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I want to use basic facts about `adjoin` in `polynomial.basic`.
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urkud committed Sep 18, 2021
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Showing 5 changed files with 243 additions and 193 deletions.
192 changes: 1 addition & 191 deletions src/ring_theory/adjoin/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2019 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kenny Lau
import ring_theory.polynomial.basic
import algebra.algebra.subalgebra

# Adjoining elements to form subalgebras
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,50 +195,6 @@ le_antisymm
(set.range_subset_iff.2 $ λ x, adjoin_mono (set.subset_union_left _ _) x.2)
(set.subset.trans (set.subset_union_right _ _) subset_adjoin))

theorem adjoin_eq_range :
adjoin R s = (mv_polynomial.aeval (coe : s → A)).range :=
(adjoin_le $ λ x hx, ⟨mv_polynomial.X ⟨x, hx⟩, mv_polynomial.eval₂_X _ _ _⟩)
(λ x ⟨p, (hp : mv_polynomial.aeval coe p = x)⟩, hp ▸ mv_polynomial.induction_on p
(λ r, by { rw [mv_polynomial.aeval_def, mv_polynomial.eval₂_C],
exact (adjoin R s).algebra_map_mem r })
(λ p q hp hq, by rw alg_hom.map_add; exact subalgebra.add_mem _ hp hq)
(λ p ⟨n, hn⟩ hp, by rw [alg_hom.map_mul, mv_polynomial.aeval_def _ (mv_polynomial.X _),
mv_polynomial.eval₂_X]; exact subalgebra.mul_mem _ hp (subset_adjoin hn)))

lemma adjoin_range_eq_range_aeval {σ : Type*} (f : σ → A) :
adjoin R (set.range f) = (mv_polynomial.aeval f).range :=
ext x,
simp only [adjoin_eq_range, alg_hom.mem_range],
{ rintros ⟨p, rfl⟩,
use mv_polynomial.rename (function.surj_inv (@@set.surjective_onto_range f)) p,
rw [← alg_hom.comp_apply],
refine congr_fun (congr_arg _ _) _,
simp only [mv_polynomial.rename_X, function.comp_app, mv_polynomial.aeval_X, alg_hom.coe_comp],
simpa [subtype.ext_iff] using function.surj_inv_eq (@@set.surjective_onto_range f) i },
{ rintros ⟨p, rfl⟩,
use mv_polynomial.rename (set.range_factorization f) p,
rw [← alg_hom.comp_apply],
refine congr_fun (congr_arg _ _) _,
simp only [mv_polynomial.rename_X, function.comp_app, mv_polynomial.aeval_X, alg_hom.coe_comp,
set.range_factorization_coe] }

theorem adjoin_singleton_eq_range_aeval (x : A) : adjoin R {x} = (polynomial.aeval x).range :=
(adjoin_le $ set.singleton_subset_iff.2 ⟨polynomial.X, polynomial.eval₂_X _ _⟩)
(λ y ⟨p, (hp : polynomial.aeval x p = y)⟩, hp ▸ polynomial.induction_on p
(λ r, by { rw [polynomial.aeval_def, polynomial.eval₂_C],
exact (adjoin R _).algebra_map_mem r })
(λ p q hp hq, by rw alg_hom.map_add; exact subalgebra.add_mem _ hp hq)
(λ n r ih, by { rw [pow_succ', ← mul_assoc, alg_hom.map_mul,
polynomial.aeval_def _ polynomial.X, polynomial.eval₂_X],
exact subalgebra.mul_mem _ ih (subset_adjoin rfl) }))

lemma adjoin_singleton_one : adjoin R ({1} : set A) = ⊥ :=
eq_bot_iff.2 $ adjoin_le $ set.singleton_subset_iff.2 $ set_like.mem_coe.2 $ one_mem _

