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feat(analysis/convex/caratheodory): strengthen Caratheodory's lemma t…
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…o provide affine independence (#8892)

The changes here are:

- Use hypothesis `¬ affine_independent ℝ (coe : t → E)` instead of `finrank ℝ E + 1 < t.card`
- Drop no-longer-necessary `[finite_dimensional ℝ E]` assumption
- Do not use a shrinking argument but start by choosing an appropriate subset of minimum cardinality via `min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull`
- Provide a single alternative form of Carathéodory's lemma `eq_pos_convex_span_of_mem_convex_hull`
- In the alternate form, define the explicit linear combination using elements parameterised by a new `fintype` rather than on the entire ambient space `E` (we thus avoid the issue of junk values outside of the relevant subset)
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ocfnash committed Sep 7, 2021
1 parent 5eb1918 commit ceb9da6
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Showing 2 changed files with 118 additions and 141 deletions.
241 changes: 100 additions & 141 deletions src/analysis/convex/caratheodory.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,14 +4,25 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Scott Morrison
import analysis.convex.basic
import linear_algebra.affine_space.independent

# Carathéodory's convexity theorem
This file is devoted to proving Carathéodory's convexity theorem:
The convex hull of a set `s` in ℝᵈ is the union of the convex hulls of the (d+1)-tuples in `s`.
Convex hull can be regarded as a refinement of affine span. Both are closure operators but whereas
convex hull takes values in the lattice of convex subsets, affine span takes values in the much
coarser sublattice of affine subspaces.
## Main results:
The cost of this refinement is that one no longer has bases. However Carathéodory's convexity
theorem offers some compensation. Given a set `s` together with a point `x` in its convex hull,
Carathéodory says that one may find an affine-independent family of elements `s` whose convex hull
contains `x`. Thus the difference from the case of affine span is that the affine-independent family
depends on `x`.
In particular, in finite dimensions Carathéodory's theorem implies that the convex hull of a set `s`
in `ℝᵈ` is the union of the convex hulls of the `(d+1)`-tuples in `s`.
## Main results
* `convex_hull_eq_union`: Carathéodory's convexity theorem
Expand All @@ -26,24 +37,23 @@ convex hull, caratheodory

universes u

open set finset finite_dimensional
open set finset
open_locale big_operators

variables {E : Type u} [add_comm_group E] [module ℝ E] [finite_dimensional ℝ E]
variables {E : Type u} [add_comm_group E] [module ℝ E]

namespace caratheodory

If `x` is in the convex hull of some finset `t` with strictly more than `finrank + 1` elements,
then it is in the union of the convex hulls of the finsets `t.erase y` for `y ∈ t`.
lemma mem_convex_hull_erase [decidable_eq E] {t : finset E} (h : finrank ℝ E + 1 < t.card)
{x : E} (m : x ∈ convex_hull (↑t : set E)) :
/-- If `x` is in the convex hull of some finset `t` whose elements are not affine-independent,
then it is in the convex hull of a strict subset of `t`. -/
lemma mem_convex_hull_erase [decidable_eq E] {t : finset E}
(h : ¬ affine_independent ℝ (coe : t → E)) {x : E} (m : x ∈ convex_hull (↑t : set E)) :
∃ (y : (↑t : set E)), x ∈ convex_hull (↑(t.erase y) : set E) :=
simp only [finset.convex_hull_eq, mem_set_of_eq] at m ⊢,
obtain ⟨f, fpos, fsum, rfl⟩ := m,
obtain ⟨g, gcombo, gsum, gpos⟩ := exists_relation_sum_zero_pos_coefficient_of_dim_succ_lt_card h,
obtain ⟨g, gcombo, gsum, gpos⟩ := exists_nontrivial_relation_sum_zero_of_not_affine_ind h,
replace gpos := exists_pos_of_sum_zero_of_exists_nonzero g gsum gpos,
clear h,
let s := t.filter (λ z : E, 0 < g z),
obtain ⟨i₀, mem, w⟩ : ∃ i₀ ∈ s, ∀ i ∈ s, f i₀ / g i₀ ≤ f i / g i,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,148 +88,97 @@ begin
sub_zero, center_mass, fsum, inv_one, one_smul, id.def], },

