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feat(field_theory/separable): definition and basic properties (#3155)
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kckennylau committed Jun 24, 2020
1 parent 340d5a9 commit d57ac08
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Showing 2 changed files with 161 additions and 0 deletions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions src/field_theory/separable.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kenny Lau.

import ring_theory.polynomial

# Separable polynomials
We define a polynomial to be separable if it is coprime with its derivative. We prove basic
properties about separable polynomials here.

universes u v w
open_locale classical

namespace polynomial

section comm_semiring

variables {R : Type u} [comm_semiring R]

/-- A polynomial is separable iff it is coprime with its derivative. -/
def separable (f : polynomial R) : Prop :=
is_coprime f f.derivative

lemma separable_def (f : polynomial R) :
f.separable ↔ is_coprime f f.derivative :=

lemma separable_def' (f : polynomial R) :
f.separable ↔ ∃ a b : polynomial R, a * f + b * f.derivative = 1 :=

lemma separable_one : (1 : polynomial R).separable :=

lemma separable_X_add_C (a : R) : (X + C a).separable :=
by { rw [separable_def, derivative_add, derivative_X, derivative_C, add_zero],
exact is_coprime_one_right }

lemma separable_X : (X : polynomial R).separable :=
by { rw [separable_def, derivative_X], exact is_coprime_one_right }

lemma separable.of_mul_left {f g : polynomial R} (h : (f * g).separable) : f.separable :=
have := h.of_mul_left_left, rw derivative_mul at this,
exact is_coprime.of_mul_right_left (is_coprime.of_add_mul_left_right this)

lemma separable.of_mul_right {f g : polynomial R} (h : (f * g).separable) : g.separable :=
by { rw mul_comm at h, exact h.of_mul_left }

end comm_semiring

section comm_ring

variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R]

lemma separable.mul {f g : polynomial R} (hf : f.separable) (hg : g.separable)
(h : is_coprime f g) : (f * g).separable :=
by { rw [separable_def, derivative_mul], exact ((hf.mul_right h).add_mul_left_right _).mul_left
((h.symm.mul_right hg).mul_add_right_right _) }

end comm_ring

end polynomial
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/coprime.lean
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ open_locale classical big_operators

universes u v

section comm_semiring

variables {R : Type u} [comm_semiring R] (x y z : R)

/-- The proposition that `x` and `y` are coprime, defined to be the existence of `a` and `b` such
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,3 +164,91 @@ show is_coprime x (x * k), from hk ▸ H
theorem (H : is_coprime x y) {S : Type v} [comm_semiring S] (f : R →+* S) :
is_coprime (f x) (f y) :=
let ⟨a, b, h⟩ := H in ⟨f a, f b, by rw [← f.map_mul, ← f.map_mul, ← f.map_add, h, f.map_one]⟩

variables {x y z}

lemma is_coprime.of_add_mul_left_left (h : is_coprime (x + y * z) y) : is_coprime x y :=
let ⟨a, b, H⟩ := h in ⟨a, a * z + b, by simpa only [add_mul, mul_add,
add_assoc, add_comm, add_left_comm, mul_assoc, mul_comm, mul_left_comm] using H⟩

lemma is_coprime.of_add_mul_right_left (h : is_coprime (x + z * y) y) : is_coprime x y :=
by { rw mul_comm at h, exact h.of_add_mul_left_left }

lemma is_coprime.of_add_mul_left_right (h : is_coprime x (y + x * z)) : is_coprime x y :=
by { rw is_coprime_comm at h ⊢, exact h.of_add_mul_left_left }

lemma is_coprime.of_add_mul_right_right (h : is_coprime x (y + z * x)) : is_coprime x y :=
by { rw mul_comm at h, exact h.of_add_mul_left_right }

lemma is_coprime.of_mul_add_left_left (h : is_coprime (y * z + x) y) : is_coprime x y :=
by { rw add_comm at h, exact h.of_add_mul_left_left }