Expand All @@ -255,7 +211,6 @@ section ring
variables [comm_ring R] [ring A]
variables [algebra R A] {s t : set A}
variables {R s t}
open ring

theorem adjoin_int (s : set R) : adjoin ℤ s = subalgebra_of_subring (subring.closure s) :=
le_antisymm (adjoin_le subring.subset_closure)
Expand All @@ -274,149 +229,4 @@ subring.ext $ λ x, mem_adjoin_iff

end ring

section comm_ring
variables [comm_ring R] [comm_ring A]
variables [algebra R A] {s t : set A}
variables {R s t}
open ring

theorem fg_trans (h1 : (adjoin R s).to_submodule.fg)
(h2 : (adjoin (adjoin R s) t).to_submodule.fg) :
(adjoin R (s ∪ t)).to_submodule.fg :=
rcases fg_def.1 h1 with ⟨p, hp, hp'⟩,
rcases fg_def.1 h2 with ⟨q, hq, hq'⟩,
refine fg_def.2 ⟨p * q, hp.mul hq, le_antisymm _ _⟩,
{ rw [span_le],
rintros _ ⟨x, y, hx, hy, rfl⟩,
change x * y ∈ _,
refine subalgebra.mul_mem _ _ _,
{ have : x ∈ (adjoin R s).to_submodule,
{ rw ← hp', exact subset_span hx },
exact adjoin_mono (set.subset_union_left _ _) this },
have : y ∈ (adjoin (adjoin R s) t).to_submodule,
{ rw ← hq', exact subset_span hy },
change y ∈ adjoin R (s ∪ t), rwa adjoin_union_eq_under },
{ intros r hr,
change r ∈ adjoin R (s ∪ t) at hr,
rw adjoin_union_eq_under at hr,
change r ∈ (adjoin (adjoin R s) t).to_submodule at hr,
haveI := classical.dec_eq A,
haveI := classical.dec_eq R,
rw [← hq', ← set.image_id q, finsupp.mem_span_image_iff_total (adjoin R s)] at hr,
rcases hr with ⟨l, hlq, rfl⟩,
have := @finsupp.total_apply A A (adjoin R s),
rw [this, finsupp.sum],
refine sum_mem _ _,
intros z hz, change (l z).1 * _ ∈ _,
have : (l z).1 ∈ (adjoin R s).to_submodule := (l z).2,
rw [← hp', ← set.image_id p, finsupp.mem_span_image_iff_total R] at this,
rcases this with ⟨l2, hlp, hl⟩,
have := @finsupp.total_apply A A R,
rw this at hl,
rw [←hl, finsupp.sum_mul],
refine sum_mem _ _,
intros t ht, change _ * _ ∈ _, rw smul_mul_assoc, refine smul_mem _ _ _,
exact subset_span ⟨t, z, hlp ht, hlq hz, rfl⟩ }

end comm_ring

end algebra

namespace subalgebra

variables {R : Type u} {A : Type v} {B : Type w}
variables [comm_semiring R] [semiring A] [algebra R A] [semiring B] [algebra R B]

/-- A subalgebra `S` is finitely generated if there exists `t : finset A` such that
`algebra.adjoin R t = S`. -/
def fg (S : subalgebra R A) : Prop :=
∃ t : finset A, algebra.adjoin R ↑t = S

lemma fg_adjoin_finset (s : finset A) : (algebra.adjoin R (↑s : set A)).fg :=
⟨s, rfl⟩

theorem fg_def {S : subalgebra R A} : S.fg ↔ ∃ t : set A, set.finite t ∧ algebra.adjoin R t = S :=
⟨λ ⟨t, ht⟩, ⟨↑t, set.finite_mem_finset t, ht⟩,
λ ⟨t, ht1, ht2⟩, ⟨ht1.to_finset, by rwa set.finite.coe_to_finset⟩⟩

theorem fg_bot : (⊥ : subalgebra R A).fg :=
⟨∅, algebra.adjoin_empty R A⟩

theorem fg_of_fg_to_submodule {S : subalgebra R A} : S.to_submodule.fg → S.fg :=
λ ⟨t, ht⟩, ⟨t, le_antisymm
(algebra.adjoin_le (λ x hx, show x ∈ S.to_submodule, from ht ▸ subset_span hx)) $
show S.to_submodule ≤ (algebra.adjoin R ↑t).to_submodule,
from (λ x hx, span_le.mpr
(λ x hx, algebra.subset_adjoin hx)
(show x ∈ span R ↑t, by { rw ht, exact hx }))⟩

theorem fg_of_noetherian [is_noetherian R A] (S : subalgebra R A) : S.fg :=
fg_of_fg_to_submodule (is_noetherian.noetherian S.to_submodule)

