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chore(topology/algebra/ordered): add order_iso.to_homeomorph (#5111)
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* Replace `homeomorph_of_strict_mono_surjective` with `order_iso.to_homeomorph` and `order_iso.continuous`.
* Drop `continuous_at_of_strict_mono_surjective` in favor of `order_iso.to_homeomorph`.
* Use notation for `nhds_within` here and there.
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urkud committed Dec 3, 2020
1 parent 3f61e54 commit d9a7d05
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Showing 2 changed files with 37 additions and 106 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/undergrad.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ Single Variable Real Analysis:
limits: 'filter.tendsto'
intermediate value theorem: 'intermediate_value_Icc'
image of a segment: 'real.image_Icc'
continuity of monotonic functions: 'continuous_of_strict_mono_surjective'
continuity of inverse functions: 'homeomorph_of_strict_mono_continuous'
continuity of monotonic functions: 'order_iso.continuous'
continuity of inverse functions: 'order_iso.to_homeomorph'
derivative at a point: 'has_deriv_at'
differentiable functions: 'has_deriv_at'
Expand Down
139 changes: 35 additions & 104 deletions src/topology/algebra/ordered.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -609,10 +609,8 @@ lemma nhds_eq_order (a : α) :
by rw [t.topology_eq_generate_intervals, nhds_generate_from];
from le_antisymm
(le_infi $ assume b, le_infi $ assume hb,
infi_le_of_le {c : α | b < c} $ infi_le _ ⟨hb, b, or.inl rfl⟩)
(le_infi $ assume b, le_infi $ assume hb,
infi_le_of_le {c : α | c < b} $ infi_le _ ⟨hb, b, or.inr rfl⟩))
(le_binfi $ assume b hb, infi_le_of_le {c : α | b < c} $ infi_le _ ⟨hb, b, or.inl rfl⟩)
(le_binfi $ assume b hb, infi_le_of_le {c : α | c < b} $ infi_le _ ⟨hb, b, or.inr rfl⟩))
(le_infi $ assume s, le_infi $ assume ⟨ha, b, hs⟩,
match s, ha, hs with
| _, h, (or.inl rfl) := inf_le_left_of_le $ infi_le_of_le b $ infi_le _ h
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1363,48 +1361,6 @@ begin
exact ⟨l, la, subset.trans Ioc_subset_Icc_self as⟩ }

section functions
variables [topological_space β] [linear_order β] [order_topology β]

/-- If `f : α → β` is strictly monotone and surjective, it is everywhere right-continuous. Superseded
later in this file by `continuous_of_strict_mono_surjective` (same assumptions). -/
lemma continuous_right_of_strict_mono_surjective
{f : α → β} (h_mono : strict_mono f) (h_surj : function.surjective f) (a : α) :
continuous_within_at f (Ici a) a :=
have ha : a ∈ Ici a := left_mem_Ici,
intros s hs,
by_cases hfa_top : ∃ p, f a < p,
{ obtain ⟨q, hq, hqs⟩ : ∃ q ∈ Ioi (f a), Ico (f a) q ⊆ s :=
exists_Ico_subset_of_mem_nhds hs hfa_top,
refine mem_sets_of_superset (mem_map.2 _) hqs,
have h_surj_on := surj_on_Ici_of_monotone_surjective h_mono.monotone h_surj a,
rcases h_surj_on (Ioi_subset_Ici_self hq) with ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩,
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hx with rfl|hax, { exact (lt_irrefl _ hq).elim },
refine mem_sets_of_superset (Ico_mem_nhds_within_Ici (left_mem_Ico.2 hax)) _,
intros z hz,
exact ⟨h_mono.monotone hz.1, h_mono hz.2⟩ },
{ push_neg at hfa_top,
have ha_top : ∀ x : α, x ≤ a := strict_mono.top_preimage_top h_mono hfa_top,
rw [Ici_singleton_of_top ha_top, nhds_within_eq_map_subtype_coe (mem_singleton a),
nhds_discrete {x : α // x ∈ {a}}],
{ exact mem_pure_sets.mpr (mem_of_nhds hs) },
{ apply_instance } }

