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feat(topology/algebra/module/multilinear): relax requirements for `co…
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…ntinuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra` (#13426)

`continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra` and `continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin` do not need a norm on either the algebra or base ring; all they need is a topology on the algebra compatible with multiplication.

The much weaker typeclasses cause some elaboration issues in a few places, as the normed space can no longer be found by unification. Adding a non-dependent version of `continuous_multilinear_map.has_op_norm` largely resolves this, although a few  API proofs about `mk_pi_algebra` and `mk_pi_algebra_fin` end up quite underscore heavy.

This is the first step in being able to define `exp` without first choosing a `norm`.
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eric-wieser committed Apr 15, 2022
1 parent 1506335 commit d81cedb
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Showing 2 changed files with 85 additions and 55 deletions.
96 changes: 41 additions & 55 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/multilinear.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -285,6 +285,11 @@ open real
def op_norm := Inf {c | 0 ≤ (c : ℝ) ∧ ∀ m, ∥f m∥ ≤ c * ∏ i, ∥m i∥}
instance has_op_norm : has_norm (continuous_multilinear_map 𝕜 E G) := ⟨op_norm⟩

/-- An alias of `continuous_multilinear_map.has_op_norm` with non-dependent types to help typeclass
search. -/
instance has_op_norm' : has_norm (continuous_multilinear_map 𝕜 (λ (i : ι), G) G') :=

lemma norm_def : ∥f∥ = Inf {c | 0 ≤ (c : ℝ) ∧ ∀ m, ∥f m∥ ≤ c * ∏ i, ∥m i∥} := rfl

-- So that invocations of `le_cInf` make sense: we show that the set of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -669,43 +674,28 @@ end


variables (𝕜 ι) (A : Type*) [normed_comm_ring A] [normed_algebra 𝕜 A]

/-- The continuous multilinear map on `A^ι`, where `A` is a normed commutative algebra
over `𝕜`, associating to `m` the product of all the `m i`.
See also `continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin`. -/
protected def mk_pi_algebra : continuous_multilinear_map 𝕜 (λ i : ι, A) A :=
(multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra 𝕜 ι A) (if nonempty ι then 1 else ∥(1 : A)∥) $
intro m,
casesI is_empty_or_nonempty ι with hι hι,
{ simp [eq_empty_of_is_empty univ, not_nonempty_iff.2 hι] },
{ simp [norm_prod_le' univ univ_nonempty, hι] }

variables {A 𝕜 ι}

@[simp] lemma mk_pi_algebra_apply (m : ι → A) :
continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra 𝕜 ι A m = ∏ i, m i :=
variables {𝕜 ι} {A : Type*} [normed_comm_ring A] [normed_algebra 𝕜 A]

lemma norm_mk_pi_algebra_le [nonempty ι] :
∥continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra 𝕜 ι A∥ ≤ 1 :=
calc ∥continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra 𝕜 ι A∥ ≤ if nonempty ι then 1 else ∥(1 : A)∥ :
multilinear_map.mk_continuous_norm_le _ (by split_ifs; simp [zero_le_one]) _
... = _ : if_pos ‹_›
have := λ f, @op_norm_le_bound 𝕜 ι (λ i, A) A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ zero_le_one,
refine this _ _,
intros m,
simp only [continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_apply, one_mul],
exact norm_prod_le' _ univ_nonempty _,

lemma norm_mk_pi_algebra_of_empty [is_empty ι] :
∥continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra 𝕜 ι A∥ = ∥(1 : A)∥ :=
apply le_antisymm,
calc ∥continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra 𝕜 ι A∥ ≤ if nonempty ι then 1 else ∥(1 : A)∥ :
multilinear_map.mk_continuous_norm_le _ (by split_ifs; simp [zero_le_one]) _
... = ∥(1 : A)∥ : if_neg (not_nonempty_iff.mpr ‹_›),
convert ratio_le_op_norm _ (λ _, (1 : A)),
simp [eq_empty_of_is_empty (univ : finset ι)],
{ have := λ f, @op_norm_le_bound 𝕜 ι (λ i, A) A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ (norm_nonneg (1 : A)),
refine this _ _,
simp, },
{ convert ratio_le_op_norm _ (λ _, (1 : A)),
simp [eq_empty_of_is_empty (univ : finset ι)], },

@[simp] lemma norm_mk_pi_algebra [norm_one_class A] :
Expand All @@ -722,42 +712,38 @@ end


variables (𝕜 n) (A : Type*) [normed_ring A] [normed_algebra 𝕜 A]

