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refactor(category_theory/monoidal): prove coherence lemmas by coheren…
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Now that we have a basic monoidal coherence tactic, we can replace some boring proofs of particular coherence lemmas with `by coherence`.

I've also simply deleted a few lemmas which are not actually used elsewhere in mathlib, and can be proved `by coherence`.

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed Apr 24, 2022
1 parent 92ca136 commit b8b8bf3
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Showing 5 changed files with 105 additions and 122 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/category_theory/monoidal/Mon_.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Scott Morrison
import category_theory.monoidal.braided
import category_theory.monoidal.discrete
import category_theory.monoidal.coherence_lemmas
import category_theory.limits.shapes.terminal
import algebra.punit_instances

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/category_theory/monoidal/braided.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
import category_theory.monoidal.coherence
import category_theory.monoidal.coherence_lemmas
import category_theory.monoidal.natural_transformation
import category_theory.monoidal.discrete

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142 changes: 24 additions & 118 deletions src/category_theory/monoidal/category.lean
Expand Up @@ -160,22 +160,6 @@ by { ext, simp [←tensor_comp], }

variables {U V W X Y Z : C}

-- When `rewrite_search` lands, add @[search] attributes to

-- monoidal_category.tensor_id monoidal_category.tensor_comp monoidal_category.associator_naturality
-- monoidal_category.left_unitor_naturality monoidal_category.right_unitor_naturality
-- monoidal_category.pentagon monoidal_category.triangle

-- tensor_comp_id tensor_id_comp comp_id_tensor_tensor_id
-- triangle_assoc_comp_left triangle_assoc_comp_right
-- triangle_assoc_comp_left_inv triangle_assoc_comp_right_inv
-- left_unitor_tensor left_unitor_tensor_inv
-- right_unitor_tensor right_unitor_tensor_inv
-- pentagon_inv
-- associator_inv_naturality
-- left_unitor_inv_naturality
-- right_unitor_inv_naturality

lemma tensor_dite {P : Prop} [decidable P]
{W X Y Z : C} (f : W ⟶ X) (g : P → (Y ⟶ Z)) (g' : ¬P → (Y ⟶ Z)) :
f ⊗ (if h : P then g h else g' h) = if h : P then f ⊗ g h else f ⊗ g' h :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,28 +224,15 @@ by { rw [←cancel_mono (λ_ Y).hom, left_unitor_naturality, left_unitor_natural
(f ⊗ (𝟙 (𝟙_ C)) = g ⊗ (𝟙 (𝟙_ C))) ↔ (f = g) :=
by { rw [←cancel_mono (ρ_ Y).hom, right_unitor_naturality, right_unitor_naturality], simp }

-- See Proposition 2.2.4 of <>
lemma left_unitor_tensor' (X Y : C) :
((α_ (𝟙_ C) X Y).hom) ≫ ((λ_ (X ⊗ Y)).hom) = ((λ_ X).hom ⊗ (𝟙 Y)) :=
rw [←tensor_left_iff, id_tensor_comp, ←cancel_epi (α_ (𝟙_ C) (𝟙_ C ⊗ X) Y).hom,
←cancel_epi ((α_ (𝟙_ C) (𝟙_ C) X).hom ⊗ 𝟙 Y), pentagon_assoc, triangle, ←associator_naturality,
←comp_tensor_id_assoc, triangle, associator_naturality, tensor_id]

@[reassoc, simp]
lemma left_unitor_tensor (X Y : C) :
((λ_ (X ⊗ Y)).hom) = ((α_ (𝟙_ C) X Y).inv) ≫ ((λ_ X).hom ⊗ (𝟙 Y)) :=
by { rw [←left_unitor_tensor'], simp }

lemma left_unitor_tensor_inv' (X Y : C) :
((λ_ (X ⊗ Y)).inv) ≫ ((α_ (𝟙_ C) X Y).inv) = ((λ_ X).inv ⊗ (𝟙 Y)) :=
eq_of_inv_eq_inv (by simp)
/-! The lemmas in the next section are true by coherence,
but we prove them directly as they are used in proving the coherence theorem. -/

