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feat(ring_theory/ideal_operations): prime avoidance
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kckennylau committed Feb 28, 2019
1 parent 477338d commit ccd8ed2
Showing 1 changed file with 184 additions and 0 deletions.
184 changes: 184 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/ideal_operations.lean
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Expand Up @@ -321,6 +321,190 @@ or.cases_on (lt_or_eq_of_le $ nat.le_of_lt_succ H)
... = radical I : inf_idem)
(λ H, H ▸ (pow_one I).symm ▸ rfl)) H

theorem is_prime.mul_le {I J P : ideal R} (hp : is_prime P) :
I * J ≤ P ↔ I ≤ P ∨ J ≤ P :=
⟨λ h, classical.or_iff_not_imp_left.2 $ λ hip j hj, let ⟨i, hi, hip⟩ := set.not_subset.1 hip in
(hp.2 $ h $ mul_mem_mul hi hj).resolve_left hip,
λ h, or.cases_on h (le_trans $ le_trans mul_le_inf inf_le_left) (le_trans $ le_trans mul_le_inf inf_le_right)⟩

theorem is_prime.inf_le {I J P : ideal R} (hp : is_prime P) :
I ⊓ J ≤ P ↔ I ≤ P ∨ J ≤ P :=
⟨λ h, hp.mul_le.1 $ le_trans mul_le_inf h,
λ h, or.cases_on h (le_trans inf_le_left) (le_trans inf_le_right)⟩

variables {ι : Type v}

theorem prod_le_inf {s : finset ι} {f : ι → ideal R} : f ≤ s.inf f :=
classical, refine s.induction_on _ _,
{ rw [finset.prod_empty, finset.inf_empty], exact le_refl _ },
intros a s has ih,
rw [finset.prod_insert has, finset.inf_insert],
exact le_trans mul_le_inf (inf_le_inf (le_refl _) ih)

theorem is_prime.prod_le {s : finset ι} {f : ι → ideal R} {P : ideal R} (hp : is_prime P) : f ≤ P ↔ ∃ i ∈ s, f i ≤ P :=
suffices f ≤ P → ∃ i ∈ s, f i ≤ P,
fromthis, λ ⟨i, his, hip⟩, le_trans prod_le_inf $ le_trans (finset.inf_le his) hip⟩,
classical, refine s.induction_on _ _,
{ intro h, rw finset.prod_empty at h,
exact (hp.1 $ eq_top_iff.2 h).elim },
intros a s has ih h,
rw [finset.prod_insert has, hp.mul_le] at h, cases h,
{ exact ⟨a, finset.mem_insert_self a s, h⟩ },
rcases ih h with ⟨i, hi, ih⟩,
exact ⟨i, finset.mem_insert_of_mem hi, ih⟩

theorem is_prime.inf_le' {s : finset ι} {f : ι → ideal R} {P : ideal R} (hp : is_prime P) :
s.inf f ≤ P ↔ ∃ i ∈ s, f i ≤ P :=
⟨λ h, hp.prod_le.1 $ le_trans prod_le_inf h, λ ⟨i, his, hip⟩, le_trans (finset.inf_le his) hip⟩

theorem subset_union {I J K : ideal R} : (I : set R) ⊆ J ∪ K ↔ I ≤ J ∨ I ≤ K :=
⟨λ h, classical.or_iff_not_imp_left.2 $ λ hij s hsi,
let ⟨r, hri, hrj⟩ := set.not_subset.1 hij in classical.by_contradiction $ λ hsk,
or.cases_on (h $ I.add_mem hri hsi)
(λ hj, hrj $ add_sub_cancel r s ▸ J.sub_mem hj ((h hsi).resolve_right hsk))
(λ hk, hsk $ add_sub_cancel' r s ▸ K.sub_mem hk ((h hri).resolve_left hrj)),
λ h, or.cases_on h (λ h, set.subset.trans h $ set.subset_union_left J K)
(λ h, set.subset.trans h $ set.subset_union_right J K)⟩