The convex hull of a finset `t` with `finrank ℝ E + 1 < t.card` is equal to
the union of the convex hulls of the finsets `t.erase x` for `x ∈ t`.
lemma step [decidable_eq E] (t : finset E) (h : finrank ℝ E + 1 < t.card) :
convex_hull (↑t : set E) = ⋃ (x : (↑t : set E)), convex_hull ↑(t.erase x) :=
apply set.subset.antisymm,
{ intros x m',
obtain ⟨y, m⟩ := mem_convex_hull_erase h m',
exact mem_Union.2 ⟨y, m⟩, },
{ refine Union_subset _,
intro x,
apply convex_hull_mono,
apply erase_subset, }
variables {s : set E} {x : E} (hx : x ∈ convex_hull s)
include hx

The convex hull of a finset `t` with `finrank ℝ E + 1 < t.card` is contained in
the union of the convex hulls of the finsets `t' ⊆ t` with `t'.card ≤ finrank ℝ E + 1`.
lemma shrink' (t : finset E) (k : ℕ) (h : t.card = finrank ℝ E + 1 + k) :
convex_hull (↑t : set E) ⊆
⋃ (t' : finset E) (w : t' ⊆ t) (b : t'.card ≤ finrank ℝ E + 1), convex_hull ↑t' :=
induction k with k ih generalizing t,
{ apply subset_subset_Union t,
apply subset_subset_Union (set.subset.refl _),
exact subset_subset_Union (le_of_eq h) (subset.refl _), },
{ classical,
rw step _ (by { rw h, simp, } : finrank ℝ E + 1 < t.card),
apply Union_subset,
intro i,
{ apply ih,
rw [card_erase_of_mem, h, nat.add_succ, nat.pred_succ],
exact i.2, },
{ apply Union_subset_Union,
intro t',
apply Union_subset_Union_const,
exact λ h, set.subset.trans h (erase_subset _ _), } }
/-- Given a point `x` in the convex hull of a set `s`, this is a finite subset of `s` of minimum
cardinality, whose convex hull contains `x`. -/
noncomputable def min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull : finset E :=
function.argmin_on finset.card nat.lt_wf { t | ↑t ⊆ s ∧ x ∈ convex_hull (t : set E) }
(by simpa only [convex_hull_eq_union_convex_hull_finite_subsets s, exists_prop, mem_Union] using hx)

The convex hull of any finset `t` is contained in
the union of the convex hulls of the finsets `t' ⊆ t` with `t'.card ≤ finrank ℝ E + 1`.
lemma shrink (t : finset E) :
convex_hull (↑t : set E) ⊆
⋃ (t' : finset E) (w : t' ⊆ t) (b : t'.card ≤ finrank ℝ E + 1), convex_hull ↑t' :=
by_cases h : t.card ≤ finrank ℝ E + 1,
{ apply subset_subset_Union t,
apply subset_subset_Union (set.subset.refl _),
exact subset_subset_Union h (set.subset.refl _), },
push_neg at h,
obtain ⟨k, w⟩ := (le_of_lt h), clear h,
exact shrink' _ _ w,
lemma min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull_subseteq : ↑(min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx) ⊆ s :=
(function.argmin_on_mem _ _ { t : finset E | ↑t ⊆ s ∧ x ∈ convex_hull (t : set E) } _).1

end caratheodory

One inclusion of **Carathéodory's convexity theorem**.
lemma mem_min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull :
x ∈ convex_hull (min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx : set E) :=
(function.argmin_on_mem _ _ { t : finset E | ↑t ⊆ s ∧ x ∈ convex_hull (t : set E) } _).2

The convex hull of a set `s` in ℝᵈ is contained in
the union of the convex hulls of the (d+1)-tuples in `s`.
lemma convex_hull_subset_union (s : set E) :
convex_hull s ⊆ ⋃ (t : finset E) (w : ↑t ⊆ s) (b : t.card ≤ finrank ℝ E + 1), convex_hull ↑t :=
lemma min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull_nonempty :
(min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx).nonempty :=
-- First we replace `convex_hull s` with the union of the convex hulls of finite subsets,
rw convex_hull_eq_union_convex_hull_finite_subsets,
-- and prove the inclusion for each of those.
apply Union_subset, intro r,
apply Union_subset, intro h,
-- Second, for each convex hull of a finite subset, we shrink it.
refine subset.trans (caratheodory.shrink _) _,
-- After that it's just shuffling unions around.
refine Union_subset_Union (λ t, _),
exact Union_subset_Union2 (λ htr, ⟨subset.trans htr h, subset.refl _⟩)
rw [← finset.coe_nonempty, ← convex_hull_nonempty_iff],
exact ⟨x, mem_min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx⟩,

