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feat(linear_algebra/affine_space/independent): affinely independent s…
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Prove variants of `affine_independent_iff_linear_independent_vsub`
that relate affine independence for a set of points (as opposed to an
indexed family of points) to linear independence for a set of vectors,
so facilitating linking to results such as `exists_subset_is_basis`
expressed in terms of linearly independent sets of vectors.  There are
two variants, depending on which of the set of points or the set of
vectors is given as a hypothesis.

Thus, applying `exists_subset_is_basis`, deduce that if `k` is a
field, any affinely independent set of points can be extended to such
a set that spans the whole space.

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jsm28 committed Aug 15, 2020
1 parent ef3ba8b commit c9bf6f2
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Showing 2 changed files with 101 additions and 0 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/affine_space/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -846,6 +846,27 @@ lemma affine_span_nonempty (s : set P) :
(affine_span k s : set P).nonempty ↔ s.nonempty :=
span_points_nonempty k s

variables {k}

/-- Suppose a set of vectors spans `V`. Then a point `p`, together
with those vectors added to `p`, spans `P`. -/
lemma affine_span_singleton_union_vadd_eq_top_of_span_eq_top {s : set V} (p : P)
(h : submodule.span k (set.range (coe : s → V)) = ⊤) :
affine_span k ({p} ∪ (λ v, v +ᵥ p) '' s) = ⊤ :=
convert affine_subspace.ext_of_direction_eq _
mem_affine_span k (set.mem_union_left _ (set.mem_singleton _)),
affine_subspace.mem_top k V p⟩,
rw [direction_affine_span, affine_subspace.direction_top,
vector_span_eq_span_vsub_set_right k
((set.mem_union_left _ (set.mem_singleton _)) : p ∈ _), eq_top_iff, ←h],
apply submodule.span_mono,
rintros v ⟨v', rfl⟩,
use (v' : V) +ᵥ p,

end affine_space'

namespace affine_subspace
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80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/affine_space/independent.lean
Expand Up @@ -102,6 +102,48 @@ begin
exact finset.eq_zero_of_sum_eq_zero hw h2b i hi }

/-- A set is affinely independent if and only if the differences from
a base point in that set are linearly independent. -/
lemma affine_independent_set_iff_linear_independent_vsub {s : set P} {p₁ : P} (hp₁ : p₁ ∈ s) :
affine_independent k (λ p, p : s → P) ↔
linear_independent k (λ v, v : (λ p, (p -ᵥ p₁ : V)) '' (s \ {p₁}) → V) :=
rw affine_independent_iff_linear_independent_vsub k (λ p, p : s → P) ⟨p₁, hp₁⟩,
{ intro h,
have hv : ∀ v : (λ p, (p -ᵥ p₁ : V)) '' (s \ {p₁}), (v : V) +ᵥ p₁ ∈ s \ {p₁} :=
λ v, (set.mem_image_of_injective (vsub_left_injective p₁)).1
((vadd_vsub (v : V) p₁).symm ▸,
let f : (λ p : P, (p -ᵥ p₁ : V)) '' (s \ {p₁}) → {x : s // x ≠ ⟨p₁, hp₁⟩} :=
λ x, ⟨⟨(x : V) +ᵥ p₁, set.mem_of_mem_diff (hv x)⟩,
λ hx, set.not_mem_of_mem_diff (hv x) (subtype.ext_iff.1 hx)⟩,
convert h.comp f
(λ x1 x2 hx, (subtype.ext (vadd_right_cancel p₁ (subtype.ext_iff.1 (subtype.ext_iff.1 hx))))),
ext v,
exact (vadd_vsub (v : V) p₁).symm },
{ intro h,
let f : {x : s // x ≠ ⟨p₁, hp₁⟩} → (λ p : P, (p -ᵥ p₁ : V)) '' (s \ {p₁}) :=
λ x, ⟨((x : s) : P) -ᵥ p₁, ⟨x, ⟨⟨(x : s).property, λ hx, (subtype.ext hx)⟩, rfl⟩⟩⟩,
convert h.comp f
(λ x1 x2 hx, subtype.ext (subtype.ext (vsub_left_cancel (subtype.ext_iff.1 hx)))) }

/-- A set of nonzero vectors is linearly independent if and only if,
given a point `p₁`, the vectors added to `p₁` and `p₁` itself are
affinely independent. -/
lemma linear_independent_set_iff_affine_independent_vadd_union_singleton {s : set V}
(hs : ∀ v ∈ s, v ≠ (0 : V)) (p₁ : P) : linear_independent k (λ v, v : s → V) ↔
affine_independent k (λ p, p : {p₁} ∪ ((λ v, v +ᵥ p₁) '' s) → P) :=
rw affine_independent_set_iff_linear_independent_vsub k
(set.mem_union_left _ (set.mem_singleton p₁)),
have h : (λ p, (p -ᵥ p₁ : V)) '' (({p₁} ∪ (λ v, v +ᵥ p₁) '' s) \ {p₁}) = s,
{ simp_rw [set.union_diff_left, set.image_diff (vsub_left_injective p₁), set.image_image,
set.image_singleton, vsub_self, vadd_vsub, set.image_id'],
exact set.diff_singleton_eq_self (λ h, hs 0 h rfl) },
rw h

/-- A family is affinely independent if and only if any affine
combinations (with sum of weights 1) that evaluate to the same point
have equal `set.indicator`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,6 +281,44 @@ by simp [ha]

end affine_independent

section field

variables {k : Type*} {V : Type*} {P : Type*} [field k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
variables [affine_space V P]
include V

/-- An affinely independent set of points can be extended to such a
set that spans the whole space. -/
lemma exists_subset_affine_independent_affine_span_eq_top {s : set P}
(h : affine_independent k (λ p, p : s → P)) :
∃ t : set P, s ⊆ t ∧ affine_independent k (λ p, p : t → P) ∧ affine_span k t = ⊤ :=
rcases s.eq_empty_or_nonempty with rfl | ⟨p₁, hp₁⟩,
{ have p₁ : P := add_torsor.nonempty.some,
rcases exists_is_basis k V with ⟨sv, hsvi, hsvt⟩,
have h0 : ∀ v : V, v ∈ sv → v ≠ 0,
{ intros v hv,
change ((⟨v, hv⟩ : sv) : V) ≠ 0,
exact hsvi.ne_zero },
rw linear_independent_set_iff_affine_independent_vadd_union_singleton k h0 p₁ at hsvi,
use [{p₁} ∪ (λ v, v +ᵥ p₁) '' sv, set.empty_subset _, hsvi,
affine_span_singleton_union_vadd_eq_top_of_span_eq_top p₁ hsvt] },
{ rw affine_independent_set_iff_linear_independent_vsub k hp₁ at h,
rcases exists_subset_is_basis h with ⟨sv, hsv, hsvi, hsvt⟩,
have h0 : ∀ v : V, v ∈ sv → v ≠ 0,
{ intros v hv,
change ((⟨v, hv⟩ : sv) : V) ≠ 0,
exact hsvi.ne_zero },
rw linear_independent_set_iff_affine_independent_vadd_union_singleton k h0 p₁ at hsvi,
use {p₁} ∪ (λ v, v +ᵥ p₁) '' sv,
{ refine set.subset.trans _ (set.union_subset_union_right _ (set.image_subset _ hsv)),
simp [set.image_image] },
{ use [hsvi, affine_span_singleton_union_vadd_eq_top_of_span_eq_top p₁ hsvt] } }

end field

namespace affine

variables (k : Type*) {V : Type*} (P : Type*) [ring k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
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