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feat(algebraic_topology/dold_kan): technical lemmas about face maps (#…
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This PR introduces technical lemmas about face maps and the null homotopic maps Hσ that will be used in the proof of the Dold-Kan equivalence.

Co-authored-by: Joël Riou <>
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joelriou and joelriou committed Jul 21, 2022
1 parent 72e0e9a commit d29aca8
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Showing 3 changed files with 261 additions and 17 deletions.
55 changes: 40 additions & 15 deletions src/algebraic_topology/alternating_face_map_complex.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,10 +125,19 @@ end
/-- The alternating face map complex, on objects -/
def obj : chain_complex C ℕ := chain_complex.of (λ n, X _[n]) (obj_d X) (d_squared X)

lemma obj_X (X : simplicial_object C) (n : ℕ) :
(alternating_face_map_complex.obj X).X n = X _[n] := rfl

lemma obj_d_eq (X : simplicial_object C) (n : ℕ) :
(alternating_face_map_complex.obj X).d (n+1) n =
∑ (i : fin (n+2)), (-1 : ℤ)^(i : ℕ) • X.δ i :=
by apply chain_complex.of_d

variables {X} {Y}

/-- The alternating face map complex, on morphisms -/
def map (f : X ⟶ Y) : obj X ⟶ obj Y :=
chain_complex.of_hom _ _ _ _ _ _
(λ n, (op [n]))
Expand All @@ -143,17 +152,33 @@ chain_complex.of_hom _ _ _ _ _ _
apply f.naturality,

lemma map_f (f : X ⟶ Y) (n : ℕ) : (map f).f n = (op [n]) := rfl

end alternating_face_map_complex

variables (C : Type*) [category C] [preadditive C]

/-- The alternating face map complex, as a functor -/
def alternating_face_map_complex : simplicial_object C ⥤ chain_complex C ℕ :=
{ obj := alternating_face_map_complex.obj,
map := λ X Y f, f }

variables {C}
variable {C}

lemma alternating_face_map_complex_obj_X (X : simplicial_object C) (n : ℕ) :
((alternating_face_map_complex C).obj X).X n = X _[n] := rfl

lemma alternating_face_map_complex_obj_d (X : simplicial_object C) (n : ℕ) :
((alternating_face_map_complex C).obj X).d (n+1) n =
alternating_face_map_complex.obj_d X n :=
by apply chain_complex.of_d

lemma alternating_face_map_complex_map_f {X Y : simplicial_object C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (n : ℕ) :
((alternating_face_map_complex C).map f).f n = (op [n]) := rfl

lemma map_alternating_face_map_complex {D : Type*} [category D] [preadditive D]
(F : C ⥤ D) [F.additive] :
Expand All @@ -163,19 +188,19 @@ begin
apply category_theory.functor.ext,
{ intros X Y f,
ext n,
simp only [functor.comp_map,,
alternating_face_map_complex_map, functor.map_homological_complex_map_f,
chain_complex.of_hom_f, simplicial_object.whiskering_obj_map_app,
homological_complex.comp_f, homological_complex.eq_to_hom_f,
eq_to_hom_refl, comp_id, id_comp], },
simp only [functor.comp_map, homological_complex.comp_f,
alternating_face_map_complex_map_f, functor.map_homological_complex_map_f,
homological_complex.eq_to_hom_f, eq_to_hom_refl, comp_id, id_comp,
simplicial_object.whiskering_obj_map_app], },
{ intro X,
erw chain_complex.map_chain_complex_of,
ext n,
simp only [alternating_face_map_complex.obj_d, functor.map_sum],
apply functor.map_zsmul, },
apply homological_complex.ext,
{ rintros i j (rfl : j + 1 = i),
dsimp only [functor.comp_obj],
simpa only [functor.map_homological_complex_obj_d, alternating_face_map_complex_obj_d,
eq_to_hom_refl, id_comp, comp_id, alternating_face_map_complex.obj_d,
functor.map_sum, functor.map_zsmul], },
{ ext n,
refl, }, },

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220 changes: 220 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_topology/dold_kan/faces.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou

import algebraic_topology.dold_kan.homotopies
import data.nat.parity
import tactic.ring_exp

