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feat(geometry/euclidean/basic): lemmas about angles and distances (#7140
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Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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manuelcandales and jcommelin committed May 2, 2021
1 parent ea379b0 commit decb556
Showing 1 changed file with 190 additions and 1 deletion.
191 changes: 190 additions & 1 deletion src/geometry/euclidean/basic.lean
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Joseph Myers. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joseph Myers
Authors: Joseph Myers, Manuel Candales
import analysis.normed_space.inner_product
import algebra.quadratic_discriminant
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,6 +233,112 @@ them is π/2. -/
lemma inner_eq_zero_iff_angle_eq_pi_div_two (x y : V) : ⟪x, y⟫ = 0 ↔ angle x y = π / 2 :=
iff.symm $ by simp [angle, or_imp_distrib] { contextual := tt }

/-- If the angle between two vectors is π, the inner product equals the negative product
of the norms. -/
lemma inner_eq_neg_mul_norm_of_angle_eq_pi {x y : V} (h : angle x y = π) : ⟪x, y⟫ = - (∥x∥ * ∥y∥) :=
by simp [← cos_angle_mul_norm_mul_norm, h]

/-- If the angle between two vectors is 0, the inner product equals the product of the norms. -/
lemma inner_eq_mul_norm_of_angle_eq_zero {x y : V} (h : angle x y = 0) : ⟪x, y⟫ = ∥x∥ * ∥y∥ :=
by simp [← cos_angle_mul_norm_mul_norm, h]

/-- The inner product of two non-zero vectors equals the negative product of their norms
if and only if the angle between the two vectors is π. -/
lemma inner_eq_neg_mul_norm_iff_angle_eq_pi {x y : V} (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
⟪x, y⟫ = - (∥x∥ * ∥y∥) ↔ angle x y = π :=
refine ⟨λ h, _, inner_eq_neg_mul_norm_of_angle_eq_pi⟩,
have h₁ : (∥x∥ * ∥y∥) ≠ 0 := (mul_pos (norm_pos_iff.mpr hx) (norm_pos_iff.mpr hy)).ne',
rw [angle, h, neg_div, div_self h₁, real.arccos_neg_one],

/-- The inner product of two non-zero vectors equals the product of their norms
if and only if the angle between the two vectors is 0. -/
lemma inner_eq_mul_norm_iff_angle_eq_zero {x y : V} (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
⟪x, y⟫ = ∥x∥ * ∥y∥ ↔ angle x y = 0 :=
refine ⟨λ h, _, inner_eq_mul_norm_of_angle_eq_zero⟩,
have h₁ : (∥x∥ * ∥y∥) ≠ 0 := (mul_pos (norm_pos_iff.mpr hx) (norm_pos_iff.mpr hy)).ne',
rw [angle, h, div_self h₁, real.arccos_one],

/-- If the angle between two vectors is π, the norm of their difference equals
the sum of their norms. -/
lemma norm_sub_eq_add_norm_of_angle_eq_pi {x y : V} (h : angle x y = π) : ∥x - y∥ = ∥x∥ + ∥y∥ :=
rw ← eq_of_sq_eq_sq (norm_nonneg (x - y)) (add_nonneg (norm_nonneg x) (norm_nonneg y)),
rw [norm_sub_pow_two_real, inner_eq_neg_mul_norm_of_angle_eq_pi h],

/-- If the angle between two vectors is 0, the norm of their sum equals
the sum of their norms. -/
lemma norm_add_eq_add_norm_of_angle_eq_zero {x y : V} (h : angle x y = 0) : ∥x + y∥ = ∥x∥ + ∥y∥ :=
rw ← eq_of_sq_eq_sq (norm_nonneg (x + y)) (add_nonneg (norm_nonneg x) (norm_nonneg y)),
rw [norm_add_pow_two_real, inner_eq_mul_norm_of_angle_eq_zero h],

/-- If the angle between two vectors is 0, the norm of their difference equals
the absolute value of the difference of their norms. -/
lemma norm_sub_eq_abs_sub_norm_of_angle_eq_zero {x y : V} (h : angle x y = 0) :
∥x - y∥ = abs (∥x∥ - ∥y∥) :=
rw [← eq_of_sq_eq_sq (norm_nonneg (x - y)) (abs_nonneg (∥x∥ - ∥y∥)),
norm_sub_pow_two_real, inner_eq_mul_norm_of_angle_eq_zero h, sq_abs (∥x∥ - ∥y∥)],

/-- The norm of the difference of two non-zero vectors equals the sum of their norms
if and only the angle between the two vectors is π. -/
lemma norm_sub_eq_add_norm_iff_angle_eq_pi {x y : V} (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
∥x - y∥ = ∥x∥ + ∥y∥ ↔ angle x y = π :=
refine ⟨λ h, _, norm_sub_eq_add_norm_of_angle_eq_pi⟩,
rw ← inner_eq_neg_mul_norm_iff_angle_eq_pi hx hy,
obtain ⟨hxy₁, hxy₂⟩ := ⟨norm_nonneg (x - y), add_nonneg (norm_nonneg x) (norm_nonneg y)⟩,
rw [← eq_of_sq_eq_sq hxy₁ hxy₂, norm_sub_pow_two_real] at h,
calc inner x y = (∥x∥ ^ 2 + ∥y∥ ^ 2 - (∥x∥ + ∥y∥) ^ 2) / 2 : by linarith
... = -(∥x∥ * ∥y∥) : by ring,

