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feat(linear_algebra/linear_combination): algebra structure on lc
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jcommelin committed Mar 25, 2019
1 parent 989efab commit c4edcd9
Showing 1 changed file with 144 additions and 1 deletion.
145 changes: 144 additions & 1 deletion src/linear_algebra/linear_combination.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Mario Carneiro
The module `lc α β` of linear combinations over `β` (`α` is the scalar ring)
import linear_algebra.basic
import linear_algebra.basic ring_theory.algebra
noncomputable theory

open classical function lattice
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,3 +257,146 @@ lemma linear_eq_on {f g : β →ₗ[α] γ} (H : ∀x∈s, f x = g x) {x} (h : x
by apply span_induction h H; simp {contextual := tt}

end module

namespace lc
open finsupp
If A is an R-algebra, then there is a natural algebra structure
on lc R A. If A is commutative, then so is lc R A.

section algebra
variables {R : Type*} {A : Type*} [comm_ring R] [ring A] [algebra R A]
variables (f g h : lc R A)

def one : lc R A := single 1 1

instance : has_one (lc R A) := ⟨one⟩

lemma one_def : (1 : lc R A) = single 1 1 := rfl

def mul := f.sum $ λ r a, g.sum $ λ s b, single (r * s) (a * b)

instance : has_mul (lc R A) := ⟨mul⟩

lemma mul_def :
f * g = (f.sum $ λ r a, g.sum $ λ s b, single (r * s) (a * b)) := rfl

@[simp] lemma one_mul : 1 * f = f :=
by simp [one_def, mul_def, sum_single_index]

@[simp] lemma mul_one : f * 1 = f :=
by simp [one_def, mul_def, sum_single_index]

lemma mul_assoc : (f * g) * h = f * (g * h) :=
repeat {rw mul_def},
iterate 2 { rw sum_sum_index, congr' 1, funext, rw sum_sum_index },
{ simp only [sum_single_index, zero_mul, sum_zero, single_zero, mul_zero],
congr' 1, funext,
repeat {rw mul_assoc} },
all_goals { intros, try {rw ← sum_add}, simp [left_distrib, right_distrib] }

instance : monoid (lc R A) :=
{ mul := mul,
mul_assoc := mul_assoc,
one_mul := one_mul,
mul_one := mul_one, }

lemma left_distrib : f * (g + h) = f * g + f * h :=
by simp only [mul_def, sum_add_index, left_distrib, sum_add, sum_zero, mul_zero,
single_add, single_zero, eq_self_iff_true, add_right_inj, forall_3_true_iff, forall_true_iff]

lemma right_distrib : (f + g) * h = f * h + g * h :=
by simp only [mul_def, sum_add_index, right_distrib, sum_add, sum_zero, zero_mul,
single_add, single_zero, eq_self_iff_true, add_right_inj, forall_3_true_iff, forall_true_iff]

instance : ring (lc R A) :=
{ left_distrib := left_distrib,
right_distrib := right_distrib,, }

instance single.is_ring_hom : is_ring_hom (single 1 : R → lc R A) :=
{ map_one := rfl,
map_mul := λ _ _, by simp [mul_def, sum_single_index],
map_add := λ _ _, single_add }

instance single_swap.is_monoid_hom :
is_monoid_hom ((λ r, single (algebra_map A r) 1) : R → lc R A) :=
{ map_one := by simpa,
map_mul := λ _ _, by simp [mul_def, sum_single_index] }

instance : algebra R (lc R A) :=
{ to_fun := single 1,
hom := by apply_instance,
commutes' := by simp [mul_def, sum_single_index, mul_comm],
smul_def' := λ r f, finsupp.induction f (by simp) $ λ a b f ha hb IH,
by simp [mul_def, sum_single_index, smul_add, IH, left_distrib] }

instance total.is_ring_hom : is_ring_hom ( R A) :=
{ map_one := by rw [one_def, total_single, one_smul],
map_mul := λ f g,
repeat {erw total_apply},
rw [mul_def, sum_mul],
simp only [mul_sum],
iterate 2 {
rw sum_sum_index,
apply finset.sum_congr rfl,
intros _ _,
change finsupp.sum _ _ = _ },
{ change _ = _ • _ * _ • _,
rw [algebra.smul_mul_assoc, algebra.mul_smul_comm, smul_smul, sum_single_index],
apply zero_smul },
all_goals { simp [add_smul, smul_add] },
map_add := ( R A).map_add }

def atotal : lc R A →ₐ[R] A :=
{ hom := by apply_instance,
commutes' := λ r, by convert total_single _ _; simp [algebra.smul_def], R A }

open finset

lemma support_mul (f g : lc R A) :
(f * g).support ⊆ (image (λ x : A × A, x.fst * x.snd) $ :=
refine subset.trans support_sum _,
intros a' ha,
rcases ha with ⟨a, ha₁, ha₂⟩,
rcases (finsupp.support_sum ha₂) with ⟨b, hb₁, hb₂⟩,
have H := (finsupp.support_single_subset hb₂),
rw mem_image,
use (a, b),
simp [*, mem_product],


end algebra

section comm
open finset
variables {R : Type*} {A : Type*} [comm_ring R] [comm_ring A] [algebra R A]
variables (f g : lc R A)

lemma mul_comm : f * g = g * f :=
simp only [mul_def, finsupp.sum],
rw sum_comm,
iterate 2 {congr' 1, funext},
congr' 1; rw mul_comm,

instance : comm_ring (lc R A) :=
{ mul_comm := mul_comm, }

end comm

end lc

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