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chore(data/fin): succ_above defn compares fin terms instead of values (
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`fin.succ_above` is redefined to use a comparison between two `fin (n + 1)` instead of their coerced values in `nat`. This should delay any "escape" from `fin` into `nat` until necessary. Lemmas are added regarding `fin.succ_above`. Some proofs for existing lemmas reworked for new definition and simplified. Additionally, docstrings are added for related lemmas.

New lemmas:
Comparison after embedding:

Injectivity lemmas:

finset lemma:

prod and sum lemmas:

Co-authored-by: Yakov Pechersky <>
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pechersky and pechersky committed Sep 2, 2020
1 parent 96c80e2 commit ddbdfeb
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143 changes: 102 additions & 41 deletions src/data/fin.lean
Expand Up @@ -288,14 +288,14 @@ by { cases n, { exact fin_zero_elim a }, { rw [←succ_zero_eq_one, succ_lt_succ
lemma succ_succ_ne_one (a : fin n) : fin.succ (fin.succ a) ≠ 1 := ne_of_gt (one_lt_succ_succ a)

@[simp] lemma coe_pred (j : fin (n+1)) (h : j ≠ 0) : (j.pred h : ℕ) = j - 1 :=
by { cases j, refl, }
by { cases j, refl }

@[simp] lemma succ_pred : ∀(i : fin (n+1)) (h : i ≠ 0), (i.pred h).succ = i
| ⟨0, h⟩ hi := by contradiction
| ⟨n + 1, h⟩ hi := rfl

@[simp] lemma pred_succ (i : fin n) {h : i.succ ≠ 0} : i.succ.pred h = i :=
by cases i; refl
by { cases i, refl }

@[simp] lemma pred_mk_succ (i : ℕ) (h : i < n + 1) :
fin.pred ⟨i + 1, add_lt_add_right h 1⟩ (ne_of_vne (ne_of_gt (mk_succ_pos i h))) = ⟨i, h⟩ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ def cast_add (m) : fin n → fin (n + m) := cast_le $ le_add_right n m
def cast_succ : fin n → fin (n + 1) := cast_add 1

/-- `succ_above p i` embeds `fin n` into `fin (n + 1)` with a hole around `p`. -/
def succ_above (p : fin (n+1)) (i : fin n) : fin (n+1) :=
if (i : ℕ) < p then i.cast_succ else i.succ
def succ_above (p : fin (n + 1)) (i : fin n) : fin (n + 1) :=
if i.cast_succ < p then i.cast_succ else i.succ

/-- `pred_above p i h` embeds `i : fin (n+1)` into `fin n` by ignoring `p`. -/
def pred_above (p : fin (n+1)) (i : fin (n+1)) (hi : i ≠ p) : fin n :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,6 +387,10 @@ lemma cast_succ_lt_last (a : fin n) : cast_succ a < last n := lt_iff_coe_lt_coe.

@[simp] lemma cast_succ_zero : cast_succ (0 : fin (n + 1)) = 0 := rfl

/-- `cast_succ i` is positive when `i` is positive -/
lemma cast_succ_pos (i : fin (n + 1)) (h : 0 < i) : 0 < cast_succ i :=
by simpa [lt_iff_coe_lt_coe] using h

lemma last_pos : (0 : fin (n + 2)) < last (n + 1) :=
by simp [lt_iff_coe_lt_coe]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,61 +460,118 @@ lemma cast_le_injective {n₁ n₂ : ℕ} (h : n₁ ≤ n₂) : injective (fin.c
lemma cast_succ_injective (n : ℕ) : injective (@fin.cast_succ n) :=
cast_le_injective (le_add_right n 1)

lemma succ_above_below (p : fin (n + 1)) (i : fin n) (h : (i : ℕ) < p) :
/-- Embedding `i : fin n` into `fin (n + 1)` with a hole around `p : fin (n + 1)`
embeds `i` by `cast_succ` when the resulting `i.cast_succ < p` -/
lemma succ_above_below (p : fin (n + 1)) (i : fin n) (h : i.cast_succ < p) :
p.succ_above i = i.cast_succ :=
by { rw [coe_eq_val, coe_eq_val] at h, rw [succ_above], exact if_pos h }
by { rw [succ_above], exact if_pos h }