@[reassoc, simp]
lemma left_unitor_tensor_inv (X Y : C) :
(λ_ (X ⊗ Y)).inv = ((λ_ X).inv ⊗ (𝟙 Y)) ≫ (α_ (𝟙_ C) X Y).hom :=
by { rw [←left_unitor_tensor_inv'], simp }
lemma pentagon_inv (W X Y Z : C) :
((𝟙 W) ⊗ (α_ X Y Z).inv) ≫ (α_ W (X ⊗ Y) Z).inv ≫ ((α_ W X Y).inv ⊗ (𝟙 Z))
= (α_ W X (Y ⊗ Z)).inv ≫ (α_ (W ⊗ X) Y Z).inv :=
category_theory.eq_of_inv_eq_inv (by simp [pentagon])

@[reassoc, simp]
lemma right_unitor_tensor (X Y : C) :
Expand All @@ -276,13 +247,23 @@ lemma right_unitor_tensor_inv (X Y : C) :
((ρ_ (X ⊗ Y)).inv) = ((𝟙 X) ⊗ (ρ_ Y).inv) ≫ (α_ X Y (𝟙_ C)).inv :=
eq_of_inv_eq_inv (by simp)

lemma id_tensor_right_unitor_inv (X Y : C) : 𝟙 X ⊗ (ρ_ Y).inv = (ρ_ _).inv ≫ (α_ _ _ _).hom :=
by simp only [right_unitor_tensor_inv, category.comp_id, iso.inv_hom_id, category.assoc]
lemma triangle_assoc_comp_left (X Y : C) :
(α_ X (𝟙_ C) Y).hom ≫ ((𝟙 X) ⊗ (λ_ Y).hom) = (ρ_ X).hom ⊗ 𝟙 Y :=
monoidal_category.triangle X Y

lemma left_unitor_inv_tensor_id (X Y : C) : (λ_ X).inv ⊗ 𝟙 Y = (λ_ _).inv ≫ (α_ _ _ _).inv :=
by simp only [left_unitor_tensor_inv, assoc, comp_id, hom_inv_id]
@[simp, reassoc] lemma triangle_assoc_comp_right (X Y : C) :
(α_ X (𝟙_ C) Y).inv ≫ ((ρ_ X).hom ⊗ 𝟙 Y) = ((𝟙 X) ⊗ (λ_ Y).hom) :=
by rw [←triangle_assoc_comp_left, iso.inv_hom_id_assoc]

@[simp, reassoc] lemma triangle_assoc_comp_left_inv (X Y : C) :
((𝟙 X) ⊗ (λ_ Y).inv) ≫ (α_ X (𝟙_ C) Y).inv = ((ρ_ X).inv ⊗ 𝟙 Y) :=
apply (cancel_mono ((ρ_ X).hom ⊗ 𝟙 Y)).1,
simp only [triangle_assoc_comp_right, assoc],
rw [←id_tensor_comp, iso.inv_hom_id, ←comp_tensor_id, iso.inv_hom_id]


lemma associator_inv_naturality {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (f : X ⟶ X') (g : Y ⟶ Y') (h : Z ⟶ Z') :
Expand All @@ -309,53 +290,6 @@ lemma associator_inv_conjugation {X X' Y Y' Z Z' : C} (f : X ⟶ X') (g : Y ⟶
(α_ X Y Z).inv ≫ ((f ⊗ g) ⊗ h) ≫ (α_ X' Y' Z').hom = f ⊗ g ⊗ h :=
by rw [associator_naturality, inv_hom_id_assoc]

lemma pentagon_inv (W X Y Z : C) :
((𝟙 W) ⊗ (α_ X Y Z).inv) ≫ (α_ W (X ⊗ Y) Z).inv ≫ ((α_ W X Y).inv ⊗ (𝟙 Z))
= (α_ W X (Y ⊗ Z)).inv ≫ (α_ (W ⊗ X) Y Z).inv :=
category_theory.eq_of_inv_eq_inv (by simp [pentagon])

lemma pentagon_inv_inv_hom (W X Y Z : C) :
(α_ W (X ⊗ Y) Z).inv ≫ ((α_ W X Y).inv ⊗ (𝟙 Z)) ≫ (α_ (W ⊗ X) Y Z).hom
= ((𝟙 W) ⊗ (α_ X Y Z).hom) ≫ (α_ W X (Y ⊗ Z)).inv :=
rw ←((iso.eq_comp_inv _).mp (pentagon_inv W X Y Z)),
slice_rhs 1 2 { rw [←id_tensor_comp, iso.hom_inv_id] },
simp only [tensor_id, assoc, id_comp]

lemma triangle_assoc_comp_left (X Y : C) :
(α_ X (𝟙_ C) Y).hom ≫ ((𝟙 X) ⊗ (λ_ Y).hom) = (ρ_ X).hom ⊗ 𝟙 Y :=
monoidal_category.triangle X Y