/-- The norm of the sum of two non-zero vectors equals the sum of their norms
if and only the angle between the two vectors is 0. -/
lemma norm_add_eq_add_norm_iff_angle_eq_zero {x y : V} (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
∥x + y∥ = ∥x∥ + ∥y∥ ↔ angle x y = 0 :=
refine ⟨λ h, _, norm_add_eq_add_norm_of_angle_eq_zero⟩,
rw ← inner_eq_mul_norm_iff_angle_eq_zero hx hy,
obtain ⟨hxy₁, hxy₂⟩ := ⟨norm_nonneg (x + y), add_nonneg (norm_nonneg x) (norm_nonneg y)⟩,
rw [← eq_of_sq_eq_sq hxy₁ hxy₂, norm_add_pow_two_real] at h,
calc inner x y = ((∥x∥ + ∥y∥) ^ 2 - ∥x∥ ^ 2 - ∥y∥ ^ 2)/ 2 : by linarith
... = ∥x∥ * ∥y∥ : by ring,

/-- The norm of the difference of two non-zero vectors equals the absolute value
of the difference of their norms if and only the angle between the two vectors is 0. -/
lemma norm_sub_eq_abs_sub_norm_iff_angle_eq_zero {x y : V} (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
∥x - y∥ = abs (∥x∥ - ∥y∥) ↔ angle x y = 0 :=
refine ⟨λ h, _, norm_sub_eq_abs_sub_norm_of_angle_eq_zero⟩,
rw ← inner_eq_mul_norm_iff_angle_eq_zero hx hy,
have h1 : ∥x - y∥ ^ 2 = (∥x∥ - ∥y∥) ^ 2, { rw h, exact sq_abs (∥x∥ - ∥y∥) },
rw norm_sub_pow_two_real at h1,
calc inner x y = ((∥x∥ + ∥y∥) ^ 2 - ∥x∥ ^ 2 - ∥y∥ ^ 2)/ 2 : by linarith
... = ∥x∥ * ∥y∥ : by ring,

/-- The norm of the sum of two vectors equals the norm of their difference if and only if
the angle between them is π/2. -/
lemma norm_add_eq_norm_sub_iff_angle_eq_pi_div_two (x y : V) :
∥x + y∥ = ∥x - y∥ ↔ angle x y = π / 2 :=
rw [← eq_of_sq_eq_sq (norm_nonneg (x + y)) (norm_nonneg (x - y)),
← inner_eq_zero_iff_angle_eq_pi_div_two x y, norm_add_pow_two_real, norm_sub_pow_two_real],
split; intro h; linarith,

end inner_product_geometry

namespace euclidean_geometry
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,6 +437,89 @@ begin
exact angle_add_angle_eq_pi_of_angle_eq_pi _ h

/-- Vertical Angles Theorem: angles opposite each other, formed by two intersecting straight
lines, are equal. -/
lemma angle_eq_angle_of_angle_eq_pi_of_angle_eq_pi {p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 : P}
(hapc : ∠ p1 p5 p3 = π) (hbpd : ∠ p2 p5 p4 = π) : ∠ p1 p5 p2 = ∠ p3 p5 p4 :=
by linarith [angle_add_angle_eq_pi_of_angle_eq_pi p1 hbpd, angle_comm p4 p5 p1,
angle_add_angle_eq_pi_of_angle_eq_pi p4 hapc, angle_comm p4 p5 p3]

/-- If ∠ABC = π then dist A B ≠ 0. -/
lemma left_dist_ne_zero_of_angle_eq_pi {p1 p2 p3 : P} (h : ∠ p1 p2 p3 = π) : dist p1 p2 ≠ 0 :=
by_contra heq,
rw [not_not, dist_eq_zero] at heq,
rw [heq, angle_eq_left] at h,
exact real.pi_ne_zero (by linarith),

/-- If ∠ABC = π then dist C B ≠ 0. -/
lemma right_dist_ne_zero_of_angle_eq_pi {p1 p2 p3 : P} (h : ∠ p1 p2 p3 = π) : dist p3 p2 ≠ 0 :=
left_dist_ne_zero_of_angle_eq_pi $ (angle_comm _ _ _).trans h

/-- If ∠ABC = π, then (dist A C) = (dist A B) + (dist B C). -/
lemma dist_eq_add_dist_of_angle_eq_pi {p1 p2 p3 : P} (h : ∠ p1 p2 p3 = π) :
dist p1 p3 = dist p1 p2 + dist p3 p2 :=
rw [dist_eq_norm_vsub V, dist_eq_norm_vsub V, dist_eq_norm_vsub V, ← vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_right],
exact norm_sub_eq_add_norm_of_angle_eq_pi h,