lemma fg_of_submodule_fg (h : (⊤ : submodule R A).fg) : (⊤ : subalgebra R A).fg :=
let ⟨s, hs⟩ := h in ⟨s, to_submodule_injective $
by { rw [algebra.top_to_submodule, eq_top_iff, ← hs, span_le], exact algebra.subset_adjoin }⟩

lemma fg_prod {S : subalgebra R A} {T : subalgebra R B} (hS : S.fg) (hT : T.fg) : ( T).fg :=
obtain ⟨s, hs⟩ := fg_def.1 hS,
obtain ⟨t, ht⟩ := fg_def.1 hT,
rw [← hs.2, ← ht.2],
exact fg_def.2 ⟨(linear_map.inl R A B '' (s ∪ {1})) ∪ (linear_map.inr R A B '' (t ∪ {1})),
set.finite.union (set.finite.image _ (set.finite.union hs.1 (set.finite_singleton _)))
(set.finite.image _ (set.finite.union ht.1 (set.finite_singleton _))),
algebra.adjoin_inl_union_inr_eq_prod R s t⟩

open_locale classical
lemma fg_map (S : subalgebra R A) (f : A →ₐ[R] B) (hs : S.fg) : ( f).fg :=
let ⟨s, hs⟩ := hs in ⟨s.image f, by rw [finset.coe_image, algebra.adjoin_image, hs]⟩

lemma fg_of_fg_map (S : subalgebra R A) (f : A →ₐ[R] B) (hf : function.injective f)
(hs : ( f).fg) : S.fg :=
let ⟨s, hs⟩ := hs in ⟨s.preimage f $ λ _ _ _ _ h, hf h, map_injective f hf $
by { rw [← algebra.adjoin_image, finset.coe_preimage, set.image_preimage_eq_of_subset, hs],
rw [← alg_hom.coe_range, ← algebra.adjoin_le_iff, hs, ← algebra.map_top], exact map_mono le_top }⟩

lemma fg_top (S : subalgebra R A) : (⊤ : subalgebra R S).fg ↔ S.fg :=
⟨λ h, by { rw [← S.range_val, ← algebra.map_top], exact fg_map _ _ h },
λ h, fg_of_fg_map _ S.val subtype.val_injective $ by { rw [algebra.map_top, range_val], exact h }⟩

lemma induction_on_adjoin [is_noetherian R A] (P : subalgebra R A → Prop)
(base : P ⊥) (ih : ∀ (S : subalgebra R A) (x : A), P S → P (algebra.adjoin R (insert x S)))
(S : subalgebra R A) : P S :=
obtain ⟨t, rfl⟩ := S.fg_of_noetherian,
refine finset.induction_on t _ _,
{ simpa using base },
intros x t hxt h,
convert ih _ x h using 1,
rw [finset.coe_insert, algebra.adjoin_insert_adjoin]

end subalgebra

variables {R : Type u} {A : Type v} {B : Type w}
variables [comm_ring R] [comm_ring A] [comm_ring B] [algebra R A] [algebra R B]

/-- The image of a Noetherian R-algebra under an R-algebra map is a Noetherian ring. -/
instance alg_hom.is_noetherian_ring_range (f : A →ₐ[R] B) [is_noetherian_ring A] :
is_noetherian_ring f.range :=
is_noetherian_ring_range f.to_ring_hom

theorem is_noetherian_ring_of_fg {S : subalgebra R A} (HS : S.fg)
[is_noetherian_ring R] : is_noetherian_ring S :=
let ⟨t, ht⟩ := HS in ht ▸ (algebra.adjoin_eq_range R (↑t : set A)).symm ▸
by haveI : is_noetherian_ring (mv_polynomial (↑t : set A) R) :=
convert alg_hom.is_noetherian_ring_range _; apply_instance

theorem is_noetherian_subring_closure (s : set R) (hs : s.finite) :
is_noetherian_ring (subring.closure s) :=
show is_noetherian_ring (subalgebra_of_subring (subring.closure s)), from
algebra.adjoin_int s ▸ is_noetherian_ring_of_fg (subalgebra.fg_def.2 ⟨s, hs, rfl⟩)
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/adjoin/fg.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kenny Lau
import ring_theory.adjoin.polynomial