@[simp, reassoc] lemma triangle_assoc_comp_right (X Y : C) :
(α_ X (𝟙_ C) Y).inv ≫ ((ρ_ X).hom ⊗ 𝟙 Y) = ((𝟙 X) ⊗ (λ_ Y).hom) :=
by rw [←triangle_assoc_comp_left, iso.inv_hom_id_assoc]

@[simp, reassoc] lemma triangle_assoc_comp_right_inv (X Y : C) :
((ρ_ X).inv ⊗ 𝟙 Y) ≫ (α_ X (𝟙_ C) Y).hom = ((𝟙 X) ⊗ (λ_ Y).inv) :=
apply (cancel_mono (𝟙 X ⊗ (λ_ Y).hom)).1,
simp only [assoc, triangle_assoc_comp_left],
rw [←comp_tensor_id, iso.inv_hom_id, ←id_tensor_comp, iso.inv_hom_id]

@[simp, reassoc] lemma triangle_assoc_comp_left_inv (X Y : C) :
((𝟙 X) ⊗ (λ_ Y).inv) ≫ (α_ X (𝟙_ C) Y).inv = ((ρ_ X).inv ⊗ 𝟙 Y) :=
apply (cancel_mono ((ρ_ X).hom ⊗ 𝟙 Y)).1,
simp only [triangle_assoc_comp_right, assoc],
rw [←id_tensor_comp, iso.inv_hom_id, ←comp_tensor_id, iso.inv_hom_id]

lemma unitors_equal : (λ_ (𝟙_ C)).hom = (ρ_ (𝟙_ C)).hom :=
by rw [←tensor_left_iff, ←cancel_epi (α_ (𝟙_ C) (𝟙_ _) (𝟙_ _)).hom, ←cancel_mono (ρ_ (𝟙_ C)).hom,
triangle, ←right_unitor_tensor, right_unitor_naturality]

lemma unitors_inv_equal : (λ_ (𝟙_ C)).inv = (ρ_ (𝟙_ C)).inv :=
by { ext, simp [←unitors_equal] }

lemma right_unitor_inv_comp_tensor (f : W ⟶ X) (g : 𝟙_ C ⟶ Z) :
(ρ_ _).inv ≫ (f ⊗ g) = f ≫ (ρ_ _).inv ≫ (𝟙 _ ⊗ g) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,34 +320,6 @@ lemma tensor_inv_hom_id {V W X Y Z : C} (f : V ≅ W) (g : X ⟶ Y) (h : Y ⟶ Z
(g ⊗ f.inv) ≫ (h ⊗ f.hom) = (g ≫ h) ⊗ 𝟙 W :=
by rw [←tensor_comp, f.inv_hom_id]

lemma pentagon_hom_inv {W X Y Z : C} :
(α_ W X (Y ⊗ Z)).hom ≫ (𝟙 W ⊗ (α_ X Y Z).inv)
= (α_ (W ⊗ X) Y Z).inv ≫ ((α_ W X Y).hom ⊗ 𝟙 Z) ≫ (α_ W (X ⊗ Y) Z).hom :=
have pent := pentagon W X Y Z,
rw ←iso.comp_inv_eq at pent,
rw [iso.eq_inv_comp, ←pent],
simp only [tensor_hom_inv_id, iso.inv_hom_id_assoc, tensor_id, category.comp_id, category.assoc],

lemma pentagon_inv_hom (W X Y Z : C) :
(α_ (W ⊗ X) Y Z).inv ≫ ((α_ W X Y).hom ⊗ 𝟙 Z)
= (α_ W X (Y ⊗ Z)).hom ≫ (𝟙 W ⊗ (α_ X Y Z).inv) ≫ (α_ W (X ⊗ Y) Z).inv :=
have pent := pentagon W X Y Z,
rw ←iso.inv_comp_eq at pent,
rw [←pent],
simp only [tensor_id, assoc, id_comp, comp_id, hom_inv_id, tensor_hom_inv_id_assoc],

lemma pentagon_comp_id_tensor {W X Y Z : C} :
(α_ W (X ⊗ Y) Z).hom ≫ ((𝟙 W) ⊗ (α_ X Y Z).hom)
= ((α_ W X Y).inv ⊗ (𝟙 Z)) ≫ (α_ (W ⊗ X) Y Z).hom ≫ (α_ W X (Y ⊗ Z)).hom :=
by { rw ←pentagon W X Y Z, simp }


