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…perator_norm): strong operator topology (#16053)
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ADedecker committed Nov 5, 2022
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Showing 6 changed files with 292 additions and 18 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/convolution.lean
Expand Up @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ lemma convolution_precompR_apply {g : G → E'' →L[𝕜] E'}
(hf : locally_integrable f μ) (hcg : has_compact_support g) (hg : continuous g)
(x₀ : G) (x : E'') : (f ⋆[L.precompR E'', μ] g) x₀ x = (f ⋆[L, μ] (λ a, g a x)) x₀ :=
have := hcg.convolution_exists_right (L.precompR E'') hf hg x₀,
have := hcg.convolution_exists_right (L.precompR E'' : _) hf hg x₀,
simp_rw [convolution_def, continuous_linear_map.integral_apply this],
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/bounded_linear_maps.lean
Expand Up @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ argument of `f`.
variables {R : Type*}
variables {𝕜₂ 𝕜' : Type*} [nontrivially_normed_field 𝕜'] [nontrivially_normed_field 𝕜₂]
variables {M : Type*} [topological_space M]
variables {σ₁₂ : 𝕜 →+* 𝕜₂} [ring_hom_isometric σ₁₂]
variables {σ₁₂ : 𝕜 →+* 𝕜₂}
variables {G' : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group G'] [normed_space 𝕜₂ G'] [normed_space 𝕜' G']
variables [smul_comm_class 𝕜₂ 𝕜' G']

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ begin
refine λ e, is_open.mem_nhds _ (mem_range_self _),
let O : (E →L[𝕜] F) → (E →L[𝕜] E) := λ f, (e.symm : F →L[𝕜] E).comp f,
have h_O : continuous O := is_bounded_bilinear_map_comp.continuous_right,
convert units.is_open.preimage h_O using 1,
convert show is_open (O ⁻¹' {x | is_unit x}), from units.is_open.preimage h_O using 1,
ext f',
{ rintros ⟨e', rfl⟩,
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/multilinear.lean
Expand Up @@ -882,8 +882,8 @@ def mk_continuous_linear (f : G →ₗ[𝕜] multilinear_map 𝕜 E G') (C : ℝ
G →L[𝕜] continuous_multilinear_map 𝕜 E G' :=
{ to_fun := λ x, (f x).mk_continuous (C * ∥x∥) $ H x,
map_add' := λ x y, by { ext1, simp },
map_smul' := λ c x, by { ext1, simp } }
map_add' := λ x y, by { ext1, simp only [_root_.map_add], refl },
map_smul' := λ c x, by { ext1, simp only [smul_hom_class.map_smul], refl } }
(max C 0) $ λ x, ((f x).mk_continuous_norm_le' _).trans_eq $
by rw [max_mul_of_nonneg _ _ (norm_nonneg x), zero_mul]

Expand Down
97 changes: 89 additions & 8 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/operator_norm.lean
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import algebra.algebra.tower
import analysis.asymptotics.asymptotics
import analysis.normed_space.linear_isometry
import analysis.normed_space.riesz_lemma
import topology.algebra.module.strong_topology

# Operator norm on the space of continuous linear maps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,14 +382,99 @@ lemma op_norm_smul_le {𝕜' : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜'] [normed_space 𝕜' F

/-- Continuous linear maps themselves form a seminormed space with respect to
the operator norm. -/
instance to_seminormed_add_comm_group : seminormed_add_comm_group (E →SL[σ₁₂] F) :=
the operator norm. This is only a temporary definition because we want to replace the topology
with `continuous_linear_map.topological_space` to avoid diamond issues.
See Note [forgetful inheritance] -/
protected def tmp_seminormed_add_comm_group : seminormed_add_comm_group (E →SL[σ₁₂] F) :=
{ to_fun := norm,
map_zero' := op_norm_zero,
add_le' := op_norm_add_le,
neg' := op_norm_neg }

/-- The `pseudo_metric_space` structure on `E →SL[σ₁₂] F` coming from
See Note [forgetful inheritance] -/
protected def tmp_pseudo_metric_space : pseudo_metric_space (E →SL[σ₁₂] F) :=

