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feat(number_theory/legendre_symbol/): add some lemmas (#13831)
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This adds essentially two lemmas on quadratic characters:
* `quadratic_char_neg_one_iff_not_is_square`, which says that the quadratic character takes the value `-1` exactly on non-squares, and
* `quadratic_char_number_of_sqrts`. which says that the number of square roots of `a : F` is `quadratic_char F a + 1`.

It also adds the corresponding statements, `legendre_sym_eq_neg_one_iff` and `legendre_sym_number_of_sqrts`, for the Legendre symbol.
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MichaelStollBayreuth committed May 3, 2022
1 parent 7d28753 commit bd1d935
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Showing 2 changed files with 88 additions and 5 deletions.
75 changes: 70 additions & 5 deletions src/number_theory/legendre_symbol/quadratic_char.lean
Expand Up @@ -58,6 +58,16 @@ begin
exact char_p.neg_one_ne_one _ (ring_char F),

/-- Characteristic `≠ 2` implies that `-a ≠ a` when `a ≠ 0`. -/
lemma neg_ne_self_of_char_ne_two (hF : ring_char F ≠ 2) {a : F} (ha : a ≠ 0) : a ≠ -a :=
intro hf,
rw [eq_neg_iff_add_eq_zero, (by ring : a + a = 2 * a), mul_eq_zero] at hf,
have h := mt eq_neg_iff_add_eq_zero.mpr (neg_one_ne_one_of_char_ne_two hF).symm,
norm_num at h,
exact or.dcases_on hf (λ (hf : 2 = 0), h hf) (λ (hf : a = 0), ha hf),

/-- If `F` has odd characteristic, then for nonzero `a : F`, we have that `a ^ (#F / 2) = ±1`. -/
lemma pow_dichotomy (hF : ring_char F ≠ 2) {a : F} (ha : a ≠ 0) :
a^(fintype.card F / 2) = 1 ∨ a^(fintype.card F / 2) = -1 :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,14 +273,69 @@ lemma quadratic_char_dichotomy {a : F} (ha : a ≠ 0) :
quadratic_char F a = 1 ∨ quadratic_char F a = -1 :=
(sq_eq_one_iff (quadratic_char F a)).mp (quadratic_char_sq_one ha)

/-- A variant -/
lemma quadratic_char_eq_neg_one_iff_not_one {a : F} (ha : a ≠ 0) :
quadratic_char F a = -1 ↔ ¬ quadratic_char F a = 1 :=
{ intro h,
rw h,
norm_num, },
{ exact λ h₂, (or_iff_right h₂).mp (quadratic_char_dichotomy ha), }

/-- For `a : F`, `quadratic_char F a = -1 ↔ ¬ is_square a`. -/
lemma quadratic_char_neg_one_iff_not_is_square {a : F} :
quadratic_char F a = -1 ↔ ¬ is_square a :=
by_cases ha : a = 0,
{ simp only [ha, is_square_zero, quadratic_char_zero, zero_eq_neg, one_ne_zero, not_true], },
{ rw quadratic_char_eq_neg_one_iff_not_one ha,
exact not_iff_not.mpr (quadratic_char_one_iff_is_square ha), },

/-- If `F` has odd characteristic, then `quadratic_char F` takes the value `-1`. -/
lemma quadratic_char_exists_neg_one (hF : ring_char F ≠ 2) : ∃ a, quadratic_char F a = -1 :=
Exists.dcases_on (finite_field.exists_nonsquare hF)
(λ (b : F) (h₁ : ¬is_square b), ⟨b, (quadratic_char_neg_one_iff_not_is_square.mpr h₁)⟩)