# Study of face maps for the Dold-Kan correspondence
TODO (@joelriou) continue adding the various files referenced below
In this file, we obtain the technical lemmas that are used in the file
`projections.lean` in order to get basic properties of the endomorphisms
`P q : K[X] ⟶ K[X]` with respect to face maps (see `homotopies.lean` for the
role of these endomorphisms in the overall strategy of proof).
The main lemma in this file is `higher_faces_vanish.induction`. It is based
on two technical lemmas `higher_faces_vanish.comp_Hσ_eq` and

open nat
open category_theory
open category_theory.limits
open category_theory.category
open category_theory.preadditive
open category_theory.simplicial_object
open_locale simplicial dold_kan

namespace algebraic_topology

namespace dold_kan

variables {C : Type*} [category C] [preadditive C]
variables {X : simplicial_object C}

/-- A morphism `φ : Y ⟶ X _[n+1]` satisfies `higher_faces_vanish q φ`
when the compositions `φ ≫ X.δ j` are `0` for `j ≥ max 1 (n+2-q)`. When `q ≤ n+1`,
it basically means that the composition `φ ≫ X.δ j` are `0` for the `q` highest
possible values of a nonzero `j`. Otherwise, when `q ≥ n+2`, all the compositions
`φ ≫ X.δ j` for nonzero `j` vanish. See also the lemma `comp_P_eq_self_iff` in
`projections.lean` which states that `higher_faces_vanish q φ` is equivalent to
the identity `φ ≫ (P q).f (n+1) = φ`. -/
def higher_faces_vanish {Y : C} {n : ℕ} (q : ℕ) (φ : Y ⟶ X _[n+1]) : Prop :=
∀ (j : fin (n+1)), (n+1 ≤ (j : ℕ) + q) → φ ≫ X.δ j.succ = 0

namespace higher_faces_vanish

lemma of_succ {Y : C} {n q : ℕ} {φ : Y ⟶ X _[n+1]}
(v : higher_faces_vanish (q+1) φ) : higher_faces_vanish q φ :=
λ j hj, v j (by simpa only [← add_assoc] using le_add_right hj)

lemma of_comp {Y Z : C} {q n : ℕ} {φ : Y ⟶ X _[n+1]}
(v : higher_faces_vanish q φ) (f : Z ⟶ Y) :
higher_faces_vanish q (f ≫ φ) := λ j hj,
by rw [assoc, v j hj, comp_zero]