/-- The `uniform_space` structure on `E →SL[σ₁₂] F` coming from
See Note [forgetful inheritance] -/
protected def tmp_uniform_space : uniform_space (E →SL[σ₁₂] F) :=

/-- The `topological_space` structure on `E →SL[σ₁₂] F` coming from
See Note [forgetful inheritance] -/
protected def tmp_topological_space : topological_space (E →SL[σ₁₂] F) :=

section tmp

local attribute [-instance] continuous_linear_map.topological_space
local attribute [-instance] continuous_linear_map.uniform_space
local attribute [instance] continuous_linear_map.tmp_seminormed_add_comm_group

protected lemma tmp_topological_add_group : topological_add_group (E →SL[σ₁₂] F) :=

protected lemma tmp_closed_ball_div_subset {a b : ℝ} (ha : 0 < a) (hb : 0 < b) :
closed_ball (0 : E →SL[σ₁₂] F) (a / b) ⊆
{f | ∀ x ∈ closed_ball (0 : E) b, f x ∈ closed_ball (0 : F) a} :=
intros f hf x hx,
rw mem_closed_ball_zero_iff at ⊢ hf hx,
calc ∥f x∥
≤ ∥f∥ * ∥x∥ : le_op_norm _ _
... ≤ (a/b) * b : mul_le_mul hf hx (norm_nonneg _) (div_pos ha hb).le
... = a : div_mul_cancel a

end tmp

protected theorem tmp_topology_eq :
(continuous_linear_map.tmp_topological_space : topological_space (E →SL[σ₁₂] F)) =
continuous_linear_map.topological_space :=
refine continuous_linear_map.tmp_topological_add_group.ext infer_instance
((@metric.nhds_basis_closed_ball _ continuous_linear_map.tmp_pseudo_metric_space 0).ext
(continuous_linear_map.has_basis_nhds_zero_of_basis metric.nhds_basis_closed_ball) _ _),
{ rcases normed_field.exists_norm_lt_one 𝕜 with ⟨c, hc₀, hc₁⟩,
refine λ ε hε, ⟨⟨closed_ball 0 (1 / ∥c∥), ε⟩,
⟨normed_space.is_vonN_bounded_closed_ball _ _ _, hε⟩, λ f hf, _⟩,
change ∀ x, _ at hf,
simp_rw mem_closed_ball_zero_iff at hf,
rw @mem_closed_ball_zero_iff _ seminormed_add_comm_group.to_seminormed_add_group,
refine op_norm_le_of_shell' (div_pos one_pos hc₀) hε.le hc₁ (λ x hx₁ hxc, _),
rw div_mul_cancel 1 hc₀.ne.symm at hx₁,
exact (hf x hxc.le).trans (le_mul_of_one_le_right hε.le hx₁) },
{ rintros ⟨S, ε⟩ ⟨hS, hε⟩,
rw [normed_space.is_vonN_bounded_iff, ← bounded_iff_is_bounded] at hS,
rcases hS.subset_ball_lt 0 0 with ⟨δ, hδ, hSδ⟩,
exact ⟨ε/δ, div_pos hε hδ, (continuous_linear_map.tmp_closed_ball_div_subset hε hδ).trans $
λ f hf x hx, hf x $ hSδ hx⟩ }

protected theorem tmp_uniform_space_eq :
(continuous_linear_map.tmp_uniform_space : uniform_space (E →SL[σ₁₂] F)) =
continuous_linear_map.uniform_space :=
rw [← @uniform_add_group.to_uniform_space_eq _ continuous_linear_map.tmp_uniform_space,
← @uniform_add_group.to_uniform_space_eq _ continuous_linear_map.uniform_space],
congr' 1,
exact continuous_linear_map.tmp_topology_eq

instance to_pseudo_metric_space : pseudo_metric_space (E →SL[σ₁₂] F) :=
(congr_arg _ continuous_linear_map.tmp_uniform_space_eq.symm)

