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refactor(data/hash_map): improve hash_map proof
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Decrease dependence on implementation details of `array`
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digama0 committed Nov 8, 2017
1 parent 4ae6a57 commit d95bff0
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Showing 4 changed files with 167 additions and 260 deletions.
35 changes: 26 additions & 9 deletions data/array/lemmas.lean
Expand Up @@ -31,19 +31,19 @@ theorem rev_list_reverse_core (a : array n α) : Π i (h : i ≤ n) (t : list α
| 0 h t := rfl
| (i+1) h t := rev_list_reverse_core i _ _

theorem rev_list_reverse (a : array n α) : a.rev_list.reverse = a.to_list :=
@[simp] theorem rev_list_reverse (a : array n α) : a.rev_list.reverse = a.to_list :=
rev_list_reverse_core a _ _ _

theorem to_list_reverse (a : array n α) : a.to_list.reverse = a.rev_list :=
@[simp] theorem to_list_reverse (a : array n α) : a.to_list.reverse = a.rev_list :=
by rw [← rev_list_reverse, list.reverse_reverse]

theorem rev_list_length_aux (a : array n α) (i h) : (a.iterate_aux (λ _ v l, v :: l) i h []).length = i :=
by induction i; simp [*, d_array.iterate_aux]

theorem rev_list_length (a : array n α) : a.rev_list.length = n :=
@[simp] theorem rev_list_length (a : array n α) : a.rev_list.length = n :=
rev_list_length_aux a _ _

theorem to_list_length (a : array n α) : a.to_list.length = n :=
@[simp] theorem to_list_length (a : array n α) : a.to_list.length = n :=
by rw[← rev_list_reverse, list.length_reverse, rev_list_length]

theorem to_list_nth_le_core (a : array n α) (i : ℕ) (ih : i < n) : Π (j) {jh t h'},
Expand All @@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ theorem to_list_nth_le_core (a : array n α) (i : ℕ) (ih : i < n) : Π (j) {jh
theorem to_list_nth_le (a : array n α) (i : ℕ) (h h') : list.nth_le a.to_list i h' = ⟨i, h⟩ :=
to_list_nth_le_core _ _ _ _ (λk tl, absurd tl $ nat.not_lt_zero _)

@[simp] theorem to_list_nth_le' (a : array n α) (i : fin n) (h') : list.nth_le a.to_list i.1 h' = i :=
by cases i; apply to_list_nth_le

theorem to_list_nth {a : array n α} {i : ℕ} {v} : list.nth a.to_list i = some v ↔ ∃ h, ⟨i, h⟩ = v :=
rw list.nth_eq_some,
Expand All @@ -71,6 +74,20 @@ end
theorem to_list_foldl (a : array n α) (b : β) (f : β → α → β) : a.to_list.foldl f b = a.foldl b (function.swap f) :=
by rw [← rev_list_reverse, list.foldl_reverse, rev_list_foldr]

theorem write_to_list {a : array n α} {i v} : (a.write i v).to_list = a.to_list.update_nth i.1 v :=
list.ext_le (by simp) $ λ j h₁ h₂, begin
have h₃ : j < n, {simpa using h₁},
rw [to_list_nth_le _ _ h₃],
refine let ⟨_, e⟩ := list.nth_eq_some.1 _ in e.symm,
by_cases i.1 = j with ij,
{ subst j, rw [show i.val h₃ = i, from fin.eq_of_veq rfl,
array.read_write, list.nth_update_nth_of_lt],
simp [h₃] },
{ rw [list.nth_update_nth_ne _ _ ij, a.read_write_of_ne,
to_list_nth.2 ⟨h₃, rfl⟩],
exact fin.ne_of_vne ij }

theorem mem_rev_list_core (a : array n α) (v : α) : Π i (h : i ≤ n),
(∃ (j : fin n), j.1 < i ∧ read a j = v) ↔ v ∈ a.iterate_aux (λ _ v l, v :: l) i h []
| 0 _ := ⟨λ⟨_, n, _⟩, absurd n $ nat.not_lt_zero _, false.elim⟩
Expand All @@ -93,7 +110,11 @@ iff.symm $ iff.trans
(mem_rev_list_core a v _ _)

@[simp] theorem mem_to_list (a : array n α) (v : α) : v ∈ a.to_list ↔ v ∈ a :=
by rw ← rev_list_reverse; simp
by rw ← rev_list_reverse; simp [-rev_list_reverse]

theorem mem_to_list_enum (a : array n α) {i v} :
(i, v) ∈ a.to_list.enum ↔ ∃ h, ⟨i, h⟩ = v :=
by simp [list.mem_iff_nth, to_list_nth]

@[simp] theorem to_list_to_array (a : array n α) : a.to_list.to_array == a :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,10 +177,6 @@ theorem read_map₂ (f : α → α → α) (a b : array n α) (i : fin n) :
(map₂ f a b).read i = f ( i) ( i) :=
read_foreach _ _ _

theorem mem_to_list_enum (a : array n α) {i v} :
(i, v) ∈ a.to_list.enum ↔ ∃ h, ⟨i, h⟩ = v :=
by simp [list.mem_iff_nth, to_list_nth]

end array

instance (α) [decidable_eq α] : decidable_eq (buffer α) :=
Expand Down

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