lemma comp_Hσ_eq {Y : C} {n a q : ℕ} (hnaq : n=a+q) {φ : Y ⟶ X _[n+1]}
(v : higher_faces_vanish q φ) : φ ≫ (Hσ q).f (n+1) =
- φ ≫ X.δ ⟨a+1, nat.succ_lt_succ (nat.lt_succ_iff.mpr (nat.le.intro hnaq.symm))⟩ ≫
X.σ ⟨a, nat.lt_succ_iff.mpr (nat.le.intro hnaq.symm)⟩ :=
have hnaq_shift : Π d : ℕ, n+d=(a+d)+q,
{ intro d, rw [add_assoc, add_comm d, ← add_assoc, hnaq], },
rw [Hσ, homotopy.null_homotopic_map'_f (c_mk (n+2) (n+1) rfl) (c_mk (n+1) n rfl),
hσ'_eq hnaq (c_mk (n+1) n rfl), hσ'_eq (hnaq_shift 1) (c_mk (n+2) (n+1) rfl)],
simp only [alternating_face_map_complex.obj_d_eq, eq_to_hom_refl,
comp_id, comp_sum, sum_comp, comp_add],
simp only [comp_zsmul, zsmul_comp, ← assoc, ← mul_zsmul],
/- cleaning up the first sum -/
rw [← fin.sum_congr' _ (hnaq_shift 2).symm, fin.sum_trunc], swap,
{ rintro ⟨k, hk⟩,
suffices : φ ≫ X.δ (⟨a+2+k, by linarith⟩ : fin (n+2)) = 0,
{ simp only [this, fin.nat_add_mk, fin.cast_mk, zero_comp, smul_zero], },
convert v ⟨a+k+1, by linarith⟩ (by { rw fin.coe_mk, linarith, }),
rw [nat.succ_eq_add_one],
linarith, },
/- cleaning up the second sum -/
rw [← fin.sum_congr' _ (hnaq_shift 3).symm, @fin.sum_trunc _ _ (a+3)], swap,
{ rintros ⟨k, hk⟩,
suffices : φ ≫ X.σ ⟨a+1, by linarith⟩ ≫ X.δ ⟨a+3+k, by linarith⟩ = 0,
{ dsimp, rw [assoc, this, smul_zero], },
let i : fin (n+1) := ⟨a+1+k, by linarith⟩,
have h : fin.cast_succ (⟨a+1, by linarith⟩ : fin (n+1)) < i.succ,
{ simp only [fin.lt_iff_coe_lt_coe, fin.cast_succ_mk, fin.coe_mk, fin.succ_mk],
linarith, },
have δσ_rel := δ_comp_σ_of_gt X h,
conv_lhs at δσ_rel
{ simp only [fin.cast_succ_mk, fin.succ_mk, show a+1+k+1+1 = a+3+k, by linarith], },
rw [δσ_rel, ← assoc, v i, zero_comp],
simp only [i, fin.coe_mk],
linarith, },
/- leaving out three specific terms -/
conv_lhs { congr, skip, rw [fin.sum_univ_cast_succ, fin.sum_univ_cast_succ], },
rw fin.sum_univ_cast_succ,
simp only [fin.last, fin.cast_le_mk, fin.coe_cast, fin.cast_mk,
fin.coe_cast_le, fin.coe_mk, fin.cast_succ_mk, fin.coe_cast_succ],
/- the purpose of the following `simplif` is to create three subgoals in order
to finish the proof -/
have simplif : ∀ (a b c d e f : Y ⟶ X _[n+1]), b=f → d+e=0 → c+a=0 → a+b+(c+d+e) = f,
{ intros a b c d e f h1 h2 h3,
rw [add_assoc c d e, h2, add_zero, add_comm a b, add_assoc,
add_comm a c, h3, add_zero, h1], },
apply simplif,
{ /- b=f -/
rw [← pow_add, odd.neg_one_pow, neg_smul, one_zsmul],
use a,
linarith, },
{ /- d+e = 0 -/
let b : fin (n+2) := ⟨a+1, by linarith⟩,
have eq₁ : X.σ b ≫ X.δ (fin.cast_succ b) = 𝟙 _ := δ_comp_σ_self _,
have eq₂ : X.σ b ≫ X.δ b.succ = 𝟙 _ := δ_comp_σ_succ _,
simp only [b, fin.cast_succ_mk, fin.succ_mk] at eq₁ eq₂,
simp only [eq₁, eq₂, fin.last, assoc, fin.cast_succ_mk, fin.cast_le_mk, fin.coe_mk,
comp_id, add_eq_zero_iff_eq_neg, ← neg_zsmul],
rw mul_one, },
{ /- c+a = 0 -/
rw ← finset.sum_add_distrib,
apply finset.sum_eq_zero,
rintros ⟨i, hi⟩ h₀,
have hia : (⟨i, by linarith⟩ : fin (n+2)) ≤ fin.cast_succ (⟨a, by linarith⟩ : fin (n+1)) :=
by simpa only [fin.le_iff_coe_le_coe, fin.coe_mk, fin.cast_succ_mk, ← lt_succ_iff] using hi,
simp only [fin.coe_mk, fin.cast_le_mk, fin.cast_succ_mk, fin.succ_mk, assoc, fin.cast_mk,
← δ_comp_σ_of_le X hia, add_eq_zero_iff_eq_neg, ← neg_zsmul],
ring_exp, },

lemma comp_Hσ_eq_zero {Y : C} {n q : ℕ} (hqn : n<q) {φ : Y ⟶ X _[n+1]}
(v : higher_faces_vanish q φ) : φ ≫ (Hσ q).f (n+1) = 0 :=
simp only [Hσ, homotopy.null_homotopic_map'_f (c_mk (n+2) (n+1) rfl) (c_mk (n+1) n rfl)],
rw [hσ'_eq_zero hqn (c_mk (n+1) n rfl), comp_zero, zero_add],
by_cases hqn' : n+1<q,
{ rw [hσ'_eq_zero hqn' (c_mk (n+2) (n+1) rfl), zero_comp, comp_zero], },
{ simp only [hσ'_eq (show n+1=0+q, by linarith) (c_mk (n+2) (n+1) rfl),
pow_zero, fin.mk_zero, one_zsmul, eq_to_hom_refl, comp_id,
comp_sum, alternating_face_map_complex.obj_d_eq],
rw [← fin.sum_congr' _ (show 2+(n+1)=n+1+2, by linarith), fin.sum_trunc],
{ simp only [fin.sum_univ_cast_succ, fin.sum_univ_zero, zero_add, fin.last,
fin.cast_le_mk, fin.cast_mk, fin.cast_succ_mk],
simp only [fin.mk_zero, fin.coe_zero, pow_zero, one_zsmul, fin.mk_one,
fin.coe_one, pow_one, neg_smul, comp_neg],
erw [δ_comp_σ_self, δ_comp_σ_succ, add_right_neg], },
{ intro j,
simp only [comp_zsmul],
convert zsmul_zero _,
have h : fin.cast (by rw add_comm 2) (fin.nat_add 2 j) = j.succ.succ,
{ ext, simp only [add_comm 2, fin.coe_cast, fin.coe_nat_add, fin.coe_succ], },
rw [h, ← fin.cast_succ_zero, δ_comp_σ_of_gt X], swap,
{ exact fin.succ_pos j, },
simp only [← assoc, v j (by linarith), zero_comp], }, },

