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refactor(topology/{fiber_bundle, vector_bundle}): make trivialization…
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…s data rather than an existential (#13052)

Previously, the construction `topological_vector_bundle` was a mixin requiring the _existence_ of a suitable trivialization at each point.

Change this to a class with data: a choice of trivialization at each point.  This has no effect on the mathematics, but it is necessary for the forthcoming refactor in which a further condition is imposed on the mutual compatibility of the trivializations.

Furthermore, attach to `topological_vector_bundle` and to two other constructions `topological_fiber_prebundle`, `topological_vector_prebundle` a further piece of data: an atlas of "good" trivializations.  This is not really mathematically necessary, since you could always take the atlas of "good" trivializations to be simply the set of canonical trivializations at each point in the manifold.  But sometimes one naturally has this larger "good" class and it's convenient to be able to access it.  The `charted_space` definition in the manifolds library does something similar.
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hrmacbeth committed Apr 2, 2022
1 parent 3164b1a commit cf6f27e
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Showing 2 changed files with 119 additions and 82 deletions.
72 changes: 38 additions & 34 deletions src/topology/fiber_bundle.lean
Expand Up @@ -1087,76 +1087,80 @@ topology in such a way that there is a fiber bundle structure for which the loca
are also local homeomorphism and hence local trivializations. -/
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
structure topological_fiber_prebundle (proj : Z → B) :=
(pretrivialization_atlas : set (pretrivialization F proj))
(pretrivialization_at : B → pretrivialization F proj)
(mem_base_pretrivialization_at : ∀ x : B, x ∈ (pretrivialization_at x).base_set)
(continuous_triv_change : ∀ x y : B, continuous_on ((pretrivialization_at x) ∘
(pretrivialization_at y).to_local_equiv.symm) ((pretrivialization_at y).target ∩
((pretrivialization_at y).to_local_equiv.symm ⁻¹' (pretrivialization_at x).source)))
(pretrivialization_mem_atlas : ∀ x : B, pretrivialization_at x ∈ pretrivialization_atlas)
(continuous_triv_change : ∀ e e' ∈ pretrivialization_atlas,
continuous_on (e ∘ e'.to_local_equiv.symm) (e'.target ∩ (e'.to_local_equiv.symm ⁻¹' e.source)))

namespace topological_fiber_prebundle

variables {F} (a : topological_fiber_prebundle F proj) (x : B)
variables {F} (a : topological_fiber_prebundle F proj) {e : pretrivialization F proj}

/-- Topology on the total space that will make the prebundle into a bundle. -/
def total_space_topology (a : topological_fiber_prebundle F proj) : topological_space Z :=
⨆ x : B, coinduced (a.pretrivialization_at x).set_symm (subtype.topological_space)
⨆ (e : pretrivialization F proj) (he : e ∈ a.pretrivialization_atlas),
coinduced e.set_symm (subtype.topological_space)

lemma continuous_symm_pretrivialization_at : @continuous_on _ _ _ a.total_space_topology
(a.pretrivialization_at x).to_local_equiv.symm (a.pretrivialization_at x).target :=
lemma continuous_symm_of_mem_pretrivialization_atlas (he : e ∈ a.pretrivialization_atlas) :
@continuous_on _ _ _ a.total_space_topology
e.to_local_equiv.symm :=
refine id (λ z H, id (λ U h, preimage_nhds_within_coinduced' H
(a.pretrivialization_at x).open_target (le_def.1 (nhds_mono _) U h))),
exact le_supr _ x,
e.open_target (le_def.1 (nhds_mono _) U h))),
exact le_bsupr e he,

lemma is_open_source_pretrivialization_at :
@is_open _ a.total_space_topology (a.pretrivialization_at x).source :=
lemma is_open_source (e : pretrivialization F proj) : @is_open _ a.total_space_topology e.source :=
letI := a.total_space_topology,
refine is_open_supr_iff.mpr (λ y, is_open_coinduced.mpr (is_open_induced_iff.mpr
⟨(a.pretrivialization_at x).target, (a.pretrivialization_at x).open_target, _⟩)),
rw [pretrivialization.set_symm, restrict, (a.pretrivialization_at x).target_eq,
(a.pretrivialization_at x).source_eq, preimage_comp, subtype.preimage_coe_eq_preimage_coe_iff,
(a.pretrivialization_at y).target_eq, prod_inter_prod, inter_univ,
refine is_open_supr_iff.mpr (λ e', _),
refine is_open_supr_iff.mpr (λ he', _),
refine is_open_coinduced.mpr (is_open_induced_iff.mpr ⟨, e.open_target, _⟩),
rw [pretrivialization.set_symm, restrict, e.target_eq,
e.source_eq, preimage_comp, subtype.preimage_coe_eq_preimage_coe_iff,
e'.target_eq, prod_inter_prod, inter_univ,