/-- Continuous linear maps themselves form a seminormed space with respect to
the operator norm. -/
instance to_seminormed_add_comm_group : seminormed_add_comm_group (E →SL[σ₁₂] F) :=
{ dist_eq := continuous_linear_map.tmp_seminormed_add_comm_group.dist_eq }

lemma nnnorm_def (f : E →SL[σ₁₂] F) : ∥f∥₊ = Inf {c | ∀ x, ∥f x∥₊ ≤ c * ∥x∥₊} :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1302,12 +1388,7 @@ instance norm_one_class [nontrivial E] : norm_one_class (E →L[𝕜] E) := ⟨n
/-- Continuous linear maps themselves form a normed space with respect to
the operator norm. -/
instance to_normed_add_comm_group [ring_hom_isometric σ₁₂] : normed_add_comm_group (E →SL[σ₁₂] F) :=
{ to_fun := norm,
map_zero' := op_norm_zero,
neg' := op_norm_neg,
add_le' := op_norm_add_le,
eq_zero_of_map_eq_zero' := λ f, (op_norm_zero_iff f).1 }
normed_add_comm_group.of_separation (λ f, (op_norm_zero_iff f).mp)

/-- Continuous linear maps form a normed ring with respect to the operator norm. -/
instance to_normed_ring : normed_ring (E →L[𝕜] E) :=
Expand Down
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/algebra/module/strong_topology.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Anatole Dedecker. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Anatole Dedecker
import topology.algebra.uniform_convergence

# Strong topologies on the space of continuous linear maps
In this file, we define the strong topologies on `E →L[𝕜] F` associated with a family
`𝔖 : set (set E)` to be the topology of uniform convergence on the elements of `𝔖` (also called
the topology of `𝔖`-convergence).
The lemma `uniform_convergence_on.has_continuous_smul_of_image_bounded` tells us that this is a
vector space topology if the continuous linear image of any element of `𝔖` is bounded (in the sense
of `bornology.is_vonN_bounded`).
We then declare an instance for the case where `𝔖` is exactly the set of all bounded subsets of
`E`, giving us the so-called "topology of uniform convergence on bounded sets" (or "topology of
bounded convergence"), which coincides with the operator norm topology in the case of
Other useful examples include the weak-* topology (when `𝔖` is the set of finite sets or the set
of singletons) and the topology of compact convergence (when `𝔖` is the set of relatively compact
## Main definitions
* `continuous_linear_map.strong_topology` is the topology mentioned above for an arbitrary `𝔖`.
* `continuous_linear_map.topological_space` is the topology of bounded convergence. This is
declared as an instance.
## Main statements
* `continuous_linear_map.strong_topology.topological_add_group` and
`continuous_linear_map.strong_topology.has_continuous_smul` show that the strong topology
makes `E →L[𝕜] F` a topological vector space, with the assumptions on `𝔖` mentioned above.
* `continuous_linear_map.topological_add_group` and
`continuous_linear_map.has_continuous_smul` register these facts as instances for the special
case of bounded convergence.
## References
* [N. Bourbaki, *Topological Vector Spaces*][bourbaki1987]
* show that these topologies are T₂ and locally convex if the topology on `F` is
## Tags
uniform convergence, bounded convergence

open_locale topological_space

namespace continuous_linear_map

section general

variables {𝕜₁ 𝕜₂ : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜₁] [normed_field 𝕜₂] (σ : 𝕜₁ →+* 𝕜₂)
{E : Type*} (F : Type*) [add_comm_group E] [module 𝕜₁ E]
[add_comm_group F] [module 𝕜₂ F] [topological_space E]

/-- Given `E` and `F` two topological vector spaces and `𝔖 : set (set E)`, then
`strong_topology σ F 𝔖` is the "topology of uniform convergence on the elements of `𝔖`" on
`E →L[𝕜] F`.
If the continuous linear image of any element of `𝔖` is bounded, this makes `E →L[𝕜] F` a
topological vector space. -/
def strong_topology [topological_space F] [topological_add_group F]
(𝔖 : set (set E)) : topological_space (E →SL[σ] F) :=
(@uniform_convergence_on.topological_space E F
(topological_add_group.to_uniform_space F) 𝔖).induced coe_fn