/-- The continuous multilinear map on `A^n`, where `A` is a normed algebra over `𝕜`, associating to
`m` the product of all the `m i`.
See also: `multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra`. -/
protected def mk_pi_algebra_fin : continuous_multilinear_map 𝕜 (λ i : fin n, A) A :=
(multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin 𝕜 n A) (nat.cases_on n ∥(1 : A)∥ (λ _, 1)) $
intro m,
cases n,
{ simp },
{ have : @list.of_fn A n.succ m ≠ [] := by simp,
simpa [← fin.prod_of_fn] using list.norm_prod_le' this }

variables {A 𝕜 n}

@[simp] lemma mk_pi_algebra_fin_apply (m : fin n → A) :
continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin 𝕜 n A m = (list.of_fn m).prod :=
variables {𝕜 n} {A : Type*} [normed_ring A] [normed_algebra 𝕜 A]

lemma norm_mk_pi_algebra_fin_succ_le :
∥continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin 𝕜 n.succ A∥ ≤ 1 :=
multilinear_map.mk_continuous_norm_le _ zero_le_one _
have := λ f, @op_norm_le_bound 𝕜 (fin n.succ) (λ i, A) A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ zero_le_one,
refine this _ _,
intros m,
simp only [continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin_apply, one_mul, list.of_fn_eq_map,
fin.univ_def, finset.fin_range,, multiset.coe_map, multiset.coe_prod],
refine (list.norm_prod_le' _).trans_eq _,
{ rw [ne.def, list.map_eq_nil, list.fin_range_eq_nil],
exact nat.succ_ne_zero _, },
rw list.map_map,

lemma norm_mk_pi_algebra_fin_le_of_pos (hn : 0 < n) :
∥continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin 𝕜 n A∥ ≤ 1 :=
by cases n; [exact hn.false.elim, exact norm_mk_pi_algebra_fin_succ_le]
obtain ⟨n, rfl⟩ := nat.exists_eq_succ_of_ne_zero',
exact norm_mk_pi_algebra_fin_succ_le

lemma norm_mk_pi_algebra_fin_zero :
∥continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin 𝕜 0 A∥ = ∥(1 : A)∥ :=
refine le_antisymm (multilinear_map.mk_continuous_norm_le _ (norm_nonneg _) _) _,
convert ratio_le_op_norm _ (λ _, 1); [simp, apply_instance]
refine le_antisymm _ _,
{ have := λ f, @op_norm_le_bound 𝕜 (fin 0) (λ i, A) A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ (norm_nonneg (1 : A)),
refine this _ _,
simp, },
{ convert ratio_le_op_norm _ (λ _, (1 : A)),
simp }

@[simp] lemma norm_mk_pi_algebra_fin [norm_one_class A] :
Expand Down
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/algebra/module/multilinear.lean
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Expand Up @@ -409,4 +409,48 @@ def pi_linear_equiv {ι' : Type*} {M' : ι' → Type*}

end module

section comm_algebra

variables (R ι) (A : Type*) [fintype ι] [comm_semiring R] [comm_semiring A] [algebra R A]
[topological_space A] [has_continuous_mul A]

/-- The continuous multilinear map on `A^ι`, where `A` is a normed commutative algebra
over `𝕜`, associating to `m` the product of all the `m i`.
See also `continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin`. -/
protected def mk_pi_algebra : continuous_multilinear_map R (λ i : ι, A) A :=
{ cont := continuous_finset_prod _ $ λ i hi, continuous_apply _,
to_multilinear_map := multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra R ι A}

@[simp] lemma mk_pi_algebra_apply (m : ι → A) :
continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra R ι A m = ∏ i, m i :=

end comm_algebra

section algebra

variables (R n) (A : Type*) [comm_semiring R] [semiring A] [algebra R A]
[topological_space A] [has_continuous_mul A]

/-- The continuous multilinear map on `A^n`, where `A` is a normed algebra over `𝕜`, associating to
`m` the product of all the `m i`.
See also: `continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra`. -/
protected def mk_pi_algebra_fin : A [×n]→L[R] A :=
{ cont := begin
change continuous (λ m, (list.of_fn m).prod),
simp_rw list.of_fn_eq_map,
exact continuous_list_prod _ (λ i hi, continuous_apply _),
to_multilinear_map := multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin R n A}

variables {R n A}

@[simp] lemma mk_pi_algebra_fin_apply (m : fin n → A) :
continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin R n A m = (list.of_fn m).prod :=

end algebra

end continuous_multilinear_map

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