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feat(linear_algebra/affine_space/affine_equiv): affine homotheties as…
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ocfnash committed Sep 7, 2021
1 parent 309674d commit d472c56
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Showing 2 changed files with 67 additions and 19 deletions.
84 changes: 66 additions & 18 deletions src/linear_algebra/affine_space/affine_equiv.lean
Expand Up @@ -45,36 +45,23 @@ structure affine_equiv (k P₁ P₂ : Type*) {V₁ V₂ : Type*} [ring k]

notation P₁ ` ≃ᵃ[`:25 k:25 `] `:0 P₂:0 := affine_equiv k P₁ P₂

instance (k : Type*) {V1 : Type*} (P1 : Type*) {V2 : Type*} (P2 : Type*)
[ring k]
[add_comm_group V1] [module k V1] [affine_space V1 P1]
[add_comm_group V2] [module k V2] [affine_space V2 P2] :
has_coe_to_fun (P1 ≃ᵃ[k] P2) :=
⟨_, λ e, e.to_fun⟩

variables {k V₁ V₂ V₃ V₄ P₁ P₂ P₃ P₄ : Type*} [ring k]
[add_comm_group V₁] [module k V₁] [add_torsor V₁ P₁]
[add_comm_group V₂] [module k V₂] [add_torsor V₂ P₂]
[add_comm_group V₃] [module k V₃] [add_torsor V₃ P₃]
[add_comm_group V₄] [module k V₄] [add_torsor V₄ P₄]

namespace linear_equiv

/-- Interpret a linear equivalence between modules as an affine equivalence. -/
def to_affine_equiv (e : V₁ ≃ₗ[k] V₂) : V₁ ≃ᵃ[k] V₂ :=
{ to_equiv := e.to_equiv,
linear := e,
map_vadd' := λ p v, e.map_add v p }
namespace affine_equiv

@[simp] lemma coe_to_affine_equiv (e : V₁ ≃ₗ[k] V₂) : ⇑e.to_affine_equiv = e := rfl
include V₁ V₂

end linear_equiv
instance : has_coe_to_fun (P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₂) := ⟨_, λ e, e.to_fun⟩

namespace affine_equiv
instance : has_coe (P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₂) (P₁ ≃ P₂) := ⟨affine_equiv.to_equiv⟩

variables (k P₁)

include V₁
omit V₂

/-- Identity map as an `affine_equiv`. -/
@[refl] def refl : P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₁ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,6 +89,8 @@ e.map_vadd' p v
/-- Reinterpret an `affine_equiv` as an `affine_map`. -/
def to_affine_map (e : P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₂) : P₁ →ᵃ[k] P₂ := { to_fun := e, .. e }

instance : has_coe (P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₂) (P₁ →ᵃ[k] P₂) := ⟨to_affine_map⟩

@[simp] lemma coe_to_affine_map (e : P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₂) :
(e.to_affine_map : P₁ → P₂) = (e : P₁ → P₂) :=
Expand All @@ -110,6 +99,8 @@ rfl
to_affine_map (mk f f' h) = ⟨f, f', h⟩ :=

@[norm_cast, simp] lemma coe_coe (e : P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₂) : ((e : P₁ →ᵃ[k] P₂) : P₁ → P₂) = e := rfl

@[simp] lemma linear_to_affine_map (e : P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₂) : e.to_affine_map.linear = e.linear := rfl

lemma to_affine_map_injective : injective (to_affine_map : (P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₂) → (P₁ →ᵃ[k] P₂)) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,6 +130,10 @@ lemma to_equiv_injective : injective (to_equiv : (P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₂) → (P₁
@[simp] lemma to_equiv_inj {e e' : P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₂} : e.to_equiv = e'.to_equiv ↔ e = e' :=

@[simp] lemma coe_mk (e : P₁ ≃ P₂) (e' : V₁ ≃ₗ[k] V₂) (h) :
((⟨e, e', h⟩ : P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₂) : P₁ → P₂) = e :=