/-- If `f : α → β` is strictly monotone and surjective, it is everywhere left-continuous. Superseded
later in this file by `continuous_of_strict_mono_surjective` (same assumptions). -/
lemma continuous_left_of_strict_mono_surjective
{f : α → β} (h_mono : strict_mono f) (h_surj : function.surjective f) (a : α) :
continuous_within_at f (Iic a) a :=
apply @continuous_right_of_strict_mono_surjective (order_dual α) (order_dual β),
{ exact λ x y hxy, h_mono hxy },
{ simpa only [dual_Icc] }

end functions

end linear_order

section linear_ordered_ring
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2775,8 +2731,7 @@ by simp only [continuous_within_at, continuous_at, ← tendsto_sup, nhds_left_su
lemma continuous_on_Icc_extend_from_Ioo [topological_space α] [linear_order α] [densely_ordered α]
[order_topology α] [topological_space β] [regular_space β] {f : α → β} {a b : α}
{la lb : β} (hab : a < b) (hf : continuous_on f (Ioo a b))
(ha : tendsto f (nhds_within a $ Ioi a) (𝓝 la))
(hb : tendsto f (nhds_within b $ Iio b) (𝓝 lb)) :
(ha : tendsto f (𝓝[Ioi a] a) (𝓝 la)) (hb : tendsto f (𝓝[Iio b] b) (𝓝 lb)) :
continuous_on (extend_from (Ioo a b) f) (Icc a b) :=
apply continuous_on_extend_from,
Expand All @@ -2792,7 +2747,7 @@ end

lemma eq_lim_at_left_extend_from_Ioo [topological_space α] [linear_order α] [densely_ordered α]
[order_topology α] [topological_space β] [t2_space β] {f : α → β} {a b : α}
{la : β} (hab : a < b) (ha : tendsto f (nhds_within a $ Ioi a) (𝓝 la)) :
{la : β} (hab : a < b) (ha : tendsto f (𝓝[Ioi a] a) (𝓝 la)) :
extend_from (Ioo a b) f a = la :=
apply extend_from_eq,
Expand All @@ -2803,7 +2758,7 @@ end

lemma eq_lim_at_right_extend_from_Ioo [topological_space α] [linear_order α] [densely_ordered α]
[order_topology α] [topological_space β] [t2_space β] {f : α → β} {a b : α}
{lb : β} (hab : a < b) (hb : tendsto f (nhds_within b $ Iio b) (𝓝 lb)) :
{lb : β} (hab : a < b) (hb : tendsto f (𝓝[Iio b] b) (𝓝 lb)) :
extend_from (Ioo a b) f b = lb :=
apply extend_from_eq,
Expand All @@ -2815,7 +2770,7 @@ end
lemma continuous_on_Ico_extend_from_Ioo [topological_space α]
[linear_order α] [densely_ordered α] [order_topology α] [topological_space β]
[regular_space β] {f : α → β} {a b : α} {la : β} (hab : a < b) (hf : continuous_on f (Ioo a b))
(ha : tendsto f (nhds_within a $ Ioi a) (𝓝 la)) :
(ha : tendsto f (𝓝[Ioi a] a) (𝓝 la)) :
continuous_on (extend_from (Ioo a b) f) (Ico a b) :=
apply continuous_on_extend_from,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2858,67 +2813,45 @@ lemma continuous_at_iff_continuous_left'_right' [topological_space α] [linear_o
by rw [continuous_within_at_Ioi_iff_Ici, continuous_within_at_Iio_iff_Iic,

section homeomorphisms
variables [topological_space α] [topological_space β]
namespace order_iso

section linear_order
variables [linear_order α] [order_topology α]
variables [linear_order β] [order_topology β]

/-- If `f : α → β` is strictly monotone and surjective, it is everywhere continuous. -/
lemma continuous_at_of_strict_mono_surjective
{f : α → β} (h_mono : strict_mono f) (h_surj : function.surjective f) (a : α) :
continuous_at f a :=
⟨continuous_left_of_strict_mono_surjective h_mono h_surj a,
continuous_right_of_strict_mono_surjective h_mono h_surj a⟩

/-- If `f : α → β` is strictly monotone and surjective, it is continuous. -/
lemma continuous_of_strict_mono_surjective
{f : α → β} (h_mono : strict_mono f) (h_surj : function.surjective f) :
continuous f :=
continuous_iff_continuous_at.mpr (continuous_at_of_strict_mono_surjective h_mono h_surj)

