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feat(order/ideal): order ideals, cofinal sets and the Rasiowa-Sikorsk…
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…i lemma (#2850)

We define order ideals and cofinal sets, and use them to prove the (very simple) Rasiowa-Sikorski lemma: given a countable family of cofinal subsets of an inhabited preorder, there is an upwards directed set meeting each one. This provides an API for certain recursive constructions.
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dwarn committed Jun 8, 2020
1 parent d204daa commit dbbd696
Showing 1 changed file with 138 additions and 0 deletions.
138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions src/order/ideal.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 David Wärn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: David Wärn
import order.basic
import data.equiv.encodable

# Order ideals, cofinal sets, and the Rasiowa–Sikorski lemma
## Main definitions
We work with a preorder `P` throughout.
- `ideal P`: the type of upward directed, downward closed subsets of `P`.
Dual to the notion of a filter on a preorder.
- `cofinal P`: the type of subsets of `P` containing arbitrarily large elements.
Dual to the notion of 'dense set' used in forcing.
- `ideal_of_cofinals p 𝒟`, where `p : P`, and `𝒟` is a countable family of cofinal
subsets of P: an ideal in `P` which contains `p` and intersects every set in `𝒟`.
## References
Note that for the Rasiowa–Sikorski lemma, Wikipedia uses the opposite ordering on `P`,
in line with most presentations of forcing.
## Tags
ideal, cofinal, dense, countable, generic

namespace order

variables {P : Type*} [preorder P]

/-- An ideal on a preorder `P` is a subset of `P` that is
- nonempty
- upward directed
- downward closed. -/
structure ideal (P) [preorder P] :=
(carrier : set P)
(nonempty : carrier.nonempty)
(directed : directed_on (≤) carrier)
(mem_of_le : ∀ {x y : P}, x ≤ y → y ∈ carrier → x ∈ carrier)

namespace ideal

/-- The smallest ideal containing a given element. -/
def principal (p : P) : ideal P :=
{ carrier := { x | x ≤ p },
nonempty := ⟨p, le_refl _⟩,
directed := λ x hx y hy, ⟨p, le_refl _, hx, hy⟩,
mem_of_le := λ x y hxy hy, le_trans hxy hy, }

instance [inhabited P] : inhabited (ideal P) :=
⟨ideal.principal $ default P⟩

instance : has_mem P (ideal P) := ⟨λ x I, x ∈ I.carrier⟩

end ideal

/-- For a preorder `P`, `cofinal P` is the type of subsets of `P`
containing arbitrarily large elements. They are the dense sets in
the topology whose open sets are terminal segments. -/
structure cofinal (P) [preorder P] :=
(carrier : set P)
(mem_gt : ∀ x : P, ∃ y ∈ carrier, x ≤ y)

instance : inhabited (cofinal P) :=
⟨{ carrier := set.univ, mem_gt := λ x, ⟨x, trivial, le_refl _⟩}⟩

instance : has_mem P (cofinal P) := ⟨λ x D, x ∈ D.carrier⟩

namespace cofinal

variables (D : cofinal P) (x : P)
/-- A (noncomputable) element of a cofinal set lying above a given element. -/
noncomputable def above : P := classical.some $ D.mem_gt x

lemma above_mem : D.above x ∈ D :=
exists.elim (classical.some_spec $ D.mem_gt x) $ λ a _, a

lemma le_above : x ≤ D.above x :=
exists.elim (classical.some_spec $ D.mem_gt x) $ λ _ b, b

end cofinal

section ideal_of_cofinals

variables (p : P) {ι : Type*} [encodable ι] (𝒟 : ι → cofinal P)

/-- Given a starting point, and a countable family of cofinal sets,
this is an increasing sequence that intersects each cofinal set. -/
noncomputable def sequence_of_cofinals : ℕ → P
| 0 := p
| (n+1) := match encodable.decode ι n with
| none := sequence_of_cofinals n
| some i := (𝒟 i).above (sequence_of_cofinals n)

lemma sequence_of_cofinals.monotone : monotone (sequence_of_cofinals p 𝒟) :=
by { apply monotone_of_monotone_nat, intros n, dunfold sequence_of_cofinals,
cases encodable.decode ι n, { refl }, { apply cofinal.le_above }, }

lemma sequence_of_cofinals.encode_mem (i : ι) :
sequence_of_cofinals p 𝒟 (encodable.encode i + 1) ∈ 𝒟 i :=
by { dunfold sequence_of_cofinals, rw encodable.encodek, apply cofinal.above_mem, }

/-- Given an element `p : P` and a family `𝒟` of cofinal subsets of a preorder `P`,
indexed by a countable type, `ideal_of_cofinals p 𝒟` is an ideal in `P` which
- contains `p`, according to `mem_ideal_of_cofinals p 𝒟`, and
- intersects every set in `𝒟`, according to `cofinal_meets_ideal_of_cofinals p 𝒟`.
This proves the Rasiowa–Sikorski lemma. -/
def ideal_of_cofinals : ideal P :=
{ carrier := { x : P | ∃ n, x ≤ sequence_of_cofinals p 𝒟 n },
nonempty := ⟨p, 0, le_refl _⟩,
directed := λ x ⟨n, hn⟩ y ⟨m, hm⟩,
⟨_, ⟨max n m, le_refl _⟩,
le_trans hn $ sequence_of_cofinals.monotone p 𝒟 (le_max_left _ _),
le_trans hm $ sequence_of_cofinals.monotone p 𝒟 (le_max_right _ _) ⟩,
mem_of_le := λ x y hxy ⟨n, hn⟩, ⟨n, le_trans hxy hn⟩, }

lemma mem_ideal_of_cofinals : p ∈ ideal_of_cofinals p 𝒟 := ⟨0, le_refl _⟩

/-- `ideal_of_cofinals p 𝒟` is `𝒟`-generic. -/
lemma cofinal_meets_ideal_of_cofinals (i : ι) : ∃ x : P, x ∈ 𝒟 i ∧ x ∈ ideal_of_cofinals p 𝒟 :=
⟨_, sequence_of_cofinals.encode_mem p 𝒟 i, _, le_refl _⟩

end ideal_of_cofinals

end order

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