/-- If A ≠ B and C ≠ B then ∠ABC = π if and only if (dist A C) = (dist A B) + (dist B C). -/
lemma dist_eq_add_dist_iff_angle_eq_pi {p1 p2 p3 : P} (hp1p2 : p1 ≠ p2) (hp3p2 : p3 ≠ p2) :
dist p1 p3 = dist p1 p2 + dist p3 p2 ↔ ∠ p1 p2 p3 = π :=
rw [dist_eq_norm_vsub V, dist_eq_norm_vsub V, dist_eq_norm_vsub V, ← vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_right],
exact norm_sub_eq_add_norm_iff_angle_eq_pi
((λ he, hp1p2 (vsub_eq_zero_iff_eq.1 he))) (λ he, hp3p2 (vsub_eq_zero_iff_eq.1 he)),

/-- If ∠ABC = 0, then (dist A C) = abs ((dist A B) - (dist B C)). -/
lemma dist_eq_abs_sub_dist_of_angle_eq_zero {p1 p2 p3 : P} (h : ∠ p1 p2 p3 = 0) :
(dist p1 p3) = abs ((dist p1 p2) - (dist p3 p2)) :=
rw [dist_eq_norm_vsub V, dist_eq_norm_vsub V, dist_eq_norm_vsub V, ← vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_right],
exact norm_sub_eq_abs_sub_norm_of_angle_eq_zero h,

/-- If A ≠ B and C ≠ B then ∠ABC = 0 if and only if (dist A C) = abs ((dist A B) - (dist B C)). -/
lemma dist_eq_abs_sub_dist_iff_angle_eq_zero {p1 p2 p3 : P} (hp1p2 : p1 ≠ p2) (hp3p2 : p3 ≠ p2) :
(dist p1 p3) = abs ((dist p1 p2) - (dist p3 p2)) ↔ ∠ p1 p2 p3 = 0 :=
rw [dist_eq_norm_vsub V, dist_eq_norm_vsub V, dist_eq_norm_vsub V, ← vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_right],
exact norm_sub_eq_abs_sub_norm_iff_angle_eq_zero
((λ he, hp1p2 (vsub_eq_zero_iff_eq.1 he))) (λ he, hp3p2 (vsub_eq_zero_iff_eq.1 he)),

/-- The midpoint of the segment AB is the same distance from A as it is from B. -/
lemma dist_left_midpoint_eq_dist_right_midpoint (p1 p2 : P) :
dist p1 (midpoint ℝ p1 p2) = dist p2 (midpoint ℝ p1 p2) :=
by rw [dist_left_midpoint p1 p2, dist_right_midpoint p1 p2]

/-- If M is the midpoint of the segment AB, then ∠AMB = π. -/
lemma angle_midpoint_eq_pi (p1 p2 : P) (hp1p2 : p1 ≠ p2) : ∠ p1 (midpoint ℝ p1 p2) p2 = π :=
have p2 -ᵥ midpoint ℝ p1 p2 = -(p1 -ᵥ midpoint ℝ p1 p2), by { rw neg_vsub_eq_vsub_rev, simp },
by simp [angle, this, hp1p2]

/-- If M is the midpoint of the segment AB and C is the same distance from A as it is from B
then ∠CMA = π / 2. -/
lemma angle_left_midpoint_eq_pi_div_two_of_dist_eq {p1 p2 p3 : P} (h : dist p3 p1 = dist p3 p2) :
∠ p3 (midpoint ℝ p1 p2) p1 = π / 2 :=
let m : P := midpoint ℝ p1 p2,
have h1 : p3 -ᵥ p1 = (p3 -ᵥ m) - (p1 -ᵥ m) := (vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_right p3 p1 m).symm,
have h2 : p3 -ᵥ p2 = (p3 -ᵥ m) + (p1 -ᵥ m),
{ rw [left_vsub_midpoint, ← midpoint_vsub_right, vsub_add_vsub_cancel] },
rw [dist_eq_norm_vsub V p3 p1, dist_eq_norm_vsub V p3 p2, h1, h2] at h,
exact (norm_add_eq_norm_sub_iff_angle_eq_pi_div_two (p3 -ᵥ m) (p1 -ᵥ m)).mp h.symm,

/-- If M is the midpoint of the segment AB and C is the same distance from A as it is from B
then ∠CMB = π / 2. -/
lemma angle_right_midpoint_eq_pi_div_two_of_dist_eq {p1 p2 p3 : P} (h : dist p3 p1 = dist p3 p2) :
∠ p3 (midpoint ℝ p1 p2) p2 = π / 2 :=
by rw [midpoint_comm p1 p2, angle_left_midpoint_eq_pi_div_two_of_dist_eq h.symm]

/-- The inner product of two vectors given with `weighted_vsub`, in
terms of the pairwise distances. -/
lemma inner_weighted_vsub {ι₁ : Type*} {s₁ : finset ι₁} {w₁ : ι₁ → ℝ} (p₁ : ι₁ → P)
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