.at_top_mul_at_top (tendsto_exp_mul_div_rpow_at_top s (1/2) one_half_pos),
refine tendsto.congr' _ ((tendsto_exp_div_pow_at_top 1).comp tendsto_log_at_top),
apply eventually_eq_of_mem (Ioi_mem_at_top (0:ℝ)),
intros x hx, simp [exp_log hx],

/-- Absolute convergence of the integral which will give the derivative of the `Γ` function on
`1 < re s`. -/
lemma dGamma_integral_abs_convergent (s : ℝ) (hs : 1 < s) :
integrable_on (λ x:ℝ, ‖exp (-x) * log x * x ^ (s-1)‖) (Ioi 0) :=
rw [←Ioc_union_Ioi_eq_Ioi (@zero_le_one ℝ _ _ _ _), integrable_on_union],
refine ⟨⟨_, _⟩, _⟩,
{ refine continuous_on.ae_strongly_measurable (continuous_on.mul _ _).norm measurable_set_Ioc,
{ refine (continuous_exp.comp continuous_neg).continuous_on.mul (continuous_on_log.mono _),
simp, },
{ apply continuous_on_id.rpow_const, intros x hx, right, linarith }, },
{ apply has_finite_integral_of_bounded,
swap, { exact 1 / (s - 1), },
refine (ae_restrict_iff' measurable_set_Ioc).mpr (ae_of_all _ (λ x hx, _)),
rw [norm_norm, norm_eq_abs, mul_assoc, abs_mul, ←one_mul (1 / (s - 1))],
refine mul_le_mul _ _ (abs_nonneg _) zero_le_one,
{ rw [abs_of_pos (exp_pos(-x)), exp_le_one_iff, neg_le, neg_zero], exact hx.1.le },
{ exact (abs_log_mul_self_rpow_lt x (s-1) hx.1 hx.2 (sub_pos.mpr hs)).le }, },
{ have := (dGamma_integrand_is_o_at_top s).is_O.norm_left,
refine integrable_of_is_O_exp_neg one_half_pos (continuous_on.mul _ _).norm this,
{ refine (continuous_exp.comp continuous_neg).continuous_on.mul (continuous_on_log.mono _),
simp, },
{ apply continuous_at.continuous_on (λ x hx, _),
apply continuous_at_id.rpow continuous_at_const,
dsimp, right, linarith, }, }

/-- A uniform bound for the `s`-derivative of the `Γ` integrand for `s` in vertical strips. -/
lemma loc_unif_bound_dGamma_integrand {t : ℂ} {s1 s2 x : ℝ} (ht1 : s1 ≤
(ht2: ≤ s2) (hx : 0 < x) :
‖dGamma_integrand t x‖ ≤ dGamma_integrand_real s1 x + dGamma_integrand_real s2 x :=
rcases le_or_lt 1 x with h|h,
{ -- case 1 ≤ x
refine le_add_of_nonneg_of_le (abs_nonneg _) _,
rw [dGamma_integrand, dGamma_integrand_real, complex.norm_eq_abs, map_mul, abs_mul,
←complex.of_real_mul, complex.abs_of_real],
refine mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left _ (abs_nonneg _),
rw complex.abs_cpow_eq_rpow_re_of_pos hx,
refine le_trans _ (le_abs_self _),
apply rpow_le_rpow_of_exponent_le h,
rw [complex.sub_re, complex.one_re], linarith, },
{ refine le_add_of_le_of_nonneg _ (abs_nonneg _),
rw [dGamma_integrand, dGamma_integrand_real, complex.norm_eq_abs, map_mul, abs_mul,
←complex.of_real_mul, complex.abs_of_real],
refine mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left _ (abs_nonneg _),
rw complex.abs_cpow_eq_rpow_re_of_pos hx,
refine le_trans _ (le_abs_self _),
apply rpow_le_rpow_of_exponent_ge hx h.le,
rw [complex.sub_re, complex.one_re], linarith, },

namespace complex
/-- Rewrite the Gamma integral as an example of a Mellin transform. -/
lemma Gamma_integral_eq_mellin : Gamma_integral = mellin (λ x, real.exp (-x)) :=
funext (λ s, by simp only [mellin, Gamma_integral, smul_eq_mul, mul_comm])