theorem subset_union_prime' {s : finset ι} {f : ι → ideal R} {a b : ι} (hp : ∀ i ∈ s, is_prime (f i)) {I : ideal R} :
(I : set R) ⊆ f a ∪ f b ∪ (⋃ i ∈ (↑s : set ι), f i) ↔ I ≤ f a ∨ I ≤ f b ∨ ∃ i ∈ s, I ≤ f i :=
suffices (I : set R) ⊆ f a ∪ f b ∪ (⋃ i ∈ (↑s : set ι), f i) → I ≤ f a ∨ I ≤ f b ∨ ∃ i ∈ s, I ≤ f i,
fromthis, λ h, or.cases_on h (λ h, set.subset.trans h $ set.subset.trans (set.subset_union_left _ _) $ set.subset_union_left _ _) $
λ h, or.cases_on h (λ h, set.subset.trans h $ set.subset.trans (set.subset_union_right _ _) $ set.subset_union_left _ _) $
λ ⟨i, his, hi⟩, by refine (set.subset.trans hi $ set.subset.trans _ $ set.subset_union_right _ _);
exact set.subset_bUnion_of_mem (finset.mem_coe.2 his)⟩,
generalize hn : s.card = n, unfreezeI, intros h,
induction n with n ih generalizing a b s,
{ rw finset.card_eq_zero at hn, subst hn,
rw [finset.coe_empty, set.bUnion_empty, set.union_empty] at h,
simp only [exists_prop, finset.not_mem_empty, false_and, exists_false, or_false],
rwa subset_union at h },
classical, replace hn := finset.card_eq_succ.1 hn,
rcases hn with ⟨i, t, hit, rfl, hn⟩, simp only [finset.forall_mem_insert] at hp,
by_cases Ht : ∃ j ∈ t, f j ≤ f i,
{ rcases Ht with ⟨j, hjt, hfji⟩,
have : ∃ u, j ∉ u ∧ insert j u = t,
{ exact ⟨t.erase j, finset.not_mem_erase j t, finset.insert_erase hjt⟩ },
rcases this with ⟨u, hju, rfl⟩,
have : ∀ k ∈ insert i u, is_prime (f k),
{ simp only [finset.forall_mem_insert] at hp ⊢, exact ⟨hp.1, hp.2.2⟩ },
specialize @ih a b (insert i u) this _ _,
{ refine ih.imp id (or.imp id (exists_imp_exists $ λ k, _)),
simp only [exists_prop], refine and.imp (λ hk, finset.insert_subset_insert i (finset.subset_insert j u) hk) id },
{ rwa finset.card_insert_of_not_mem at hn ⊢,
{ exact mt (λ hiu, finset.mem_insert_of_mem hiu) hit }, { exact hju } },
{ change (f j : set R) ≤ f i at hfji,
rw finset.coe_insert at h ⊢, rw finset.coe_insert at h,
simp only [set.bUnion_insert] at h ⊢,
rwa [← set.union_assoc ↑(f i), set.union_eq_self_of_subset_right hfji] at h } },
by_cases Ha : f a ≤ f i,
{ specialize @ih i b t hp.2 hn _,
