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feat(algebraic_geometry): Fiber products of schemes (#10605)
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Co-authored-by: erdOne <>
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erdOne and erdOne committed Jan 28, 2022
1 parent 67dcdef commit bf347f9
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Showing 2 changed files with 178 additions and 0 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/gluing.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -431,6 +431,16 @@ begin
erw [is_iso.hom_inv_id_assoc, multicoequalizer.π_desc],

lemma hom_ext {Y : Scheme} (f₁ f₂ : X ⟶ Y) (h : ∀ x, 𝒰.map x ≫ f₁ = 𝒰.map x ≫ f₂) : f₁ = f₂ :=
rw ← cancel_epi 𝒰.from_glued,
apply multicoequalizer.hom_ext,
intro x,
erw multicoequalizer.π_desc_assoc,
erw multicoequalizer.π_desc_assoc,
exact h x,

end open_cover

end Scheme
Expand Down
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/pullbacks.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -329,6 +329,174 @@ begin

/-- (Implementation)
The canonical map `(W ×[X] Uᵢ) ×[W] (Uⱼ ×[Z] Y) ⟶ (Uⱼ ×[Z] Y) ×[X] Uᵢ = V j i` where `W` is
the glued fibred product.
This is used in `lift_comp_ι`. -/
def pullback_fst_ι_to_V (i j : 𝒰.J) :
pullback (pullback.fst : pullback (p1 𝒰 f g) (𝒰.map i) ⟶ _) ((gluing 𝒰 f g).ι j) ⟶
V 𝒰 f g j i :=
(pullback_symmetry _ _ ≪≫
(pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso (p1 𝒰 f g) (𝒰.map i) _)).hom ≫
(pullback.congr_hom (multicoequalizer.π_desc _ _ _ _ _) rfl).hom

@[simp, reassoc] lemma pullback_fst_ι_to_V_fst (i j : 𝒰.J) :
pullback_fst_ι_to_V 𝒰 f g i j ≫ pullback.fst = pullback.snd :=
by { delta pullback_fst_ι_to_V, simp }

@[simp, reassoc] lemma pullback_fst_ι_to_V_snd (i j : 𝒰.J) :
pullback_fst_ι_to_V 𝒰 f g i j ≫ pullback.snd = pullback.fst ≫ pullback.snd :=
by { delta pullback_fst_ι_to_V, simp }

/-- We show that the map `W ×[X] Uᵢ ⟶ Uᵢ ×[Z] Y ⟶ W` is the first projection, where the
first map is given by the lift of `W ×[X] Uᵢ ⟶ Uᵢ` and `W ×[X] Uᵢ ⟶ W ⟶ Y`.
It suffices to show that the two map agrees when restricted onto `Uⱼ ×[Z] Y`. In this case,
both maps factor through `V j i` via `pullback_fst_ι_to_V` -/
lemma lift_comp_ι (i : 𝒰.J) : pullback.lift pullback.snd (pullback.fst ≫ p2 𝒰 f g)
(by rw [← pullback.condition_assoc, category.assoc, p_comm]) ≫
(gluing 𝒰 f g).ι i = (pullback.fst : pullback (p1 𝒰 f g) (𝒰.map i) ⟶ _) :=
apply ((gluing 𝒰 f g).open_cover.pullback_cover pullback.fst).hom_ext,
intro j,
dsimp only [open_cover.pullback_cover],
transitivity pullback_fst_ι_to_V 𝒰 f g i j ≫ fV 𝒰 f g j i ≫ (gluing 𝒰 f g).ι _,
{ rw ← (show _ = fV 𝒰 f g j i ≫ _, from (gluing 𝒰 f g).glue_condition j i),
simp_rw ← category.assoc,
congr' 1,
rw [gluing_to_glue_data_f, gluing_to_glue_data_t],
apply pullback.hom_ext; simp_rw category.assoc,
{ rw [t_fst_fst, pullback.lift_fst, pullback_fst_ι_to_V_snd] },
{ rw [t_fst_snd, pullback.lift_snd, pullback_fst_ι_to_V_fst_assoc,
pullback.condition_assoc], erw multicoequalizer.π_desc } },
{ rw [pullback.condition, ← category.assoc],
congr' 1,
apply pullback.hom_ext,
{ simp },
{ simp } }

/-- The canonical isomorphism between `W ×[X] Uᵢ` and `Uᵢ ×[X] Y`. That is, the preimage of `Uᵢ` in
`W` along `p1` is indeed `Uᵢ ×[X] Y`. -/
def pullback_p1_iso (i : 𝒰.J) :
pullback (p1 𝒰 f g) (𝒰.map i) ≅ pullback (𝒰.map i ≫ f) g :=
exact pullback.lift pullback.snd (pullback.fst ≫ p2 𝒰 f g)
(by rw [← pullback.condition_assoc, category.assoc, p_comm]),
refine pullback.lift ((gluing 𝒰 f g).ι i) pullback.fst
(by erw multicoequalizer.π_desc),
{ apply pullback.hom_ext,
{ simpa using lift_comp_ι 𝒰 f g i },
{ simp } },
{ apply pullback.hom_ext,
{ simp },
{ simp, erw multicoequalizer.π_desc } },

@[simp, reassoc] lemma pullback_p1_iso_hom_fst (i : 𝒰.J) :
(pullback_p1_iso 𝒰 f g i).hom ≫ pullback.fst = pullback.snd :=
by { delta pullback_p1_iso, simp }

@[simp, reassoc] lemma pullback_p1_iso_hom_snd (i : 𝒰.J) :
(pullback_p1_iso 𝒰 f g i).hom ≫ pullback.snd = pullback.fst ≫ p2 𝒰 f g :=
by { delta pullback_p1_iso, simp }