lemma is_coprime.of_mul_add_right_left (h : is_coprime (z * y + x) y) : is_coprime x y :=
by { rw add_comm at h, exact h.of_add_mul_right_left }

lemma is_coprime.of_mul_add_left_right (h : is_coprime x (x * z + y)) : is_coprime x y :=
by { rw add_comm at h, exact h.of_add_mul_left_right }

lemma is_coprime.of_mul_add_right_right (h : is_coprime x (z * x + y)) : is_coprime x y :=
by { rw add_comm at h, exact h.of_add_mul_right_right }

end comm_semiring

namespace is_coprime

section comm_ring

variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R]

lemma add_mul_left_left {x y : R} (h : is_coprime x y) (z : R) : is_coprime (x + y * z) y :=
@of_add_mul_left_left R _ _ _ (-z) $
by simpa only [mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, add_neg_cancel_right] using h

lemma add_mul_right_left {x y : R} (h : is_coprime x y) (z : R) : is_coprime (x + z * y) y :=
by { rw mul_comm, exact h.add_mul_left_left z }

lemma add_mul_left_right {x y : R} (h : is_coprime x y) (z : R) : is_coprime x (y + x * z) :=
by { rw is_coprime_comm, exact h.symm.add_mul_left_left z }

lemma add_mul_right_right {x y : R} (h : is_coprime x y) (z : R) : is_coprime x (y + z * x) :=
by { rw is_coprime_comm, exact h.symm.add_mul_right_left z }

lemma mul_add_left_left {x y : R} (h : is_coprime x y) (z : R) : is_coprime (y * z + x) y :=
by { rw add_comm, exact h.add_mul_left_left z }

lemma mul_add_right_left {x y : R} (h : is_coprime x y) (z : R) : is_coprime (z * y + x) y :=
by { rw add_comm, exact h.add_mul_right_left z }

lemma mul_add_left_right {x y : R} (h : is_coprime x y) (z : R) : is_coprime x (x * z + y) :=
by { rw add_comm, exact h.add_mul_left_right z }

lemma mul_add_right_right {x y : R} (h : is_coprime x y) (z : R) : is_coprime x (z * x + y) :=
by { rw add_comm, exact h.add_mul_right_right z }

lemma add_mul_left_left_iff {x y z : R} : is_coprime (x + y * z) y ↔ is_coprime x y :=
⟨of_add_mul_left_left, λ h, h.add_mul_left_left z⟩

lemma add_mul_right_left_iff {x y z : R} : is_coprime (x + z * y) y ↔ is_coprime x y :=
⟨of_add_mul_right_left, λ h, h.add_mul_right_left z⟩

lemma add_mul_left_right_iff {x y z : R} : is_coprime x (y + x * z) ↔ is_coprime x y :=
⟨of_add_mul_left_right, λ h, h.add_mul_left_right z⟩

lemma add_mul_right_right_iff {x y z : R} : is_coprime x (y + z * x) ↔ is_coprime x y :=
⟨of_add_mul_right_right, λ h, h.add_mul_right_right z⟩

lemma mul_add_left_left_iff {x y z : R} : is_coprime (y * z + x) y ↔ is_coprime x y :=
⟨of_mul_add_left_left, λ h, h.mul_add_left_left z⟩

lemma mul_add_right_left_iff {x y z : R} : is_coprime (z * y + x) y ↔ is_coprime x y :=
⟨of_mul_add_right_left, λ h, h.mul_add_right_left z⟩

lemma mul_add_left_right_iff {x y z : R} : is_coprime x (x * z + y) ↔ is_coprime x y :=
⟨of_mul_add_left_right, λ h, h.mul_add_left_right z⟩

lemma mul_add_right_right_iff {x y z : R} : is_coprime x (z * x + y) ↔ is_coprime x y :=
⟨of_mul_add_right_right, λ h, h.mul_add_right_right z⟩

end comm_ring

end is_coprime

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