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refactor(topology/algebra/uniform_group): Use to_additive (#11366)
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This PR replace the definition
`def topological_add_group.to_uniform_space : uniform_space G :=`
with the definition
`@[to_additive] def topological_group.to_uniform_space : uniform_space G :=`
  • Loading branch information
tb65536 committed Jan 12, 2022
1 parent 89f4786 commit cdd44cd
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 18 deletions.
42 changes: 24 additions & 18 deletions src/topology/algebra/uniform_group.lean
Expand Up @@ -147,37 +147,35 @@ uniform_continuous_add.comp_cauchy_seq ( hv)

end uniform_add_group

section topological_add_comm_group
universes u v w x
section topological_comm_group
open filter
variables (G : Type*) [comm_group G] [topological_space G] [topological_group G]

variables {G : Type u} [add_comm_group G] [topological_space G] [topological_add_group G]

variable (G)
/-- The right uniformity on a topological group. -/
def topological_add_group.to_uniform_space : uniform_space G :=
{ uniformity := comap (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) (𝓝 0),
@[to_additive "The right uniformity on a topological group"]
def topological_group.to_uniform_space : uniform_space G :=
{ uniformity := comap (λp:G×G, p.2 / p.1) (𝓝 1),
refl :=
by refine map_le_iff_le_comap.1 (le_trans _ (pure_le_nhds 0));
by refine map_le_iff_le_comap.1 (le_trans _ (pure_le_nhds 1));
simp [set.subset_def] {contextual := tt},
symm :=
suffices : tendsto ((λp, -p) ∘ (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1)) (comap (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) (𝓝 0)) (𝓝 (-0)),
{ simpa [(∘), tendsto_comap_iff] },
exact tendsto.comp (tendsto.neg tendsto_id) tendsto_comap
suffices : tendsto (λp:G×G, (p.2 / p.1)⁻¹) (comap (λp:G×G, p.2 / p.1) (𝓝 1)) (𝓝 1⁻¹),
{ simpa [tendsto_comap_iff], },
exact tendsto.comp (tendsto.inv tendsto_id) tendsto_comap
comp :=
intros D H,
rw mem_lift'_sets,
{ rcases H with ⟨U, U_nhds, U_sub⟩,
rcases exists_nhds_zero_half U_nhds with ⟨V, ⟨V_nhds, V_sum⟩⟩,
existsi ((λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) ⁻¹' V),
have H : (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) ⁻¹' V ∈ comap (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) (𝓝 (0 : G)),
rcases exists_nhds_one_split U_nhds with ⟨V, ⟨V_nhds, V_sum⟩⟩,
existsi ((λp:G×G, p.2 / p.1) ⁻¹' V),
have H : (λp:G×G, p.2 / p.1) ⁻¹' V ∈ comap (λp:G×G, p.2 / p.1) (𝓝 (1 : G)),
by existsi [V, V_nhds] ; refl,
existsi H,
have comp_rel_sub :
comp_rel ((λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) ⁻¹' V) ((λp, p.2 - p.1) ⁻¹' V) ⊆ (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) ⁻¹' U,
comp_rel ((λp:G×G, p.2 / p.1) ⁻¹' V) ((λp, p.2 / p.1) ⁻¹' V) ⊆ (λp:G×G, p.2 / p.1) ⁻¹' U,
intros p p_comp_rel,
rcases p_comp_rel with ⟨z, ⟨Hz1, Hz2⟩⟩,
Expand All @@ -190,17 +188,25 @@ def topological_add_group.to_uniform_space : uniform_space G :=
intro S,
let S' := λ x, {p : G × G | p.1 = x → p.2 ∈ S},
show is_open S ↔ ∀ (x : G), x ∈ S → S' x ∈ comap (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) (𝓝 (0 : G)),
show is_open S ↔ ∀ (x : G), x ∈ S → S' x ∈ comap (λp:G×G, p.2 / p.1) (𝓝 (1 : G)),
rw [is_open_iff_mem_nhds],
refine forall_congr (assume a, forall_congr (assume ha, _)),
rw [← nhds_translation_sub, mem_comap, mem_comap],
rw [← nhds_translation_div, mem_comap, mem_comap],
refine exists_congr (assume t, exists_congr (assume ht, _)),
show (λ (y : G), y - a) ⁻¹' t ⊆ S ↔ (λ (p : G × G), p.snd - p.fst) ⁻¹' t ⊆ S' a,
show (λ (y : G), y / a) ⁻¹' t ⊆ S ↔ (λ (p : G × G), p.snd / p.fst) ⁻¹' t ⊆ S' a,
{ rintros h ⟨x, y⟩ hx rfl, exact h hx },
{ rintros h x hx, exact @h (a, x) hx rfl }
end }

end topological_comm_group

section topological_add_comm_group
universes u v w x
open filter

variables (G : Type*) [add_comm_group G] [topological_space G] [topological_add_group G]

local attribute [instance] topological_add_group.to_uniform_space

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