**Carathéodory's convexity theorem**.
lemma min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull_card_le_card
{t : finset E} (ht₁ : ↑t ⊆ s) (ht₂ : x ∈ convex_hull (t : set E)) :
(min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx).card ≤ t.card :=
function.argmin_on_le _ _ _ ⟨ht₁, ht₂⟩

The convex hull of a set `s` in ℝᵈ is the union of the convex hulls of the (d+1)-tuples in `s`.
theorem convex_hull_eq_union (s : set E) :
convex_hull s = ⋃ (t : finset E) (w : ↑t ⊆ s) (b : t.card ≤ finrank ℝ E + 1), convex_hull ↑t :=
lemma affine_independent_min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull :
affine_independent ℝ (coe : min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx → E) :=
apply set.subset.antisymm,
{ apply convex_hull_subset_union, },
iterate 3 { convert Union_subset _, intro, },
exact convex_hull_mono ‹_›,
let k := (min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx).card - 1,
have hk : (min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx).card = k + 1,
{ exact (nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos
(finset.card_pos.mpr (min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull_nonempty hx))).symm, },
obtain ⟨p, hp⟩ := mem_convex_hull_erase h (mem_min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx),
have contra := min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull_card_le_card hx (set.subset.trans
(finset.erase_subset ↑p (min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx))
(min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull_subseteq hx)) hp,
rw [← not_lt] at contra,
apply contra,
erw [card_erase_of_mem p.2, hk],
exact lt_add_one _,

A more explicit formulation of **Carathéodory's convexity theorem**,
writing an element of a convex hull as the center of mass
of an explicit `finset` with cardinality at most `dim + 1`.
theorem eq_center_mass_card_le_dim_succ_of_mem_convex_hull
{s : set E} {x : E} (h : x ∈ convex_hull s) :
∃ (t : finset E) (w : ↑t ⊆ s) (b : t.card ≤ finrank ℝ E + 1)
(f : E → ℝ), (∀ y ∈ t, 0 ≤ f y) ∧ t.sum f = 1 ∧ t.center_mass f id = x :=
end caratheodory

variables {s : set E}

/-- **Carathéodory's convexity theorem** -/
lemma convex_hull_eq_union :
convex_hull s =
⋃ (t : finset E) (hss : ↑t ⊆ s) (hai : affine_independent ℝ (coe : t → E)), convex_hull ↑t :=
rw convex_hull_eq_union at h,
simp only [exists_prop, mem_Union] at h,
obtain ⟨t, w, b, m⟩ := h,
refine ⟨t, w, b, _⟩,
rw finset.convex_hull_eq at m,
simpa only [exists_prop] using m,
apply set.subset.antisymm,
{ intros x hx,
simp only [exists_prop, set.mem_Union],
exact ⟨caratheodory.min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx,
caratheodory.min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull_subseteq hx,
caratheodory.affine_independent_min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx,
caratheodory.mem_min_card_finset_of_mem_convex_hull hx⟩, },
{ iterate 3 { convert set.Union_subset _, intro, },
exact convex_hull_mono ‹_›, },