/-- The number of solutions to `x^2 = a` is determined by the quadratic character. -/
lemma quadratic_char_card_sqrts (hF : ring_char F ≠ 2) (a : F) :
↑{x : F | x^2 = a}.to_finset.card = quadratic_char F a + 1 :=
cases (finite_field.exists_nonsquare hF) with b h₁,
have hb : b ≠ 0 := by { intro hf, rw hf at h₁, exact h₁ (is_square_zero F), },
use b,
simp only [quadratic_char, hb, if_false, ite_eq_right_iff],
-- we consider the cases `a = 0`, `a` is a nonzero square and `a` is a nonsquare in turn
by_cases h₀ : a = 0,
{ simp only [h₀, pow_eq_zero_iff, nat.succ_pos', int.coe_nat_succ, int.coe_nat_zero, zero_add,
quadratic_char_zero, add_zero, set.set_of_eq_eq_singleton, set.to_finset_card,
set.card_singleton], },
{ set s := {x : F | x^2 = a}.to_finset with hs,
by_cases h : is_square a,
{ rw (quadratic_char_one_iff_is_square h₀).mpr h,
rcases h with ⟨b, h⟩,
have hb₀ : b ≠ 0 := by { intro hb, rw [hb, mul_zero] at h, exact h₀ h, },
have h₁ : s = [b, -b].to_finset := by
{ ext x,
simp only [finset.mem_filter, finset.mem_univ, true_and, list.to_finset_cons,
list.to_finset_nil, insert_emptyc_eq, finset.mem_insert, finset.mem_singleton],
rw ← pow_two at h,
rw hs,
simp only [set.mem_to_finset, set.mem_set_of_eq],
rw h,
{ exact eq_or_eq_neg_of_sq_eq_sq _ _, },
{ rintro (h₂ | h₂); rw h₂,
simp only [neg_sq], }, },
simp only [h₁, finset.card_doubleton (finite_field.neg_ne_self_of_char_ne_two hF hb₀),
list.to_finset_cons, list.to_finset_nil, insert_emptyc_eq, int.coe_nat_succ,
int.coe_nat_zero, zero_add], },
{ rw quadratic_char_neg_one_iff_not_is_square.mpr h,
simp only [int.coe_nat_eq_zero, finset.card_eq_zero, set.to_finset_card,
fintype.card_of_finset, set.mem_set_of_eq, add_left_neg],
ext x,
simp only [iff_false, finset.mem_filter, finset.mem_univ, true_and, finset.not_mem_empty],
rw is_square_iff_exists_sq at h,
push_neg at h,
exact (h x).symm, }, },

open_locale big_operators
Expand Down
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/number_theory/legendre_symbol/quadratic_reciprocity.lean
Expand Up @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ begin
refine ⟨units.mk0 y hy, _⟩, simp, }

-- The following is used by number_theory/zsqrtd/gaussian_int.lean and archive/imo/imo2008_q3.lean
lemma exists_sq_eq_neg_one_iff :
(∃ y : zmod p, y ^ 2 = -1) ↔ p % 43 :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,6 +149,10 @@ lemma legendre_sym_eq_one_or_neg_one (p : ℕ) [fact] (a : ℤ) (ha : (a
legendre_sym p a = 1 ∨ legendre_sym p a = -1 :=
quadratic_char_dichotomy ha

lemma legendre_sym_eq_neg_one_iff_not_one {a : ℤ} (ha : (a : zmod p) ≠ 0) :
legendre_sym p a = -1 ↔ ¬ legendre_sym p a = 1 :=
quadratic_char_eq_neg_one_iff_not_one ha

/-- The Legendre symbol of `p` and `a` is zero iff `p ∣ a`. -/
lemma legendre_sym_eq_zero_iff (p : ℕ) [fact] (a : ℤ) :
legendre_sym p a = 0 ↔ (a : zmod p) = 0 :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,6 +227,19 @@ lemma legendre_sym_eq_one_iff {a : ℤ} (ha0 : (a : zmod p) ≠ 0) :
legendre_sym p a = 1 ↔ is_square (a : zmod p) :=
quadratic_char_one_iff_is_square ha0

/-- `legendre_sym p a = -1` iff`a` is a nonsquare mod `p`. -/
lemma legendre_sym_eq_neg_one_iff {a : ℤ} :
legendre_sym p a = -1 ↔ ¬ is_square (a : zmod p) :=

/-- The number of square roots of `a` modulo `p` is determined by the Legendre symbol. -/
lemma legendre_sym_card_sqrts (hp : p ≠ 2) (a : ℤ) :
↑{x : zmod p | x^2 = a}.to_finset.card = legendre_sym p a + 1 :=
have h : ring_char (zmod p) ≠ 2 := by { rw ring_char_zmod_n, exact hp, },
exact quadratic_char_card_sqrts h a,

open_locale big_operators

lemma eisenstein_lemma (hp : p ≠ 2) {a : ℕ} (ha1 : a % 2 = 1) (ha0 : (a : zmod p) ≠ 0) :
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