@[simp, reassoc] lemma pullback_p1_iso_inv_fst (i : 𝒰.J) :
(pullback_p1_iso 𝒰 f g i).inv ≫ pullback.fst = (gluing 𝒰 f g).ι i :=
by { delta pullback_p1_iso, simp }

@[simp, reassoc] lemma pullback_p1_iso_inv_snd (i : 𝒰.J) :
(pullback_p1_iso 𝒰 f g i).inv ≫ pullback.snd = pullback.fst :=
by { delta pullback_p1_iso, simp }

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma pullback_p1_iso_hom_ι (i : 𝒰.J) :
(pullback_p1_iso 𝒰 f g i).hom ≫ (gluing 𝒰 f g).ι i = pullback.fst :=
by rw [← pullback_p1_iso_inv_fst, iso.hom_inv_id_assoc]

/-- The glued scheme (`(gluing 𝒰 f g).glued`) is indeed the pullback of `f` and `g`. -/
def glued_is_limit : is_limit ( _ _ (p_comm 𝒰 f g)) :=
apply pullback_cone.is_limit_aux',
intro s,
refine ⟨glued_lift 𝒰 f g s, glued_lift_p1 𝒰 f g s, glued_lift_p2 𝒰 f g s, _⟩,
intros m h₁ h₂,
change m ≫ p1 𝒰 f g = _ at h₁,
change m ≫ p2 𝒰 f g = _ at h₂,
apply (𝒰.pullback_cover s.fst).hom_ext,
intro i,
rw open_cover.pullback_cover_map,
have := pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso (p1 𝒰 f g) (𝒰.map i) m
≪≫ pullback.congr_hom h₁ rfl,
erw (𝒰.pullback_cover s.fst).ι_glue_morphisms,
rw [← cancel_epi (pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso (p1 𝒰 f g) (𝒰.map i) m
≪≫ pullback.congr_hom h₁ rfl).hom, iso.trans_hom, category.assoc, pullback.congr_hom_hom,
pullback.lift_fst_assoc, category.comp_id, pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_hom_fst_assoc,
transitivity pullback.snd ≫ (pullback_p1_iso 𝒰 f g _).hom ≫ (gluing 𝒰 f g).ι _,
{ congr' 1, rw ← pullback_p1_iso_hom_ι },
simp_rw ← category.assoc,
congr' 1,
apply pullback.hom_ext,
{ simp only [category.comp_id, pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_hom_snd, category.assoc,
pullback_p1_iso_hom_fst, pullback.lift_snd, pullback.lift_fst,
pullback_symmetry_hom_comp_fst] },
{ simp only [category.comp_id, pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_hom_fst_assoc,
pullback_p1_iso_hom_snd, category.assoc, pullback.lift_fst_assoc,
pullback_symmetry_hom_comp_snd_assoc, pullback.lift_snd],
rw [← pullback.condition_assoc, h₂] }

lemma has_pullback_of_cover : has_pullback f g := ⟨⟨⟨_, glued_is_limit 𝒰 f g⟩⟩⟩

instance : has_limits CommRingᵒᵖ := has_limits_op_of_has_colimits

instance affine_has_pullback {A B C : CommRing}
(f : Spec.obj (opposite.op A) ⟶ Spec.obj (opposite.op C))
(g : Spec.obj (opposite.op B) ⟶ Spec.obj (opposite.op C)) : has_pullback f g :=
rw [← Spec.image_preimage f, ← Spec.image_preimage g],
exact ⟨⟨⟨_,is_limit_of_has_pullback_of_preserves_limit
Spec (Spec.preimage f) (Spec.preimage g)⟩⟩⟩

lemma affine_affine_has_pullback {B C : CommRing} {X : Scheme}
(f : X ⟶ Spec.obj (opposite.op C))
(g : Spec.obj (opposite.op B) ⟶ Spec.obj (opposite.op C)) : has_pullback f g :=
has_pullback_of_cover X.affine_cover f g

instance base_affine_has_pullback {C : CommRing} {X Y : Scheme}
(f : X ⟶ Spec.obj (opposite.op C))
(g : Y ⟶ Spec.obj (opposite.op C)) : has_pullback f g :=
@@has_pullback_symmetry _ _ _
(@@has_pullback_of_cover Y.affine_cover g f
(λ i, @@has_pullback_symmetry _ _ _ $ affine_affine_has_pullback _ _))

instance left_affine_comp_pullback_has_pullback {X Y Z : Scheme}
(f : X ⟶ Z) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (i : Z.affine_cover.J) :
has_pullback ((Z.affine_cover.pullback_cover f).map i ≫ f) g :=
let Xᵢ := pullback f ( i),
let Yᵢ := pullback g ( i),
let W := pullback (pullback.snd : Yᵢ ⟶ _) (pullback.snd : Xᵢ ⟶ _),
have := big_square_is_pullback (pullback.fst : W ⟶ _) (pullback.fst : Yᵢ ⟶ _)
(pullback.snd : Xᵢ ⟶ _) ( i) pullback.snd pullback.snd g
pullback.condition.symm pullback.condition.symm
(pullback_cone.flip_is_limit $ pullback_is_pullback _ _)
(pullback_cone.flip_is_limit $ pullback_is_pullback _ _),
have : has_pullback (pullback.snd ≫ i : Xᵢ ⟶ _) g :=
rw ← pullback.condition at this,
exact this,

instance {X Y Z : Scheme} (f : X ⟶ Z) (g : Y ⟶ Z) : has_pullback f g :=
has_pullback_of_cover (Z.affine_cover.pullback_cover f) f g

instance : has_pullbacks Scheme := has_pullbacks_of_has_limit_cospan _

end pullback

end algebraic_geometry.Scheme

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