{ rcases ih with ih | ih | ⟨k, hkt, ih⟩,
{ right, right, exact ⟨i, finset.mem_insert_self i t, ih⟩ },
{ right, left, exact ih },
{ right, right, exact ⟨k, finset.mem_insert_of_mem hkt, ih⟩ } },
{ rwa [finset.coe_insert, set.bUnion_insert, set.union_left_comm,
← set.union_assoc, ← set.union_assoc, set.union_eq_self_of_subset_right Ha] at h } },
by_cases Hb : f b ≤ f i,
{ specialize @ih a i t hp.2 hn _,
{ rcases ih with ih | ih | ⟨k, hkt, ih⟩,
{ left, exact ih },
{ right, right, exact ⟨i, finset.mem_insert_self i t, ih⟩ },
{ right, right, exact ⟨k, finset.mem_insert_of_mem hkt, ih⟩ } },
{ rwa [finset.coe_insert, set.bUnion_insert, ← set.union_assoc,
set.union_assoc ↑(f a), set.union_eq_self_of_subset_left Hb] at h } },
by_cases Hi : I ≤ f i,
{ right, right, exact ⟨i, finset.mem_insert_self i t, Hi⟩ },
have : ¬I ⊓ f a ⊓ f b ⊓ t.inf f ≤ f i,
{ simp only [hp.1.inf_le, hp.1.inf_le', not_or_distrib], exact ⟨⟨⟨Hi, Ha⟩, Hb⟩, Ht⟩ },
replace this := set.not_subset.1 this, rcases this with ⟨r, ⟨⟨⟨hrI, hra⟩, hrb⟩, hr⟩, hri⟩,
by_cases HI : (I : set R) ⊆ ↑(f a) ∪ ↑(f b) ∪ ⋃ i ∈ (↑t : set ι), f i,
{ specialize ih hp.2 hn HI, rcases ih with ih | ih | ⟨k, hkt, ih⟩,
{ left, exact ih }, { right, left, exact ih },
{ right, right, exact ⟨k, finset.mem_insert_of_mem hkt, ih⟩ } },
exfalso, replace HI := set.not_subset.1 HI, rcases HI with ⟨s, hsI, hs⟩,
rw [finset.coe_insert, set.bUnion_insert] at h,
have hsi : s ∈ f i,
{ rcases h hsI with ⟨hsa | hsb⟩ | hsi | hst,
{ exact (hs $ or.inl $ or.inl hsa).elim },
{ exact (hs $ or.inl $ or.inr hsb).elim },
{ exact hsi },
{ exact (hs $ or.inr hst).elim } },
rcases h (I.add_mem hrI hsI) with ⟨ha | hb⟩ | hi | ht,
{ exact hs (or.inl $ or.inl $ add_sub_cancel' r s ▸ (f a).sub_mem ha hra) },
{ exact hs (or.inl $ or.inr $ add_sub_cancel' r s ▸ (f b).sub_mem hb hrb) },
{ exact hri (add_sub_cancel r s ▸ (f i).sub_mem hi hsi) },
{ rw set.mem_bUnion_iff at ht, rcases ht with ⟨j, hjt, hj⟩,
simp only [finset.inf_eq_infi, submodule.mem_coe, submodule.mem_infi] at hr,
exact hs (or.inr $ set.mem_bUnion hjt $ add_sub_cancel' r s ▸ (f j).sub_mem hj $ hr j hjt) }