/-- Embedding `fin n` into `fin (n + 1)` with a hole around zero embeds by `succ` -/
@[simp] lemma succ_above_zero : succ_above (0 : fin (n + 1)) = fin.succ := rfl

/-- Embedding `fin n` into `fin (n + 1)` with a whole around `last n` embeds by `cast_succ` -/
@[simp] lemma succ_above_last : succ_above (fin.last n) = cast_succ :=
by { ext i, simp [succ_above, i.is_lt, if_true, last_val], }
by { ext, simp only [succ_above, cast_succ_lt_last, if_true] }

lemma succ_above_above (p : fin (n + 1)) (i : fin n) (h : (p : ℕ) ≤ i) :
/-- Embedding `i : fin n` into `fin (n + 1)` with a hole around `p : fin (n + 1)`
embeds `i` by `succ` when the resulting `p < i.succ` -/
lemma succ_above_above (p : fin (n + 1)) (i : fin n) (h : p ≤ i.cast_succ) :
p.succ_above i = i.succ :=
by { rw [coe_eq_val, coe_eq_val] at h, rw [succ_above], exact if_neg (not_lt_of_le h) }
by { rw [succ_above], exact if_neg (not_lt_of_le h) }

/-- Embedding `i : fin n` into `fin (n + 1)` is always about some hole `p` -/
lemma succ_above_lt_ge (p : fin (n + 1)) (i : fin n) : i.cast_succ < p ∨ p ≤ i.cast_succ :=
lt_or_ge (cast_succ i) p

theorem succ_above_ne (p : fin (n+1)) (i : fin n) : p.succ_above i ≠ p :=
/-- Embedding `i : fin n` into `fin (n + 1)` is always about some hole `p` -/
lemma succ_above_lt_gt (p : fin (n + 1)) (i : fin n) : i.cast_succ < p ∨ p < i.succ :=
or.cases_on (succ_above_lt_ge p i)
(λ h, or.inl h) (λ h, or.inr (lt_of_le_of_lt h (cast_succ_lt_succ i)))

/-- Embedding `i : fin n` into `fin (n + 1)` with a hole around `p : fin (n + 1)`
never results in `p` itself -/
theorem succ_above_ne (p : fin (n + 1)) (i : fin n) : p.succ_above i ≠ p :=
assume eq,
unfold fin.succ_above at eq,
split_ifs at eq with h;
simpa [lt_irrefl, nat.lt_succ_self, eq.symm] using h
intro eq,
by_cases H : i.cast_succ < p,
{ simpa [lt_irrefl, ←succ_above_below _ _ H, eq] using H },
{ simpa [←succ_above_above _ _ (le_of_not_lt H), eq] using cast_succ_lt_succ i }

/-- Embedding a positive `fin n` results in a positive fin (n + 1)` -/
lemma succ_above_pos (p : fin (n + 2)) (i : fin (n + 1)) (h : 0 < i) : 0 < p.succ_above i :=
by_cases H : (i : ℕ) < p,
{ simpa [succ_above_below, H, lt_iff_coe_lt_coe] using h },
{ push_neg at H,
simp [succ_above_above, H, lt_iff_coe_lt_coe], },
by_cases H : i.cast_succ < p,
{ simpa [succ_above_below _ _ H] using cast_succ_pos _ h },
{ simpa [succ_above_above _ _ (le_of_not_lt H)] using succ_pos _ },