A variation on **Carathéodory's convexity theorem**,
writing an element of a convex hull as a center of mass
of an explicit `finset` with cardinality at most `dim + 1`,
where all coefficients in the center of mass formula
are strictly positive.
(This is proved using `eq_center_mass_card_le_dim_succ_of_mem_convex_hull`,
and discarding any elements of the set with coefficient zero.)
theorem eq_pos_center_mass_card_le_dim_succ_of_mem_convex_hull
{s : set E} {x : E} (h : x ∈ convex_hull s) :
∃ (t : finset E) (w : ↑t ⊆ s) (b : t.card ≤ finrank ℝ E + 1)
(f : E → ℝ), (∀ y ∈ t, 0 < f y) ∧ t.sum f = 1 ∧ t.center_mass f id = x :=
/-- A more explicit version of `convex_hull_eq_union`. -/
theorem eq_pos_convex_span_of_mem_convex_hull {x : E} (hx : x ∈ convex_hull s) :
∃ (ι : Sort (u+1)) [fintype ι], by exactI ∃ (z : ι → E) (w : ι → ℝ)
(hss : set.range z ⊆ s) (hai : affine_independent ℝ z)
(hw : ∀ i, 0 < w i), ∑ i, w i = 1 ∧ ∑ i, w i • z i = x :=
obtain ⟨t, w, b, f, ⟨pos, sum, center⟩⟩ := eq_center_mass_card_le_dim_succ_of_mem_convex_hull h,
let t' := t.filter (λ z, 0 < f z),
have t'sum : t'.sum f = 1,
{ rw ← sum,
exact sum_filter_of_ne (λ x hxt hfx, (pos x hxt).lt_of_ne hfx.symm) },
refine ⟨t', _, _, f, ⟨_, t'sum, _⟩⟩,
{ exact subset.trans (filter_subset _ t) w, },
{ exact (card_filter_le _ _).trans b, },
{ exact λ y H, ( H).right, },
{ rw ← center,
simp only [center_mass, t'sum, sum, inv_one, one_smul, id.def],
refine sum_filter_of_ne (λ x hxt hfx, (pos x hxt).lt_of_ne $ λ hf₀, _),
rw [← hf₀, zero_smul] at hfx,
exact hfx rfl },
rw convex_hull_eq_union at hx,
simp only [exists_prop, set.mem_Union] at hx,
obtain ⟨t, ht₁, ht₂, ht₃⟩ := hx,
simp only [t.convex_hull_eq, exists_prop, set.mem_set_of_eq] at ht₃,
obtain ⟨w, hw₁, hw₂, hw₃⟩ := ht₃,
let t' := t.filter (λ i, w i ≠ 0),
refine ⟨t', t'.fintype_coe_sort, (coe : t' → E), w ∘ (coe : t' → E), _, _, _, _, _⟩,
{ rw subtype.range_coe_subtype, exact set.subset.trans (finset.filter_subset _ t) ht₁, },
{ exact affine_independent_embedding_of_affine_independent
⟨_, inclusion_injective (finset.filter_subset (λ i, w i ≠ 0) t)⟩ ht₂, },
{ intros i, suffices : w i ≠ 0,
{ cases this.lt_or_lt with hneg hpos,
{ exfalso, rw ← not_le at hneg, apply hneg, exact hw₁ _ ( i.2).1, },
{ exact hpos, }, },
exact (, },
{ erw [finset.sum_attach, finset.sum_filter_ne_zero, hw₂], },
{ change ∑ (i : t') in t'.attach, (λ e, w e • e) ↑i = x,
erw [finset.sum_attach, finset.sum_filter_of_ne],
{ rw t.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1 id hw₂ at hw₃, exact hw₃, },
{ intros e he hwe contra, apply hwe, rw [contra, zero_smul], }, },
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/affine_space/independent.lean
Expand Up @@ -381,6 +381,24 @@ lemma not_mem_affine_span_diff_of_affine_independent [nontrivial k] {p : ι →
p i ∉ affine_span k (p '' (s \ {i})) :=
by simp [ha]

lemma exists_nontrivial_relation_sum_zero_of_not_affine_ind
{t : finset V} (h : ¬ affine_independent k (coe : t → V)) :
∃ f : V → k, ∑ e in t, f e • e = 0 ∧ ∑ e in t, f e = 0 ∧ ∃ x ∈ t, f x ≠ 0 :=
rw affine_independent_iff_of_fintype at h,
simp only [exists_prop, not_forall] at h,
obtain ⟨w, hw, hwt, i, hi⟩ := h,
simp only [finset.weighted_vsub_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_of_sum_eq_zero _ w (coe : t → V) hw 0,
vsub_eq_sub, finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_apply, sub_zero] at hwt,
let f : Π (x : V), x ∈ t → k := λ x hx, w ⟨x, hx⟩,
refine ⟨λ x, if hx : x ∈ t then f x hx else (0 : k), _, _, by { use i, simp [hi, f], }⟩,
suffices : ∑ (e : V) in t, dite (e ∈ t) (λ hx, (f e hx) • e) (λ hx, 0) = 0,
{ convert this, ext, by_cases hx : x ∈ t; simp [hx], },
{ simp only [finset.sum_dite_of_true (λx h, h), subtype.val_eq_coe, finset.mk_coe, f, hwt, hw], },

end affine_independent

section field
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