lemma induction {Y : C} {n q : ℕ} {φ : Y ⟶ X _[n+1]}
(v : higher_faces_vanish q φ) : higher_faces_vanish (q+1) (φ ≫ (𝟙 _ + Hσ q).f (n+1)) :=
intros j hj₁,
simp only [comp_add, add_comp, comp_id],
-- when n < q, the result follows immediately from the assumption
by_cases hqn : n<q,
{ rw [comp_Hσ_eq_zero hqn v, zero_comp, add_zero, v j (by linarith)], },
-- we now assume that n≥q, and write n=a+q
cases nat.le.dest ( hqn) with a ha,
rw [comp_Hσ_eq (show n=a+q, by linarith) v, neg_comp, add_neg_eq_zero, assoc, assoc],
cases n with m hm,
-- the boundary case n=0
{ simpa only [nat.eq_zero_of_add_eq_zero_left ha, fin.eq_zero j,
fin.mk_zero, fin.mk_one, δ_comp_σ_succ, comp_id], },
-- in the other case, we need to write n as m+1
-- then, we first consider the particular case j = a
by_cases hj₂ : a = (j : ℕ),
{ simp only [hj₂, fin.eta, δ_comp_σ_succ, comp_id],
simp only [fin.coe_succ, fin.coe_mk], },
-- now, we assume j ≠ a (i.e. a < j)
have haj : a<j := (ne.le_iff_lt hj₂).mp (by linarith),
have hj₃ := j.is_lt,
have ham : a≤m,
{ by_contradiction,
rw [not_le, ← nat.succ_le_iff] at h,
linarith, },
have ineq₁ : (fin.cast_succ (⟨a, nat.lt_succ_iff.mpr ham⟩ : fin (m+1)) < j),
{ rw fin.lt_iff_coe_lt_coe, exact haj, },
have eq₁ := δ_comp_σ_of_gt X ineq₁,
rw fin.cast_succ_mk at eq₁,
rw eq₁,
obtain (ham' | ham'') := ham.lt_or_eq,
{ -- case where `a<m`
have ineq₂ : (fin.cast_succ (⟨a+1, nat.succ_lt_succ ham'⟩ : fin (m+1)) ≤ j),
{ simpa only [fin.le_iff_coe_le_coe] using nat.succ_le_iff.mpr haj, },
have eq₂ := δ_comp_δ X ineq₂,
simp only [fin.cast_succ_mk] at eq₂,
slice_rhs 2 3 { rw ← eq₂, },
simp only [← assoc, v j (by linarith), zero_comp], },
{ -- in the last case, a=m, q=1 and j=a+1
have hq : q=1 := by rw [← add_left_inj a, ha, ham'', add_comm],
have hj₄ : (⟨a+1, by linarith⟩ : fin (m+3)) = fin.cast_succ j,
{ ext,
simp only [fin.coe_mk, fin.coe_cast_succ],
linarith, },
slice_rhs 2 3 { rw [hj₄, δ_comp_δ_self], },
simp only [← assoc, v j (by linarith), zero_comp], },

end higher_faces_vanish

end dold_kan

end algebraic_topology
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/algebraic_topology/dold_kan/homotopies.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -169,8 +169,7 @@ def nat_trans_Hσ (q : ℕ) :
rw [null_homotopic_map'_comp, comp_null_homotopic_map'],
ext n m hnm,
simp only [alternating_face_map_complex_map,,
chain_complex.of_hom_f, hσ'_naturality],
simp only [alternating_face_map_complex_map_f, hσ'_naturality],
end, }

/-- The maps `hσ' q n m hnm` are compatible with the application of additive functors. -/
Expand Down

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