@[simp] lemma succ_above_descend :
∀(p i : fin (n+1)) (h : i ≠ p), p.succ_above (p.pred_above i h) = i
| ⟨p, hp⟩ ⟨0, hi⟩ h := fin.eq_of_veq $ by simp [succ_above, pred_above]; split_ifs; simp * at *
| ⟨p, hp⟩ ⟨i+1, hi⟩ h := fin.eq_of_veq
have : i + 1 ≠ p, by rwa [(≠), fin.ext_iff] at h,
unfold succ_above pred_above,
split_ifs with h1 h2;
simp only [fin.cast_succ_cast_lt, add_right_inj, coe_pred, ne.def, coe_cast_succ,
nat.pred_succ, fin.succ_pred, add_right_inj] at *,
exact (this (le_antisymm h2 (le_of_not_gt h1))).elim

@[simp] lemma pred_above_succ_above (p : fin (n+1)) (i : fin n) (h : p.succ_above i ≠ p) :
p.pred_above (p.succ_above i) h = i :=
/-- Given a fixed pivot `x : fin (n + 1)`, `x.succ_above` is injective -/
lemma succ_above_right_inj {x : fin (n + 1)} :
x.succ_above a = x.succ_above b ↔ a = b :=
unfold succ_above,
split_ifs with h₀,
{ rw [pred_above, dif_pos, cast_lt_cast_succ],
rwa [← coe_fin_lt, coe_cast_succ], },
{ rw [pred_above, dif_neg, pred_succ],
rw [← coe_fin_lt, coe_succ],
exact mt (lt_trans $ lt_add_one _) h₀, }
refine iff.intro _ (λ h, by rw h),
intro h,
cases succ_above_lt_ge x a with ha ha;
cases succ_above_lt_ge x b with hb hb,
{ simpa only [succ_above_below, ha, hb, cast_succ_inj] using h },
{ simp only [succ_above_below, succ_above_above, ha, hb] at h,
rw h at ha,
exact absurd (lt_of_le_of_lt hb (cast_succ_lt_succ _)) (asymm ha) },
{ simp only [succ_above_below, succ_above_above, ha, hb] at h,
rw ←h at hb,
exact absurd (lt_of_le_of_lt ha (cast_succ_lt_succ _)) (asymm hb) },
{ simpa only [succ_above_above, ha, hb, succ_inj] using h },

/-- Given a fixed pivot `x : fin (n + 1)`, `x.succ_above` is injective -/
lemma succ_above_right_injective {x : fin (n + 1)} : injective (succ_above x) :=
λ _ _,

/-- Embedding a `fin (n + 1)` into `fin n` and embedding it back around the same hole
gives the starting `fin (n + 1)` -/
@[simp] lemma succ_above_descend (p i : fin (n + 1)) (h : i ≠ p) :
p.succ_above (p.pred_above i h) = i :=
rw pred_above,
cases lt_or_le i p with H H,
{ simp only [succ_above_below, cast_succ_cast_lt, H, dif_pos]},
{ rw le_iff_coe_le_coe at H,
rw succ_above_above,
{ simp only [le_iff_coe_le_coe, H, not_lt, dif_neg, succ_pred] },
{ simp only [le_iff_coe_le_coe, H, coe_pred, not_lt, dif_neg, coe_cast_succ],
exact le_pred_of_lt (lt_of_le_of_ne H (vne_of_ne h.symm)) } }

/-- Embedding a `fin n` into `fin (n + 1)` and embedding it back around the same hole
gives the starting `fin n` -/
@[simp] lemma pred_above_succ_above (p : fin (n + 1)) (i : fin n) :
p.pred_above (p.succ_above i) (succ_above_ne _ _) = i :=
rw pred_above,
by_cases H : i.cast_succ < p,
{ simp [succ_above_below _ _ H, H] },
{ cases succ_above_lt_gt p i with h h,
{ exact absurd h H },
{ simp [succ_above_above _ _ (le_of_not_lt H), pred_succ, dif_neg (asymm h)] } }