# Adjoining elements to form subalgebras
This file develops the basic theory of finitely-generated subalgebras.
## Definitions
* `fg (S : subalgebra R A)` : A predicate saying that the subalgebra is finitely-generated
as an A-algebra
## Tags
adjoin, algebra, finitely-generated algebra

universes u v w

open subsemiring ring submodule
open_locale pointwise

namespace algebra

variables {R : Type u} {A : Type v} {B : Type w}
[comm_ring R] [comm_ring A] [algebra R A] {s t : set A}

theorem fg_trans (h1 : (adjoin R s).to_submodule.fg)
(h2 : (adjoin (adjoin R s) t).to_submodule.fg) :
(adjoin R (s ∪ t)).to_submodule.fg :=
rcases fg_def.1 h1 with ⟨p, hp, hp'⟩,
rcases fg_def.1 h2 with ⟨q, hq, hq'⟩,
refine fg_def.2 ⟨p * q, hp.mul hq, le_antisymm _ _⟩,
{ rw [span_le],
rintros _ ⟨x, y, hx, hy, rfl⟩,
change x * y ∈ _,
refine subalgebra.mul_mem _ _ _,
{ have : x ∈ (adjoin R s).to_submodule,
{ rw ← hp', exact subset_span hx },
exact adjoin_mono (set.subset_union_left _ _) this },
have : y ∈ (adjoin (adjoin R s) t).to_submodule,
{ rw ← hq', exact subset_span hy },
change y ∈ adjoin R (s ∪ t), rwa adjoin_union_eq_under },
{ intros r hr,
change r ∈ adjoin R (s ∪ t) at hr,
rw adjoin_union_eq_under at hr,
change r ∈ (adjoin (adjoin R s) t).to_submodule at hr,
rw [← hq', ← set.image_id q, finsupp.mem_span_image_iff_total (adjoin R s)] at hr,
rcases hr with ⟨l, hlq, rfl⟩,
have := @finsupp.total_apply A A (adjoin R s),
rw [this, finsupp.sum],
refine sum_mem _ _,
intros z hz, change (l z).1 * _ ∈ _,
have : (l z).1 ∈ (adjoin R s).to_submodule := (l z).2,
rw [← hp', ← set.image_id p, finsupp.mem_span_image_iff_total R] at this,
rcases this with ⟨l2, hlp, hl⟩,
have := @finsupp.total_apply A A R,
rw this at hl,
rw [←hl, finsupp.sum_mul],
refine sum_mem _ _,
intros t ht, change _ * _ ∈ _, rw smul_mul_assoc, refine smul_mem _ _ _,
exact subset_span ⟨t, z, hlp ht, hlq hz, rfl⟩ }

end algebra

namespace subalgebra

variables {R : Type u} {A : Type v} {B : Type w}
variables [comm_semiring R] [semiring A] [algebra R A] [semiring B] [algebra R B]

/-- A subalgebra `S` is finitely generated if there exists `t : finset A` such that
`algebra.adjoin R t = S`. -/
def fg (S : subalgebra R A) : Prop :=
∃ t : finset A, algebra.adjoin R ↑t = S

lemma fg_adjoin_finset (s : finset A) : (algebra.adjoin R (↑s : set A)).fg :=
⟨s, rfl⟩

theorem fg_def {S : subalgebra R A} : S.fg ↔ ∃ t : set A, set.finite t ∧ algebra.adjoin R t = S :=
⟨λ ⟨t, ht⟩, ⟨↑t, set.finite_mem_finset t, ht⟩,
λ ⟨t, ht1, ht2⟩, ⟨ht1.to_finset, by rwa set.finite.coe_to_finset⟩⟩

theorem fg_bot : (⊥ : subalgebra R A).fg :=
⟨∅, algebra.adjoin_empty R A⟩

theorem fg_of_fg_to_submodule {S : subalgebra R A} : S.to_submodule.fg → S.fg :=
λ ⟨t, ht⟩, ⟨t, le_antisymm
(algebra.adjoin_le (λ x hx, show x ∈ S.to_submodule, from ht ▸ subset_span hx)) $
show S.to_submodule ≤ (algebra.adjoin R ↑t).to_submodule,
from (λ x hx, span_le.mpr
(λ x hx, algebra.subset_adjoin hx)
(show x ∈ span R ↑t, by { rw ht, exact hx }))⟩