lemma is_open_target_pretrivialization_at_inter (x y : B) :
is_open ((a.pretrivialization_at y) ∩
(a.pretrivialization_at y).to_local_equiv.symm ⁻¹' (a.pretrivialization_at x).source) :=
lemma is_open_target_of_mem_pretrivialization_atlas_inter (e e' : pretrivialization F proj)
(he' : e' ∈ a.pretrivialization_atlas) :
is_open (e' ∩ e'.to_local_equiv.symm ⁻¹' e.source) :=
letI := a.total_space_topology,
obtain ⟨u, hu1, hu2⟩ := continuous_on_iff'.mp (a.continuous_symm_pretrivialization_at y)
(a.pretrivialization_at x).source (a.is_open_source_pretrivialization_at x),
obtain ⟨u, hu1, hu2⟩ := continuous_on_iff'.mp (a.continuous_symm_of_mem_pretrivialization_atlas
he') e.source (a.is_open_source e),
rw [inter_comm, hu2],
exact hu1.inter (a.pretrivialization_at y).open_target,
exact hu1.inter e'.open_target,

/-- Promotion from a `pretrivialization` to a `trivialization`. -/
def trivialization_at (a : topological_fiber_prebundle F proj) (x : B) :
def trivialization_of_mem_pretrivialization_atlas (he : e ∈ a.pretrivialization_atlas) :
@trivialization B F Z _ _ a.total_space_topology proj :=
{ open_source := a.is_open_source_pretrivialization_at x,
{ open_source := a.is_open_source e,
continuous_to_fun := begin
letI := a.total_space_topology,
refine continuous_on_iff'.mpr (λ s hs, ⟨(a.pretrivialization_at x) ⁻¹' s ∩
(a.pretrivialization_at x).source, (is_open_supr_iff.mpr (λ y, _)),
refine continuous_on_iff'.mpr (λ s hs, ⟨e ⁻¹' s ∩ e.source, (is_open_supr_iff.mpr (λ e', _)),
by { rw [inter_assoc, inter_self], refl }⟩),
refine (is_open_supr_iff.mpr (λ he', _)),
rw [is_open_coinduced, is_open_induced_iff],
obtain ⟨u, hu1, hu2⟩ := continuous_on_iff'.mp (a.continuous_triv_change x y) s hs,
have hu3 := congr_arg (λ s, (λ x : (a.pretrivialization_at y).target, (x : B × F)) ⁻¹' s) hu2,
obtain ⟨u, hu1, hu2⟩ := continuous_on_iff'.mp (a.continuous_triv_change _ he _ he') s hs,
have hu3 := congr_arg (λ s, (λ x : e'.target, (x : B × F)) ⁻¹' s) hu2,
simp only [subtype.coe_preimage_self, preimage_inter, univ_inter] at hu3,
refine ⟨u ∩ (a.pretrivialization_at y) ∩
((a.pretrivialization_at y).to_local_equiv.symm ⁻¹' (a.pretrivialization_at x).source), _, by
refine ⟨u ∩ e' ∩
(e'.to_local_equiv.symm ⁻¹' e.source), _, by
{ simp only [preimage_inter, inter_univ, subtype.coe_preimage_self, hu3.symm], refl }⟩,
rw inter_assoc,
exact hu1.inter (a.is_open_target_pretrivialization_at_inter x y),
exact hu1.inter (a.is_open_target_of_mem_pretrivialization_atlas_inter e e' he'),
continuous_inv_fun := a.continuous_symm_pretrivialization_at x,
..(a.pretrivialization_at x) }
continuous_inv_fun := a.continuous_symm_of_mem_pretrivialization_atlas he,
.. e }

lemma is_topological_fiber_bundle :
@is_topological_fiber_bundle B F Z _ _ a.total_space_topology proj :=
λ x, ⟨a.trivialization_at x, a.mem_base_pretrivialization_at x ⟩
λ x, ⟨a.trivialization_of_mem_pretrivialization_atlas (a.pretrivialization_mem_atlas x),
a.mem_base_pretrivialization_at x ⟩

lemma continuous_proj : @continuous _ _ a.total_space_topology _ proj :=
by { letI := a.total_space_topology, exact a.is_topological_fiber_bundle.continuous_proj, }
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