/-- `succ_above` is injective at the pivot -/
lemma succ_above_left_inj {x y : fin (n + 1)} :
x.succ_above = y.succ_above ↔ x = y :=
refine iff.intro _ (λ h, by rw h),
intros H h,
have key := congr_fun h (y.pred_above x H),
rw [succ_above_descend] at key,
exact absurd key (succ_above_ne x _)

/-- `succ_above` is injective at the pivot -/
lemma succ_above_left_injective : injective (@succ_above n) :=
λ _ _,

/-- A function `f` on `fin n` is strictly monotone if and only if `f i < f (i+1)` for all `i`. -/
lemma strict_mono_iff_lt_succ {α : Type*} [preorder α] {f : fin n → α} :
strict_mono f ↔ ∀ i (h : i + 1 < n), f ⟨i, lt_of_le_of_lt (nat.le_succ i) h⟩ < f ⟨i+1, h⟩ :=
Expand Down
22 changes: 20 additions & 2 deletions src/data/fintype/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -288,16 +288,18 @@ list.length_fin_range n
@[simp] lemma finset.card_fin (n : ℕ) : finset.card (finset.univ : finset (fin n)) = n :=
by rw [finset.card_univ, fintype.card_fin]

/-- Embed `fin n` into `fin (n + 1)` by prepending zero to the `univ` -/
lemma fin.univ_succ (n : ℕ) :
(univ : finset (fin $ n+1)) = insert 0 (univ.image fin.succ) :=
(univ : finset (fin (n + 1))) = insert 0 (univ.image fin.succ) :=
ext m,
simp only [mem_univ, mem_insert, true_iff, mem_image, exists_prop],
exact fin.cases (or.inl rfl) (λ i, or.inr ⟨i, trivial, rfl⟩) m

/-- Embed `fin n` into `fin (n + 1)` by appending a new `fin.last n` to the `univ` -/
lemma fin.univ_cast_succ (n : ℕ) :
(univ : finset (fin $ n+1)) = insert (fin.last n) (univ.image fin.cast_succ) :=
(univ : finset (fin (n + 1))) = insert (fin.last n) (univ.image fin.cast_succ) :=
ext m,
simp only [mem_univ, mem_insert, true_iff, mem_image, exists_prop, true_and],
Expand All @@ -309,6 +311,22 @@ begin
exact fin.eq_last_of_not_lt h }

/-- Embed `fin n` into `fin (n + 1)` by inserting
around a specified pivot `p : fin (n + 1)` into the `univ` -/
lemma fin.univ_succ_above (n : ℕ) (p : fin (n + 1)) :
(univ : finset (fin (n + 1))) = insert p (univ.image (fin.succ_above p)) :=
rcases lt_or_eq_of_le (fin.le_last p) with hl|rfl,
{ ext m,
simp only [finset.mem_univ, finset.mem_insert, true_iff, finset.mem_image, exists_prop],
refine or_iff_not_imp_left.mpr _,
{ intro h,
use p.pred_above m h,
simp only [eq_self_iff_true, fin.succ_above_descend, and_self] } },
{ rw fin.succ_above_last,
exact fin.univ_cast_succ n }

@[instance, priority 10] def unique.fintype {α : Type*} [unique α] : fintype α :=
fintype.of_subsingleton (default α)

Expand Down
51 changes: 36 additions & 15 deletions src/data/fintype/card.lean
Expand Up @@ -74,33 +74,54 @@ end fintype

open finset

theorem fin.prod_univ_succ [comm_monoid β] {n:ℕ} (f : fin n.succ → β) :
∏ i, f i = f 0 * ∏ i : fin n, f i.succ :=
/-- A product of a function `f : fin 0 → β` is `1` because `fin 0` is empty -/
@[simp, to_additive "A sum of a function `f : fin 0 → β` is `0` because `fin 0` is empty"]
theorem fin.prod_univ_zero [comm_monoid β] (f : fin 0 → β) : ∏ i, f i = 1 := rfl