/-- The uniform structure associated with `continuous_linear_map.strong_topology`. We make sure
that this has nice definitional properties. -/
def strong_uniformity [uniform_space F] [uniform_add_group F]
(𝔖 : set (set E)) : uniform_space (E →SL[σ] F) :=
@uniform_space.replace_topology _ (strong_topology σ F 𝔖)
((uniform_convergence_on.uniform_space E F 𝔖).comap coe_fn)
(by rw [strong_topology, uniform_add_group.to_uniform_space_eq]; refl)

@[simp] lemma strong_uniformity_topology_eq [uniform_space F] [uniform_add_group F]
(𝔖 : set (set E)) :
(strong_uniformity σ F 𝔖).to_topological_space = strong_topology σ F 𝔖 :=

lemma strong_uniformity.uniform_add_group [uniform_space F] [uniform_add_group F]
(𝔖 : set (set E)) : @uniform_add_group (E →SL[σ] F) (strong_uniformity σ F 𝔖) _ :=
letI : uniform_space (E → F) := uniform_convergence_on.uniform_space E F 𝔖,
letI : uniform_space (E →SL[σ] F) := strong_uniformity σ F 𝔖,
haveI : uniform_add_group (E → F) := uniform_convergence_on.uniform_add_group,
rw [strong_uniformity, uniform_space.replace_topology_eq],
let φ : (E →SL[σ] F) →+ E → F := ⟨(coe_fn : (E →SL[σ] F) → E → F), rfl, λ _ _, rfl⟩,
exact uniform_add_group_comap φ

lemma strong_topology.topological_add_group [topological_space F] [topological_add_group F]
(𝔖 : set (set E)) : @topological_add_group (E →SL[σ] F) (strong_topology σ F 𝔖) _ :=
letI : uniform_space F := topological_add_group.to_uniform_space F,
haveI : uniform_add_group F := topological_add_comm_group_is_uniform,
letI : uniform_space (E →SL[σ] F) := strong_uniformity σ F 𝔖,
haveI : uniform_add_group (E →SL[σ] F) := strong_uniformity.uniform_add_group σ F 𝔖,

lemma strong_topology.has_continuous_smul [ring_hom_surjective σ] [ring_hom_isometric σ]
[topological_space F] [topological_add_group F] [has_continuous_smul 𝕜₂ F] (𝔖 : set (set E))
(h𝔖₁ : 𝔖.nonempty) (h𝔖₂ : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖) (h𝔖₃ : ∀ S ∈ 𝔖, bornology.is_vonN_bounded 𝕜₁ S) :
@has_continuous_smul 𝕜₂ (E →SL[σ] F) _ _ (strong_topology σ F 𝔖) :=
letI : uniform_space F := topological_add_group.to_uniform_space F,
haveI : uniform_add_group F := topological_add_comm_group_is_uniform,
letI : topological_space (E → F) := uniform_convergence_on.topological_space E F 𝔖,
letI : topological_space (E →SL[σ] F) := strong_topology σ F 𝔖,
let φ : (E →SL[σ] F) →ₗ[𝕜₂] E → F := ⟨(coe_fn : (E →SL[σ] F) → E → F), λ _ _, rfl, λ _ _, rfl⟩,
exact uniform_convergence_on.has_continuous_smul_induced_of_image_bounded 𝕜₂ E F (E →SL[σ] F)
h𝔖₁ h𝔖₂ φ ⟨rfl⟩ (λ u s hs, (h𝔖₃ s hs).image u)

lemma strong_topology.has_basis_nhds_zero_of_basis [topological_space F] [topological_add_group F]
{ι : Type*} (𝔖 : set (set E)) (h𝔖₁ : 𝔖.nonempty) (h𝔖₂ : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖) {p : ι → Prop}
{b : ι → set F} (h : (𝓝 0 : filter F).has_basis p b) :
(@nhds (E →SL[σ] F) (strong_topology σ F 𝔖) 0).has_basis
(λ Si : set E × ι, Si.1 ∈ 𝔖 ∧ p Si.2)
(λ Si, {f : E →SL[σ] F | ∀ x ∈ Si.1, f x ∈ b Si.2}) :=
letI : uniform_space F := topological_add_group.to_uniform_space F,
haveI : uniform_add_group F := topological_add_comm_group_is_uniform,
rw nhds_induced,
exact (uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_nhds_zero_of_basis 𝔖 h𝔖₁ h𝔖₂ h).comap coe_fn

