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chore(order/atoms): ask for the correct instances (#7582)
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replace bounded_lattice by order_bot/order_top where it can
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YaelDillies committed May 14, 2021
1 parent 8829c0d commit bf2750e
Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 27 deletions.
64 changes: 37 additions & 27 deletions src/order/atoms.lean
Expand Up @@ -109,44 +109,48 @@ or.elim (eq_top_or_eq_of_coatom_le ha le_sup_left) id

end pairwise

variables [bounded_lattice α] {a : α}
variable {a : α}

lemma is_coatom_dual_iff_is_atom : is_coatom (order_dual.to_dual a) ↔ is_atom a := iff.refl _
lemma is_coatom_dual_iff_is_atom [order_bot α] : is_coatom (order_dual.to_dual a) ↔ is_atom a :=

lemma is_atom_dual_iff_is_coatom : is_atom (order_dual.to_dual a) ↔ is_coatom a := iff.refl _
lemma is_atom_dual_iff_is_coatom [order_top α] : is_atom (order_dual.to_dual a) ↔ is_coatom a :=

end atoms

section atomic

variables (α) [bounded_lattice α]
variable (α)

/-- A lattice is atomic iff every element other than `⊥` has an atom below it. -/
class is_atomic : Prop :=
class is_atomic [order_bot α] : Prop :=
(eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le : ∀ (b : α), b = ⊥ ∨ ∃ (a : α), is_atom a ∧ a ≤ b)

/-- A lattice is coatomic iff every element other than `⊤` has a coatom above it. -/
class is_coatomic : Prop :=
class is_coatomic [order_top α] : Prop :=
(eq_top_or_exists_le_coatom : ∀ (b : α), b = ⊤ ∨ ∃ (a : α), is_coatom a ∧ b ≤ a)

export is_atomic (eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le) is_coatomic (eq_top_or_exists_le_coatom)

variable {α}

@[simp] theorem is_coatomic_dual_iff_is_atomic : is_coatomic (order_dual α) ↔ is_atomic α :=
@[simp] theorem is_coatomic_dual_iff_is_atomic [order_bot α] :
is_coatomic (order_dual α) ↔ is_atomic α :=
⟨λ h, ⟨λ b, by apply h.eq_top_or_exists_le_coatom⟩, λ h, ⟨λ b, by apply h.eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le⟩⟩

@[simp] theorem is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic : is_atomic (order_dual α) ↔ is_coatomic α :=
@[simp] theorem is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic [order_top α] :
is_atomic (order_dual α) ↔ is_coatomic α :=
⟨λ h, ⟨λ b, by apply h.eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le⟩, λ h, ⟨λ b, by apply h.eq_top_or_exists_le_coatom⟩⟩

namespace is_atomic

instance is_coatomic_dual [h : is_atomic α] : is_coatomic (order_dual α) :=
is_coatomic_dual_iff_is_atomic.2 h
variables [order_bot α] [is_atomic α]

variables [is_atomic α]
instance is_coatomic_dual : is_coatomic (order_dual α) :=
is_coatomic_dual_iff_is_atomic.2 ‹is_atomic α›

instance {x : α} : is_atomic (set.Iic x) :=
⟨λ ⟨y, hy⟩, (eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le y).imp subtype.mk_eq_mk.2
Expand All @@ -155,24 +159,25 @@ instance {x : α} : is_atomic (set.Iic x) :=
end is_atomic

namespace is_coatomic
instance is_coatomic [h : is_coatomic α] : is_atomic (order_dual α) :=
is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic.2 h

variables [is_coatomic α]
variables [order_top α] [is_coatomic α]

instance is_coatomic : is_atomic (order_dual α) :=
is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic.2 ‹is_coatomic α›

instance {x : α} : is_coatomic (set.Ici x) :=
⟨λ ⟨y, hy⟩, (eq_top_or_exists_le_coatom y).imp subtype.mk_eq_mk.2
(λ ⟨a, ha, hay⟩, ⟨⟨a, le_trans hy hay⟩, ha.Ici (le_trans hy hay), hay⟩)⟩

end is_coatomic

theorem is_atomic_iff_forall_is_atomic_Iic :
theorem is_atomic_iff_forall_is_atomic_Iic [order_bot α] :
is_atomic α ↔ ∀ (x : α), is_atomic (set.Iic x) :=
⟨@is_atomic.set.Iic.is_atomic _ _, λ h, ⟨λ x, ((@eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le _ _ (h x))
(⊤ : set.Iic x)).imp subtype.mk_eq_mk.1 (exists_imp_exists' coe
(λ ⟨a, ha⟩, and.imp_left (is_atom.of_is_atom_coe_Iic)))⟩⟩