/-- The derivative of the `Γ` integral, at any `s ∈ ℂ` with `1 < re s`, is given by the integral
of `exp (-x) * log x * x ^ (s - 1)` over `[0, ∞)`. -/
theorem has_deriv_at_Gamma_integral {s : ℂ} (hs : 1 < :
(integrable_on (λ x, real.exp (-x) * real.log x * x ^ (s - 1) : ℝ → ℂ) (Ioi 0) volume) ∧
(has_deriv_at Gamma_integral (∫ x:ℝ in Ioi 0, real.exp (-x) * real.log x * x ^ (s - 1)) s) :=
/-- The derivative of the `Γ` integral, at any `s ∈ ℂ` with `1 < re s`, is given by the Melllin
transform of `log t * exp (-t)`. -/
theorem has_deriv_at_Gamma_integral {s : ℂ} (hs : 0 < :
has_deriv_at Gamma_integral (∫ (t : ℝ) in Ioi 0, t ^ (s - 1) * (real.log t * real.exp (-t))) s :=
let ε := ( - 1) / 2,
let μ := volume.restrict (Ioi (0:ℝ)),
let bound := (λ x:ℝ, dGamma_integrand_real ( - ε) x + dGamma_integrand_real ( + ε) x),
have cont : ∀ (t : ℂ), continuous_on (λ x, real.exp (-x) * x ^ (t - 1) : ℝ → ℂ) (Ioi 0),
{ intro t, apply (continuous_of_real.comp continuous_neg.exp).continuous_on.mul,
apply continuous_at.continuous_on, intros x hx,
refine (continuous_at_cpow_const _).comp continuous_of_real.continuous_at,
exact or.inl hx, },
have eps_pos: 0 < ε := div_pos (sub_pos.mpr hs) zero_lt_two,
have hF_meas : ∀ᶠ (t : ℂ) in 𝓝 s,
ae_strongly_measurable (λ x, real.exp(-x) * x ^ (t - 1) : ℝ → ℂ) μ,
{ apply eventually_of_forall, intro t,
exact (cont t).ae_strongly_measurable measurable_set_Ioi, },
have hF'_meas : ae_strongly_measurable (dGamma_integrand s) μ,
{ refine continuous_on.ae_strongly_measurable _ measurable_set_Ioi,
have : dGamma_integrand s = (λ x, real.exp (-x) * x ^ (s - 1) * real.log x : ℝ → ℂ),
{ ext1, simp only [dGamma_integrand], ring },
rw this,
refine continuous_on.mul (cont s) (continuous_at.continuous_on _),
exact λ x hx, continuous_of_real.continuous_at.comp (continuous_at_log ( hx).ne'), },
have h_bound : ∀ᵐ (x : ℝ) ∂μ, ∀ (t : ℂ), t ∈ metric.ball s ε → ‖ dGamma_integrand t x ‖ ≤ bound x,
{ refine (ae_restrict_iff' measurable_set_Ioi).mpr (ae_of_all _ (λ x hx, _)),
intros t ht,
rw [metric.mem_ball, complex.dist_eq] at ht,
replace ht := lt_of_le_of_lt (complex.abs_re_le_abs $ t - s ) ht,
rw [complex.sub_re, @abs_sub_lt_iff ℝ _ (( - 1) / 2) ] at ht,
refine loc_unif_bound_dGamma_integrand _ _ hx,
all_goals { simp only [ε], linarith } },
have bound_integrable : integrable bound μ,
{ apply integrable.add,
{ refine dGamma_integral_abs_convergent ( - ε) _,
field_simp, rw one_lt_div,
{ linarith }, { exact zero_lt_two }, },
{ refine dGamma_integral_abs_convergent ( + ε) _, linarith, }, },
have h_diff : ∀ᵐ (x : ℝ) ∂μ, ∀ (t : ℂ), t ∈ metric.ball s ε
→ has_deriv_at (λ u, real.exp (-x) * x ^ (u - 1) : ℂ → ℂ) (dGamma_integrand t x) t,
{ refine (ae_restrict_iff' measurable_set_Ioi).mpr (ae_of_all _ (λ x hx, _)),
intros t ht, rw mem_Ioi at hx,
simp only [dGamma_integrand],
rw mul_assoc,
apply has_deriv_at.const_mul,
rw [of_real_log hx.le, mul_comm],
have := ((has_deriv_at_id t).sub_const 1).const_cpow (or.inl (of_real_ne_zero.mpr')),
rwa mul_one at this },
exact (has_deriv_at_integral_of_dominated_loc_of_deriv_le eps_pos hF_meas
(Gamma_integral_convergent (zero_lt_one.trans hs)) hF'_meas h_bound bound_integrable h_diff),
rw Gamma_integral_eq_mellin,
convert mellin_has_deriv_of_is_O_rpow _ _ (lt_add_one _) _ hs,
{ refine (continuous.continuous_on _).locally_integrable_on measurable_set_Ioi,
exact continuous_of_real.comp (real.continuous_exp.comp continuous_neg), },
{ rw [←is_O_norm_left],
simp_rw [complex.norm_eq_abs, abs_of_real, ←real.norm_eq_abs, is_O_norm_left],
simpa only [neg_one_mul] using (is_o_exp_neg_mul_rpow_at_top zero_lt_one _).is_O },
{ simp_rw [neg_zero, rpow_zero],
refine is_O_const_of_tendsto (_ : tendsto _ _ (𝓝 1)) one_ne_zero,
rw (by simp : (1 : ℂ) = real.exp (-0)),
exact (continuous_of_real.comp (real.continuous_exp.comp continuous_neg)).continuous_within_at }

