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feat(representation_theory/basic): basics of group representation the…
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Some basic lemmas about group representations and some theory regarding the subspace of fixed points of a representation. 

Co-authored-by: antoinelab01 <>
Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <>
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3 people committed Apr 10, 2022
1 parent 3fe5c93 commit d133874
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Showing 3 changed files with 256 additions and 0 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/monoid_algebra/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -368,6 +368,9 @@ variables (k G)


lemma smul_of [mul_one_class G] (g : G) (r : k) :
r • (of k G g) = single g r := by simp

lemma of_injective [mul_one_class G] [nontrivial k] : function.injective (of k G) :=
λ a b h, by simpa using (single_eq_single_iff _ _ _ _).mp h

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -813,6 +816,28 @@ by simp

end opposite

section submodule

variables {k G} [comm_semiring k] [monoid G]
variables {V : Type*} [add_comm_monoid V]
variables [module k V] [module (monoid_algebra k G) V] [is_scalar_tower k (monoid_algebra k G) V]

/-- A submodule over `k` which is stable under scalar multiplication by elements of `G` is a
submodule over `monoid_algebra k G` -/
def submodule_of_smul_mem (W : submodule k V) (h : ∀ (g : G) (v : V), v ∈ W → (of k G g) • v ∈ W) :
submodule (monoid_algebra k G) V :=
{ carrier := W,
zero_mem' := W.zero_mem',
add_mem' := W.add_mem',
smul_mem' := begin
intros f v hv,
rw [←finsupp.sum_single f, finsupp.sum, finset.sum_smul],
simp_rw [←smul_of, smul_assoc],
exact submodule.sum_smul_mem W _ (λ g _, h g v hv)
end }

end submodule

end monoid_algebra

/-! ### Additive monoids -/
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110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions src/representation_theory/basic.lean
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Copyright (c) 2022 Antoine Labelle. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Antoine Labelle
import algebra.module.basic
import algebra.module.linear_map
import algebra.monoid_algebra.basic
import linear_algebra.trace

# Monoid representations
This file introduces monoid representations and their characters and proves basic lemmas about them,
including equivalences between different definitions of representations.
## Main definitions
* `representation.as_module`
* `representation.as_group_hom`
* `representation.character`
## Implementation notes
A representation of a monoid `G` over a commutative semiring `k` is implemented as a `k`-module `V`
together with a `distrib_mul_action G V` instance and a `smul_comm_class G k V` instance.
Alternatively, one can use a monoid homomorphism `G →* (V →ₗ[k] V)`. The definitions `as_monoid_hom`
and `rep_space` allow to go back and forth between these two definitions.

open monoid_algebra

namespace representation

variables (k G V : Type*) [comm_semiring k] [monoid G] [add_comm_monoid V]
variables [module k V] [distrib_mul_action G V] [smul_comm_class G k V]

A `k`-linear representation of `G` on `V` can be thought of as
an algebra map from `monoid_algebra k G` into the `k`-linear endomorphisms of `V`.
noncomputable def as_algebra_hom : monoid_algebra k G →ₐ[k] (module.End k V) :=
(lift k G _) (distrib_mul_action.to_module_End k V)

lemma as_algebra_hom_def :
as_algebra_hom k G V = (lift k G _) (distrib_mul_action.to_module_End k V) := rfl

lemma as_algebra_hom_single (g : G):
(as_algebra_hom k G V (finsupp.single g 1)) = (distrib_mul_action.to_module_End k V) g :=
by simp [as_algebra_hom_def]

A `k`-linear representation of `G` on `V` can be thought of as
a module over `monoid_algebra k G`.
noncomputable instance as_module : module (monoid_algebra k G) V :=
module.comp_hom V (as_algebra_hom k G V).to_ring_hom

lemma as_module_apply (a : monoid_algebra k G) (v : V):
a • v = (as_algebra_hom k G V a) v := rfl

lemma of_smul (g : G) (v : V) :
(of k G g) • v = g • v := by simp [as_module_apply]

instance as_module_scalar_tower : is_scalar_tower k (monoid_algebra k G) V :=
{ smul_assoc := λ r a v, by simp [as_module_apply] }

instance as_module_smul_comm : smul_comm_class k (monoid_algebra k G) V :=
{ smul_comm := λ r a v, by simp [as_module_apply] }


section group
variables (k G V : Type*) [comm_semiring k] [group G] [add_comm_monoid V]
variables [module k V] [distrib_mul_action G V] [smul_comm_class G k V]

When `G` is a group, a `k`-linear representation of `G` on `V` can be thought of as
a group homomorphism from `G` into the invertible `k`-linear endomorphisms of `V`.
def as_group_hom : G →* units (V →ₗ[k] V) :=
monoid_hom.to_hom_units (distrib_mul_action.to_module_End k V)

end group

section character

variables (k G V : Type*) [field k] [group G] [add_comm_group V]
variables [module k V] [distrib_mul_action G V] [smul_comm_class G k V]