/-- Construct an affine equivalence by verifying the relation between the map and its linear part at
one base point. Namely, this function takes a map `e : P₁ → P₂`, a linear equivalence
`e' : V₁ ≃ₗ[k] V₂`, and a point `p` such that for any other point `p'` we have
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,6 +281,47 @@ def const_vadd (v : V₁) : P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₁ :=

@[simp] lemma const_vadd_symm_apply (v : V₁) (p : P₁) : (const_vadd k P₁ v).symm p = -v +ᵥ p := rfl

section homothety

omit V₁

variables {R V P : Type*} [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group V] [module R V] [affine_space V P]
include V

/-- Fixing a point in affine space, homothety about this point gives a group homomorphism from (the
centre of) the units of the scalars into the group of affine equivalences. -/
def homothety_units_mul_hom (p : P) : units R →* P ≃ᵃ[R] P :=
{ to_fun := λ t,
{ to_fun := affine_map.homothety p (t : R),
inv_fun := affine_map.homothety p (↑t⁻¹ : R),
left_inv := λ p, by simp [← affine_map.comp_apply, ← affine_map.homothety_mul],
right_inv := λ p, by simp [← affine_map.comp_apply, ← affine_map.homothety_mul],
linear :=
{ inv_fun := linear_map.lsmul R V (↑t⁻¹ : R),
left_inv := λ v, by simp [smul_smul],
right_inv := λ v, by simp [smul_smul],
.. linear_map.lsmul R V t, },
map_vadd' := λ p v, by simp only [vadd_vsub_assoc, smul_add, add_vadd, affine_map.coe_line_map,
affine_map.homothety_eq_line_map, equiv.coe_fn_mk, linear_equiv.coe_mk,
linear_map.lsmul_apply, linear_map.to_fun_eq_coe], },
map_one' := by { ext, simp, },
map_mul' := λ t₁ t₂, by { ext, simp [← affine_map.comp_apply, ← affine_map.homothety_mul], }, }

@[simp] lemma coe_homothety_units_mul_hom_apply (p : P) (t : units R) :
(homothety_units_mul_hom p t : P → P) = affine_map.homothety p (t : R) :=

@[simp] lemma coe_homothety_units_mul_hom_apply_symm (p : P) (t : units R) :
((homothety_units_mul_hom p t).symm : P → P) = affine_map.homothety p (↑t⁻¹ : R) :=

@[simp] lemma coe_homothety_units_mul_hom_eq_homothety_hom_coe (p : P) :
(coe : (P ≃ᵃ[R] P) → P →ᵃ[R] P) ∘ homothety_units_mul_hom p =
(affine_map.homothety_hom p) ∘ (coe : units R → R) :=
by { ext, simp, }

end homothety

variable {P₁}
open function

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,6 +364,18 @@ lemma point_reflection_fixed_iff_of_module [invertible (2:k)] {x y : P₁} :

end affine_equiv

namespace linear_equiv

/-- Interpret a linear equivalence between modules as an affine equivalence. -/
def to_affine_equiv (e : V₁ ≃ₗ[k] V₂) : V₁ ≃ᵃ[k] V₂ :=
{ to_equiv := e.to_equiv,
linear := e,
map_vadd' := λ p v, e.map_add v p }

@[simp] lemma coe_to_affine_equiv (e : V₁ ≃ₗ[k] V₂) : ⇑e.to_affine_equiv = e := rfl

end linear_equiv

namespace affine_map

open affine_equiv
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/linear_algebra/affine_space/affine_map.lean
Expand Up @@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ instance : module k (P1 →ᵃ[k] V2) :=

@[simp] lemma coe_smul (c : k) (f : P1 →ᵃ[k] V2) : ⇑(c • f) = c • f := rfl

/-- `homothety c r` is the homothety about `c` with scale factor `r`. -/
/-- `homothety c r` is the homothety (also known as dilation) about `c` with scale factor `r`. -/
def homothety (c : P1) (r : k) : P1 →ᵃ[k] P1 :=
r • (id k P1 -ᵥ const k P1 c) +ᵥ const k P1 c

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