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feat(ring_theory/polynomial/basic): add quotient_equiv_quotient_mv_po…
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…lynomial (#6287)

I've added `quotient_equiv_quotient_mv_polynomial` that says that `(R/I)[x_i] ≃+* (R[x_i])/I` where `I` is an ideal of `R`. I've included also a version for `R`-algebras. The proof is very similar to the case of (one variable) polynomials.
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riccardobrasca committed Feb 22, 2021
1 parent cc9d3ab commit db00ee4
Showing 1 changed file with 120 additions and 0 deletions.
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/polynomial/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -761,6 +761,126 @@ begin
simp only [monomial_eq, ϕ.map_pow, ϕ.map_prod, ϕ.comp_apply, ϕ.map_mul, finsupp.prod_pow],

lemma quotient_map_C_eq_zero {I : ideal R} {i : R} (hi : i ∈ I) :
( ( C I : ideal (mv_polynomial σ R))).comp C i = 0 :=
simp only [function.comp_app, ring_hom.coe_comp, ideal.quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem],
exact ideal.mem_map_of_mem hi

/-- If every coefficient of a polynomial is in an ideal `I`, then so is the polynomial itself,
multivariate version. -/
lemma mem_ideal_of_coeff_mem_ideal (I : ideal (mv_polynomial σ R)) (p : mv_polynomial σ R)
(hcoe : ∀ (m : σ →₀ ℕ), p.coeff m ∈ I.comap C) : p ∈ I :=
rw as_sum p,
suffices : ∀ m ∈, monomial m (mv_polynomial.coeff m p) ∈ I,
{ exact submodule.sum_mem I this },
intros m hm,
rw [← mul_one (coeff m p), ← C_mul_monomial],
suffices : C (coeff m p) ∈ I,
{ exact ideal.mul_mem_right I (monomial m 1) this },
simpa [ideal.mem_comap] using hcoe m

/-- The push-forward of an ideal `I` of `R` to `mv_polynomial σ R` via inclusion
is exactly the set of polynomials whose coefficients are in `I` -/
theorem mem_map_C_iff {I : ideal R} {f : mv_polynomial σ R} :
f ∈ ( C I : ideal (mv_polynomial σ R)) ↔ ∀ (m : σ →₀ ℕ), f.coeff m ∈ I :=
{ intros hf,
apply submodule.span_induction hf,
{ intros f hf n,
cases (set.mem_image _ _ _).mp hf with x hx,
rw [← hx.right, coeff_C],
by_cases (n = 0),
{ simpa [h] using hx.left },
{ simp [ne.symm h] } },
{ simp },
{ exact λ f g hf hg n, by simp [I.add_mem (hf n) (hg n)] },
{ refine λ f g hg n, _,
rw [smul_eq_mul, coeff_mul],
exact I.sum_mem (λ c hc, I.smul_mem (f.coeff c.fst) (hg c.snd)) } },
{ intros hf,
rw as_sum f,
suffices : ∀ m ∈, monomial m (coeff m f) ∈
( C I : ideal (mv_polynomial σ R)),
{ exact submodule.sum_mem _ this },
intros m hm,
rw [← mul_one (coeff m f), ← C_mul_monomial],
suffices : C (coeff m f) ∈ ( C I : ideal (mv_polynomial σ R)),
{ exact ideal.mul_mem_right _ _ this },
apply ideal.mem_map_of_mem _,
exact hf m }

lemma eval₂_C_mk_eq_zero {I : ideal R} {a : mv_polynomial σ R}
(ha : a ∈ ( C I : ideal (mv_polynomial σ R))) :
eval₂_hom (C.comp ( I)) X a = 0 :=
rw as_sum a,
rw [coe_eval₂_hom, eval₂_sum],
refine finset.sum_eq_zero (λ n hn, _),
simp only [eval₂_monomial, function.comp_app, ring_hom.coe_comp],
refine mul_eq_zero_of_left _ _,
suffices : coeff n a ∈ I,
{ rw [← @ideal.mk_ker R _ I, ring_hom.mem_ker] at this,
simp only [this, C_0] },
exact mem_map_C_iff.1 ha n

/-- If `I` is an ideal of `R`, then the ring `mv_polynomial σ I.quotient` is isomorphic to the
quotient of `mv_polynomial σ R` by the ideal generated by `I`. -/
def quotient_equiv_quotient_mv_polynomial (I : ideal R) :
mv_polynomial σ (I.quotient) ≃+* ( C I : ideal (mv_polynomial σ R)).quotient :=
{ to_fun := eval₂_hom (ideal.quotient.lift I (( ( C I : ideal
(mv_polynomial σ R))).comp C) (λ i hi, quotient_map_C_eq_zero hi))
(λ i, ( C I : ideal (mv_polynomial σ R)) (X i)),
inv_fun := ideal.quotient.lift ( C I : ideal (mv_polynomial σ R))
(eval₂_hom (C.comp ( I)) X) (λ a ha, eval₂_C_mk_eq_zero ha),
map_mul' := λ f g, by simp,
map_add' := λ f g, by simp,
left_inv := begin
intro f,
apply induction_on f,
{ rintro ⟨r⟩,
rw [coe_eval₂_hom, eval₂_C],
simp only [eval₂_hom_eq_bind₂, submodule.quotient.quot_mk_eq_mk, ideal.quotient.lift_mk,
ideal.quotient.mk_eq_mk, bind₂_C_right, ring_hom.coe_comp] },
{ simp_intros p q hp hq,
rw [hp, hq] },
{ simp_intros p i hp,
simp only [hp, eval₂_hom_eq_bind₂, coe_eval₂_hom, ideal.quotient.lift_mk, bind₂_X_right,
eval₂_mul, ring_hom.map_mul, eval₂_X] }
right_inv := begin
rintro ⟨f⟩,
apply induction_on f,
{ intros r,
simp only [submodule.quotient.quot_mk_eq_mk, ideal.quotient.lift_mk, ideal.quotient.mk_eq_mk,
ring_hom.coe_comp, eval₂_hom_C] },
{ simp_intros p q hp hq,
rw [hp, hq] },
{ simp_intros p i hp,
simp only [hp] }

/-- If `I` is an ideal of `R`, then the ring `mv_polynomial σ I.quotient` is isomorphic,
as `R`-algebra, to the quotient of `mv_polynomial σ R` by the ideal generated by `I`. -/
def quotient_alg_equiv_quotient_mv_polynomial (I : ideal R) :
algebra.comap R I.quotient (mv_polynomial σ (I.quotient)) ≃ₐ[R]
( C I : ideal (mv_polynomial σ R)).quotient :=
{ commutes' := begin
intro r,
change (algebra_map R (algebra.comap R I.quotient (mv_polynomial σ (I.quotient)))) r with
C ( I r),
simpa [algebra_map, quotient_equiv_quotient_mv_polynomial],
..quotient_equiv_quotient_mv_polynomial I,

end mv_polynomial

namespace polynomial
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