/-- A product of a function `f : fin (n + 1) → β` over all `fin (n + 1)`
is the product of `f x`, for some `x : fin (n + 1)` times the remaining product -/
theorem fin.prod_univ_succ_above [comm_monoid β] {n : ℕ} (f : fin (n + 1) → β) (x : fin (n + 1)) :
∏ i, f i = f x * ∏ i : fin n, f (x.succ_above i) :=
rw [fin.univ_succ, prod_insert, prod_image],
{ intros x _ y _ hxy, exact fin.succ.inj hxy },
{ simpa using fin.succ_ne_zero }
rw [fin.univ_succ_above, finset.prod_insert, finset.prod_image],
{ intros x _ y _ hxy, exact hxy },
{ simp [fin.succ_above_ne] }

@[simp, to_additive] theorem fin.prod_univ_zero [comm_monoid β] (f : fin 0 → β) : ∏ i, f i = 1 := rfl
/-- A sum of a function `f : fin (n + 1) → β` over all `fin (n + 1)`
is the sum of `f x`, for some `x : fin (n + 1)` plus the remaining product -/
theorem fin.sum_univ_succ_above [add_comm_monoid β] {n : ℕ} (f : fin (n + 1) → β) (x : fin (n + 1)) :
∑ i, f i = f x + ∑ i : fin n, f (x.succ_above i) :=
by apply @fin.prod_univ_succ_above (multiplicative β)

attribute [to_additive] fin.prod_univ_succ_above

/-- A product of a function `f : fin (n + 1) → β` over all `fin (n + 1)`
is the product of `f 0` plus the remaining product -/
theorem fin.prod_univ_succ [comm_monoid β] {n : ℕ} (f : fin (n + 1) → β) :
∏ i, f i = f 0 * ∏ i : fin n, f i.succ :=
fin.prod_univ_succ_above f 0

theorem fin.sum_univ_succ [add_comm_monoid β] {n:ℕ} (f : fin n.succ → β) :
/-- A sum of a function `f : fin (n + 1) → β` over all `fin (n + 1)`
is the sum of `f 0` plus the remaining product -/
theorem fin.sum_univ_succ [add_comm_monoid β] {n : ℕ} (f : fin (n + 1) → β) :
∑ i, f i = f 0 + ∑ i : fin n, f i.succ :=
by apply @fin.prod_univ_succ (multiplicative β)
fin.sum_univ_succ_above f 0

attribute [to_additive] fin.prod_univ_succ

theorem fin.prod_univ_cast_succ [comm_monoid β] {n:ℕ} (f : fin n.succ → β) :
/-- A product of a function `f : fin (n + 1) → β` over all `fin (n + 1)`
is the product of `f (fin.last n)` plus the remaining product -/
theorem fin.prod_univ_cast_succ [comm_monoid β] {n : ℕ} (f : fin (n + 1) → β) :
∏ i, f i = (∏ i : fin n, f i.cast_succ) * f (fin.last n) :=
rw [fin.univ_cast_succ, prod_insert, prod_image, mul_comm],
{ intros x _ y _ hxy, exact hxy },
{ simp [ne_of_lt, fin.cast_succ_lt_last] }
by simpa [mul_comm] using fin.prod_univ_succ_above f (fin.last n)

theorem fin.sum_univ_cast_succ [add_comm_monoid β] {n:ℕ} (f : fin n.succ → β) :
/-- A sum of a function `f : fin (n + 1) → β` over all `fin (n + 1)`
is the sum of `f (fin.last n)` plus the remaining sum -/
theorem fin.sum_univ_cast_succ [add_comm_monoid β] {n : ℕ} (f : fin (n + 1) → β) :
∑ i, f i = ∑ i : fin n, f i.cast_succ + f (fin.last n) :=
by apply @fin.prod_univ_cast_succ (multiplicative β)

attribute [to_additive] fin.prod_univ_cast_succ

@[simp] theorem fintype.card_sigma {α : Type*} (β : α → Type*)
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