lemma strong_topology.has_basis_nhds_zero [topological_space F] [topological_add_group F]
(𝔖 : set (set E)) (h𝔖₁ : 𝔖.nonempty) (h𝔖₂ : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖) :
(@nhds (E →SL[σ] F) (strong_topology σ F 𝔖) 0).has_basis
(λ SV : set E × set F, SV.1 ∈ 𝔖 ∧ SV.2 ∈ (𝓝 0 : filter F))
(λ SV, {f : E →SL[σ] F | ∀ x ∈ SV.1, f x ∈ SV.2}) :=
strong_topology.has_basis_nhds_zero_of_basis σ F 𝔖 h𝔖₁ h𝔖₂ (𝓝 0).basis_sets

end general

section bounded_sets

variables {𝕜₁ 𝕜₂ : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜₁] [normed_field 𝕜₂] {σ : 𝕜₁ →+* 𝕜₂} {E F : Type*}
[add_comm_group E] [module 𝕜₁ E] [add_comm_group F] [module 𝕜₂ F] [topological_space E]

/-- The topology of bounded convergence on `E →L[𝕜] F`. This coincides with the topology induced by
the operator norm when `E` and `F` are normed spaces. -/
instance [topological_space F] [topological_add_group F] : topological_space (E →SL[σ] F) :=
strong_topology σ F {S | bornology.is_vonN_bounded 𝕜₁ S}

instance [topological_space F] [topological_add_group F] : topological_add_group (E →SL[σ] F) :=
strong_topology.topological_add_group σ F _

instance [ring_hom_surjective σ] [ring_hom_isometric σ] [topological_space F]
[topological_add_group F] [has_continuous_smul 𝕜₂ F] :
has_continuous_smul 𝕜₂ (E →SL[σ] F) :=
strong_topology.has_continuous_smul σ F {S | bornology.is_vonN_bounded 𝕜₁ S}
⟨∅, bornology.is_vonN_bounded_empty 𝕜₁ E⟩
(directed_on_of_sup_mem $ λ _ _, bornology.is_vonN_bounded.union)
(λ s hs, hs)

instance [uniform_space F] [uniform_add_group F] : uniform_space (E →SL[σ] F) :=
strong_uniformity σ F {S | bornology.is_vonN_bounded 𝕜₁ S}

instance [uniform_space F] [uniform_add_group F] : uniform_add_group (E →SL[σ] F) :=
strong_uniformity.uniform_add_group σ F _

protected lemma has_basis_nhds_zero_of_basis [topological_space F]
[topological_add_group F] {ι : Type*} {p : ι → Prop} {b : ι → set F}
(h : (𝓝 0 : filter F).has_basis p b) :
(𝓝 (0 : E →SL[σ] F)).has_basis
(λ Si : set E × ι, bornology.is_vonN_bounded 𝕜₁ Si.1 ∧ p Si.2)
(λ Si, {f : E →SL[σ] F | ∀ x ∈ Si.1, f x ∈ b Si.2}) :=
strong_topology.has_basis_nhds_zero_of_basis σ F
{S | bornology.is_vonN_bounded 𝕜₁ S} ⟨∅, bornology.is_vonN_bounded_empty 𝕜₁ E⟩
(directed_on_of_sup_mem $ λ _ _, bornology.is_vonN_bounded.union) h

protected lemma has_basis_nhds_zero [topological_space F]
[topological_add_group F] :
(𝓝 (0 : E →SL[σ] F)).has_basis
(λ SV : set E × set F, bornology.is_vonN_bounded 𝕜₁ SV.1 ∧ SV.2 ∈ (𝓝 0 : filter F))
(λ SV, {f : E →SL[σ] F | ∀ x ∈ SV.1, f x ∈ SV.2}) :=
continuous_linear_map.has_basis_nhds_zero_of_basis (𝓝 0).basis_sets

end bounded_sets

end continuous_linear_map

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