/-- Prime avoidance. Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11, Eisenbud 3.3, Stacks 10.14.2 (00DS). -/
theorem subset_union_prime {s : finset ι} {f : ι → ideal R} (a b : ι) (hp : ∀ i ∈ s, i ≠ a → i ≠ b → is_prime (f i)) {I : ideal R} :
(I : set R) ⊆ (⋃ i ∈ (↑s : set ι), f i) ↔ ∃ i ∈ s, I ≤ f i :=
classical, by_cases ha : a ∈ s,
{ have : ∃ t, a ∉ t ∧ insert a t = s := ⟨s.erase a, finset.not_mem_erase a s, finset.insert_erase ha⟩,
rcases this with ⟨t, hat, rfl⟩,
by_cases hb : b ∈ t,
{ have : ∃ u, b ∉ u ∧ insert b u = t := ⟨t.erase b, finset.not_mem_erase b t, finset.insert_erase hb⟩,
rcases this with ⟨u, hbu, rfl⟩,
rw [finset.coe_insert, finset.coe_insert, set.bUnion_insert, set.bUnion_insert, ← set.union_assoc, subset_union_prime'],
{ simp only [exists_prop, finset.exists_mem_insert] },
{ intros i hi, apply hp i (finset.mem_insert_of_mem $ finset.mem_insert_of_mem hi),
{ rintro rfl, exact hat (finset.mem_insert_of_mem hi) },
{ rintro rfl, exact hbu hi } } },
{ by_cases ht : t = ∅,
{ subst ht, rw [finset.coe_insert, finset.coe_empty, set.bUnion_insert, set.bUnion_empty, set.union_empty],
simp only [exists_prop, finset.exists_mem_insert, finset.exists_mem_empty_iff, or_false], refl },
rcases finset.exists_mem_of_ne_empty ht with ⟨i, hit⟩,
have : ∃ u, i ∉ u ∧ insert i u = t := ⟨t.erase i, finset.not_mem_erase i t, finset.insert_erase hit⟩,
rcases this with ⟨u, hiu, rfl⟩,
rw [finset.coe_insert, finset.coe_insert, set.bUnion_insert, set.bUnion_insert, ← set.union_assoc, subset_union_prime'],
{ simp only [exists_prop, finset.exists_mem_insert] },
{ rintros j hj, apply hp j (finset.mem_insert_of_mem $ finset.mem_insert_of_mem hj),
{ rintro rfl, exact hat (finset.mem_insert_of_mem hj) },
{ rintro rfl, exact hb (finset.mem_insert_of_mem hj) } } } },
by_cases hb : b ∈ s,
{ have : ∃ t, b ∉ t ∧ insert b t = s := ⟨s.erase b, finset.not_mem_erase b s, finset.insert_erase hb⟩,
rcases this with ⟨t, hbt, rfl⟩,
by_cases ht : t = ∅,
{ subst ht, rw [finset.coe_insert, finset.coe_empty, set.bUnion_insert, set.bUnion_empty, set.union_empty],
simp only [exists_prop, finset.exists_mem_insert, finset.exists_mem_empty_iff, or_false], refl },
rcases finset.exists_mem_of_ne_empty ht with ⟨i, hit⟩,
have : ∃ u, i ∉ u ∧ insert i u = t := ⟨t.erase i, finset.not_mem_erase i t, finset.insert_erase hit⟩,
rcases this with ⟨u, hiu, rfl⟩,
rw [finset.coe_insert, finset.coe_insert, set.bUnion_insert, set.bUnion_insert, ← set.union_assoc, subset_union_prime'],
{ simp only [exists_prop, finset.exists_mem_insert] },
{ rintros j hj, apply hp j (finset.mem_insert_of_mem $ finset.mem_insert_of_mem hj),
{ rintro rfl, exact ha (finset.mem_insert_of_mem $ finset.mem_insert_of_mem hj) },
{ rintro rfl, exact hbt (finset.mem_insert_of_mem hj) } } },
by_cases hs : s = ∅,
{ subst hs, rw finset.coe_empty, simp only [set.bUnion_empty, exists_prop,
finset.exists_mem_empty_iff, set.subset_empty_iff, iff_false],
exact set.ne_empty_of_mem I.zero_mem },
rcases finset.exists_mem_of_ne_empty hs with ⟨i, his⟩,
have : ∃ t, i ∉ t ∧ insert i t = s := ⟨s.erase i, finset.not_mem_erase i s, finset.insert_erase his⟩,
rcases this with ⟨t, hit, rfl⟩,
by_cases ht : t = ∅,
{ subst ht, rw [finset.coe_insert, finset.coe_empty, set.bUnion_insert, set.bUnion_empty, set.union_empty],
simp only [exists_prop, finset.exists_mem_insert, finset.exists_mem_empty_iff, or_false], refl },
rcases finset.exists_mem_of_ne_empty ht with ⟨j, hjt⟩,
have : ∃ u, j ∉ u ∧ insert j u = t := ⟨t.erase j, finset.not_mem_erase j t, finset.insert_erase hjt⟩,
rcases this with ⟨u, hju, rfl⟩,
rw [finset.coe_insert, finset.coe_insert, set.bUnion_insert, set.bUnion_insert, ← set.union_assoc, subset_union_prime'],
{ simp only [exists_prop, finset.exists_mem_insert] },
intros k hku, apply hp k (finset.mem_insert_of_mem $ finset.mem_insert_of_mem hku),
{ rintro rfl, exact ha (finset.mem_insert_of_mem $ finset.mem_insert_of_mem hku) },
{ rintro rfl, exact hb (finset.mem_insert_of_mem $ finset.mem_insert_of_mem hku) }

end mul_and_radical

section map_and_comap
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