/-- If `f : α ≃ β` is strictly monotone, its inverse is continuous. -/
lemma continuous_inv_of_strict_mono_equiv (e : α ≃ β) (h_mono : strict_mono e.to_fun) :
continuous e.inv_fun :=
have hinv_mono : strict_mono e.inv_fun,
{ intros x y hxy,
rw [← h_mono.lt_iff_lt, e.right_inv, e.right_inv],
exact hxy },
have hinv_surj : function.surjective e.inv_fun,
{ intros x,
exact ⟨e.to_fun x, e.left_inv x⟩ },
exact continuous_of_strict_mono_surjective hinv_mono hinv_surj

/-- If `f : α → β` is strictly monotone and surjective, it is a homeomorphism. -/
noncomputable def homeomorph_of_strict_mono_surjective
(f : α → β) (h_mono : strict_mono f) (h_surj : function.surjective f) :
homeomorph α β :=
{ to_equiv := equiv.of_bijective f ⟨strict_mono.injective h_mono, h_surj⟩,
continuous_to_fun := continuous_of_strict_mono_surjective h_mono h_surj,
continuous_inv_fun := continuous_inv_of_strict_mono_equiv
(equiv.of_bijective f ⟨strict_mono.injective h_mono, h_surj⟩) h_mono }
variables [partial_order α] [partial_order β] [topological_space α] [topological_space β]
[order_topology α] [order_topology β]

protected lemma continuous (e : α ≃o β) : continuous e :=
rw [‹order_topology β›.topology_eq_generate_intervals],
refine continuous_generated_from (λ s hs, _),
rcases hs with ⟨a, rfl|rfl⟩,
{ rw e.preimage_Ioi, apply is_open_lt' },
{ rw e.preimage_Iio, apply is_open_gt' }

@[simp] lemma coe_homeomorph_of_strict_mono_surjective
(f : α → β) (h_mono : strict_mono f) (h_surj : function.surjective f) :
(homeomorph_of_strict_mono_surjective f h_mono h_surj : α → β) = f := rfl
/-- An order isomorphism between two linear order `order_topology` spaces is a homeomorphism. -/
def to_homeomorph (e : α ≃o β) : α ≃ₜ β :=
{ continuous_to_fun := e.continuous,
continuous_inv_fun := e.symm.continuous,
.. e }

end linear_order
@[simp] lemma coe_to_homeomorph (e : α ≃o β) : ⇑e.to_homeomorph = e := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_to_homeomorph_symm (e : α ≃o β) : ⇑e.to_homeomorph.symm = e.symm := rfl

end order_iso

section conditionally_complete_linear_order
variables [conditionally_complete_linear_order α] [densely_ordered α] [order_topology α]
variables [conditionally_complete_linear_order β] [order_topology β]
[conditionally_complete_linear_order α] [densely_ordered α] [topological_space α]
[order_topology α] [conditionally_complete_linear_order β] [topological_space β]
[order_topology β]

/-- If `f : α → β` is strictly monotone and continuous, and tendsto `at_top` `at_top` and to
`at_bot` `at_bot`, then it is a homeomorphism. -/
noncomputable def homeomorph_of_strict_mono_continuous
(f : α → β) (h_mono : strict_mono f) (h_cont : continuous f) (h_top : tendsto f at_top at_top)
(h_bot : tendsto f at_bot at_bot) :
homeomorph α β :=
homeomorph_of_strict_mono_surjective f h_mono (surjective_of_continuous h_cont h_top h_bot)
(order_iso.of_strict_mono_surjective f h_mono
(surjective_of_continuous h_cont h_top h_bot)).to_homeomorph

@[simp] lemma coe_homeomorph_of_strict_mono_continuous
(f : α → β) (h_mono : strict_mono f) (h_cont : continuous f) (h_top : tendsto f at_top at_top)
Expand All @@ -2940,10 +2873,10 @@ noncomputable def homeomorph_of_strict_mono_continuous_Ioo
(h_top : tendsto f (𝓝[Iio b] b) at_top)
(h_bot : tendsto f (𝓝[Ioi a] a) at_bot) :
homeomorph (Ioo a b) β :=
@homeomorph_of_strict_mono_continuous _ _ _ _
@homeomorph_of_strict_mono_continuous _ _
(@ord_connected_subset_conditionally_complete_linear_order α (Ioo a b) _
⟨classical.choice (nonempty_Ioo_subtype h)⟩ _)
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
(restrict f (Ioo a b))
(λ x y, h_mono x.2.1 y.2.2)
( h_cont)
Expand All @@ -2967,5 +2900,3 @@ end

end conditionally_complete_linear_order

end homeomorphisms

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