The character associated to a representation of `G`, which as a map `G → k`
sends each element to the trace of the corresponding linear map.
noncomputable def character (g : G) : k :=
linear_map.trace k V (as_group_hom k G V g)

/-- The evaluation of the character at the identity is the dimension of the representation. -/
theorem char_one : character k G V 1 = finite_dimensional.finrank k V := by simp

/-- The character of a representation is constant on conjugacy classes. -/
theorem char_conj (g : G) (h : G) : (character k G V) (h * g * h⁻¹) = (character k G V) g := by simp

end character

end representation
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions src/representation_theory/invariants.lean
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Copyright (c) 2022 Antoine Labelle. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Antoine Labelle
import representation_theory.basic

# Subspace of invariants a group representation
This file introduce the subspace of invariants of a group representation
and proves basic result about it.
The main tool used is the average of all elements of the group, seen as an element of
`monoid_algebra k G`. Scalar multiplication by this special element gives a projection onto the
subspace of invariants.
In order for the definition of the average element to make sense, we need to assume for most of the
results that the order of `G` is invertible in `k` (e. g. `k` has characteristic `0`).

open_locale big_operators
open monoid_algebra finset finite_dimensional linear_map representation

namespace representation

section average

variables (k G : Type*) [comm_semiring k] [group G]
variables [fintype G] [invertible (fintype.card G : k)]

The average of all elements of the group `G`, considered as an element of `monoid_algebra k G`.
noncomputable def average : monoid_algebra k G :=
⅟(fintype.card G : k) • ∑ g : G, of k G g

lemma average_def : average k G = ⅟(fintype.card G : k) • ∑ g : G, of k G g := rfl

`average k G` is invariant under left multiplication by elements of `G`.
theorem mul_average_left (g : G) :
(finsupp.single g 1 * average k G : monoid_algebra k G) = average k G :=
simp [average_def, finset.mul_sum],
set f : G → monoid_algebra k G := λ x, finsupp.single x 1,
show ⅟ ↑(fintype.card G) • ∑ (x : G), f (g * x) = ⅟ ↑(fintype.card G) • ∑ (x : G), f x,
rw function.bijective.sum_comp (group.mul_left_bijective g) _,

`average k G` is invariant under right multiplication by elements of `G`.
theorem mul_average_right (g : G) :
average k G * finsupp.single g 1 = average k G :=
simp [average_def, finset.sum_mul],
set f : G → monoid_algebra k G := λ x, finsupp.single x 1,
show ⅟ ↑(fintype.card G) • ∑ (x : G), f (x * g) = ⅟ ↑(fintype.card G) • ∑ (x : G), f x,
rw function.bijective.sum_comp (group.mul_right_bijective g) _,

end average

section invariants

variables (k G V : Type*) [comm_semiring k] [group G] [add_comm_group V]
variables [module k V] [distrib_mul_action G V] [smul_comm_class G k V]

The subspace of invariants, consisting of the vectors fixed by all elements of `G`.
def invariants : submodule k V :=
{ carrier := set_of (λ v, ∀ (g : G), g • v = v),
zero_mem' := by simp,
add_mem' := λ v w hv hw g, by simp [hv g, hw g],
smul_mem' := λ r v hv g, by simp [smul_comm, hv g] }

lemma mem_invariants (v : V) : v ∈ (invariants k G V) ↔ ∀ (g: G), g • v = v := by refl

lemma invariants_eq_inter :
(invariants k G V).carrier = ⋂ g : G, function.fixed_points (has_scalar.smul g) :=
by { ext, simp [function.is_fixed_pt] }

The subspace of invariants, as a submodule over `monoid_algebra k G`.
noncomputable def invariants' : submodule (monoid_algebra k G) V :=
submodule_of_smul_mem (invariants k G V) (λ g v hv, by {rw [of_smul, hv g], exact hv})

@[simp] lemma invariants'_carrier :
(invariants' k G V).carrier = (invariants k G V).carrier := rfl

variables [fintype G] [invertible (fintype.card G : k)]

Scalar multiplication by `average k G` sends elements of `V` to the subspace of invariants.
theorem smul_average_invariant (v : V) : (average k G) • v ∈ invariants k G V :=
λ g, by rw [←of_smul k, smul_smul, of_apply, mul_average_left]

`average k G` acts as the identity on the subspace of invariants.
theorem smul_average_id (v ∈ invariants k G V) : (average k G) • v = v :=
simp at H,
simp [average_def, sum_smul, H, card_univ, nsmul_eq_smul_cast k _ v, smul_smul, of_smul,

Scalar multiplication by `average k G` gives a projection map onto the subspace of invariants.
noncomputable def average_map : V →ₗ[k] V := (as_algebra_hom k G V) (average k G)

end invariants

end representation

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