theorem fg_of_noetherian [is_noetherian R A] (S : subalgebra R A) : S.fg :=
fg_of_fg_to_submodule (is_noetherian.noetherian S.to_submodule)

lemma fg_of_submodule_fg (h : (⊤ : submodule R A).fg) : (⊤ : subalgebra R A).fg :=
let ⟨s, hs⟩ := h in ⟨s, to_submodule_injective $
by { rw [algebra.top_to_submodule, eq_top_iff, ← hs, span_le], exact algebra.subset_adjoin }⟩

lemma fg_prod {S : subalgebra R A} {T : subalgebra R B} (hS : S.fg) (hT : T.fg) : ( T).fg :=
obtain ⟨s, hs⟩ := fg_def.1 hS,
obtain ⟨t, ht⟩ := fg_def.1 hT,
rw [← hs.2, ← ht.2],
exact fg_def.2 ⟨(linear_map.inl R A B '' (s ∪ {1})) ∪ (linear_map.inr R A B '' (t ∪ {1})),
set.finite.union (set.finite.image _ (set.finite.union hs.1 (set.finite_singleton _)))
(set.finite.image _ (set.finite.union ht.1 (set.finite_singleton _))),
algebra.adjoin_inl_union_inr_eq_prod R s t⟩

open_locale classical
lemma fg_map (S : subalgebra R A) (f : A →ₐ[R] B) (hs : S.fg) : ( f).fg :=
let ⟨s, hs⟩ := hs in ⟨s.image f, by rw [finset.coe_image, algebra.adjoin_image, hs]⟩

lemma fg_of_fg_map (S : subalgebra R A) (f : A →ₐ[R] B) (hf : function.injective f)
(hs : ( f).fg) : S.fg :=
let ⟨s, hs⟩ := hs in ⟨s.preimage f $ λ _ _ _ _ h, hf h, map_injective f hf $
by { rw [← algebra.adjoin_image, finset.coe_preimage, set.image_preimage_eq_of_subset, hs],
rw [← alg_hom.coe_range, ← algebra.adjoin_le_iff, hs, ← algebra.map_top], exact map_mono le_top }⟩

lemma fg_top (S : subalgebra R A) : (⊤ : subalgebra R S).fg ↔ S.fg :=
⟨λ h, by { rw [← S.range_val, ← algebra.map_top], exact fg_map _ _ h },
λ h, fg_of_fg_map _ S.val subtype.val_injective $ by { rw [algebra.map_top, range_val], exact h }⟩

lemma induction_on_adjoin [is_noetherian R A] (P : subalgebra R A → Prop)
(base : P ⊥) (ih : ∀ (S : subalgebra R A) (x : A), P S → P (algebra.adjoin R (insert x S)))
(S : subalgebra R A) : P S :=
obtain ⟨t, rfl⟩ := S.fg_of_noetherian,
refine finset.induction_on t _ _,
{ simpa using base },
intros x t hxt h,
convert ih _ x h using 1,
rw [finset.coe_insert, algebra.adjoin_insert_adjoin]

end subalgebra

variables {R : Type u} {A : Type v} {B : Type w}
variables [comm_ring R] [comm_ring A] [comm_ring B] [algebra R A] [algebra R B]

/-- The image of a Noetherian R-algebra under an R-algebra map is a Noetherian ring. -/
instance alg_hom.is_noetherian_ring_range (f : A →ₐ[R] B) [is_noetherian_ring A] :
is_noetherian_ring f.range :=
is_noetherian_ring_range f.to_ring_hom

theorem is_noetherian_ring_of_fg {S : subalgebra R A} (HS : S.fg)
[is_noetherian_ring R] : is_noetherian_ring S :=
let ⟨t, ht⟩ := HS in ht ▸ (algebra.adjoin_eq_range R (↑t : set A)).symm ▸
by haveI : is_noetherian_ring (mv_polynomial (↑t : set A) R) :=
convert alg_hom.is_noetherian_ring_range _; apply_instance

theorem is_noetherian_subring_closure (s : set R) (hs : s.finite) :
is_noetherian_ring (subring.closure s) :=
show is_noetherian_ring (subalgebra_of_subring (subring.closure s)), from
algebra.adjoin_int s ▸ is_noetherian_ring_of_fg (subalgebra.fg_def.2 ⟨s, hs, rfl⟩)

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