lemma differentiable_at_Gamma_aux (s : ℂ) (n : ℕ) (h1 : (1 - < n ) (h2 : ∀ m : ℕ, s ≠ -m) :
differentiable_at ℂ (Gamma_aux n) s :=
induction n with n hn generalizing s,
{ refine (has_deriv_at_Gamma_integral _).2.differentiable_at,
{ refine (has_deriv_at_Gamma_integral _).differentiable_at,
rw nat.cast_zero at h1, linarith },
{ dsimp only [Gamma_aux],
specialize hn (s + 1),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -560,10 +445,10 @@ begin
apply Gamma_eq_Gamma_aux, linarith,

end complex

end Gamma_has_deriv

end complex

namespace real

/-- The `Γ` function (of a real variable `s`). -/
Expand Down
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/special_functions/gamma/beta.lean
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ refined properties of the Gamma function using these relations.
`n ↦ n ^ s * n! / (s * (s + 1) * ... * (s + n))` is `Γ(s)`.
* `complex.Gamma_mul_Gamma_one_sub`: Euler's reflection formula
`Gamma s * Gamma (1 - s) = π / sin π s`.
* `complex.differentiable_one_div_Gamma`: the function `1 / Γ(s)` is differentiable everywhere.
* `real.Gamma_ne_zero`, `real.Gamma_seq_tendsto_Gamma`,
`real.Gamma_mul_Gamma_one_sub`: real versions of the above results.
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end real

end gamma_reflection

section inv_gamma
open_locale real

namespace complex
/-! ## The reciprocal Gamma function
We show that the reciprocal Gamma function `1 / Γ(s)` is entire. These lemmas show that (in this
case at least) mathlib's conventions for division by zero do actually give a mathematically useful
answer! (These results are useful in the theory of zeta and L-functions.) -/

/-- A reformulation of the Gamma recurrence relation which is true for `s = 0` as well. -/
lemma one_div_Gamma_eq_self_mul_one_div_Gamma_add_one (s : ℂ) :
(Gamma s)⁻¹ = s * (Gamma (s + 1))⁻¹ :=
rcases ne_or_eq s 0 with h | rfl,
{ rw [Gamma_add_one s h, mul_inv, mul_inv_cancel_left₀ h] },
{ rw [zero_add, Gamma_zero, inv_zero, zero_mul] }

/-- The reciprocal of the Gamma function is differentiable everywhere (including the points where
Gamma itself is not). -/
lemma differentiable_one_div_Gamma : differentiable ℂ (λ s : ℂ, (Gamma s)⁻¹) :=
suffices : ∀ (n : ℕ), ∀ (s : ℂ) (hs : < n), differentiable_at ℂ (λ u : ℂ, (Gamma u)⁻¹) s,
from λ s, let ⟨n, h⟩ := exists_nat_gt ( in this n s h,
intro n,
induction n with m hm,
{ intros s hs,
rw [nat.cast_zero, neg_lt_zero] at hs,
suffices : ∀ (m : ℕ), s ≠ -↑m, from (differentiable_at_Gamma _ this).inv (Gamma_ne_zero this),
contrapose! hs,
rcases hs with ⟨m, rfl⟩,
simpa only [neg_re, ←of_real_nat_cast, of_real_re, neg_nonpos] using nat.cast_nonneg m },
{ intros s hs,
rw funext one_div_Gamma_eq_self_mul_one_div_Gamma_add_one,
specialize hm (s + 1) (by rwa [add_re, one_re, neg_add', sub_lt_iff_lt_add, ←nat.cast_succ]),
refine differentiable_at_id.mul (hm.comp s _),
exact differentiable_at_id.add (differentiable_at_const _) }

end complex

end inv_gamma

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