theorem is_coatomic_iff_forall_is_coatomic_Ici :
theorem is_coatomic_iff_forall_is_coatomic_Ici [order_top α] :
is_coatomic α ↔ ∀ (x : α), is_coatomic (set.Ici x) :=
is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic.symm.trans $ is_atomic_iff_forall_is_atomic_Iic.trans $ forall_congr
(λ x, is_coatomic_dual_iff_is_atomic.symm.trans iff.rfl)
Expand All @@ -188,7 +193,7 @@ class is_atomistic : Prop :=
(eq_Sup_atoms : ∀ (b : α), ∃ (s : set α), b = Sup s ∧ ∀ a, a ∈ s → is_atom a)

/-- A lattice is coatomistic iff every element is an `Inf` of a set of coatoms. -/
class is_coatomistic: Prop :=
class is_coatomistic : Prop :=
(eq_Inf_coatoms : ∀ (b : α), ∃ (s : set α), b = Inf s ∧ ∀ a, a ∈ s → is_coatom a)

export is_atomistic (eq_Sup_atoms) is_coatomistic (eq_Inf_coatoms)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -451,10 +456,8 @@ end set

namespace order_iso

variables [bounded_lattice α] {β : Type*} [bounded_lattice β] (f : α ≃o β)
include f

@[simp] lemma is_atom_iff (a : α) : is_atom (f a) ↔ is_atom a :=
@[simp] lemma is_atom_iff [order_bot α] {β : Type*} [order_bot β] (f : α ≃o β) (a : α) :
is_atom (f a) ↔ is_atom a :=
and_congr (not_congr ⟨λ h, f.injective (f.map_bot.symm ▸ h), λ h, f.map_bot ▸ (congr rfl h)⟩)
⟨λ h b hb, f.injective ((h (f b) ((f : α ↪o β).lt_iff_lt.2 hb)).trans f.map_bot.symm),
λ h b hb, f.symm.injective begin
Expand All @@ -464,16 +467,22 @@ and_congr (not_congr ⟨λ h, f.injective (f.map_bot.symm ▸ h), λ h, f.map_bo
exact (f.symm : β ↪o α).lt_iff_lt.2 hb,

@[simp] lemma is_coatom_iff (a : α) : is_coatom (f a) ↔ is_coatom a := f.dual.is_atom_iff a
@[simp] lemma is_coatom_iff [order_top α] {β : Type*} [order_top β] (f : α ≃o β) (a : α) :
is_coatom (f a) ↔ is_coatom a :=
f.dual.is_atom_iff a

lemma is_simple_lattice_iff (f : α ≃o β) : is_simple_lattice α ↔ is_simple_lattice β :=
lemma is_simple_lattice_iff [bounded_lattice α] {β : Type*} [bounded_lattice β] (f : α ≃o β) :
is_simple_lattice α ↔ is_simple_lattice β :=
by rw [is_simple_lattice_iff_is_atom_top, is_simple_lattice_iff_is_atom_top,
← f.is_atom_iff ⊤, f.map_top]

lemma is_simple_lattice [h : is_simple_lattice β] (f : α ≃o β) : is_simple_lattice α :=
lemma is_simple_lattice [bounded_lattice α] {β : Type*} [bounded_lattice β]
[h : is_simple_lattice β] (f : α ≃o β) :
is_simple_lattice α :=
f.is_simple_lattice_iff.mpr h

lemma is_atomic_iff : is_atomic α ↔ is_atomic β :=
lemma is_atomic_iff [order_bot α] {β : Type*} [order_bot β] (f : α ≃o β) :
is_atomic α ↔ is_atomic β :=
suffices : (∀ b : α, b = ⊥ ∨ ∃ (a : α), is_atom a ∧ a ≤ b) ↔
(∀ b : β, b = ⊥ ∨ ∃ (a : β), is_atom a ∧ a ≤ b),
Expand All @@ -489,9 +498,10 @@ begin
rwa [←f.le_iff_le, f.apply_symm_apply], }, },

lemma is_coatomic_iff : is_coatomic α ↔ is_coatomic β :=
lemma is_coatomic_iff [order_top α] {β : Type*} [order_top β] (f : α ≃o β) :
is_coatomic α ↔ is_coatomic β :=
by { rw [←is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic, ←is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic],
exact f.dual.is_atomic_iff, }
exact f.dual.is_atomic_iff }

end order_iso

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