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78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/monoidal/coherence_lemmas.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Michael Jendrusch. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Michael Jendrusch, Scott Morrison, Bhavik Mehta, Jakob von Raumer
import category_theory.monoidal.coherence

# Lemmas which are consequences of monoidal coherence
These lemmas are all proved `by coherence`.
## Future work
Investigate whether these lemmas are really needed,
or if they can be replaced by use of the `coherence` tactic.

open category_theory
open category_theory.category
open category_theory.iso

namespace category_theory.monoidal_category

variables {C : Type*} [category C] [monoidal_category C]

-- See Proposition 2.2.4 of <>
lemma left_unitor_tensor' (X Y : C) :
((α_ (𝟙_ C) X Y).hom) ≫ ((λ_ (X ⊗ Y)).hom) = ((λ_ X).hom ⊗ (𝟙 Y)) :=
by coherence

@[reassoc, simp]
lemma left_unitor_tensor (X Y : C) :
((λ_ (X ⊗ Y)).hom) = ((α_ (𝟙_ C) X Y).inv) ≫ ((λ_ X).hom ⊗ (𝟙 Y)) :=
by coherence

lemma left_unitor_tensor_inv (X Y : C) :
(λ_ (X ⊗ Y)).inv = ((λ_ X).inv ⊗ (𝟙 Y)) ≫ (α_ (𝟙_ C) X Y).hom :=
by coherence

lemma id_tensor_right_unitor_inv (X Y : C) : 𝟙 X ⊗ (ρ_ Y).inv = (ρ_ _).inv ≫ (α_ _ _ _).hom :=
by coherence

lemma left_unitor_inv_tensor_id (X Y : C) : (λ_ X).inv ⊗ 𝟙 Y = (λ_ _).inv ≫ (α_ _ _ _).inv :=
by coherence

lemma pentagon_inv_inv_hom (W X Y Z : C) :
(α_ W (X ⊗ Y) Z).inv ≫ ((α_ W X Y).inv ⊗ (𝟙 Z)) ≫ (α_ (W ⊗ X) Y Z).hom
= ((𝟙 W) ⊗ (α_ X Y Z).hom) ≫ (α_ W X (Y ⊗ Z)).inv :=
by coherence

@[simp, reassoc] lemma triangle_assoc_comp_right_inv (X Y : C) :
((ρ_ X).inv ⊗ 𝟙 Y) ≫ (α_ X (𝟙_ C) Y).hom = ((𝟙 X) ⊗ (λ_ Y).inv) :=
by coherence

lemma unitors_equal : (λ_ (𝟙_ C)).hom = (ρ_ (𝟙_ C)).hom :=
by coherence

lemma unitors_inv_equal : (λ_ (𝟙_ C)).inv = (ρ_ (𝟙_ C)).inv :=
by coherence

lemma pentagon_hom_inv {W X Y Z : C} :
(α_ W X (Y ⊗ Z)).hom ≫ (𝟙 W ⊗ (α_ X Y Z).inv)
= (α_ (W ⊗ X) Y Z).inv ≫ ((α_ W X Y).hom ⊗ 𝟙 Z) ≫ (α_ W (X ⊗ Y) Z).hom :=
by coherence

lemma pentagon_inv_hom (W X Y Z : C) :
(α_ (W ⊗ X) Y Z).inv ≫ ((α_ W X Y).hom ⊗ 𝟙 Z)
= (α_ W X (Y ⊗ Z)).hom ≫ (𝟙 W ⊗ (α_ X Y Z).inv) ≫ (α_ W (X ⊗ Y) Z).inv :=
by coherence

end category_theory.monoidal_category
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions src/category_theory/monoidal/rigid.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2021 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jakob von Raumer

import category_theory.monoidal.coherence

import category_theory.monoidal.coherence_lemmas

# Rigid (autonomous) monoidal categories
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