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feat(algebraic_topology/simplex_category): epi and monos in the simpl…
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…ex category (#8101)

Characterize epimorphisms and monomorphisms in `simplex_category` in terms of the function they represent. Add lemmas about their behavior on length of objects. 

Co-authored-by: Robin Carlier <>
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Robin Carlier and robin-carlier committed Jun 29, 2021
1 parent 07f1235 commit d521b2b
Showing 1 changed file with 96 additions and 0 deletions.
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_topology/simplex_category.lean
Expand Up @@ -402,4 +402,100 @@ full_subcategory_inclusion _

end truncated

section concrete

instance : concrete_category.{0} simplex_category.{u} :=
{ forget :=
{ obj := λ i, fin (i.len + 1),
map := λ i j f, f.to_preorder_hom },
forget_faithful := {} }

end concrete

section epi_mono

/-- A morphism in `simplex_category` is a monomorphism precisely when it is an injective function
theorem mono_iff_injective {n m : simplex_category} {f : n ⟶ m} :
mono f ↔ function.injective f.to_preorder_hom :=
{ introsI m x y h,
have H : const n x ≫ f = const n y ≫ f,
{ dsimp, rw h },
change (n.const x).to_preorder_hom 0 = (n.const y).to_preorder_hom 0,
rw cancel_mono f at H,
rw H },
{ exact concrete_category.mono_of_injective f }

/-- A morphism in `simplex_category` is an epimorphism if and only if it is a surjective function
lemma epi_iff_surjective {n m : simplex_category} {f: n ⟶ m} :
epi f ↔ function.surjective f.to_preorder_hom :=
{ introsI hyp_f_epi x,
by_contradiction h_ab,
rw not_exists at h_ab,
-- The proof is by contradiction: assume f is not surjective,
-- then introduce two non-equal auxiliary functions equalizing f, and get a contradiction.
-- First we define the two auxiliary functions.
set chi_1 : m ⟶ [1] := ⟨λ u, if u ≤ x then 0 else 1, begin
intros a b h,
dsimp only [],
split_ifs with h1 h2 h3,
any_goals { exact le_refl _ },
{ exact bot_le },
{ exact false.elim (h1 (le_trans h h3)) }
end ⟩,
set chi_2 : m ⟶ [1] := ⟨λ u, if u < x then 0 else 1, begin
intros a b h,
dsimp only [],
split_ifs with h1 h2 h3,
any_goals { exact le_refl _ },
{ exact bot_le },
{ exact false.elim (h1 (lt_of_le_of_lt h h3)) }
end ⟩,
-- The two auxiliary functions equalize f
have f_comp_chi_i : f ≫ chi_1 = f ≫ chi_2,
{ dsimp,
simp [le_iff_lt_or_eq, h_ab x_1] },
-- We now just have to show the two auxiliary functions are not equal.
rw category_theory.cancel_epi f at f_comp_chi_i, rename f_comp_chi_i eq_chi_i,
apply_fun (λ e, e.to_preorder_hom x) at eq_chi_i,
suffices : (0 : fin 2) = 1, by exact bot_ne_top this,
simpa using eq_chi_i },
{ exact concrete_category.epi_of_surjective f }

/-- A monomorphism in `simplex_category` must increase lengths-/
lemma len_le_of_mono {x y : simplex_category} {f : x ⟶ y} :
mono f → (x.len ≤ y.len) :=
intro hyp_f_mono,
have f_inj : function.injective f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun,
{ exact mono_iff_injective.elim_left (hyp_f_mono) },
simpa using fintype.card_le_of_injective f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun f_inj,

lemma le_of_mono {n m : ℕ} {f : [n] ⟶ [m]} : (category_theory.mono f) → (n ≤ m) :=

/-- An epimorphism in `simplex_category` must decrease lengths-/
lemma len_le_of_epi {x y : simplex_category} {f : x ⟶ y} :
epi f → y.len ≤ x.len :=
intro hyp_f_epi,
have f_surj : function.surjective f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun,
{ exact epi_iff_surjective.elim_left (hyp_f_epi) },
simpa using fintype.card_le_of_surjective f.to_preorder_hom.to_fun f_surj,

lemma le_of_epi {n m : ℕ} {f : [n] ⟶ [m]} : epi f → (m ≤ n) :=

end epi_mono

end simplex_category

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